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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
LOCAL AND 1'EKSONAL J. J. Halligan transacted logal business In Chappoll Saturday. " A card recoivcd by Andy Sludor Fri day, stated that his son Charley had arrfved overseas. For Farm Loans see Gene Crook, Room west of Vienna Cafe. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Weeks return ed to Burkett, Neb., Saturday after visiting friends in town for several da'3 . 10 DISCOUNT on Men's Suits and Overcoats. HARRY SAMUELSON. J. C. Todd, who was sick nt the Frank Buchanan homo for five or six weoks, was able to leave Saturday for Dexter, la. Dr. Morrill, Denttst. Office over Wilcox, lejiartment Store. J. V. Romigh reports the salo of a Dodgo Brothers sedan to Jonas Swedborg, of Hershcy. and Dodgo tourings to Henry Adams of Hershey, and C. T. Clino of Tryon. For quick action Anil -.atlsfactorj ale Hit jour land with Thoclecke. tl Writing to the homo folks Lieut. Percy Schott says that when the Com pany E boys arrfved overseas that they wero Immediately separated from ono another and assigned as re placement troops. For Sale on easy terms an eight room house; modern except heat. In quire of E. 0. Cool. 521 W.. 10th. 3t In a lotter to W. V. Hoagland dat ed October 31st Roy Loudon, now a lieutenant in tho Thirtieth Division, writes that ho had Just retured from a six weeks' stay on tho frorit line, and that ho had been sent to tho rear to rest up. Miss M. Elleman, steam baths and Swedish Massage, ladies and gentle men. Phone 897. Erodbeck bide. 85tf LTeut. Cody Boal in writing to Mrs. Boal from Franco (under date of No vember Cth says he spent a day or two with his sister Clara in London. At the time of writing he had bean ordered to tho front. He is now prob ably with the army of occupation in Germany. Dr. H. C. Brock, Dentists. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 14$ Ewood Rodgers, who Is attending tho students training school at the Kearney state normal spent Satur day and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rodgers. The training school will close in a few days and he expects to enlist in tho engineering corps and bo transferred to some can tonment. Ton need a winter lop for your Ford Cnr. Seo llcndy-Oglcr Co. Lieut. Leonard arrived homo the latter part of last week. He attended the officers' training school at Ft. Snelling, received his commission and had been stationed as instructor at several camps. He was attacked twice wHth the flu, tho last time so severely that after his" recovery ho was honorably discharged from ser vice. A good, steady man is wanted for general farm work. Good homo for tho rtght man for a year of more. Address P. O. Box 318, North Platte. Railroad station agents have been granted, by Director-General McAdoc, a general wage increase of $25 per month above the rate prevailing last January 1. w;th minimum qf $90.00 por month. Eight hours is to bo con sidered a dav's work, with pro rata pay for twn hours overtime and time and a half for service above ten hours. For Sales Single comb Rhodo Is land Red and pure-bred White Or Islington Cockerels. Ed. Samuelson. Phono 7S4F12. 92-4 The Episcopal guild will hold, a social fin tho church basomcnt "Thurs day afternoon. A enrd was recoived yesterday from Charloy Sluder stating that ho had arrived safely overseas. Lawrence Murrin, who has been at tending tho students' training school at Lincoln, is homo on a villi t. Cows for Sale Seo A. C. Burton or D. Wnkoflcld. 92-3 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Congdon and childroa left for Chicago Sunday nfter a visit wth Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ccng don. j For Sale Poland-China and Berk shire hogs. C. P. HOWARD. Phono 797F031. Unless tha government ass for J more reports, Clerk Allen of tho reg istration board says he can clean up all tho work boforo Christmas nnd tho offlco will bo closed nnd Us work becomo a thing of memory only. The slump in freight traffic over tho Ui(ion Pacific, which, occurred tho middle of last month, still continues and road mon aro making about one third less tsips than they did beforo tho armistice was signed. Ray Tumor, who was indicted by tho federal grand Jury at Omaha for receiving poison through tho mails, was placed under $1000 bonds for his appearance at tho next term of feder al court in this city. Tho Twentieth Century Club will meet this nftornoon at tho homo of Mrs. Ralph Smith, 523 west Second street. Mrs. Bert Barber will mako a roport of tho state meeting of woman's clubs. Two things to remomber: Only 19 more shopping days till Xmas and tho wonderful Xmas suggestions that aro on display at HARRY DIXON'S Jewelery Store. Threo good used cars all less than a year old, sold with our 30 day guar antee. If you want a good used car at a fair price, come in. 1 Studebaker 7 passenger. Six nt $950. Dodge 1917 touring $800. Maxwell 1917 touring, almost like new at $500. J. V. ROM IGH. Dealer. Sometime ago tho county commis sioners inaugurated the plan of meet ing, on Monday of each week for the. tho consideration of general county affairs and tho allowance of claims. Tho plan is found to work well, as the business is cleaned up more promptly and thoso who have claims against tho county do not need to wait so long for their warrants. Gen erally all tho business of tho preced ing vink rnn hn trniiHnctnd in one day. Formerly the commissioners met about once a month. Can you) imagine anything more beautiful than the gold trimmed gob lets for tho well sot table? These can bo found at DIXON'S Jewelery Store. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flolsman re turned town Sunday night and aro packing up their household goods pre paratory to removal to Omaha. Mr. Fleishman has secured, his release from military service and wVH open up an exclusive ladies' shoe shop In Omaha, having leased for a period of ten years tho corner room in tho First I NaAonnl bank building at the corner! cf Sixteenth and Farnam. A few oxccpUonnl bargains in see on hand Fords. Hcndy-Ogler Auto Co. W. R. Ilacourt, who had been in service for threo months at the bal loon school at Omaha, arrived homo Sunday, having been honorably dis charged along witli many others at that school. Though ho was "cver lastiiigly at it" from six tin the morn Ign until nino at night, Mr. Harcourt was much inteested in tho work, en Joyed it and gained seme in wolgth. He is again greeting customers nt tho Harcourt clothing store with his customary grao'ousness . Given a Hearty Greeting. It wns reported Saturday that a special train of returning soldiers from Camp Funston would pass thru during tho nftornoon and that includ ed would bo some of tho Lincoln coun ty boys. The drum corps and hund reds of citizens assembled at tho do pot to meet the trntn which arrived at 3:80, but the men on bonrd wore troopers who had been stationed nt Camp Kearney, California, had passed east through North Platto early In November, and after having been sta tioned on Long Island, Now York, for threo weeks wero boing returned to California. They were, however, given a hearty recoption by tho people at tho depot and were served with lunches nt tho canteen. ::o:: Flynn Out of Hospital. Writing to J. L. Sinclair from Franco under dnte of Oct. 2Gth. Jas. K. Flynn In part says: "Well I am back on the steam-gunge again nfter a month nnd a half in tho hospital and It seems like homo now. I saw some of Tngader's outfit and also a few of Cool's gnng, but wns not nblo to locate anyone who could tell mo whero to find them. As Inst I have located the 'boy scouts' from Doming but have not seen them yet. I am feeling fine nnd still have all tho bones God gave me when hp start ed mo out. Everything is very nice around hero now, nnd though they keep us pretty busy, wo arc 'sitting on tho world. " -: :o: : 1 Everything Xow Open. Tho board of health held another meeting Friday afternoon nnd official ly lifted the lid from nil public gather ings and picture shows, although City Physician Dent expressed himself as doubtful whether such was Justifiable In View of tho inllunezn conditions. The state board of health however, had advised the local board that it was a question of closing everything, i)nclu',ng tho schools, or allowing everything to be open there coHild bo no discrimination . If the flu spreads tho ld will bo put on tlghtor thnn ever before. : :o: : Conifer F.ldcr Hies in fninit. Saturday morning Mrs. W. C. El dor received a messngo that her son Coulter, stationed at Camp Hancock, Georgia, wns sick with pneumonia, in tho evening a second message re ported his condition critical nnd Mrs. Elder wns making preparations to lenve, when a third mesage brought tho sad news that ho had died. It 'is thought that the body, accom panied by a soldier, will reach here Wednesday night or Thursday. It Is I'vobablo that the soldier boy will bo given a military funeral. :o- tn UlSCOrXT on Men's Suits nnd Overcoats. HARRY SAMUELSON. R. D. Brge expected to leave Camp Taylor yesterday, and stopping a couple of days in Chicago will reach homo the latter part of this week. Among thoso mentioned ns killed In action appearing In tho casualty list published in Sunday's papers was Frederick J. Gill, of this city. Carl Sknggs returned yesterday from Kansas whero he had gone to. visit his brother who wns homo on a fuiioHigh from a training camp Dodgo Brothers Motpr Cars Eco nomical Safe worth the money .when new or used a standard staplo product. Repair parts and service hero nnd everywhere a good car to buy. Ask any owner. J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer. SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses On account of the set back to business in general by influenza, we have placed our entire stock of Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses on sale at reduced prices. These goods are regular stock goods made by ihe best tailors in their respective lines, not goods such as are made up for sales that try to make up for lack of materials and workmanship by the use of gaudy trimmings. The reductions we have made are substantial and we invite you to come in and compare the values. We arc not quoting prices as that tells you nothing unless you see the garments. Cold weather is just here and the season for these goods is just opening. Wilcox Department Store HONKER CITIZKN I'ASSKS AWAY LAST THURSDAY. :o: : For Sale. Duroc Jersey Bonrs, a few good ones left. Sired by Illustrator Giant 250409. If you wnnt a good boar seo lv'm nt my place. Pedigrees furnished with each one. GUS LINDQUIST, Route 1, North Platto. Nobr- Fred Ginnpp, for nearly fifty years, a resident of Gasun precinct, passed away last Thursday. Death was duo1 to dropsy, with which ho had been , trtUbled for a number of months. The funeral was hold yesterday and in terment made in tho Ft. MePherson national cemetery. Mr. Ginnpp wns ono of thoso mon who helped to blaze tho way for tho Bottlers of tho western plains nnd guard them against depredations of Indians, for ho was n m ember of H company. Fifth Cavalry, a military . unit that probably did more Isdlnn i DOROTHY GISH in "BATTLING JANE" You see they have a Thrift Stamp Drive nnd to boost the drive they have a baby show, and Battling Jane's adopted kid wins the $500 prize nnd then the renl father turns up and tries to pre vent the kid from soaking the whole sum in Thrift Stamps. Geel men are all like that. CRYSTAL THEATRE, Thur. and Fri. DEC. 5 and '6 us Hi Hi yi a. Hi Disappointed in not getting deliveries in the BOY'S LINE nnd the HIGHER PRICES which will prevail tills coming spring, we have de cided to close out stock on hand. This is strictly High Grade Merchan dise and sold with a guarantee to give satisfaction: Shoenberg's Guaranteed Suits and Overcoats Age 3 to 18 $15.00 Values for $11.45 $12.50 Values for $ 0.45 $10.00 Values for $ 7.45 $ S.50 Values for $ (5.45 Nuns and Busch Famous Shoes For Boys $4.00 Values for $8.00 $0.00 Values for $4.50 f $5.00 Values for $4.00 w t tunnel' 'wnprto uinniiui iAvfcSh. ."BrTrvT- gs Jm 'sagas 6 vsyw SckoeniejjjBrollv til Topsy Stockings 10 cent Values !() cents. C. & W. Roys Waists $1.0 0 Value 75 cents. C. Ss AY Roys Shirts $1.2 5 Values 05 cents. Roys Rouble Seat and Knee Overalls Ago 3 to 10 $1.:I5. Age 10 to 17 $1.55. Roy's Odd Pants 25 Per Cent Discount. HARRY SAMUELSON. 1 1 app in these campaigns wore P. H. Mc Evoy. W. C. Ititner, Luke Healy nndj one or two others who aro North Platto residents. In recognition of j their services in theso campaigns! i these men were hut roeentlv nresen-! irj.ed pensions. j' Mr. Ginnpp wns honorably dis xi charged from service In 18G7 and IE shortly thereafter homestended land r2 In Gnslin precinct upon which he had in conlnuously resided. O: Ever loyal to his country, over truo jC ,to his friends, a good citizen nnd an 221 Industrious man, tho passing away of EXJ Fred Glnapp is regretted by evoryono Swho know him. i . . tfl! Why did thoy fear Lnsslter? Ilo-1 IE j eauf ho rode hard and shot straight, j red and he backed honor with two blg blarlt guns. Got acquainted with Las-. Hltor iln "Tho Itldors of tho Purplo sago" at the Keith Wednesday and Thursday. I Hive White, of Suthorlnnd. was In, town yesterday onroute to Hastings to attend tho annual convention of coun ty 'ommlBBioners. : :o: : Symptoms of kidney dlsenso should receivo instant attention, as neglect Is dangerous. If your back aches or you have trouble with tho urMie. begin taking Pricklv Ash Hitters. It is a dependable kldnov remedv. , Price fl Ti ner bottle. Gummore-Dent Drug' Cr . Special Agents. ! Xotlcfl In Creditors. Estate No. 1589 of Florence Love. I deceased . ' In tho County Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska. s.. Cred itor of said estate will take notico that the tlmo limitod for presenta tion nnd (Ding of claims ngalnst said ostaio Is April 3, 1011. and for settle ment of said ostate i December 2d. 1019. that I will sit at tho couuty cftirt room in suld county on Janu ary 3d. 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on April 3d, 1919, at 10 o'clock n. in. to receive, exnulne, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly filed wm. h. c woonnimsT. D3 4w County Judge. ALWAYS USE COW BRAND FLOUR WORTH PLATTE D.6 i tor "m n .BEST WORTH PIMTE.HEB. IV COW BKAHU O.0 IT MAKES BETTER BREAD PAT RON UK NORTH PLATTE INDUSTRIES W . 9 (0. USE BLACKLEGOIDS TO VACCINATE AGAINST BLACKLEG SIMPLE :: SAFE :: EFFECTIVE No dote to measure. No liquid to spill. No atrlns to rot. aimpiy a llttlo pill to be Injectod undor the akin Write tvr free IluukkU cm "IlUcklrir anil How to 1'rovcnt It" FOR SALE BY Wim III mill Mil ll n Wk Stone's Drug Store.