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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1918)
TMIRTY-FOURTII YEAK. NORTH. PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 29, 1918. Nu. 92" 3 LOCAL A'1 PERSONAL Miss Irnui IVrne left yesterday for TunceK Cat., wheie the oxpoctg to spend tne winter. Gift perfumes in fancy package. Shop qarly at tho IIEXA.LL STORE. Mls Marlon Law on nnd mother loft ltiBt evening for a visit with friends In Central City. Dr. 13. B. Baker is spending today in Grand Island on business connect ed with the Fidelity Insurance com pany. A few exceptional bargains In sec on hand Fords. Hendy-Ogler Auto Co. Found yesterday, Ladles pocketbook containing money, papers and pair of glases. Owner call, pay for this ad and rocolvo iropetry. Tlio TrlWuine'8 "iiddJS machine," Slipped a cog Tuesday In tho total of tho bank deposits la tho. county. The total should havo read "dvor $3,700, 000." Word was received in town Tues day of tho arrival of a ten pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maize of this city. Mrs. Maizo is at present in Lexington. This should be a real gift Xmas. Remember everyone, and don't forget that DIXON'S Store is full of sug gestions. C. H. Hayes and M. F. Maynard, of Ogalalla, were In town the -early part of tho week and drove home a Dodge toUrlng car and a Dodgo com mercial car. For your ladies' Xmas what would please her more than ono of tho fine cameo pins which are on display at DIXON'S Jewelry Store, Elwood Rodgors, a member of the students-' training school at the Koar-4 noy state normal, spent Thanksgiv ing with his parents In tljis city. Ho will romadn ih school until June. v Remarkable, gathering of bargains for saving shoppors. Como tho first day possible and take advantage of those exceptional bargains offered by THE LEADER MER. CO. . The tietsnthm hospital was closed' Wednesday, all patients having recov-; erri from attacks of tho flu. I D.iy your6oat. suit, dreaa or fursv during the sato at THE LEADER t MBit.' CO. and reap the reward of! your foresight. ; Dr Conlin. who has boon a guost at the Dixon homo for a couplo of weeks wlillo recuperator frcm Sferio-is1 illness, will return to Omaha Sunday, leaving Mrs. Conlin and baby horo to conttnuo thefcr visit. Buy your coat, suit, dress or furs! during the Uo at THE LEADER MER. CO.. and roup tho reward of your foresight. The remains of Miss Elea Kelso, n trained nurse who had been employed In Counclt riuffs, arrived Wodnoaday and were taken to tho home of her parents iu Plant ' precinct for inter ment. Death was duo to the llu. RemdrknWo gathering of bargains i for saving shoppors. Come tho, first day possible and .take advantage of1 theso exceptional bargains offered by THE LEADER MER. CO. I am trying to procure some chil dren's clothing for a family of eight children in want. If anyone has any, cast-off clothing nnd will bring It to mo I will sco that It gets to this fain-; ily. Mrs. W. V. Hoaglnnd. More than half of the attendants at tho village fireman's dance at Her shey last night woro young people from North Platte, who being denied tho 'pleasures of the dance by tho flu ban took this opportunity to Indulge. North Platto had its Thanksgiving football game yesterday afternoon be tween teams composed of high school students and employes of the shops. Tho high school boys won by a score of twelve to nothing. As tho game was Hot widely advertised the atten dance Was rather small. Good CoWmbla records at DIXON'S Jewelry Store: Over, the Top. I'm always Chasing Rainbows, Fancy You Fancying Mo, Levinsky at the Wedding, Those Drafting Blues. Juik Hauler Is nsslstlng In the Erodbeck market "till the boys conv.0 homo," throe of Mr. Brodbeck's sons beng in tho"servic . A dafeatiVB flue caused a minor blaie hi tho W. R. Mnlonoy furniture'1 ftoro yesterday but was discover!1 before any daman occurred. County Chairman Pnttorso'h. of tho Ccunty Council of Defense, has been notified that the National Council of Defense has withdrawn all restric tions on Christmas bctylng. Each por, .-c-n is now at liberty to buy what .ho or she may desire without fiacturlng the rules of conservation. All RcndB Load to Romt and all Copying end3 at THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. You may look at all the stores for bargains In tho best coats, suits, drosses and furs, but If vou'ro wise, you'll return nnd buy nt THE LEADER. 'Lincoln county boys writing homo frcm the dlfforont enntonments say that while repo.rti are that they are "oon to bo turned looso no (Into of their leaving has been established. From tho tone of their letters it Is evidont that camp llfo has now bo como very much of a drag. AM Roads Lend t Rome and" all snooping ends at THE LEADER MERCANTILE CO. You may look at all tho stores for bargains in tho best conts. sufts, dresses and furs, but .'if vou'ro wise, vou'll return and buy at THE LEADER. Mrs. Belle Ellison, wlfo of Albert Ellison, a Second 'district ongfnoor. died! Tuesdny at hor homo in tho 1300 block on west Sixth at tho ago of thirty-two. Death was duo to Span ish influenza, with which she had suf fered but a few adys. The romalns wore taken to Jewoll City, Kan., Wednesday for Interment. Will there be a Columbia in your homo this Xmns? Thoro is nothing, that, will niako youir houie more cheer ful than music. Tlio Columbia excolls all in tone quality. It plays all makes of records, and is nuda ln all finishes of wood. Step into DIXON'S, tho Jew eler and seothem. Elmer C. linker employod in tlie Union pacific auditor's office In Onuv 1ir. arrived Wednesday night to spend Thanksgiving with his wifd nnd other .rolatlvos. Our friend Col. Jim Boyd McDon nld, now of Omaha, hag about regain ed his normal condition nftor being ; con fined to hbJ room for a wook or ten days with an attack of the flu. ' Thp board of heath hold a meet ng yonterday foronoon and after eonnld tlerlng the-' flu situation decided that it conditions do not grow worse by to- snorrow ovonlng church sr1ices may ,1)0 resumed Sunday nnd tho picture 'hows may open Monday ovonlng. D. A. R. mooting Doc. 2, 1918 at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. G. T. Field hostess. jMusic, Dorothy Hinman. Progress of the World War with Mnp Illustrnlons, Mrs. Win. Hundy. National Leadors Of the Countries at war, Edith Patter son. Military Lenders of Amorlca and of tho Allies. Mrs. Annie Church. Demobilization of thp American For ces, Mrs. I. L. Mlltonborgor. Roll Call What shall bo done with tho Knlser? National endorsement has been given tho 'plan of beautifying tho Lin coln Highway through tho planting of inomorlal treos along this traneon tinontal routo, in honor cf tho Amorl can soldiors and sailors who gavo their lives In tho sorvico of tholr country. Through tho Conservation Department, tho Goneral Fedoratlon of Women's Clubs hns undertaken to arrango for the systematic .nlnntllng Of theso memorial trees lir tho eleven statqg through which tho Lincoln Highway runs, from tho Atlantic to the Pacific. Hero Is something which will In terest every family who has a boy in the sorvico of Uncle Sam. A small metal plato 3 In. x Wi In. long with this wording uprm it, CTJuV is a home of a soldlor (or sailor) defend ing the causo of God, Humanity and America." This Is to bo put up-out-aide of the door of the homo of a sol dier. Tlio prlco is one dollar at HAR RY DIXONJpvlrvStoro, AljjrcchitFurs OUR I Here is a chance to surprise vqur wife with a nice present. offers an unusual opportunity for women to see what's what in the new Furs and Styles. We will show an endless variety of fashionable designs in neckwear, muffs and fur coats. By making selections now you have a larger assortment to choose from. On the above date we will have a special display and sales stock on hand and invite the inspection of all our friends and patrons regardless of whether or riot they contemplate buy ing. ALBRECHT FURS M By making a small payment we -will hold your purchases until Christmas. ' QUALITY FIRST mm We are exclusive representatives. You cannot socure them elsewhere. These famous furs combine quality of skins with fur making skill. They have a touch of exclusiveness that makes them different . and desirable. It matters not how much or how little you wish to invest in furs we will fill your needs and satisfy you. Wilcox DepartmentfStore. Children In llnd Surroundings. A petition bust been filed tir tho oountj' court WJlltnm Van Nattn, who has been baling hay twoN ve miles northwest of town, charging him with vAili'd neglect of his four girls ranging 1n age from threu to curieeu year of age. Thos ohlldren .with several other pomons aro living ;n a lltilo nhnok that U unlit for ovon keeping cattle; the mother being dead they have no parental care, and thu conditions under which they are growing up vJill loud to cause such "fciihlren to lend vicious and Immoral lives. Tho potltlon neks tho court to commit the chlldron to a suitable In pMtuVon or find homes for thorn. Van Natta will appear' In court in a day or two and tho caso be threshed out. ::o:: Pith of Today's News. A conntor revolution ' Is In full swing In Germany. Tho roactionarloa aro attoinptlng to dissolve the coun cils of workmon nnd soldiers. Tho Hamburg Echo, organ of the Social Domocrnts, claims that tho sailors and harbor workors aro threat toning to refuso to work on any ships which aro llkoly to bo equipped tor trps to tho United States for tho pur- poso or transporting food. Roports from London Bay that tho blockado ngalnst Germany will not be liftod, as tho provisions of tho armls tlco forbid such action. .EffortB had been made to raise tho blockado in ordor that Gormany might obtnlln food Tho population of Vienna Is report-! cd in a desporato situation owing to a lack of food. Each of tho ton soup kltchons aro feeding G.000 men dally. General improvement In tho hoalth of soldflors In homo army training camps and cantonments In shown by tho report of tho surgeon general for tho week ending Nov. 22. Now cases of inlluonzn numbered 3.390, compared with 4,485 tho woek before, and thoro woro decronaes In admissions for other diseases. Already Paris Is bndly ovorcrowdod and tho Indications aro that convon fng of tho poaco conforonco will soo conditions unprecedented In any other city. It will practically bo out of tlio nusotlon to got rooms In any of tho hotolB. Already dologntes of the var ious allied power havo reserved hun dreds of rooms for thomsolvoa and their stnffs of secretaries. In somo instance wholo hotels' havo boon ro- uaVsltionod. Moro than a million and a half nrlsonors of various nationalities haye been released by tho Germans, according to estimates based u'pon ro norts received by tho American Third army. Of this number approaimatoly 250,000' will wins thru- thoAtnorjcan lines nnd will bo fed by tho Ameri cans. Tho question of demanding tho ex- trpdltfon of tho ex-knlsor of Gormnnv will bo considered nt London ntvr vppk nt n nrcl'mlnnrv poaco confer- mioo of Interallied chiefs. Inoludlne "romlor Clnmenqenu and Marshal Foeh. Thanksgiving woro held nt tho court house park yesterday after noon, but tho chilly tomporaturo pro- vonted a vory largo attendance. Announcement. Dr. Shnffor wMl be In his own nfflco in tho Bolton Uldg., over tho Oasis, aftor December first. ::o:: Flint Lutheran Church, Morning worship. 8:30 wlthUormon. A ThankBgivIng Mesaage -belated . Evening worship, S;15, A Mighty Pro Vid once. Snmday School, one o'clock C. Franklin Koch, 1 Pnstor. -::o: Tur Yanks Woro Hosponslbto. Dr. Solf, foreign secretary in tho now German government, announced In Berlin Tuesday that he had sept propoals to tho' Uptod States for an armistice nnd poueo because tho par ticipation of Amorlca in the war "prov ed tho decisive factor. tso: l'otostnnt Episcopal Services. Dec. 1. 1018, First Sunday In Ad vent; P;45 a. in., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Litany Sormon ami Ioly Com munion; 7:30 p. m., EvoniiiK Prliyer and Addross. St, Paul's Chnpol. North bhio, a: oo p. in., Sunday School. Wo ask every nioinber to noto tho ro-cponlng of tho Church and urge you to bo presont nt least at tho olovon o'clock sorvlcos. that wo mav Fhow forth our Thanksgiving to God lor urn great bonoilts bestowed upon ill during tho past yonr, Rov. A. D. Jonos, Rector. - .;;o:: Tho editor of tho Raltliuoro Sun, who has Just returned from abroad, mihllshod a lencthv artlcln fn'.liln panor yesterday In which ho products' a clash between tho allies when they surround the peaco tablo. England h says, win want to "pick ano uernian bono." to which tho United States will object, and statos further that tlio English and Fetich lilgh commands hnvo no lovo for Goneral Porshlng and aro loth to give tho Americans. credit for thdlr work. It may bo pos- slblo that General Porshlng forsoos troublo nt tho poaco conference nnd to this is due his demand that tho American nrmy of occupation bo not ios than 1.400:000 men. You Can Do Better Work Many u man litis found that lib makes fpVYcr mistakes, does better work and more of it, hud feels more lit nt tho end of tho day since he took to wear ing glasses, Tlio reason Is simple. Properly lilted glasses gnvo liliu clearer vision vtllUi out the eye slrnn Hint causes Jiend aches, iicrvoiiHiiess, Ured, uchlng eyes. Of course, ho can do hotter work. Vou can. too, If you let Clinton's op. tometrlst. tiiko cni;o of jour yes. Drive Away the Chill With a Gas Room Heater North Platte Light & Power Co C. S. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician At tho Sign of the' Big Ring Let McGraw Fix It If your Radiator leaks, or is filled with sediment nnd your car heats, have it fixed before winter. Before using any anti-freezing solution, be sure your radiator is, tight and clean. McGRAW RADIATOR COMPANY Romigli Garage Glh and Locust Street UNIVERSALLY Tho Most Pleasure Giving CHRISTMAS GIFT Holiday Stationery of all kinds sold at the Kexall Store Ileauty, quality and utility arc comhinetl at thej low cost of 4Qc to $3.00 Wonderful, Christmas Greetings and Foldejs, to carry your Yuletide cheer The STORE DRUGSI FUR MARKET , Prices are High Before you ship come and see me. L. LIPSH1TZ