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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1918)
Watches for Christmas: ' Awntch Is an especially flno Chrlst mnprosont because It Is such a prac slcai thing. Everyone ought to have a watch. People expect that. Fathor's old timepiece ought to bo roplaced with a handsomo now modol in kpoplng with the clothes ho wonrs andthe home he maintains. Mother ought to havo a handsome bracolet watch becauso i,t Is fashion able and will save hor much Umo worry. Young folks should have watches bocauso they teach tho value of time films which wero oxpected on the evc-n and nunctualltv lnK traJn fft,lc1 to nrrivo- nml tho and punctuality, bouses closed. They opened to good- Clinton has splendid watches forB,ZO(1 BU,oncM jaBt evening. moriS womon, boys and girls. Thoy "are tho very best makes, handsomely casod In niled and solid gold. Men's Witches Bracelet Watches Boy's Watches G. S. CLINTON, Jewelor and Optician At the Sign of the Big Ring DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Hank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Piatt White has boon spending tho past week in Omaha. Mrs. W. II. Blalock loft Saturday for a visit with friends in Cheyenno. Word recolved Saturday announced that Henry Clark had arrived safely overseaa. Miss Graco Burko returned Sunday fromva ten-days visit with friends In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cross left Sun day for California whoro they will spend tho winter. Bert Naporatok, who is running a train out or Kvanslon, camo down Saturday to visit friends. Rev. J. II. Curry w'ill sot to Lin coln today to attend a meeting of the i'roiljytorian church boards. Mrs. Geo. A. Austin returned Sun day1- from u visit with hor daughter, Mrs,. J. B. Hayes, In Omaha. Mr. and Mr. W. II. Quado, of Stapleton.'.ivoro guosts of Mr. nnd Mi. C. R. Moroy Sunday. ilra. D. W. Dnggott, who has been V'llstttng hor-daughter In North Platto, wont homo to, Gothenburg Sunday. Having been dohtyod a week longer at Camp Pike than was oxpected. Ilorton Munger will leave for homu today, 1C Choice Barred-Rock Cockorels, J2 to 3 each. Mrs. A. F. Hanson. Phono 790F021. . 91-1 P. W. SItton, manager of tho V. P. employes club at Green River, snont yostorday in town whllo enrouto tolSomo of them got beneath tho engine umniia. WILLIAM FARNAM as Lassiter the Avenger in a picturization of Znne Grey's famous novel "Riders of the Purple Sage." A story of love, mystery, adventure in the great Southwest Also n Musical Program that Will Be a Treat Keith Theatre JftftSfc December 4-5 .AuThe Crystal Tonight and Wednesday. F, G, JlMlft spont Sunday in town, murnfng to Ogalalla (he same even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wilklnfl, who have tniule thoir home herfe for the past fix months started for California Sun day to snend the winter. iw DISCOUNT on Men's Suits and Overcoats. HARRY SAMUKLSO.N. Carl Durkwln, a man Hcvonty-flvo yonra of age, who was brought from Madrid to a loonl hospital for treat ment, died Sunday. For Sale Frosh Milch Cow. A. F. Gregg. Xo. I'iatte. Phono 794F21 93 J. F. Wagnor, a former switchman in tho local yards, is now yardmator at one of tho bV oitloa in Franco and .writes that he has a flue Job and likes the work. Dr. L. J. Krauso, Dontlst, room 3 McDonald Dank building. Tho plcturo shows wero In roadl- r0W(,B MUIiit admission, but the Has your homo a good clock? Xo; then why not mako a Xmas present of ono to your wife? HAHIIY DIXON. Tho Jowoler. Otto Thoelecke recolved yostorday from Loren Sturgos In France a French and a Gorman bayonet, both of which are worn as sldearms. Tho German bayonet is shaped somewhat Ike those of tho United Statos, whllo tho French Is longer but much smal ler In clrcujnforonce. $25 REWARD For information lead ilng to tho arrost and conviction of tho thief who romovod tiro from Nash car Goodyear tire 34-4. Num- bor 125053C1. Leave information at this office. Manager Marvin, who has boon in charge of tho Union Pacific eating house in this city, has been transfer red to Omaha as manager of tho re' taurant in that city. Ho is succeeded hero by A. T. Dodd, who arrived from Omaha Saturday night. Loron Sturges writes that he now wolghs 141 pounds, w,hereas ho weigh ed 190 when ho entered, tho service. Ho sends a postcard picture of himself which looks but Iittlo like himself. It t probable that he will bo transferred from tho postal department to the financial department FOR TItADK: A first class paying business for city or farm property, Will nssumo encumbranco If necos nary, or will glvo terms. Reason for selling, owner has othor interests P. O. Box 305. 91tf Forty or fifty California boys who had been in training nt tho artillery offlcors' training nchool at Camp Tay- lor, Kentucky, passed west on train No. 19 yesterday. Tlioy had been do mobollr.ed and stated that by the end of this wock that camp would bo cleaned' out of men. DON'T LIST YOUR LAND' WITH MK unless you win! to sell. I have plenty of customer now for Impror. vt mid nuIinitroTCMl farms priced riglit. u. Jl. 1 mihhr.l KK Charley llacon, who is railroading n France out of a city of 25.000 people, writes that he had a good Job on a division that is but thlrty-flvo miles long. Tho only thing bo cannot got accustomed to aro tho womon brakoman, ono of whom he says Is not less than seventy-flvo years of ago For Salo G5 ncros corn stalks, 3 in II oh west of town. Inquire at 1203 North Locust. 93-2 If tho papors or letters you recoil oil thrdugh tho mall yesterday morn lug wero mutilated or soiled there's a reason. Tho boys wore hauling a truck load of mall which camo in on No. 5 Sunday evening across tho track when tho load waa struck by tho onglno of No. 9. Tho pouches and racks wero Hcattcrod to tho winds I wheels nnd tho contents mutilated LOCAL AND PERSONAL - i i Go laughing Up the Road with1 Sallle tonight at the Crystal. . i Mr. and Ms. E, M. Bird nndDon, Hinckley, of Gothonburg, wero in North Platto visYting yostorday.. R. E. Petorlolin, who lives north-, wost of Hershoy transacted business Jn town yoterday and mado The Tri bune a call. Will there bo a Columbia Grafonala In your home this Xmas? Nothing ! will be moro onjoyod by tho whole; family. HARRY DIXON, The Jewoler. County Commissioner S. J. Koch loft for Hastings last night to attend tho annual convention of tho Nebras ka county commissioners and county clorks. Rolling Stones everyone knows; Sco the ono WJlIam Farnum throws In RIdors of tho. Purple Sage, Tho Thrlllingost play on screen or stage. Keith Theatro, Wednesday and Thursday. Messrs. Den, Rcbhausen, Schott and Cooley shouldered their guns and went to Sarben Sunday and brought back eleven wild geese. This flock of eleven camo flying over the hunters bang went tho automatics and nine of tho eleven dropped. Tho other two circled around, camo back and they, too, wero killed. Do not miss attending the salo of fancy work nnd stamped articles to bo held Saturday, December 7th in Dorryberry and Forbes window. Come and And that needed Xmas gift. Tho Sammy Girls receive a percent of tho proceeds. Tho Sammy Girls will also havo on salo some sweaters left from outfitting tho boys. 93-2 ;o? : County News. (From Hershey Times) . I). A. Lowry. proprietor of tho lershey hotel, passed away sudden ly shortly after noon Wednesday from heart failure. While his health has be eui failing rapidly of late, the end was not looked for so suddenly. Field Manager John Bryan, of the American Sugar Co., informs us all beets havo been harvested in this ter ritory and tho storage plies are in splondid shape. Next week will sec tho real work commenced on these huge piles in the( factory, at Grand Island. (From Brady Vindicator) . Yartor & Clark loaded theJr last car of beets Wednesday. Fifteen car loads of tho finest beets ever raised In this vicinity were shipped by them this season. Most of tho work foil to Mr. Yarter this fall, as Mr. Clark has been ill through tho busy season. Whllo A. T. was equal to the task, ho is not sorry that tho Job Is over. At a trial held last Saturday night. Judge HUenour fined C. B. King threo dollars and costs for discharg ing firearms into village limits. Mar shal Elliott's dog wns tho targpt. Mr. King incorms us mat no lias appealed tho caeo to the district court. Brady lias Bixty-nlno boys In tho army and navy, and as It 1b the gov ernment's intention to rolcaso-mosti cf them from tho service soon, wo can tlndly look forward to the near Pui- turo whon the boys will bo dropping! off of most every Incoming train. A big reception should bo planned as socn as tho Flu has run Its course. : :o: : Students Demobilized Tlils Week. Tho war department Friday Issued orders for tho demobilization of the student's army training corps. Mus tering out Is to begin AVedncsday, Do conibor 4, and by December 21, 200, 000 embryo officers in 500 colleges and unlveraltios In the United States i KU put nsido the panoply of war and i return to tho old fashioned routine of peace timo education. Novortheloss tho enlisted men will bo given the plvllogo of wearing their uniforms for four months. Orders for demobil izing at tho UniverBlty of Nebruska. C'ni'Khton unlvorsity and othor stnto aiiools havo been sent out nnd noxt woek personal inspection, medically, otf of each Individual In the corps will begin. BUCHANAN & "pATTKKSON'S BARGAIN LIST. Five room cottage, modern oxcopt heat, threo blocks from Post Office i 5000.00 Good 6 room cottage on West 12th Street $1800.00 Frame & Stucco bungolow, modern excopt boat $3000.00 NIco new bungalow In tho East End, modern excopt heat $3500.00 Eight rocm framo dwolllng and aero lot on East 2nd St $2500.00 Flvo room Cottngo at 1205 Wost 9th. near Locust $1600.00 The ban against now buildings has been romoved nnd wo offer to thoso desiring to build tho following bulhK ing lots with sidownlks and sewer paid ror and water and gas available uno 101 in tno 1200 block on West bixui Stroot JROO.nn Ono lot in tho 200 block, South Pino. oniy tnroe blocks rrom tho High School $800.00 Easy terms on any of Uicso proper ties. : :o:- Kstroy NotJco. Taken upon the Hansen ranch, sov on miles northwest of North Platto, on or about August 1st. 1918, ono cow and calf, cow bronded -with J bar un der J and Hguro ono under bar; calf about flvo months old and not brand ed. Owner call, provo pnoporty, pay charges and take nnlmal away. II. P. HANSEN. "D2-Cw North Platto. Nob. Speaking of Rumors. According to an Amsterdam ills pntch It Is jH'rslsti'ntly being ru mored that tho kaiser Is losing his mind. Amsterdam might further startle Hie world by announcing n per sistent rumor thut there Is i war on In Europe. Or nnot!;er rumor that Christmas day will coine on December 'jr this year. Or n porslstcct rumor that wnter Is wet A Letter From Cyril IKinegnn. Nov. 10th, Evening. Dear Folks: A bundlo of news papers camo last week, and two poli tical letters, ono from Keith Neville and ono from former Govornor Moro hoad. Today being Sunday, after my obligations for tho day wero over, I decided to promenade (wo novor walk or hlko here) out in tho country. Af ter going a number of miles I discov ered I was lost, started to return, took another wrong road, finally was overtaken by an American nuto truck coming in from the artillery camp at Couuadon This place. Bonnes, whero our com pany boa been quartered for the past threo months, is grandly beautiful, both in tho city and surrounding country. Ono budding In tho city "Tho Palaco of Justice" contains rooms moro beautiful than any I have soon In America, not excepting tho Whito Houso. The paintings on tho walls aro centuries old, wondortul tapestries and linings of oak and solid of gold. I Intend to visit this place again and sovoral othor places of Intorest -In tho city. Professor Dantran who teaches us French and speaks good English, is to tako us around and r M-Mr significance. Tho ' - r j',;o Olty beforo the war vn- w 0 but Is now 120,000. Uio oxtra popula tion bolng duto to tho many refugees and workmen in tho place. It 1b said this city has moro history than any othor city In Franco becauso It is tho oldest and becauso it is the hub or contor of commorco and "a city that never been captured. It is and always has been tho capi tal of Brittany whfch dolled tho Fronch kings thru' tho middle ages. Tho wholo of Brittany, all but Rennos, hns boon captured sovoral times. In tho timo of tho French revolution in 1739 tho pcoplo of Bonnes did not sharo in tho bloody massacres, the mnyor of tho town dolled tho author ities, tore up the shoot of papor with tho namos of thoso to be murder Tho English captured nr'tf?"v nt rir Umo, all but Honnos. n Britain wer-'i-and sixty men mado their voy tho city by night; the Teop!o starving nnd tho English had hogs outaldo tho walls to feo-1 tv' army. Thoy got nn old sow, tho only hog In tho town nnd with a pair of ri'ncers pinched hor oars, sho mado so mneh noiso that tho 2000 pigs camo running, crossed tho rlvor. thoy open ed tho gato nnd lot them In. Then tho English decided to tunnol undor tho h'll and blow up tho town, ono night tho church boll rang, the peoplo gn thored to tho church and a statue thorn apparently raised its hands and wolntod iu tho direction of whoro tho tunnol was boing dug. they gathored there, hoard tho dlgglnir. dug down to them nnd poured boiling oil nnd oxploslves on tho rtfcgors nnd tho Enrflsh envo tin tho solgo. This 1" lt n little bv tho wnv of history of th's plnco. lato bedtime now. will flnlah tomorrow. Nov. 11th. 1918, Hwrnh! Hurrah! Hurrah! It has come It 's horo It Is ROBERT 31. JOYCE, Chairman. CEO. COUPLND, YiccCha!nnan. CHAS. A. McCLOUD. Trensurcr. II. C. RICHMOND, Secretary. Nebraska State Council of Defense. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 26, 1918. Chairman o! County Councils: The State Council o Defense is in receipt of information from Washing ton withdrawing all curtailment upon Christmas buying and since there no longer exists any reason why the old fashioned custom of liberal purchas ing of seasonable items should not be indulged in, the public is encouraged to buy to their heart's content. The County Chairmen are urged to give this matter the widest possible pub licity and to encourage the people to fall back into their holiday custom with free heart and generous hand. Nebraska State Council of Defense. Robt. M. Joyce, Chairman. over, over there? Of course it Is. Peace and Victory! Went to work as usual this morning, near the noon hour I nouiccd Fronch soldiers bunch ed togethor. They wero saying "Les querro finl" Tho war Is finished. Then tho whistles began to blow American engines were making as much noiso as any. Tho Frenchmen wore taking a iholiday, so did we. We formed ranks In front of the depot and paraded tho down town streets. Stores wero rapidly decorated with Fronch an American Hags, tho march seomod to bo already organized, it takes peoplo who have suffered much to bo capable of rejoicing as these peoplo rejoiced, wholo families mar ched together, linked arms, row after row, singing hymns of thanksgiving nnd praise nnd the Marsellals.. Tho Joy of tho people is Intense, even tho German prisoners seem happy, tho soldiers and nil tho peoplo net ns if they would likoto lift and carry the Amorlcnn soldiers Just as thoy used to do to tho winner In a big football game at home. I hope tho U.S. has the big say in In Your To best Your Gift Wishes and save time and worry you will be repaid by shopping here Co mplete Lines to Please Every , One at Prices to Fit Every One's Pocket-book. Gifts for Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Wife. Friends and Acquaintances- Our stock is always complete We are never out of goods. THE jCaiiL STORE DRUGS all, ifccludjtng dletaijs. Havo heard many French and English peoplo say, "It will bo as President Wilson wants it." Would like to return homo as soon as possible and continue and con clude my studies at tho Uni. Cyril P. Donegan. ::o: Wanted. Houso keeper for aged couplo. "Wife an invalid. Address T. G. Edmisten, Meriden, Wyo. 91-4 N'otJco of retition. Estate No. 1G02 of Alma B. Sims, deceased. In the County Court of-Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska: To all per sons interested in said estate, take notice that a petition has been filed for tho appointment of George J. Tay lor, of Wellfleet, Nebraska, as admdn fitrator of said estate, which has been set for hearing herein on De cember 27, 191S. at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated December 2, 1918. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, D2-3w County Judgo. Effort fulfill