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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1917)
flii up pmt-tKflccmjj f V ' THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE. NEli., NOVEMBER 16, L917. No. 88 rHOl'LH RESPOND LIBERALLY . TO Y 31. I'. A. AVAR WORK. f USD Soliciting for the Y. M. C. A. war work l'und, which begun the early part of the week in North Plutte and Lin coln county Is still in progress. Iloro in town the solicitors in tne residence districts are doing their work in the evoning, nnd this naturally protracts the work. In the business district the greater part of the work was done Wednesday and will be "cleaned up" today The subscriptions as a rule are satisfactory, and it now looks as though North Platto will come through with the amount allotted. The result, however, will npt bo known until to Tnorrow evening, for sonic of the com mittees will not have the work com pleted before that time. ' So far as heard from the outside towns and precincts are doing well. This is especially true in tho sections from which come the enlisted or drafted men now in service. In such localities the rosldents naturally take greater interest; they want to do their "bit" toward making camp life more enjoyable for their soub or their neigh bors' sons. By next Tuesday the exact amount contributed In tho county as well as in the district will bo dounitoly known and .the figures will bo published. : :u: : Owing to the fact that I will move my entire stock from the Wilcox Dent Storo December 1st, to my new de partment at Block's, wo are reducing ail trimmed hats to remarkably low figures. One lot of hats formerly sell ing up to ?s, at ?3.50; ono lot selliim up to S5 at $2, and one lot at $1.50 Sale begins Saturday, November 17, at 'J o'clock and continues until Novem ber 25th. VILLA WHITTAKER. At the Wilcox Department Store. Up to last evening Nebraska's con tributions, as reported, to the Y. M. C A. war fund had reached $1S9,000, Om aha contributing $80,000 of this' amount. Quito a number of towns have not reported and the state man-i agers are confident that by tomorrow j evening $250,000 will have been siub-l scribed. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cary, who had been visiting friends In town for sev eral days.left this morning for Web ster Groves, Mo. Mr. Cary has sold his dairy business at Missoula and is now looking up a -location in a sec tion where tho winters are not so cold as in Montana. Just drop in and see what you can buy your suit for now, the same suit you have admired some time ago at BLOCK'S. The Et-a-Vlrp club will meet on .Wednesday afternoon, November 21st, with Mrs. L. C. Sawyer, and have its annual guest day. Mrs. Quinn will assist in tho entertaining. W. J. Hendy returned this morning from Denver where he spent several days visiting his brother Charley and transacting business. Houso dresses on sale at Tlie Leader Mercantile Co.'s at 95c; others at $1.25 and $1.45, all sizes. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Lowe, Sr., left Wednesday evening for Rawlins to visit their daghter Mrs. Beecher Park or. Miss Clara Sorenson returned last evening from a visit with friends In Grand Island. Patriotic Session. The music and art department of the Twentieth Century club will meet witn, Mrs. C. S. Clinton, 204 west Fourth' street, Tuesday afternoon, November 20th, at thre o'clock. A patriotic program has been arangod which will consist of papers on "Early National! Songs of America" by Mrs. Carl Bon ner, and "How Art is Doing its Bit' by Mrs. Ralph Smith. Alter tho pro gram proper, half -an hour will be, devoted to the practice of some ott uur national songs. All club members' are invited to attend this meeting audi those who have not time or who do not care to attend tho entire meeting are urged to como at 4:15 and par-j ticipato in the singing. Tho singing oil National songs together is ono o:j our strongest patriotic forces and one' we canot afford to set aside as un- important. I All ladios who will attend should! telephone tho hostess, Mrs. Clinton. SPKCIALFOK SATURDAY tarnations ll't cents per dozen Roses ,$1.00 per dozen C. J. l'ASS, Greenhouses. The TlineVs Short The campaign for funds for the Y. M. C. A. war work will cIosq tomor row evoning, and those who "have not subscribed are urged to do so today or tomorrow. Tho patriotism of Lin coln county will bo judged to soirio extent by tho contributions its citi zens make to this fund. Keith county, with a population of about ono-foiirth that of Lincoln county subscribed ono thousand dollars tho first day of the campaign, and the work is being "pros ecuted with enthusiasm with indica tions that its quota of $1,S00 will be over-subscribed. Up to last evening Lincoln county had not nearly reach ed its quota of $4,000. The efficiency of the Y. M. C. A. war work, and the real good it brings to the soldier boys cannot be ques tioned. We cannot give our money to a better cause. : :o: : Hnptlst rimrch Sunday school 9:45. Morning worship 11:00, themo "Tho Gospel of Optimism, or the Working Value of Faith In Every Day Life.' B. Y. P. U., C:30. Evening worship 7:30, theme "How a Man can Hold Out." There will bo an important meeting of the Baptist church immediately fol lowing morning worship. All members of the church are requested to take notice. J. L. Loudon, Clerk. : to: : Wo must clean up the balance of i mr Suits between now and Thanks giving at any old price. BLOCK'S. -to:: : First Lutheran Church C. Franklin Koch, pastor. 9:45 Sunday school. 11:00, initial sermon,' "Hands that Uphold." 7:30, i'A Question; Its Answer; The Result." Jehoida chest offering at both ser vices. : :o: : A gentle rain began falling early this morning and continues at the hour of going to press. It Is welcome; win ter wheat will be benefitted and the dust, which has been uncomfortable to travelers will be temporarily abat ed. Ask to see our new model fall serge dress specials at $12.75. BLOCKS. t;m anj) r.oujfTy sews. GOODMAN RECOMMENDED for COUNTY" FOOD ADMINISTRATOR H. F. Soeberger received a letter yes terday from G union W. Wattles, Fed eral Food Administrator for Nebraska, in which he was asked to call in a representative of each of tho banks of the city, the odltors of tho pnpors TWKXTY-rOl'lt HIVORCK CASUS TO BE HEARD NEXT MONTH Twenty-four cases for divorco are1 adies of the Christian church on the docket for the term of district'"1 hold an i axchange at the Walker court wmen convenes December au.j Music Shop Saturday, November 17. 1Mb number is appalling it lsi Scarlet wool middles for tho girls, enough to cause almost any young , hflfve you seem them? woman or young man to hesitate about gs2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. tuL-ltity mi 'lici tuot'ihil rlrii fif the. . in'.nlv.tniiii HllluKi n 111. nntlnna ,n.vil H. C. Blickellsdor f Br UrrlVOd frOm!ftml tJ.o nVnllllll llf tim riumiiinr nt . . rn nt tfAainliilnii It 1 il MMlI rtti4tl ltOvnL.1 . started by the wife, and in nearly all l"v commerce ami in coniorence nomm- thoso cases cruelty is tho charge. I IO BVriu uny visiting irionus. nt0 H man for federal food ndniin- Mrs. W. C. Reynolds was hostess to intrator lor Lincoln county. In com cJiapter A. K. P. 12. O. Wednesday af- pUnnce with this request Mr. Seeberg tnhuion. Tills was Hduentionnl Dav er railed Into this conforonco W. 11. term of court; In facet thoro are about arid wns observed by an appropriate McDonald, F- C Plolstlcker, A. P. twice us manv as usual. I nfcurram ami with tim hhuuI Dmitri- Kolly, J. Q. Wilcox and Ira L. Bare. Tne divorces filed during tho year bution to tho P. E. O. National Ed have been about one-sixth as great as , udntioual Fund. tho number of marriago licenses is-! ,,.., , ... . ... , , , children's clothing, olts, ovorcoats, nfncklnnws and Boparato knee pants nC The Loader Mercantile Co.'s. Never beioro in tho history of Lin coln county has so Urge a number of divo.'co cases been entered for n single sued, and at tho present gait of gain it will not be long until tho ratio will be one to four. In several instances the parties havo lived togother for twenty or moro years, havo children grown,' and yot after boaring each others' shortcom ings for so long n period think they have reached tho point where a sep aration is necossary. Below is a list of tho unfortunates, tho first nnmed in each case being the inatiUtor of tho proceedings. , Ira Battan vs. Ellen Rattan. Loruttn Barksdale vs. Enoch Barks dnlo. Walter Bartrop vs. Ella Bartrop. Myrtle McClollan vs. Edward Mc Clellan. Win. Regan vs. Jessie Regan. E. M. Smith vs. Ella Smith. Gus Freed vs. Junnlta Freed. F. L. Johnson vs. Byrdo Johnson. Lottie Porter vs. David Porter. Kate Splinter vs. August. Splinter. Aiayuc Lass vs. George Lass. Chas. Pargeon va. Ethel Pargeon. Mary Matter vs. Merlyn Matter. Potor Waterbury vs. Margaret Wat- croury. Scott Shaner vs. Minnio Shanor. Rachel Ross vs. Phillip Ross. Mave Fredrlcey vs. Chns. Fredrlcey, Lillle Brigga vs. Levi Brlggs. Eva Ehlers vs. George Ehlers. Ola Wilson vs. George Wilson. Minnie England vs. Willis England. oaran warn vs. Uharles Ward. Nellie Paulson vs. Christ Paulson, Isabol Tagader vs. James Tagador, : :o: : News from County Papers Colonel Jim White has Just received a car of excellent thoroughbred Dur ham cows for his farm east of town, and intends to devote quite a bit of attention hereafter to the growing of blooded cattle. Ho is equipped to suc cessfully get by with high grade stock of American history was resumed. Mrs. Win. Cummlngs had a papor on King This Beautiful Shoe Has a black kid vamp and gray cloth quarter. We are broken in sizes in this $6.00 shoe and arc clos ing out at We havo several other styles in new fancy shoes that the sizes are broken. These too are reduced in price. We have six different styles in ladies black dress shoes, which are broken in sizes and valued at $3.00, $3,50J and $4.00. Now closing out at 1.95. S HOE aves you MARKET "oney on shoes FIRST DOOR SOUTH KEITH THEATRE. per acre or about fifteen tons. Suth erland Free Lance. Twenty-one head of cattle ownnrt hv tho Platte Valley Cattle Co. were killed at a froleht. train lnst Vr. day. Tho cattlo comnanv were driving George's War and Mrs. J. L. Loudon sixteen hundred head of cattle fromion tno French and Indian wars. All tho womon's and misses' suits are being closed out at ono-half, one third and one-fourth off former low prices by Tho Leader Mercantile Co. Having passed a creditable civil sor 'vlco examination soveral weeks ngo, Miss Elizabeth Hinman has been di rected to report at Washington, D. C., and will leave for that city next Tuos day. She has been assigned to work in tho Department of tho Interior, and is looking forward to Hfo In Washing ton with no small degree of pleasure Miss Hinman Is the second North Platte young lady to bo called to ser vice at tho national capital, Miss Ida Carroll taking a position thoro sev eral mojrUisngO; Tho ladios of the Episcopjal church sfirvod tholr unnual dinner in tho church basomont last evoning and woro given n very Hboral patronage. Tho meal wns an excollont one. New nnd lator stylo coata and dress es are coming in most every day and placed on salo at money-saving 'prices nt Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. The expected has happened tjio in creaso in the retail prico of cigars in North Platte. Starting yestorday the doalers raised the prico of tho nickel cigar to six cents and tho ten-center to twelve cents. Howovor, cigars are a luxury; thoy should bo heavily taxed. Nothing will add moro cheer to tho hearts of the Soldier Boys at Christmas time than a picture of tho homo folks. Mako tho appointment today. 88-G BROOKS' STUDIO. Miss Ellen McCarthy, whoso wedding will occur next Wednesday, was ten dered a miscellaneous shower Wed nesday by Miss Efflo Christ and Miss Nell Hanifln. A very entertaining pro gram was provided for tho gmosts and tho guest of honor received many pret ty gifts. W. R. Hodshiro will go to Denver the early part of next week to closo the sale of his oil land lease in Okla homa. Some time ago ho was offered eight thousand dollars for tho lease, which he refused. Lated an offer of ten thousand was made and this ho accopted. i For comfort, durability, and prico, tliere 1b no comparison. Try tho Hen derson corset. 88-2 E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Tho literature department of tho 20th Century club was entertained by Mrs. This conforenco wns hold last evening and E. R. Goodman wns tho unani mous choico of tho committee. Mr. Goodman wns summoned to tho con ference, tho matter discussed at length and ho will docldo today whothor ho will accept. Tho duty of tho county food admin istrator will be to soo that tho food law is enforced In this county nnd re port any violation thereof; to orgnn izo a comnilttoo made up of ropresont atlvo mon nnd women from tho dif ferent towns and precincts, who will assist him in tho work. In speaking of tho work, Food Ad ministrator Wattles says: "It Is tho desire of tho Federal Food Administra tion to promote a strong organization in overy county in the state. It is our dosiro to enrry on a campaign of cd-J Reports of Cinivnss Como Slowly Reports of tlio canvauB in Lincoln county for funds for tho Y. M. C. A. war work como In slowly. In no sec tion of tho county, so far as 1b known, has the work been completed. Tho amount tlurned In to TroaHtiror Wcln gand by tho soliciting committoos in North Platte up to this morning was ?1,200 but tho work Is not noarly com pleted, nor havo nil tho committees turned in their collections. Suthorlnnd reports $520, Brady $300, and Maxwell $200. Horshoy and otlior towns have not yot reported. Quito a number of choccks havo boon rocolvod direct from rpsldonts of country precincts and theso tire not included in tho nbovo. Knights of Columbus War Camp Fund to be Continued. production there as ho irrows a InrirA amount pf feed as well as general- Gibbs and Miss Mooney, at tho home fnrm "nrcAnti Rn -lio a . MiYfl't tho latter, on TllORrtav nffnrnnnn ""o "O lllUL mo ,1 - - hnaf fli-tld rt A . v ATTQ n f f M rrfivn n Tf)visi.f mnwl. nln.i "TO uu ID BHUWUlg UU UVUrUge yieiai " " v uu nuwv ji.u At a regular meeting of St. Patrick's Council No. 1211 of Notyi Platte, held Wednesday evening, the standing committee appointed some months ago was instructed to continue the work of soliciting funds for the Knights of Columbus war work until the Three Million .'cation regarding tho purposes to bo! mark was passed. The following gentleman are in charge of the work in the various words of the city 1st. word, Mr. John Herrod. 2nd. word, Mr. Joe. Schwoiger. 3rd. ward, Mr. W. J. Landgraf. 4th. ward, Mr. M. C. accomplished by this administration nnd to carry to every household in tho state full information as to how citizons cnnholp tho government to win tho war. "Incldontallv frequent meetings "'inuld bo hold In towns nnd in school houses In country precincts whero local sneakors can- bo sent to promote atri- ?n nTrt-nni1 th? fc.,loml f?0.ll1 Hoyes. These gentleman will also law and its purnosos nnd whom pntrl-1 , .. . otism and intelligent co-oneration can receive coiunouiions. be preached to every ono." j Tlle Knights of Columbus Will This coming spring, so as to bo maintain three amusement and bettof prepared to caro for all thosoi recreation centers in all of tho six- itli nrnannf fnrinianlirnu r r funntiimiti at tho hospital, and owing to tho lack teen Cantonments as well as at all of room on account of your increased patronage for which wo thank you, wo deem it advisablo to eroct a fow moro rooms to bo used for maternity purposes, thus giving moro facilities for caring for our medical, surgical and obstetrical patients from city and country. Tho Nurso Brown Homeop athic Hospital, 1008 west Fourth St., North Platto, Nob. JOHN S. TWINEM, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. :::: Help Win tho War The Boy Scouts havo canvassed tho city for signatures to tho Government nod by the department in xio-operation! F?- Pledge i Cards. Through no fault with tho D. A. R. Mrs. Glbbs gavo a 1 pf.tlio Boy Scouts many of tho houso- short talk on tuhnrciiinsiB. Tim ntmiv. Keepers or tne city havo not been their ranch west of Brady to Gothon uurg when tho accident occurred. Thero were five experienced ilrl vors and it took nearly an hour for tho hord to pass tnraugh Brady. It is said that tho drivers made efforts to flnir i ..... ..... . . . r3. iuu nuui, out it uiu not stop until the engine nnu several cars had went through the hord, killing nineteen out right, and two more dying shortly af terwards. Brady Vindicator. within a short time now wo under stand both the Great Western and the American Beet Sugar companies will bo contracting acreage in this territory for tho 1918 crop. This would Indicate mat Hershey will get no factory next ear or ipossuiiy during tho 'present war While wo havo no clnflnltn in formation that those aro tho facts, yet: uiu war nas ovmontly inducted so much uncertainty into tho, labor situ ation and tho material and shipning conditions in general that tho division of this territory for another vfnr would naturally lead to these conclu sions, Horshoy Times. Within four or five miles of Rnth- orland the other dav tho 'writer had tho ploasuro of viewing ono potato bin which tho owner said hold flv thousand Im.shols. Another ono closo bv hold nearly an many, and several thousands moro bushels woro crown "'ithin a mllo or two, After tho im portant nositfon tnkon by spuds spv- prnl months nro these mice niles of food certainly had an interesting np- nearanco. butiierlanrt Freo Lance reached. In order that all may havo an op portunity to Join this movement for the conservation of oxportablo food in tho Interest of thoso who aro fighting our country's battles, thoro will bo an opportunity for any housekeeper to sign tho Food Pledgo Cards at tho Building & Loan office during tho bal ance of this week nnd obtain tho Homo Card wltli suggestions as to how ef fect savings In oxportablo food. T. C. PATTERSON. Chairman, County Dofonso Council. : :o: : Ask to seo our now model fall sorgo dress specials nt $12.75. BLOCIC& Another olcctrlc flnsh sign wns ad ded to tho lighting system of North Platto tills week. It is about ten feet long and has been installed at tho Tlnynorman Hotel. Army camps and military posts in the United States and also in Europe or wherever our troops are fighting for Liberty and Democracy. Special uttention is. called to the small cost of this great undertaking. All the men in charge of the Knights of Columbus work are doing their bit without pay, but with a desire to be of service to the United States - and- to.-ourj heroic boys of the Aray and Navy. In addition to caring for the entertainment of our boys the Knights of Columbus will provide extra Chaplains for the benefit of Catholic Army and Navy boys. So that the world may know: Our Camps and amuse ments nnd all our privileges will be open to all our soldiers and sailors regardless of Creed. While soliciting will be confined to the Catholics, contributions will be welcomed from all. Publicity Committe. (Adv.) Tho Red Cross Chapter has received yarn for knitting socks, and it can bo obtained at Rincker's storo or at tho federal building on any of tho work days. Special salo of now wool sorgo dress es for Saturday only at $12.75 at BLOCK'S. Mrs. J. N. Bonner and daughter Hel en spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooper, of Wollilect. All of our now fall and winter Suits aro now offered nt actual cost and in some cases less than cost. BLOCK'S. J. McEvoy, wife and son returned Wednesday from a protracted in iuiioniiu. , Lost Boston Bull Torrlor pup FIndor return to C. T. Whelan. 88-2 ::o:: FREE OF CHARGE Why suffer with indigestion, dyspep sia, torpid liver, constipation, sour stomach, comlng-up-of-food-after-eat ing, etc., when you can get a sam'plo bottle of Green's August Flower freo at Stono's Pharmacy. This medlclno has remarkable curative properties, and has demonstrated its efficiency by fifty years of success. Headaches are often causod by a disordered stomach. August Flower Is put up in 25 and 75 cent bottles. For salo in all civilized countries. iss Villa Whittaker, who has owned and conducted the Millinery Dept. at the Wilcox Dept. Store, for several years, will move her stock Dec 1st. to the beautiful department she has fitted up and personally owns on the second floor at Block's new store. Miss Whittaker will personally have charge of the, work room at Block's and respectfully solicits the patronage of her es tablished trade, the general public and every lady who wants high class workmanship and material.