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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1917)
Qfrunm THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 13, 1917. No. 87 (ihe r4 mPA- HP- EXEMPTION BOAIU OIIIECTEI) TO RE-LIST KXHMl'TM) JIEJi" Just as tho Lincoln county oxemp tlon board is about finishing up tho clerical work connected with tho ex aminations if the past, and a breath-1 tng spell from that class of work soem ol apparent, instructions wore re ceived thib morning that moans iv con tinuation of tho worn; in fact It looksj as though iho clerical work of tho board will bo continued Indefinitely in one form or another. Tho instruc tion received from tho provost mar shal this morning moans going over the draft work which has been done and outline in detail the methods which the local board has employed and tho results It will mean a complete re-listing of all men who havo already been drafted, those exempted for physical unfitness and otherwise. Tho depart ment wants this information in detail and authorizes tho board to call on voluntary help if needed. Six days is tho time givon to complete this work. County Clerk Allen has not had time to fully cmuiuc the instructions, but on tho face of tho directions, it would appear that all men who have been called to make up previous draft quotas and were exempted on any grounds will tq-.nln be listed, but this time in their classified order. Tho new classification takes in all men registered from tho single man who has no exemption and makes none to the invalid within tho age limit. The men arc then to be called according to classes, at least that is the interpreta tion of the Inunctions received here. Tho board will bo called together shortly and go ovei- the latest orders in detail, before proceeding with their task. ' . Nothing definite or official has been received regarding calling out all men registered, to have them examined and classified. : :o: Chas. Bogue returned Saturday night from Chicaco where ho attended the conference of the chairmen of tho pro- tetetivo boards of tho B. of It. T.. and the O. R. C, who met to discuss', the (proposed ' demand for; an "Increase" In wages. Therowill bo a regular meeting of The Royal Neighbors Wednesday af ternoon, November 14th, afj K. P. hall at three o'clock. The New 1918 !axwell Gives you all the room. all the com fort all Ihe conveniences and beauty ob tainable in any car selling at $1200. And yet the operating economy the mechanical reliability the ease of hand ling and the wonderful power that have producd such marvelous road and econ omy records in every section of the world are not only maintained but augmented. YOU can SEE the VALUE in the MAX WELL at $745. Touring Car $743 RoaJstir $T45i Coap$t095; BTUnfl09S; SJcnS109S. Allprictt f. o. b, Detroit C. M. TROTTER, Agent. North Platte. Residents of Second Ward, Attention, Do you appreciate tho sacrlfieo tho boys who have enlisted are making for youY If so, show it by subscribing liberally to tho Y. M. C. A. war work fund. In order for you to properly appre ciate what tho soldlors are doing for us, wo should try and place oursolvoa in their stead. They havo left homo and frionds, nil that is near and dear to them. Thoy havo sacrificed them selves on tho altar of their country: They have guio to bare their breasts to tho shot and shell of tho field and tho knlfo and bayonet of tho trench. Thoy cannot come home, they wan hardly hear from homo in tho ordinary way of communication. Put yoursolf in tlioir place Many a poor follow will long for friends and homo and loved ones many a timo with a sad heart. You can help this condition mater ially by tho showing of tho sacrifice in subscribing to the work of the Y. M. C. A., which this .week is gathering funds over tho nation, adequate for the eroctlon of buildings and equipment that will be as near like home to thorn as it is possible to make, when not in actual fjonflict. Think it over earn estly. Let your mind dwell on it. Give every dollar you' can. Be ready with it when tho committoo calls on you so aslo conserve their time as much as you can. A committeo of ten business men are working in tho ward this week. Ev ery house in the ward will 'bo visited. These men havo all made liberal sub scriptions before thoy started out and in addition are taking their timo (and I assure you they are all busy men) In visiting every one to collect the funds needed to carry on this noble and patriotic work. All tho money col lected goes direct into tho war work fund and for the benefit of tho sol diers. Cash Is 'preferable out time can be allowed as follows: 50 per cent In thirty days, 25 per cent tho first of January and 25 per cent tho first of April. It is to bo hoped sincerely that no one will bo so self centered as to turn down tho work. JL H. VAN CLEA3E. , Second Wird Chairman. : :o: ;. This ono-half price sale on all the best pattern hats is something very unusual Get. two hats for the price of one at Tho Leader Mercantile Oo.'s. Till: Y. 31. ('. A. WAR WORK lHIVi: HHUIXS TODAY Kollowlng several meetings hold the lattor part of Inst week, the drive for donations for tho war work of tho Y. M. C. A. will begin today and it is hoped that by Saturday ovoning Lin coln county's nllottmont of four thous and dollars will have been subscribed. The cll both the business and resi dential sections, have been divided in to districts and two solicitors named for oach district. All tho towns in tho county, have, or by tomorrow evening will be, organized, and tho outlying! precincts will bo worked as far as pos" sible, committees In each of them hav ing boon appointed. Tho drive all this woek will bo pushed with vigor. No one will bo allowed to oscapo tho so licitors, and it is hoped that all will respond generously. "Whether this Y. M C. A. war work Is entitled to your support is not de batable. It is highly endorsed by ov ery army officer, by every man who has visited tho training and canton ment camps, and by the boys who are in tho camps. Through this fund that boy of yours or your neighbor's boy will have tho advantage of social, amuscmont, physical nnd rollgioua features; ho will have some place to spend his hours when off duty, a 'place to read, to write, to seo moving pic tures nnd other ontortatnm'ents, to attend religious exercises; in fact to have as good and as pleasant environ ments as ho would have at home. Those facilities mean a clean life, aj moro enjoyable life, a life that makes! each soldier a better man. Place your self in the position of the boys in camp! who do intensive drilling during tho day. If It were not for the Y. M. C. A. what would they do for recreation and amusement? Lay around their tents In idleness, become dissatisfied and discontented and finally Jiate them selves and the government. But with tho Y. M. C. A. furnishing them social, entertaining and religious features thoy have some place to go, and thoy certainly go. Every evening the as sociation buildings aro filled; each Soldier boy looks forward to his lelsuro hours -with keen anticipation, for he knows there Is something good In store for him. The- Tribune hopes every man and woman in North Platto and Lincoln county will subscribe to this fund. If a solicitor fails to find you, send in your donation to Harry Dixon and ho will soo that you receive credit. If you can't spare ton dollars, give five, if not five give what you can, but bo suro to give some amount. FOR KENT Antl-Frcczlnp; storage room. Five room .cottage, modern, excepting licnt. Hit ATT, UOOinrAX & BUCKLEY. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Tho Lutheran aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. G. T. Stegoman. Thojkl. M. club will moot with Mrs. Frank McGovorn Wednesday afticlr- noon. November 34th. Arthur Tramp roturned last evening from West Potent to which place ho hu.l 'gono Saturday night. Tho Spanish War Vetorans auxiliary will meet tomorrow afternoon in the buseinor't of tho public library. Mrs. Joseph Krauso, of West Point, arrived last evening for a visit with hor daughter, Mrs. Arthur Tramp. Wanted An cj.porlonccd girl for goucral hou3v(.ih. Phono 1815. Mrs. J. !j Twlnem. S7tf Tho Et-a-Vlrp club mot last Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Leonard Dick and hold nn enjoyable kcnslngton. Tho Jlnppy Hour club will meet nt tho homo of Mrs. Biotzor Friday afternoon APs 1-ainoll will nsslst In tho ontortainlng. Tho N. N. N. club met with Clara DeRolf Suturday afternoon. An en joyable afternoon was spent and Miss Frances Halllgan and Miss Emma won tho rJ.'.es in tho contests Tho Sammy Quit will havo a dem onstration of Mazola oil In Malonoy's window Salurtiry aftornoon and oven ing. livery 4dy is invited to come and get a r-umplo of tho oil In tho shape of a doughnut and get a reclpo book Tho lIiOj, will also have doughnuts for t&le. FOR THE CAREFUL INVESTOR Wo offer some real bargains In nice homes, farms and farm landH, on easy twins. Sco us before you buy. Bit ATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Frod Armstrong nnd mothor loft this morning for a visit in Sterling. Roy Murray, of Lincoln, was tho gtfost of Miss Laura and Frank Mur ray Sunday. The bavin gaiago has received a Nash quad truck, a rathor formidable vehicle of transportation. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Mrs. A. B. Hoagland, wlib had been viRltlng for sovornl weeks In St. Louis, returned homo last evening. Mrs Louis Potorson roturned last ovoning from n two weoks' visit In Kansas City, Lincoln and Beatrice. Dr. Mitchell, Dentist, announces tho removal of his dontal office to tho First National Bank building. 87tf iTho marriage bans of Miss Ellon McCarthy and Edward Grcisor wore published at St. Patrick's church Sun day. vLocnl grocers report that their stock of sugar Is low and at present aro soil ing but fifty cents worth to a cus tomer. Rev. Carroll and sister Miss Mary Carroll arrived from Wlsner last ev ening nnd are guests at tho J. L. Mur phy homo. Mrs. A. P. Henley, who had boon visiting hor daughter Mrs. Byron Oberst for two months, returned to hSr homo in Omaha yesterday. The Episcopal guild will hold Us annual supper Thursday, November 15, at C:30, in tho church basement.. The price will bo forty cents a plate. Lost Straw suit case on road be tween Ogalalla and North Platto con taining lady's personal effects, kodak, and dress. FlndcV please notify Tho Tribune. j During tho past summer and fall flic! best paying position for common la borers has been night work at the ice houses. These men earned $5.38 a night. All the womon's and misses' tailored s,ults to bo closed out quick. and,varo being sold at. one-half off, i one-third off nnd one-fourth off thp former low prices. A lot of lato arrivals Included at Tno Loader Mercantile Co.'s. Clatenco Llston and P. E. Sullivan, both of Dickens, were Initiated Into the B P. 0. Elks at tho regular meet ing hold last evening. Thoy wero ac companied over by C. A. Llston nnd Joe lolstlckor. Lutheran Girls' club will hold an exchange Saturday, November 17th, at tho Derryberry & Forbes furniture store. Cut flowers, plos, cakes, broad, doughnuts, candy, fresh eggs and chickens will bo on salo. 87-2 An order signed by tho secretary of agriculture lifts on December lBt tho federal quarantine on the movement of cattlo from 05,520 squaro miles of southorn territory. This quarantine was placed against cattlo tick. You mothers who havo boys should seo tho wondorful bargains In boys' knee pants and knoo pants suits. When In tho store ask to see tho boys' knoo pnntSHUlta nt $3.90, $4.35 and $4.05. The heft you evor saw, at Tho Leader Morcantilo Co.'s. Ed Rebhauson roturned yestorday from Columbus, whoro ho had boon visting his mother. Ed loft ten days ago for Wyoming to hunt big game, but a day or two after arriving there ho was notified of his mother's illness and ho immediately loft for Colum bus. All tho North Platto men except Pat Mcllugh who enlisted in tho engineer ing corps and were sent to Ft. Logan, havo boon transform! to Soattlo, pre paratory to leaving for Russia. Tho mon wero sent to Sonttlo while Pnt was hero on a furlough nnd this Is why ho did not accompany tho other North Platto men, A tralnload of officers from Fort Snolllng, presumably onrouto to Rus- ia passed through yesterday aftor- i oon. All Wero assigned to tho on ulnoorlng corps ami among them was I.'ob McCabo, formerly of this city and 'ato district foreman at Grand Island. Hp waB given tho rank of captain, and nil tho men ranked from first lieuten ant urwurds Tho annual Goodfollowshlp banquet of tho 20th Century club will bo hold this ovoning nt tho Methodist church nt sovon o'clock. All members can procuro tickets of tho heads of tho departments if thoy havo their mom borshlp cards Tho civic deaprtment is in charge of tho program, which will largely, bo along tho lino of a "Com munlty Nurso" discussion. Dologates to tho stato federation mooting in Om aha will also report. PAULSON' SBKKS DIVORCE; MAKES SKNSATION'AL CHARGES Mrs. Nelllo Paulson filed hor peti tion in tho district court Saturday Lpraylng for a dlvorco from hor hus band Christ Paulson, on the grounds of extreme cruelty. In hor petition sho sets out a doxen or moro charges of cruolty, mlstroatmont and throats. Tho plaintiff nllogos that her husband dragged nor, from bod by tho hair; call ed hor vllo names; carried a pot of ffollcd plums and a batch of pancako batter upstairs and emptied thorn on I tho lloor; throw a bucket of water on hor and on another occasion throw boll-' lng water at hor; broke tho china and cut glass she had accumulated; has taken an unnatural disllko to tho thoy- continue nnd wo fear sorlous rc plalntiff nnd tho six children; intimi-1 'suits unless tho prcsont epidemic is dated the plaintiff and tho children by hooping clubs In tho closets and throat - onlng to uso thorn; thnt ho Btruck tho oldost daughter with a picture and broko tho glass; that defendant is a, vllo and vicious man nnd hns threat ened to assault and kill plaintiff nnd chlldron, nnd by reason thoreof asks that defendant bo restrained from en tering tho homo on west Sixth street. Tho plaintiff states that slnco tholr nmrrlngo In March, 1897, thoy have accumulated property valued at $1G,000, and alio asks for alimony for horsolf and thrco younger children who aro dopondont upon her. : :o: : Judge Goorgo Corcoran, state deputy of tho Knights of Columbus In No bvatska, has M'nounced that tho order of which he Is chief oxecutivo in tho Btnte has just porfectcd an organiza tion to mini $75,000 in tho stato to provn'o the remaining $2,000,000 of tho Knightfi of Columbus $3,000,000 fund fovwar iu'Ji a The Knights of Col umbus drive In Nebraska will start on November 1Mb at tho closo of tho Y. M C. A. cnmpalgn, and will contlnuo for two weeks. W. A Caufmau, formerly a real estate dealer of this city, but now located at Kciu-xew as an auctioneer. avrivod Friday morning and wont out. to tho Slcbold ranch to conduct tho salo of roTsonnl property. This salo was considered successful, and Mr. Cnufi'inan'a work was commondod. Mr. Caufi'man (fft'rs his sorvloes as auctioneer to all who'antlclcpnto hold ing futuro tales. W N MvK of Ft. Bontpn, Mont.,,' has sold to Ingwnrd Holmes, lots 3 and 4 nnd tho south half of tho north west quarter of section 2-12-28, for a consideration jf $3 C00 Five carloads of autos woro received yesterday by tho J. S. Davis Co. Tho shipment Included Mitchells, Brlscocs and Nnshos. You are invited to call and inspect our showing of the latest Cadillac touring and enclosed cars at our sales room at 6th and Locust streets. Cadillac service is now available to Cadillac users and buyers at North Platte. This service will be in keeping with the high standard of the products I sell. y,l.OT.,..wJ..,..,.,ll,..,..l 'Service0' Our Owners' North Plattb.Neb. I'll yslclnns Urge Vaccination. Tho undersigned physicians of North Platt6, Nebraska wish to ondorso tho resolution of tho Board of Education, urging vaccination by scarification of all pupils in tho ccity schools. The highly contagious nnturo of small-pox togothor with tho mild symptoms, makos a quarantine of all cases practically Impossible. To prohibit public meetings would close all schools, churches, parties and amusomont8 for a period of six to eight weeks to bo of any valuo nt all. This would also practically suspend nil business which would bo a hard- .bin on the oommitnttv na n wimin if 'is tho nature of epidemics to bocomo moro serious and sovcro tho longer chocked as Bpoodlly as possible. . j Universal vaccination is tho only means by which this can bo nccom- pllshod and wo urgo overy ono who has not had a BUOccssful vacclnntlon within three years to bo vaccinated. If It doos "tako'1 you need It; if it does not "tako" It can do you no harm. JOHN S. SIMMS, T. J. KERR, E. W. FETTER, GEO. B. DENT, JOHN H. TWINEM, , L. G. DROST, J. B. REDFIELD, VOORHEES LUCAS, HAROLD O. FENNER. : :o: : War Bulletins. Italian Headquarters in Northorn Italy, Sunday, Nov, 11. Tho enemy's operations on tho north nnd cast In an nttempt nt encirclement of tho Italians have not succoleMod. Tho monnco on tho Italian loft wing also lb virtually lust. Borlln, Nov. 12. (Via London.) Tho Austro-Gorman forces In north orn Italy havo cut off 10,000 retreating Italians In thp uppor Plavo valley, tho Wftr olT,co announces. Tho Italians nro Btuu 10 navo surrenuorou. Paris, Nov. 12. "On tho front bo- twoota Chaumo wood and Bozonvaux (Vordun sector) active artlllory 'flglit- ing continued during tho night," sayB today's official statement. "On tho romnlndor of tho front tho night was calm." London, Nov. 12-Turklsh troops which havo been rotroatlng boforo tho HrlMaU n,1 vmi!nn in amiHinrn Pnlna- tno nn) organlzlng for dofonso ln tho I vicinity of, Hebron, about 20 mllog. Eouthwost of Jorusalom, Bays an of ficial statement today.i British mounted troops aro continuing to push forward in some sectors. Dr. J. B. Rcdflold was a profossionnl visitor in Kearney Sunday.