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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1917)
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. lVOlto PLATTE, NEk, NOVEMBER 20, 1917. No. 89 as to; ' it'. ' ii. SO? ft -"-fell 1 8fr HO STRIKE OF TRAINMEN SAYS PRESIDENT, X.EE Cleveland, O. "There is not going to bo a railroad strike don't even iraaglno It for n mlnuto." With' this statement, W. 0. Loo, prosident of tho Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, which Is voting on a demand for In creased wages, registered his faith In President Wilson's policy. Mr. Loo was asked whethor ho thought the President's policy led to a government dictatorship ovor tho rail roads. "I wouldn't want to say that It doesn't," ho replied. Ho Intimated that tho trainmen will firmly demand higher wages, "nnd you . know as well as I that the railroads won't grant them without Increased revenues," said he. This lod to the inforonco that Mr. Leo expects the deadlock which Pres ident Wilson spoko of In his letter to tho chairman of tho United States Board of Mediation and Conciliation, when ho montlonod tho "possibility of being obliged to take unusual meas ures to oporato the railroads." Mr. Leo scoutod tho idea' that tho President might draft tho railroad employees and force thorn to work at army wages. "Wo have talked to tho Prosident about that," he said, but ho wouldn't state what assurance, If any, the President gavo. "There Is no. law for such .action,' said Mr. Leo. "Tho Government's policy points tho other way. Tho whole trend has boon to 'raise existing wages of necessary em ployees when tho government asks their unstinted co-oporatlon to win tho war.' LOCAL AND PERSONAL Have Cause for Thanksgiving'. The Presbyterians of North Platte are planning on a big celebration on Thanksgiving day. Three functions will bo united in one occasion. In tho first place there will be a big family Thanksgiving dinner at one o'clock, .to which all members of tho church and congregation' and supporters of tho church are Invited. This will be followed by a reception for tho now minister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. Joseph Oarry, and a program of mu sical and other numbers, during which the notes and mortgages recent ly paid off by the Presbyterians, will 1jo burned. The First Presbyterian church feels that it has Just occasion for a Thanksgiving celebration be cause it is now entiroly out of debt, and has more than two and one-half thousand dollars on hand to use in building a new manse. , ::o:: FOR RENT Storage room in steam heated store. BRATT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY. For Rent Nicely furnished room In modern home. Phono Black 5S1. tf Mrs. James Brady j-cturnod this morning from a vIbR in Omaha. Washablo kid gloves In all colors. B. T. TRAMP & SONS. 1 W. V. Hongland camo homo this morning from a business trip to Oma ha. ' j For Rent Furnlslidd rooms for gentlemen in a strictly modern homo. Phono Tho Tribune. 89tf Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Horrlgan, now of Grand Island, spent Sunday with rel atives in town. i Mrs. Emma Poor has resigned her position with Tho Leader Mercantile Co., and will leave this week for Pitts burgh. Ladles' and children's outing gowns, real values and just the thing for theso cold winter nights. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. Howard McMlchael wont to Bayard and Torrlngton this morning to mako final settlement for the new buildings he erected at those points this sum mer. Tho attendance at tho Red Cross work day yesterday numborcd a score or more, ovldenco that tho Interest im the work Is inor easing rather than waning. ' I Tho Travel and Study clud mot last ovenlng with Mrs. Wilson Tout. Pa pers wero read as follows: "Tho Next Step in Our Public School System,' Miss Smith; "Learning by Reel," Mrs. Bare. i The final foot ball game of the sea son on the homo grounds will bo played Friday afternoon- with Lex ington . as tho opposing team. Tho North Platto team will play at York Thanksgiving day. J FOURTEEN CRAP SHOOTERS CAUGHT IN MIDNIGHT RAID Shorlff Salisbury, Deputy Sheriff Wilson and County Attorney Koofo mado a midnight raid Saturday on tho hogro "underworld" at 312 east Front streot and arrested a cosmopolitan crowd of fourteen, crnp shooters. In cluded In tho gang wore flvo negroes, eight Mexicans and ono whlto man. Tho nogroes wero Charloy Turner, Bon Bradley, Bob Saunders, Roy Rob bins and Ed Smith, tho whlto man was F. B. Riloy, and tho Moxs wore Potb and Emil Crus. Erachlo Trllllo, Juan quln Armnrandoz, Serreneo Hernan dez, Erldlo Romero, R. Martinez and Juan Ponso. Tho men wore marched to Jail, and three or lour of tho color-: cd men and Riloy put up a cash bond, and wore released pending a nrollmi nary hearing, tho others romainod In jail. Yestorday afternoon tho fourteen wero summoned boforo Judgo French tho chargo read to them, and when asked by County Attorney Koofo whether thoy woro gtlllty or not guilty, all pleaded guilted. Tho Judge gnvo tiio men a locturo and Imposed a fine pf flvo and icosts each, warning them If thoy woro brought boforo him again in tho future tho lino would bo much heavier. Riloy and tho negroes toro duced tho cash, tho eight Moxicans said thoy had no money. "Back to jnu you go," sam Attorney kcoio. tiio men were marshalled In lino and tho procession started Jailward, when a woman who Bpoko Mexican as won as English appeared 'on tho scono ami said sho would pay tho lino of all tho Mexs. The men wore returned to court, t)Q woman forked over tho cash and the men woro released. Tho negro who conducts tho place stopped up to tho Judgo voluntarily and said "I'll never moh low games in my house again, Judge, that's shuah." The flno and costs amounted to eight dollars for each man. i JtAlLKOAl) NOTHS With about fifty per cent of tho corn soft and prospects that it will mold, farmers are seeking young Iplgs to feed, as this is about the only way It can be ualllzed. Twenty cents a pound Is being offered for shotes. Don't forget the big Piano Reduction Sale at Walker Music Co. this week. The Woman's Homo Missionary so ciety will meet in the parlors of tho Methodist church Wednesday after noon. Everyyono is requested to be thoro promptly nt 3 o'clock and a large attendance is desired as there is important business to be brought up. The society will be entertained by Mesdames Beeler. Knox-and Plumor. ::o:: Miss O'Doiincll Married. Friends in town have received an-f nouncement or tno marnago or Miss Irene O'Donnell, of Cheyenne, formcr- i ly of this city, to Glenn Stewart. For several years Miss O'Donnell held Uv ppsitlon of tolophone operator In tin J dispatcher's office, transferring to ' Choyonne and later was clerk in tho cnciei aispatcner s ouice at nat piacq. They will make their home in Mori tnna. ::o:: Tho county commissioners yester day accepted tho bid of a Lincoln firm for the ?10;OOO five per cont Osgood precinct bfldgo bonds. When Cold Wind Blows You'll thank your lucky stars that you bought one of Harcourts warm winter overcoats. Take ay advice get it NOW, don't, wait till that piercing "Nor 'wester' comes. Your desire for clothes of distinction can be thoroughly sat isfied by selecting Your New Overcoat from our all-inclusive displays. We say "all inclusive" because we believe there is no style you can possible desire which cannot be found in our assortments. If you'ro a young man .with a taste for the unusual in dress, you'll find "just the thing" among the trench and belted models. If your inclinations direct you to more dignified styles, the con servative Chesterfields, semi-fitting models, etc., will measure'up to your desires. Note how reasonable the prices are filers 'vercoats $1500 to $36.00. Northern Musk Rat For Lined Overcoats ' $65.00. Young man, slip into one of our Smart Belt Suits Note the attractiveness of their form-fitting styles and neatnes of the pleated backs which are shown in some of the models. Examine the quality of the fabrics. Note the care with which they are tailored and how splendidly the details are finished: Then note the price your own good judgment will do the rest. Adlers Suits $20.00 to $30.00. Harcomt Clothing Co. Buy Christmas Gifts Early There's no real good reason for postponing Christmas buying until the last minute while on the other hand there ore many rea sons for early purchasing. Logical arguments for early Christmas shopping are com pletness and freshness of stocks; undivided attention of sales people, the avoiding of congest ion in the mails and many others. Last hour shopping is largely a matter of habit and it's a habit worth breaking. We're ready now, with plenty of sensible gift suggestions for men and boys. Start shopping NOW. Clms. 13oguo rotttriied fcorii Salt Lako Saturday and left for Oninlm Sunday. U. P. Agont Donnor, of ,fVJu.losuurg, and wlfo and son woro visitors In town Saturday. Misses Ethel Fryo and Maud Millor liftvo recently accoptcd positions with the Union Pacific, tho fonnor In tht "Oil houso and Miss" Millor as clork In the storo room. Engineer Jamas Otivman. who wnnt to Omaha a wook ago, underwent an' Operation Tuesday Xor gall trouble. Relatives In town have received word1 that .tho oporatlon was very success-1 un nnu nis condition satisfactory. According to a Philadelphia inter view, Prosident A. P. Johnson of tho Baldwin Locomotlvo works, said: "Tho company Is constructing sovonty-olght locomotlvos a wook. This is at tho rato of moro than ono for overy working hour of the day. It Is not a maximum accomplishment. Wo shall do moro." W. L. ltlchards and C. F. Tracy went to Omaha yesterday to attond tho conforouco between tho engineers of tho Union Pacific ystom and tho of ficials of tho rnnri. At. n fnrm ing tho engineers mado out tholr sehed- uio nnu sunmutod it to tho officials, who naked for thirty days In which to couHiuor h. tiio contorenco 1b now hold to, discuss and "pass upon tho schedule. V. C A. WAR WORK FUND NOW EXCEEDS $0,000.00 With sovoml committoes yot to ro port and scattering subscriptions from country precincts expected, tho total subscriptions to tho V. M. C. A. wnr fund in Lincoln county roportod up to last night oxceedod $0,000, or a half moro than was allotted to tho county. Undor tho direction of C. O. Wcingand, county chairman, tho city nnd part of me county wns won organized, and whoro organization was best perfected ib iounu tno best results. or all of tholr subscriptions for the KnlghtB of Columbus war work fund, Horshoy . 43G.10 Maxwell .......... 153.00 Inghnm i , 15.00 Dickons 12.00 Somerset 8.15 . Total $2,070.25 Union Pacific Ilnllroad $500.00 Grand Total $6,123.37 Full roports from tho counties in cluded In tho Sixteenth district havo 'hot boon recolved, but It is bollovcd that tho $11,000 apportioned to tho dis trict will bo subscribed. Ilookor county uuouiciura ?i,uuu, aim in last roporm ...... i i m.-.j t rVinul.Wlnn. i,a r . vuuuijr huu BUUBurjuuu muro U1UH tho North Platto peoplo reserved partR ' Miss - i-u ; ( ; Has Friend In Town Alma Youlln, who Btnrs ltn nlmnl.. ..! I... IJ..1 .'"." iWlim I 171UUJ, WHU Bill ID US v..u niiuniu iitiiuu uy ii,y lUBluuillH 13 . Ttlllfl In "ma Tlrtilnl VltMifti whSnli children who subscribed among them selves nearly ?260 -; :o; :- Important Hnptlst Church Meeting. Thursdav afternoon t.lin lmllon f hn church will gathor In tho church nud- A . . . f .1 . uurium tor tnoir .November program and business mooting. Mrs. Hull will icau. mis is tno second number of tho Rainbow series, subjeqt, "Ndgroes." Every member of tho auxiliary is urged to bo nresont and all frlomis aro invited. If any lmvo a nlctnrn nnat rnnl that thoy can bring It would bo much aDDl'OClated. Thnsn urn tn Iia en nt nn to tho missionaries. In tho ovonlnir nt 7:30 a vnrv im. portant business meeting of tho church will bo held, followed at 8 o'clock with devotional services. Every mem ber of tho church and congregation is urgeu nnu expected to nttond. State workers from Omaha and Lincoln will bo on the program; also every pastor In this association will bo present. A followshin Rdnnnr will lin onrvnil In the basement promptly at 7 o'clock. Tho young people conducted a splon dld series of meetings during last wook at which a number cnnfnnnod Plirlat and camo into the membership of tho cuurcn last sunaay. Most ot these wero men. IConn thl -wnrlr imrnnrnirarl by your presouco Thursday. : :o: : Judgo Advocates Marrlago Law. Judgo Day, of Omaha, appalled by tho largo numbor of suits for divorce which como up boforo him, addressed tho Omaha ministers yesterday nnd favored a marriage law" that will In clude tho following provisions: No man undor 25 to marry without tho consent of his parents. No woman under 22 to marry with out tho consent of her parents. A medical examination to deter mine tho purity of tho parties. Notlco to bo published for 20 day's preceding the marriago. Tho Judgo doclarod It too easy for flighty porson&to marry when prompt ed by passing fancies and deslro for a brief Jov ride In matrlmnnv. nmi strongly blamed 'nreannt inv nrtin. clal llfo for tho wrecks which follow tne ui-advlsed marriages. ::o:: Tho committee In nlinrco r tim n A. It. exhibit to bo hold nt tho home of Mrs. T. C. Patterson on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thin wonir imvn recolved some very Intorostlng loans of rollcos, but thoy aro anxious for others and nnyono having, anything In tho lino of old coins, bookB, clothing, pictures, Jewelry, sllvor, etc., that dnto back to tho civil war and earlier and will lot Mrs. Flold, Sponcor or Ilinman know, thoy will gladly call for them mm promise a saro return. Tno ox ljlbit will ho opon from 2:30 till 5:30 in tho afternoons anil nt Mfwlit n'ninnU Thursday nnd Friday' dvoningH. An admission of 25 contn will hn oh lor adults nnd 10 cents for chlldron. Saturday will bo children's day. Col onial ladlos will sorvo refreshments to nil who como. On Friday, Nov. 28, nt 2 p. m., In tho basomont of the public Hbrnry Miss .leanouo jonnson, or tho University School of Agriculture, of Lincoln, will Klvo a demonstration of mnntlnno dlnii. ob and whoatloss broad. Tho popart- mont or agriculture 1 Bonding out thoso "demonstrators at its own ox- ponso and tho local oxponsoa of the demonstration will bo borne by tho domestic sclonco department of tho 20th Conturv club. It. iu linnml tlint ovory lady In North-Plntto who possibly can no so win taico ndvantngo of this opportunity. Don't buy n niann of nnvhnilv till 'you seo our atock and got our prices nnu terms, vvamor Music Co. It Is probablo that whon all ronorta aro In It will 1m found that tho total for tho county is not short of $0,500. The List. First ward $284.00 Second ward 534.45 T.hird ward ..' CD0.20 Fourth ward (not reported) McCnbo'Hotol block 525.G0 Wilcox Storo block 50.00 McDonald Bank block 348.00 Plzor Storo blo!k 109.50 First National Unnk block .... 150.50 Star Clothlpg Houso block..,. 507.00 Senior High School '., 102.47 Junior High School 102.27 Washington School 23.37 Lincoln School 10.43 Jefferson School 0.33 Total for City $3,453.12 Outsido Towns Sutherland $9C5.00 Drndy 481.00 a school friond ot Miss Ida Ottonstoln. of this city. Tho young ladlos attend ed tho snmo school nt Chicago sovoral yenrs ago. no:: Yo Colonial ladles Invito youi pres ence to yo houso of Mistress Thomas Pattorson on Thursday, Friday or Sat urday of this week to seo yo old relics displayed. A tax o two bits will bo levied on yo big folks and a tax of ton conts for yo llttlo folkB. Yo doors will bo opened wide at 2:30 and eight o'clock each day and oronlng oxceptlng Saturday which will bo llttlo folks day nnd then only rtt 2:30 for tho af tornoon. Tho Lutheran cocngregatlon will glvo a reception for tholr now pastor (and hlB wlfo, Rovorond nnd Mrs. Koch, on Friday ovonlng, November 23d, nt olght o'clock at tho parlBh houso. , Tho rogulnr mooting ot tho Econ omy Knitting club to havo boon hold this wook, hns boon postponed until noxt wook. THE UNIVERSAL CAR It la surely worth while toybo tho owner or a Ford Car representing, ns ItdocN, the most direct and likewise tho widest variety In scrvlco ,to users. ItccaiiNo of the profit i able work Ford cars arc doing for your neighbors does It not appeal to you that a Ford car 1m your necessity? Tho prices aro so reasonable nnd tho cost to operate and mnlH. . tain so smalt think It over. Runabout, $315; Touring Car, $300; Coupclet, $505; Town Car, $505; cdan $015; One-Ton Truck Chassis, $000. Theso prices f. o. b. Detroit. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO: i Notlco to Non-Resident Defendant Bvrdo M. Jnhnnnn. ilnfnnilnnt will t.ko notlco that on tho 10th day of July, 1917, Frank L, Johnson, plain tiff, fliftri llffl nntltlnn Int lin niufrlt Court of Lincoln county, Nobraska ngninst said doienuant, tno oboct,and prayer of which aro to obtain a di vorce from tho said defendant on tho grounds that tho defendant willfully abandoned thn nlnliflff wlthmtt cmnA Cainn for morn tlinil turn vnnra Inat past, andvon tho further grounds.that uounuant commuted auuuory and plaintiff has not . cqhablted with do fondant slnco tho discovery of said inenso. You aro renulrad in nnnwnr nnlrl nn tltlon on or boforo Monday, tho 31st fitiiika Tin (Wrltton by a soldier In thptronches and published In tho Amorlcan Flold ServiceBulletin, -Paris.) You may talk about your voltaren When you'ro Hilling round tho quarters, Hut wlA'n It comes to getting blesses In, Take a llttlo tip from inc, Lot those heavy motors be, Pin your faith to Henry IVs old Huukn Tin, Give her essence and l'oaii, Crank her up and let her go, You back flrln,' spark plug foulln' lliiuka Tin. i 1 Tho pnlnt Is not so good, And no doubt you'll find the hood Will rattlo like a boiler shop en route; The cooler's sure to boil, , And perhaps she's leakln' oil, Then oftentimes the horn declines to toot. Hut when the night Is black, And there's blesses to take back And they hardly giro you time to take a smoke, It's mighty good to feel, When you re sitting at the wheel, She'll bo running when the bigger cars aro broke' After all the wars arc past, . j And we're taken homo at last, To our reward of which the preacher sings, When these ukulele sharks Will bo strumming golden harps, , And tho aviators all havo regular wings, When tho Kaiser Is In hell, With tho furnace drawing well, Paying for his million different kinds of sin, , If tlioy'ro running short of coal, - Show mo how to reach the hole, And I'll cast a few loads down with Hunka Tin. Yes, Tin, Tin, Tin, You exasperating puzzle, Hunka Tin, ' " Fro abused you and Pre flayed yon, Hut, by Henry Ford yho mado yon, You aro better than a Packard, Hunka Tin. Hendy-Ogier Auto Co. - uay ot jjecemDor, ii7. n20- FRANK L. JOHNSON.