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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1917)
ct- Vl.inuun,-- rtiv"t im Glasses time is drawing near Winter time is hard on eyes. The days are short and. the evenings long. Work and reading are done by artifical light, and the eyes are apt to bo strained. One ought, nt the beginning of, winter, to have Clinton examine the eyes It may be no help is needed. If that is the case, you'll be told so frankly. But if eye strain is present, the exact lenses to end the strain, improve and preserve your sight and health, will be prescribed. CLINTON, Graduate Optician, At tho Sign of tbo Big Mng. m IJIG CIIOWI) ATTENDS CLOSING DAY OF FA I It " Tho Lincoln county fair closed Sat urday aftornoon -with a record crowd In attemlanco. Tho races Friday and Saturday wonei tho nlagn'ei whlchttlrow, and so far as wo have been able to loam everybody was wopl pleased. The .... norso racos a riuay aftornoon jrtvas a repetition-of tho oxcltlng events held Wednesday and Thursday! and the wild west stunts were fuDl of ginger;. Tho only horse race Saturday was for Lincoln county horses, and those en tored werto by Ulankcnburg Brother? and Cy Russell. Tho former wdn. Tho .automobile races wcro tho Sat urday afternoon feature. Tho first was a slow racfr on high and was won by a Cadillac eight from tho Romlgh garage. A car from this garago also won tho rolay raco. In tho. three mllo radii for Fords, a Sutherland car took first money and Raymond Oglcr second. Tho flvo mile rnce was won by King Ridley, of Oshkosh, anil he was also, winner of tho twenty-five mllo raco. LOCAL AND PEB50NAL A beautiful lino of Patterns to be dlally Invited to attend our special (lis Fifth. B. J. Curtis and wife wiesit toOmaha Sunday to attend tho Ak-Sar-Bon fes tivities. Tho Indian Card Club will moot with Miss Alma "Waltemath Wednesday af ternoon. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Mrs. Charles Calhoun and daughter left Saturday for a visit with friends in Kimball. Mrs. I. K. Neoloy, of Laj Sai'JIo, 111., arrived Sunday to visit her Hon, who has boon spending tho summor in town. " FOR SALE Flvo room houso, mod em excopt boat; located at 214 south Ash. Phono Red 388. 727 Tho RoboUah Dogroo will hold a Mansington In tho L 0. 0. F. hall Fri day aftornoon of this week. A flno 15 cent lunch will bo served from 4:30 to 0 o'clock. Miss MayboKlo Burke,, of, tills city", has boon scllccted aa ono of tho QUtr of- town maids of honor for tho Ak SarjIJon batf at Omaha Friday night of ,tlils wcok, , Wanted I want to rent a modern, or -nearly mo!?rn Hvo or six room house, by Octobo'r IGUi. Phono Black 205 74-2 Mr. and Mrs. 1X3. R. Goodman and son Joh'n.roturnod Sunday ovonlng from an auto trip to Minneapolis, Thoy spont sovoral wcolcs Jn that aoctioa of Minnesota and had a dollghtftfl tlmo. For Salo Excelsior Motorcycle, 1917 modol, 20 horso power. Prlco $150.00. Address Honry Schaofor, North Platto 75-2 Tho Presbyterian aid society will moot Thursday aftornoon with Mrs. P. J. Barron, 312 wost Socoud etroct In entertaining MrB. Barron will bo assisted by Mrs. L. E. Hastings and Mrs. Josso Edwards. , ' Farhiors -If you want clovor thresh ing dono wo havo rocloanlng attach ment.. Call or write. J. II. Larkina, Sutherland, Neb. 75-3 W. V. Hoagland returned Saturday from Omaha whoro ho appoarod boforo tliq district exemption board in bohalf of a Logan county man who had rog Istorcd and had boon oxamlnod but was later found to bo ovor ago. Tho presentation of tho nocx4ssary ovldonco resulted in tlio man being exomptod. Mrs. Ralph Gannan loft last night for Malvern, Iowa, to visit hor mother for a taw days. Wanted, by a coupjfo, 3 unfurnished rooms in a modern houso. Address P. O. Box 180. 75-2 County Supt Gantt left yesterday for Brady whctro sho will spend soveral days visiting schools. For Ront Two unfurnislied rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire at 321 west 9th street. Hugh Scoonovcr, a former North Platto clothier, Is now manager of a J. C. Penny istoro at Fergus Falls, Minn. Mrs. Geo. W. Finn SJolt hiHt night for Omaha to meet Mr. Finn who is onrouto homo from a visit In Now York. 1 Mrs. F. W. Rlnckor will cntortain tho members of Chaptor A. K. P. E. O at a ro-assteimblng luncheon at hor honu) Wednesday at ono o'clock. Slioriff Salisbury or Deputy Wilson wiIL,,tako Robert Jandus, who plead guilty to forgery, to tho state penitem tfary, at Lincoln tomorrow. For Sato A Hoywood reed baby car riago, a baby's bed, a Wondor Vacuum Washing Machine AW In good condl tlon'androasonabt'e. Phono 202. 75-1 Harry Dixon will glvo a silvor cup to tho school child In Garden county who'ls awarded first iprlzo for tho best ossaj at tho LowcClon fair this wpek. A real Icetato doalor tolls us many Inquiries for Lincoln county land aro bolng mado, and that ho expects to cloo a llialf dozon or more sales with in tho next thirty days. Mrs. J. W. Fltzpatrick chtortainol six ladlos Saturday afternoon in favor of Mrs. J. C. Million, of Omaha, who was hor guost laBt week and who has sinco returned homo. . North I)!atto boys soom to bo doing protty woll at Ft. Riloy. Billy Wood ring is a mess sorgleant, Arvo Potor Bon has boon made a sergeant and A. Hotchklss 1b a corporal. Hotchklss In a lottor to afrlond says: "Tef.l tho next bunch thatls coming hero that this place is nl. right." Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, Building & Loan Building.. BOtf Ralph Adams, formerly elevator con ductor at tho fodornl building, has boon In town for a fow days, Whllo attonding ,school at Kearnoy, Wet rog istorcd for military sorvico, has been cortflcd and loaves wtli tho Koarnoy continent for Ft. Rli'oy Thursday morning. n Life Ik Strenuous at Ft. Jllley hi a lottor to Ray Cantlln, Leonard Redmond says In part:' "This i3 sure soma 11 Bet Riso at 5:45, and fall in; thon moss and after that drill till noon mess. Thon wo fait in again and drlf'l until mess at supper tlmo which ds about 5:30. Then we havo until 9:30 when lights go out and wo must bo in bUd. That Is somo day, don't you think? Wo aro not allowed to leavo cafp yet, and probably won't fdr Hi month yet Arvo Peterson. Casev and myself aro In tho same "company with thoso of the North Platte boys who came first, but tho rest of the Lincoln county boys aro scattered, af.1 through tho 3G5th regiment. Castey has his camera with him and today they gavo us permission to tako pictures." ::o:: September Weather Tho monthly summary issued by Observer Shilling of the U. S. wcathor bureau, gives tho maximum tempera ture last month at 93 and the mini mum 37, with 40 degrocs as the groatest dally ranga. Tho. month loss than ono decree warmor than normal for Soptomber. Tho rainfall during tho month was 2.68 inches com pared with aovtcnty ono hundredths !of an inch In September last year arid 1.81 inchog In September, 1915. There worla light frosts on tho 20th, 27th ami 30th, but so light that It did not Injure vogletatlon of wy kind A TIME FOR CARE Now is the time to magnify the size of every cent. Extra care is demanded and it will lead to permanent habits of thrift and prosperity if you take advantage of the Savings Account System of the McDonald State Bank. You and every member of your family should have an account here. v It takes only a dollar to start and a little perseverance to keep it up. , McDonald State Bank. vhio Sold' tho 'Whiskey? John H. Casper, onlei of tho concej- alonalros on tho fair grounds last wook has been sued for fifty dollaik by Jossio A. Wright who was em ployed by him. Casper's belongings wore attached by an pffldsT 'and In a suit caso was found a bottlo of whis ky. Tho girl was askod whero Cas per gat the boozo. "Hero In town," sho answorfctl. Askod from whom he purchased It, sho ropliod "a man wearing nn officer's star." The of ficers aro now looking for tho boozo podgier who woro a Btar. ITHER5 t - . 1 " Hitjs fi&ii liP jfsi i The convertible sedan is7 as, admirably adapted to a man's business as it is to a woman's social engage ment. Comfortable protection is always at the occupant's com mand. Its -marked driving ease appeals particularly to ..the woman who likes to handle her own car. It will pay you to visit us and examine this car. The gasoline consumption is usually low. The tire mileage is unusually high Touring Car or Roadster, $835; Coupe $1265 (All prices f . 0. b. Detroit) 1 ; -: :o: : Now Duties for tho Local OffIccB Effoctivo at once the North Platto postwffice will bo tho supply and ac counting offlco for ton of tho larger postofflcos In Lincoln county. Tho local offico will supply direct afl the stamps, stamped envelopes and post cards needed by those ten county of flco3 and in addition will audit tho ac counts of thoso offices instead of hav ing this work dono In Washington. Tho North Platto postofflco Is thus growing fn Importanco with a wider rango of duties and additional oniploy 03 must necessarily fodlow. Dancer Appointed Mall Clerk. Washington nows In yostorday's pa- pors Btatod that Mllo M. Dancer, of this city, had been nppolntod a rail way mall clork on a run in Nobraska. Dancer Is at presont at Fort Rtloy, having bfcen sont tlioro with tho last quota of men. Whether ho wii'l bo rt teased from military sorvico to sorvo in tho maty sorvico, Is not at this tlmo known. :o: ; Delauoy to Hot Springs Dorr Tarkington wont to Omaha Sunday night and wlfl aexfiinipany Clou'do Dolaney to Hot Springs, Ark. Claudhad beon taking treatment at St. Joseph's hospital at Omaha, but wilthout improvement, and ho con- cludod upon ndvlco of 'tho physicians to go to Hot Springs. ::o:: Managor Garman has booked for Oc tobor in th and 16th Incogs mKllon dol lar spoctaclo, "Civilization," said to bo tho most succoBstuf. production in tho annals of motion plcturo history. In tho plcturo is shown poaco, thon war, thon poaco restored, with battles in tho air, on "land and on tho soa. There la a wondorful musical Betting to tho Im posing Ihomo. Tho admission prices wtl bo 25c, COc and 75c. J. V., ROMIGH, Corner Sixth anfi Locust. ' NORTH LATTE, NER. Conclude Examinations Tho board of oxamlners concluded Saturday examining tho additional ono hundred men called Cast week, and expect another call before many days. Of tho hundred men examined Friday and Saturday about sixty per cent filed exemption, and a dozen or moro woro discharged on account of physical disability. Elghtoen men are still required to HI,'. Lincoln county's quota of onei hundred and fifteen. ,T O " " Delinquent Tax List On tho extra pages of Tho Tribune today will bo found tho delinquent tax list, that Is, a list of lots and lands on which tho 191G taxes havo not been paid, and tho racts will bo offered for an?o November 5th for the taxes duo. Tho list is much Bmaller than usual, an Indication that with tho av erage tfand or lot owner money Is more Jilentlful wlUi them and hence thoy did not allow their taxes to become delinquent. ::o:: Jandus Sentenced for Forgery Robert Jandus, alias Robert Chaura, pleaded guilty to tho charge of for gery boforo Judgo Grimes Friday and was given a sontonco of from ono to seven years. As Jandus was out on parole from a sentence Imposed on .tho samo chargo nt Oga.alla somo tlmo ago, tho second sentenco will bo gin when tho fist BentJclnro expires. On August 5th Jandus wrote a chock on tho T'atto Valley Bank In favor of Robort Chaura, signing tho nnmo of Mllo Marshall Dancor and cashed it at ono of tho R. R. Dickey stores. -: :o: HIGH OltADK PIANO FOR SALE Wo havo loft on our hands at North Platto a now piano for which no rea sonable offor will bo docf.inod if takon at onco. Quality guaranteed. If In tjerostod, wrlto tho Donvor Music Com pany, Donvor, Colorado, at onco for particulars. 74-8 Suit Filed Against Scliarmnn The following from tho Jvenrney Hub rain tea to a formor North Platto boy: "Suit wns filed Saturday morning In tho district court by tho Union Pacific Railroad, naming Andrew M. Schar- nian, of Koarnoy, und George C Sayles, of Minneapolis as dofondants In a 'udgmont, Scharmann was so voroly hurt ovor a year ago In an ac- oidont on the switch onglno, of which ho was onglneor. Tho court granted hi in $10,000 Judgment .but tho nttor noy, Mr. Saylos, Is claiming ono-third las his share. Scharmann has beon paid $G,tiG7.G7 of tho vordlct but tho romaindor has been placed in tho dls fcrlct clerk's hands until It Is doclded who Is ontitlod to It -ox- Mrs. 0. II. Thoolecke will orttortaln tho Club Novlta Wednesday aftornoon Lost at tho fair grounds or on Uio road to town, a ladies' tan spring coat. Finder return to Hotel McCnbo and ro- colvo reward. i3B The undersigned will sell at Public Sale at the Guy Fear place 8 miles south and 2 miles east of Sutherland and 13 miles northeast of Wallace, on ednesdav, October, 101? Commencing at 10 O'clock a. m. the following: EAD 0 F CATTLE Consisting of Cows, Calves and Yearling Steers 80 Stoek Coavs 25 Yearling' Steers 5 Good arilcli Coavs JO Calves 50 HORSES AND MULES 4 three j enr old mules, weight 1000 pounds each 1 suckling inulc 1 good work fenm, 9 years old, weight 2300 1 buckskin mare 7 years old, weight 1100 1 sorrel mnro, 7 years old, weight 1100 1 hay mnro 5 yenrs old, weight 1200 2 hay marcs 1 years old, wcighht 1300 each 4 four year old hroke geldings, weight 1200 each 1 hay mare 0 years old, weight 1200 1 sorrel mare 7 years old, weight 1400 1 black mare 5 years old, weight 1400 1 pair gray mares ( years old, weight 2200 1 pair black mares 0 and 8 years old, weight 2000 1 pair mares 4 years old, weight 2200 1 bay mare 'I years old, weiirht 1100 1 pnir 5. year olds (liny) weight 2200 5 two year old colts 3 yearling colts 0 suckling colts 1 pair saddle ponies, 5 years old. These mares are all in foal. 25 Hogs-3 pure bred Jersey Sows, 22 Shoats 1 top buggy and driving harness nearly new. Lunch served on the ground by Smiley Dawson. TEHMS: Sums of $25 and under, cash; on all sums ovor $2 a credit of 0 months will bo given, purchaser giving note with approved security hearing 10 per cent interest from date. o property to bo removed until settled for by cash or note. SANDERSON & FEAR PHILLIPS & SHAPPELL, Auctioneers. R. A. SCOTT, Clerk. -4