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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1917)
4 -Hi ' " ft ah' "JjjF THIRTY-THIRD YIM. roniY.six aioitE men TO GO I2XT TJIUJtSDAV Forty-aix more Lincoln oountv nion Tlmrsdiy'mSnl S',,1 ed this morning from tlio governor's otflco by Shorltf Salisbury, mouiber 01 ino examining board. On account .f m, i i.i i JSSW1 Ak-Sar-llon In Omaha next hundred men called tho early part of I Ck- tlilo u-onk tlm n , Miss Knnlnn Tililtntrc lnff rHcafr.lnv "will bo sont to Ft. Itllcjy wild not be uiado up until tonight. i Whothor forty-sLx men aro nvnll ablo for this call without Incudlng at feast as rttorn r?.T:, who will bo examined and 'passed to- .lnv nr,l .v-..... ...Ill ... i. , wlm win h vn;,in,i ;,i V r uu. uuu WU1U11UIV, will 11UU UD ItliqWIl oy tno hoard until they aro chocked up at tho mooting to be hct'd lata this ovenlng. The board is somewhat "up ln tho air," for not aOl tho names sont to tho district board havo been acted ffioC kSow Z i ? h not iiuuroioro Know now many will bo ex.' pmntPil or PnrMflml .., wu' ftffiwn fnni 5 sepvlco. Tho available stock of men on hand sub- ject to bo sont to Ft. KUoy is not in' any event iarge and tho board may irun pretty dloso on tho call. Including tlio presont call to colors, Lincoln county wlfl havo sent oighty flvo per cent of Its quota to Ft. Riley, leaving but eighteen men yet to bo sent. It is believed, however, that tho Washington authorities aro get ting roady to lssuo a call for not less than 500,000 men, in which event Lin- cq n county would .bo asked tk furnish in tho neighborhood of ono hundred, way more men. It is also probable thatj Vred C. Pleterson writes from Camp orflars will bo given shortly to call Cody that with plenty to eat and a good Jn for examination evory man whiojcot on which to sleep, ho Is contented registered, in order that each one may and happy, and as are the other North know his statusi that is, whether he Is ' to be cortiflfrd or whether ho is to be 'exempted. It might not be ou of place for every drafted man in Lln co'n county who does intend to cCaim exemption to look ahead and make hln arrangements for becoming a sol dlor within tho next six mouths. The homo of John Eckoff in the southwest part of town was destroyed by fine early Monday morning. Tho family managed to save a part of tlio furniture and clothing, and the flames did not spread to any of tho father buiCdings. SutherCand Free Lance. x Dr. Morrill, Dentist. It now develo'ps that tho near rfot at Gering last Saturday over tho ac tions of the exemption board in Oma lia was caused by a q'.erlcal error. A volunteer stenographer assisting the district board in Its work listed tho oxompted men in tho wrong column. Dr. Brock, Dentist', over Stone Store, All members of the Woman's Chris-1 tian Temperance Union are invited to, bo presont at tho home, of Mrs. Ella Hartman, 310 west Sixth street, at North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023 tf three o'clock, October 2d. North I Lincoln county ear owners will bo 1NO" io o Lo.ii on m u P'atto union havo tried the "Woh-one". interested In knowing that a general l Down ln Harlan county tho local plan Superintendents will' bo elect- reduction in tho prlc.6 of gasoline is board denied tho claim of W. H. Mur Li i contomn'ated by tho federal! author!- ray, a prcaiehier. for exemption. Ho In the mlllincry department you ; can, rest assured you got the most stylish hats a going, at a money sav ing prlco. A nowfot of misses' and children's hats just opened this morn ing at The Leader Mercantilo Co& This department Is in charge of Mrs Urra SailOr. XOUW get UIO Oust ill tho lowest prlco. Touring $360.00 Runabout . $345.00' Sedan . $645.00 Couplet . $505.00 Ford Truck $600.00 All other cars arc increasing and increasing again in price as, well as tires, oils, gas and accessories at an enormous rate. This should make every, purchaser consider the FORD because it is an established fact the most economical car operated in the WORLD. Your signed order with deposit puts you on our list for delivery. See us at once. We control the surrounding territory of North Platte, Bignell, bomerset and Hershey. HJENDY-OGrlER AUTO CO.7 Phone 34, Cor. 4th and Dewey AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE ClTi' AND COUNTY NEWS. Carl Simon snont vcstordnv In Sld- oy transacting bualnosa. J- E. Weeks? of Grand Island, has Try Splcor's Now Chb If you B'ro good cab service. Phono 247. do- tTt. n ...1 T T Tt1.l ... 1 1 i I " j i-uiRiiis win to rosumo her studios ln Bryn Mnwr colCego near Philadelphia. H. F. Woods and daughter, who f.Mr- 9"d Mrs. Chas. amgioion, reiurnou to Denver yostor- ,inv. Now drosses arriving all tho time. A nlco assortment to sq'.oct from. For stylo and workmanship nono bettor. E. T. TItAMP & SONS. Mrs. Ea Mao Lanyon Is visiting friends in Cleveland, Buffalo and Pitts- imrn-i, mnir jnft tnr. o-nt i Y . ' " ",u v"- Weok. . ... . juck iMonroo, wno uau ocon Spending several months In New York City, has returned to town and will probably again make this his homo. On and After October First , SHOES ARE CASH ' Dicuor k Fleishman. Rather than go to war, Paul Wink ler, a drafted man living near Crtto, took a doso of strychnine and winked out. Poor matorlal for a sofdier, any- Platto boys. At tho sitting of the federal grand Jury in Omaha yestorday, Frank Klr by, of tills county, was Indicted as -a "slacker," having refused or neglecct ed to register. The crowd at tho fair yestorday was about half as largo as tho enter taining features warranted. The man agement, howovor, anticipate a big crowd today and tomorrow. On and After October First SHOES ARE CASH KJeuer & iielshman. . Tho Et-a-Virp club was pleasantly, ls ovldoncco that tht boys aro' making ontertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.'g00(, James Kennedy. In tho card games "Bay" Ottenstoln, who has afso boeu iprlzos wore avarded t0 Mrs. Edmund at the naval station has passed an ex Dickoy and Mrs, A. E. Tlmmerman. aminatlon for nava(! aviator and will Another lot of womon'a georgette and ho stationed on ono of the battleship's. crepe do chlno walats arrived this I ::o:: morning by express direct from tho Jy roigns supreme in tho houses of makers, now on sale at The Leader Mercantilo Co.'s. w. ii. upuueo anu aiavK aim ueorge woods, prominont men or omaiia, ar- ttSJJVt KSSSS i fe, country to hunt ducks for two' or uireo days. I i ties. Tho government says tho "price Is too high and a reduction must be made. W. R. Maloney returned this morn ing from Ofnha, where as secretary of tho stato cmbalmors ho attended a meeting of tho state board of health. Throu4 hls offort3 tho board con ,, tn 1,,1 fl, nvt votnlnnMnn for fnibn1morn at North Platto. THE REVERSAL CAR 1 NORTH PLATTE, NEB., ltlCJII UAI WILL HIT XE111LVSKA J10USK ritOl'EItTr Negotiations nro expected to bo com pleted today for the transfer of the Nobraskn. Houso property on Front street from Fred W. Cross to Itlohl Ugal, who owns the adjoining propor- ty on tho wost. The consideration Is to be elchteon thousnnfl doll ntn TVir . . . . . i-iUio Drosont mem win ubq tlio imKii- lng, connection with tho Paaco Cafe, 8,V,ng hi,,V ,"oedc(1 rooiu SoL d,n,n? rOOlU Olid Kitchen purposes. Tho Wnl "Jcct4 n buying, howovor, Is to tear "own tUo Present building and orect a modern structure. Tho rise of Itlchl has lieisn nhnnnmc. nnl. It-la not many years since he was a japanoso orrand boy ln tho lo cnl railroad oiTlco: ho Is rapidly bo coming ono of our hoavlest real icstato owners. Governor docs lo Washington Governor Nnvllln ilnft fnr WnaMni ton yestorday afternoon where he will confer with tho department bfflcla-ls .n n. .. ,, , Biuiiii mu Hiatus UI UIO iNOUraSKft Guard. Tho rumor that tho Nebraska i,rlen,in wna miim L f S ?, , " v." . M " divided among othor units of tho omn ia not at all pleasing to tho Nobraska oxocutlvo and ho wVl endeavor to use his Inlluonco against such a movo. Ifo will also over othor majors, preferring to get nlattors first handed instead of waiting for things to como In the usual slow manner. ::o:: Wild West Features Good Tho Wild West features of tho coun ty fair are receiving moritod com men datlons. C ol. Loo Cnso with his mule which positively refuses to be r.'dt don, aro there, as aro also some mighty . o'i r;(k-i i nd a big lm vr horscM that aro as lunr outlaws ns can be plckod up ln this western country. In tho got up of this part (of tho show thoro is 'plenty of vim and pop, and combined with tho races and tho froe attractions there Isn't a dull moment from two until six o'clock. ::o:: Xorth Platte Hoys Advanced -Word has been received from Clar icmco Day, Walter Hoxlo and Jesse Vomon, who havo been at tlio Great Lakes training station that they havo bq?,n advanced in rank. Thoy go to Minneapolis for a short time, thonce to tho Harvard school for furthor In struction in wlrr1psa tfj'oprnnliv. Thla tho WaCtemaths, a girl baby having noen oorn Tuesday to Mr and Mr; Will Wni'tomath. Tho mother and 1 fant are Uolng nlcol tho fathop th(nkg ci,ft m,o miiv ?w .titlc I,1U,U ""UIUOie 1110 mayorsnip. Choice vegetables and cut flowers at nppoal'.ed to tho district board and that board upho. d the local board. Murray says ho ls a licensed preacher for tho Pontocostal church of tho Nazarcnc, nnd can't participate ln the war from spiritual vlow. However, under tho ruling of tho district board ho must "do his bit" For qnlck notion and satisfactory nJn Wot vnur lntnl with 'l'liool' tf SEPTEMBER 28, 19(17,, , ! Ml ifclT t Municipal Chorus v! ' Tho Music nnd Art Doparlmont of tho Twentieth Contury Club will or ganize a municipal chorus, composed entlroly of womon's voices, Sunday, Soptombor 30th, at 3 p. m., ln the Frankln auditorium. Ai l womon, old young or mlddlo aged, aro Invited to como out and Join us ln singing our national hymns nnd othor music. There is much unknown talent in our city and many boautlful voicos we havo hoard and onjoyed nnd our objret Is to combino Uio known and hithorto unknown tnlont, thnt we may perfect an organization such as tho well known Mendfr'sshon choir of Omnha, which was startod in Just this mannrr. j It makes no difforonco what your fnm l.y may aay of your voice, if you like to sing, como out, and you may bo sure of a hearty wolcomo and appreciation. Don't bo a slnckor. Let ovory woman respond nnd loud hor nld In making this chorus a success. Let ua put iNortu nunc on tho muaicaj map. COMMITTEE. . : :o: : It Mors nre Injured. Over at the fair grounds this wdr,k, ono of tho foaturts of tho afternoon ontertalnmont are the wild west stunts. 111080 opfrneri Wodnosday with suffi cient sensntlona)' turns to satisfy tho most exacting. Sovoral of tho rldors woro thrown nnd two seriously In jured. Sholly Constablo was thrown from a niulo nnd IV?11 iii such a mnn- nor ns to fracture a 'eg just abovo tho ankle, eimor Eckluntl. was brushed off a long-oared animal when it ran among a bunch of horsos and boforo ho could got n't) wns tranutatl unon. Tho third accident occurred to a boy nnmod Lake who was riding in tho half mFo dnsh, and slipped from tho sadd'.e. Constablo and Ecklund wore taken to a hospital for troatmlcnt. ::o:: Good Ituces at tho Fnlr The racos at ho county fair, not withstanding tho track is slow, nro exceptionally good and aro pleasing the crowds. Tho ovents Wednesday, togethor with tho entries and time woro ns follows: 2:14 Pace Etta Maxey 4 4 4 3 F'.ash H 2 1 f 1 Doonoy R 3 3 3 4 Stellno El-llo ,1 2 2 2 Timo 2:25; 2:24; 2:23; 2:25. 2:19 Trottlnc Lady South 2 Miss GaVoy ... i 3 1 Trapolis 3 2 Time 2:27; 2:24M ; 2:23V. 3 Year-Old Trot" Dusty Girl ; 1 Fred Todd ,..2 JJEIy Breeze .3 Time 2:40; 2:3G. 1L T T 1 1 n rIlDancIng Star v . I U.U.I 11 MIL Inovntion Tho races yesterday afternoon were oven bettor than thoso of tho preced ing day; they were for "bind" in each event, as -was ovidonced by tho "cuss Ins" tho drivers gavo each othor. An added events was an exhibition milo y "iowor Forbes." a two year oJd paeor owned by E. D. Gould, of Kear ney. Tills pretty little animal wont the milo in 2:17 on a soft diiHt trnoU "Flower Forbes" holds tho record for a racer of her ago. Tlio raco card for todny is osbcclal 'y attractivo and is dosorvlnir of a h!" nttendanxc. What Ho Didn't Know Peyton R. Ilayden wns long'n con spicuous tlgure among tho lawyers of Boone county. Whllo ho was fond of studying lawbooks, he cared little about literature. During n recess one day in the Boone county courthouse a lawyer mimed Field from Lafayette county asked him what he thought of Byron's "Chlldo Harold." Ilayden replied: "Egod, sir. I did not know that By. ron had a child named Harold." "Bench and Bar of Boone County, Mo." A Giveaway. Mrs. Blabbit-1 don't like her nt nil, dear. She's a deceitful woman. The other day she tiled to get mo to say Homuthiiig ngiiliiRt you Mrs, Gaddclgh -She did! IlowV Mr. B.-Vhy. she nuked mo to tell her confidentially Vt'h. i I really thought of you - Boston Trniiwrlpt. v Oddity of tho Sturgoon. '1'ht sturgeon lias no sl;uletou. Thin fish nas iiianv iiiIiitcIcm .m;1 In t !u lli iiloiig'llic laik ami slilcs. H'dinyi-tl'lu-n li's li IV hulled wlih "n little im l i '. w'll he seen '.'lit they me lin lit i ! !. iVMineuteil, smnevvliiit n uihlliis ivry .! Chim'M1 ran !ng. man okadi: itano ron salt: Wo havo loft on our hands at North Platto a now piano for which no rea sonable offor will bo (led lnod if takon at onco. Quality guaranteed. If In tl rostcd, wrlto tho Donvor Music Com- rany, Donvor, Colorado, at onco for particulars. 74-8 Fatty Arbuckle IN 'A ROUGH HOUSE' KEITH THEATRE Monday, October 1. V? .V THE C0UNTV FAIR IS !cldorfrom npplos whi,'o you wait; PROVING A REAL SUCCESS tractorB aro demonstrated; therois an , alfalfa grlndor, u wlro stretching ma- chlno nnd othor lmptomonts of Inter Tho Lincoln county fair oponod est to tho farmor. Wodnosday nftornoon at tlio cityi ::o:: i parlt undor tho most favorable condt- Suppose You woro a wlfo of two tioiiB Wo say tavorablo. lor tho wt Hth ! or ls all Unit could bo doelred and tlio oxhlblts aro such as to nrovo an ln dox of tho wondorfuf productiveness or Lincoln county as an agricultural and stock producing Boctlon. And not only in this line! ls tho fair n succosss,, for through tho exhibits of school work wo loarn what our chlulron aro doing In tholr dally tasks; by tho ox hlblt of hospital liooeds wo aro in formed of tho spfendld work bolng dono by that noblo organization Known ns tlio Rod Cross Socloty; through tho oxhiblt of tho Stato His torical Society wo havo an opportun ity to know much of Mio early history of tho statck In tho ontortalnlng line tho provisions aro amplo. Tho horse racos aro 'proving oxcoptlonnV.y good, tho wild west fctituros aro tho real thing, and tho frco attractions aro such as to command compllnionts. In addition thoro arc a number of paid attractions provided by tho Hodgson Shows. Novor boforo has agricultural hall contalnrtl a greator or moro varied exhibit of small grain, corn nnd vege tables. Thoro isn't an inch of this soc tion of tho building thnt la not takon up, and tho oxhlblts aro vory attract ively displayed. In nnothor Bcctlou of tho hall ls found samples of tho vogotables grown ln tho gardens of tho school boys nnd girls, and oxhiblt that la vory creditable, In anothor section Is fo'und tho county schocil ex hibit of ovory day -work, a showing that gives a convprcjionslvo vlow of what tho boys and gl:s aro doing. In this building is found tlio oxhiblt of tho stato historical socloty, a allow ing that Is intensely interesting. Near by aro articles tho Rod CrosH Society Is making for tho army hospitals and for tho dally uao of tho soldiers in tho handy artttfo known as "comfort kit." Then in othor sections wo find tho do mestic sclonca display and an oxhiblt of llowors. Taken as a whd.o the building ls a most interesting plnco to visit and an hour or so can ho proiitaiuy spent, Evory stall in 'the horso bam nnd In . tho cattle) barn Is flVod with animals that aro highly bred and rcglstorod. In tho horso exhibit aro throe ani mals owned by W. E. Contos of Koy storici and threo by W. W. Buchanan of Ogalalla, these in addition to oqual ly good horsos owned by Lincoln county mon. Tho cattle showing is good, a num ber of breeds bolng roprosonted, nV. lino looking and wiUi lineages that provo tho blood. Tho display of hogs Is not as heavy proportionately as horses and cattle, bill" thoro aro twef vo or flftoon pons of tho dlffeiront brcedti. Tlio poultry building Is well flllod, over ono hundred pons of chlckons, ducks and pet stock being shown In cluded is J. A. McDonald's ?100 Light Brahma rooster. Dawn by tho grand stand arci cen tered tho tontod shows, tho refresh ment stands, and tho various catch ponny dcvlcos found at a county show. Hero also ls rocatcd the automobllo oxhlblts In tents, oil tho locaC dealers being roprosonted In ono way or an othor. Sovastlan & Hodman havo a tent In which to boost Insurance nnd as a foaturo havo tho burned wrock j of an auto. Thoro ls a mill that niakos Buchanan 8c Patterson's Bargain List of Cottages and Bungalows. G01. Nice four room cottage and lot in the 1200 block, G18 Washington Street. Price $1000.00. G02. Neat four room cottage, 415 West 8th Street, close ln. $1500.00. G03. Four room cottage, 302 South Pine St. Price $1850. G04. Good six room cottage, modern except heat, G15 Bast Sixth St. $2100.00. G05. 600. 607. G084. 609. Fairly good cottage of six rooms with toilet, G20 Grant Street. $1200.00. Nice G room cottage, corner lot, shade trees, 721 west 7th Street. Price $2000.00. Handsome new cottage, five rooms, modern except heat, 214 South Ash Street. Price $2500.00. . h Dandy new bungalow, live rooms, modern except heat. Price $2800.00. Nice cottage, Ave rooms, modern except heat, with gas range, in 800 block East Third Street. Price $2800.00. Handsome new bungalow of five rooms, full mod ern; lot 66x132. This is ono of tho best built and best looking in the city. Located in 1300 block West Sixth. Price $3500.00. Nice new 7 room cottage, 1015 East 4th, modern ex 010. Gil. cept heat. Price $3650.00. If you aro paying rent, como and let us show you how easy you can buy any of the above list of homes and make the money you now pay for rent, help pay for one of these homes. Every one of these places are selected bargains and aro being offered at 10 to 25 per cent less than they can be reproduced for. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, SOLE AGENTS. 74 years and your husband hnd wways confided everything to you and then all at onco your husband rtefusod to toll you anything moro about his bus Incss affairs on tho advico of his now partnor and bolng away on long trips loft you nlono, wouldn't you foo ne 'glocltcd undor thoso clrcumstande'a? This ls tho stato of affairs Boss Hul otte ls up against ln "Tho Iron Ring" at tho Crystol Saturday nftornoon nnd ovonlng. Soo this production and loam what develops from thoso cir cumstances. ::o:: Mnkliifr Test WcIIh Tho first movo toward tho construct ion of tho now South Platto river brldgo south of town Is now bolng mado by County Survoyor Myors in tho way of sinking v'st wtlls to dotormlno blow docfr tho foundation lilies must bo driven. Tho plans and specification for tho brldgo aro being drawn In tho offlco of tho Btnto engineer at Lincoln. Womon'a nnd misses' coats, suits and dross-fa arriving dally at Tho Lrador MorcantHo Co.'s. Something now ovory day to show you. IMMEDIATE , DELIVERY . TALK. Tho crown of tho kingdom of Servla might bo easily ofi'orod for immediate dolivory, but tho crown of England or Italy might take somo thno to deliver. Tho worth whllo thlnga nro much sought after nnd when Fr. Auta Agent offers you nothing but iuinvcdlato do livory, romomber ho ls offering you uomuthlng , which soiihv on. olso docs " J 5L 1 b willing to soli you. I liavo told you that there was un oxcoodlng over-demand for Dodgo cars. Peop'.o want them faster than tho fac tory can build them. Tho U. S. Gov ernment wants them. Thoy havo boon tostcd and tried them out ln every kind of service. AI'most one-fourth of Dodgo Brothers output ls now b ing bought daily by tho government. I deslro horo ami now to deny any Btory that an order for a Dodgo car ;uoans 'protracted dolay, for wo can and will deliver you your Dodgo :ar In a roasonablo tlmo if you will but got your signed ordor in now. Tlio factory enn and la nqw dollvsrlng 'h socond largost number of cars and yours will como along soon. JhWo Sin m im "Service0' Qua Owners' North Platte, Heb. mSK 0o. ' .J '1.- .