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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1917)
THE 8Em. EEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEDRA8KA. ;RAISE CALF ON WHOLE MILK Various Supplements Which May Br Combined to Lower Coot of Ration Skim Milk Economical. (By U. S. HULCE and V. B. NEVENS. Illinois Agricultural Experiment Sta- tlon.) Raising tho dairy cnlf on whole milk nlone is too expensive. Thcro nro a number of supplements which mny bd combined with whole milk in order to lower the cost of the ration. Thq feeds most commonly used as whole milk supplements are skim milk, home-i mixed meals, commercial calf meals, and hay and grain. On farms whore skim milk is nvnll-; nble, it may ho substituted for whole' mllk In the ration of a healthy calf; when the animal Is three or four weeks of ape, n few days being necessary to Whole Milk Age (Holsteln). complete the change. If the skim milk is fed in a warm, sweet condition, ordinarily no difficulties will be ex perienced. Tho amount of skim milk fed may bf. increased as the calf In creases in size, but it is rarely neces sary to fed more than , 15 pounds dally, provided grain and a good qual ity of legume hay is being used. Where, the supply of skim milk will permit, it Is advisable to continue its use until the animal Is five or six months of ago in the case of grades, nnd for a longer period in the case of purebreds. Skim milk is one of tho most economical feeds known for producing grpwth in calves. WORK OF MILKING MACHINES t TeBt Made by United States Depart ment of Agriculture In Dairy Regions of Many States. The United States department of ag riculture has put out a bulletin on milking machines. They made studies in dairy regions in New York, Michi gan, Ohio and Illinois. They found that in herds of 15 cows or less tho average time required to milk a cow by hand Is a fraction over seven min utes, nnd by machine a fraction under live minutes. In herds of 50 cows tho average time required Is seven min titos, but by machine just a little more than four minutes. The cost per year to milk a cow in a herd of 15 cows or less is $10.91 by hand, and $10.45 when the herd num bered 50 cows or more. With machines the cost waa $11.75 per cow in herds of 15 cows or Jess, against $7.34 per cow per year with 50cows or more in tho herd. In computing these figures, a total of 150 farms were investigated. Inter est on the investmentj the value of gas and oil, the cost of repairs, de preciation nnd labor were all consid ered. SCOURS IN YOUNG ANIMALS Generally Result of Overfeeding or Use of Unclean Utensils Best to Reduce Feed. Scours In our nnlmals is generally the result of overfeeding or feeding from unclean troughs or buckets, or from feeding food that Is stale. Milk fed to calves should either always bo stveot, or always be sour. If It Is one thing one time and the other tho next, it will result In scours. Tho buckets should be as cnrefnlly scalded out as are the palls in which tho milking Is dooe. Musty or bin-burned grain should not bo fed, particularly to young animals. When tho calf gets too much milk or the young pig gets too much feed, we have scours, possibly thumps In the pig. The best remedy is to reduce 'the amount of feed, cltm up tho troughs and buckets, ncrt. give a good dose of castor oil. Two ounces Is a dose for a calf, and from a tempoonful to a des sertspoonful to a srCwlng pig, accord ing to its size. (DRYING OF DAIRY UTENSILS Process Equally as Important as Thor ough Cleaning- Especially in Summer Season. Much emphasis baa been laid upon thorough cleaning. Off dairy utensils, nnd rightly so, but the process of dry ing Is equally as Important hi warm w'uather. Drying sliould not be done with a cloth, but bf heating the uten sils in hot wator, steam or oven suffi ciently to evaporate moisture,, TRAP NESTS FAVORED Excellent Plan to Keep Flock Culled of Drones. Device Prevents Two or Moro Hens ' on Nest at Same Time Summer Troubles With Broody Fowls Are Greatly Lessened. (By A. F. HUNT. Jit.) I'oultrymen who have never handled tho individual hen as a unit, hut Judge the matter wholly by the records of flocks as a whole, have frequently claimed and have found apparent Toason to support the claim, that the typo of hen which lays well In winter is not the typo that lays well In sum- !mer; but trap nests records of Hocks that have been completely handled for eggs nil through the year do not support that theory. The hen that does not lay freely and profitably In summer when properly handled, docs not, ns a rule, show up on tho trap nest records as having laid remarkably well, either the previous or following winter. There nro exceptions, of course, but they are relatively few. It Is a most excellent Idea to keep the 'stock carefully culled' of drones and moderate layers, all the time, summer and winter. It Is the "persistent layer' 'that pays the year 'round pro fit in market eggs, and she Is the true ."lnylng-type" that trap-nesters count upon to perpetuate the prolific-laying habit in their stock. Summer lias its own peculiar condi tions that antagonize egg production, nnd the prollts are shrunken unless the "strictly fresh egg" Is always In de mand, hut eggs which are allowed to remnln In a hot nest, covered by sun dry hens that visit the nest through out the day, lose considerable of their freshness by night; whether the eggs are to be Incubated, marketed soon, or held In storage for future marketing, theh quality has been low ered. Trap-nesters remove the eggs from the nests from three to five times during tho day; as a rule the trap nest Is an Individual nest, und the layers ,nro not able to crowd two, three or more at once upon a nest of eggs, ocr Iheatlng eggs and hens, both, as Is fre quently the case whore the ordinary 'box nest Is used. Then, again, trap-nesters have found by experience that summer troubles with broody hens are greatly lessened by judiciously handling the nests. The .frequent handling of tho layers and prompt removal from the nest seems to diminish their brooding Inclinations, 'and they are more easily "broken up" 'when they do become broody. Many 'persistent layers in the incubating breeds do not become broody at all 'when using tho trap nests, but con tinue to lay .right through tho summer. '"Egg-eating Is a vice practically un- Trap Nest With Trigger Set. known where these nests are used," is tho report of many who have had long experience with good trap nests. It Is an Interesting fact that quite n number of the most successful trap nesters Installed and began to use trap nests during tho summer months. By fall they had become quite familiar with their use, and were in a position to exercise good judgment In trap nesting nnd culling the pullets, and the yearling hens through the molting period. It will be found that the great layers are remarkable for n tendency to molt without apparent loss of vigor, nnd they will continue to lay during a considerable portion, or the whole, of that period. It certainly Is an excellent plan to get the trap nests Installed during the summer months, become familiar with handling them without loss of time, and then one Is prepared to start tho new generation of layers upon the right road. SILOS OF MUCH IMPORTANCE Complement of Buildings on Dairy Farm Is Considered Ono of First Requisites. The value of corn sllago as n feed for dairy cows has been so well dem onstratcd and so thoroughly proven by the practical dairymen of every com munity that the farm on which dairy products are prodixwi in -sty volume which does not include a silo In Its complement of buildings is rare In deed. AVOID STORING DAMP GRAIN Farmer Should Not Indulge In Prac tice Unless He Has Ample Facil ities for "TutT,rQ." Do not store damp grain or hay un less you have adequate facilities for frequent "turning;" otherwise they are likely to go out of condition. rew farmers realize now small a percentage of moisture will cause nth ei-wlse good grain or hay to heat and deteriorate. GARBAGE TO HOGS AND HENS Immense Quantity of Wasto Accumu lates In Cities It Should Be Utl Ilzcd on Farms. (By B. H. WILLIAMS, University of Ari zona.; Garbage varies Greatly In Its com position, wholesomeness, nnd feeding qualities. Table garbage Is usually or a concentrated nature, and If used In the fresh condition makes a snlen- dld food for hogs and chickens. At lenst one hen and one-tenth of a hog may bo half fed from the garbage left from an average person. In cities this waste accummulates very rapidly, but there Is an Immense nnnntltv of It. and It should be utilized for productlvo purposes. The amount of garbago from hotels and restaurants Is very great, and stockmen should nrrange to feed It to nnlmals. Oarbuge may be fed alone, but It Is hotter to glye It to hogs along with a smaller quantity of grains and alfalfa pasture. Clean table scraps will make good hog feed alone. It Is Important, however, to keep the garbage clean and feed It fresh, for garbage polsonlnir Is very common In hog feeding. CONVENIENT TROUGH FOR PIG Placed Underneath Fence, With Gate That Will Swing Just Clear Ar rangement 13 Handy. The man w,ho slops his hogs will find this simple arrangement lndtspensn able after ho has given It one tryout. Hulld the device In the fence of your Handy Hog Trough. hog lot. For the top use n two by six or two by eight plank. Place the trough Immediately under neath, and then mnke the gate so that It will Just swing clear. The strap Iron shown is shaped so that it will fit In the trough nnd lock the hogs out or allow them access to the trough. PROVIDE FOR SEED SUPPLY While It Appears That There Will Bo Plenty If Properly Distributed Best to Plan Ahead, While It appears that there will ba plenty of good seed winter whent, seed winter rye nnd seed of other fall sown crops If tho available sup ply Is properly distributed, everyone who Is contemplating sowing an ncre oge of these crops this fall should provide for his seed supply as soon as possible. It will he neccssnry to ship seed wheat Into those sections where) the wheat winter-killed badly. In oth er sections which produced a good crop, the best of that crop should bo conserved cither on tho farms or In country elevators to meet the local and distant demands for seed purposes. If this precaution Is taken there will ho no need of sowing wheat, procured at tho last minute, which, though of com mercial value for milling, fowling or other Industrial purposes, Is unfit for use ns seed. TO KEEP FLIES FROM STOCK Ointments and Sprays Recommended by Colorado Expert for Protec tion of Farm Animals. (By GEOROE II. GLOVE II, Colorado Ag rlcultural Colloue, Fort Collins.) There Is nothing that will keep flies entirely nway from cattle but any ono of the following mixtures will bo found useful: One pound rancid lard ; one-half phit kerosene apply with the hands or brush. Three parts fish oil; one part kero sene apply with small spray pump. Two parts cottonseed oil, or fish oil ; one part pine tar apply with largo paint brush. Two ounces pennyroyal; one quart of olive or rape oil apply with brush. In case of the horn flay, pine tar or crude oil may be plastered around tho base of the horns or used somewhat diluted over tho head and shoulders. DESTROY HESSIAN FLY PEST Necessary Precautions and Proper Manuring Should Be Looked After This Autumn. Careful manuring nnd proper pre cautions against the Hcsslnn fly should he looked after this fall If wo are to do everything possible to avojd another short wheat crop. Plenty of barnyard manure, and clover, alfalfa, or some other legume in rotation furnish the nitrogen that wheat needs most cheaply, hut lime, phosphorus, nnd potash must some times be added In other ways. TIMOTHY HAY IS PREFERRED Calves Will Begin to Nibble When Only Few Days of Ago If Feed Ic Within Easy Reach. When only n few days of ago thci calves will begin to nibble hay if It Js within reach. It Is preferable to feed timothy for the first two or three months, after which alfalfa or clover hay will give better satisfaction. LIBERAL FEEDING OF CHICKS Failure to Sufficiently Feed Young Fowls Is Saving That Is Waste ful Keep Them Growing. In giving tho chicks tho best chanco we must not bo too stingy with our feed becauso it Is high. Nor think becauso the flock Is small that It can pick most of Its feed. There Is n sav ing that Is wasteful, nnd that is the Self-Feder for Chlck3. failure to sutllclcntly feed young chicks or any young nnlmals for that matter. Growth is put on moro cheaply when young" than at any other time. Cessa tion of growth when young Is fatal to complete development Inter and n suro damper on any profit or productiveness' from that Individual for all time. LITTLE HINTS OF CHICKENS Save Labor and Produce More Poultry and Eggs Cull Out All Market able Cockerels. Do not worry about prices, hut wor ry about mctlunls and management and how to save labor and produce moro poultry and eggs. Study tho best market and stylo of disposing of your product. Cull out tho young market cockerel now which will only grow Into a lively, active rooster n lighting machine, not n profit machine. Ills comb, his spurs, his crow and, high opinion of himself are without' value when he Is sold on tho market as a cockerel. Caponlzo him nnd ho gains weight twice as quickly at u less food' cost. Keep an eye on all sucli steps of management as will tend to Increnso the incomo without any Increase In cost. PREVENT HENS EATING EGGS Habit May Be Discouraged by Placing' China Eggs on Floor and Letting Fowls Pick Them. If you keep a few china eggs on the. floor about the laying hens or in the, yard, the hens will pick at these, and it will discourage them from attempt ing to ent the eggs In the nest. It Is also advisable to placo your nests nway from the light, ns the hens nro not apt to cat the eggs if tho nest Is rather, dark. Keep your nests up off tho floor. Supply oyster shell and somo meat food. If the hen persists in this bad habit, trim the point of her beak until it bleeds. Keep tho hens busy. Avoid broken eggs, as this is usually tho be ginning of tills trouble. RATS MULTIPLY IN SUMMER Cause Much Damage During Time. Chicks Are Neglected Because of Rush of Farm Work. Itats multiply and destroy during tho months when chicks are compara tively neglected because of tho rush of farm work. Try to remove hiding places by cutting the heaps of old boxes and boards Into kindling. Cut down tho weeds near tho chicken houses and brood oops. Don't leave grain hoppers open In tho chicken houses nt night, to bo destroyed by tho ravages of rats. Tho farmer who worked in tho Holds hist summer wan working for n better causo than as ft caterer to tho rat family. RIGHT PRODUCTION OF EGGS HenB, Like Men, Cannot L(&g Stand Overwork Avoid Trying to Make 200-Average. It Is possible to go to extremes in egg production. liens, llko men, can not long stnnd overwork. To havotho flock arerago 200 eggs a year & getting very closo to tho danger line. It means that every hen Is working nt high pressure. Flock averages of from 1C0 to 180 eggs nro heavy laying, nnd should satisfy tho most ambitious poultryman. BROILER DUCKS FOR MARKET Hotels and Restaurants Afford Profit able Means of Disposing of Young Fowls. Whcro you can find a market with hotels and restuurants small broiler ducks weighing two to throe pounds nro frequently profitable. Runners nhould make such weights at six to eight weeks of age. Milliards nro also worth considering. if to tiiek ifc Many Women in this Condition Re gain Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Convincing Proof Mrs. Lindsey Now Keeps House For Sovcn. Tennille, Ga. "I want to toll you how much I havo been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound. About eight years ago I gotinsuchftlowstato of health I was unable to keep houso for three in tho family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and hands nearly all the time and could scarcoly sleep at all. Tho doctor said I had a scvero caso of ulceration and without an operation I would always bo an invalid, but I told him I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my husband to get Lydia E. Pinldiam's "Vegetablo Compound and it has entiroly cured mo. Now I keep houso for seven and work in tho garden somo, too. I am so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it saved my lifo and havo recommonded it to others and they have been benefited". Mrs. V. E. Lindsey, R. R, 8, Tonnillo, Ga. If you want special advico wrlto to Tjydia E. Plnkliam Mcdl clno Co. (confidential) Bynn, mass. Your letter will lo opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. Carter's little liver Pills - You Cannot be Mfr Constipated and Happy Stn.1l Pill Smill Pill Small Dote Small Price Ml nun ii hHHVHBt I M nil m ADBsSdcSfhVr,onr BARTER'S IRON PILLS mnny colorless faces but will greatly help most pale-faced people HIS OLD DREAM CAME TRUE Miner Was Killed In the Manner That Wao Foretold In Vision Twenty Years Before. In n lecture nt Blackwood the Rev. M. Griffin of Cross Onk, n minister who, nfter forty yeurs' preaching, Is ns vigorous ns over, referred to sub consciousness, the mysterious power that controls us even when nsleop, snys a Cardiff Mnll writer. Outsldo the chnpel one of his hearers narrated n curious Incident which hnpponcd to n Blackwood man. Ho lived near tho present rnllway station, and drenmcd one night that while working on his stnll ns n miner n stone fell on him nnd killed him. The dream wnsso vivid Hint he gave up his work at onco und emigrated to Amcrlcn. Twenty yenrs Inter ho re turned to Blackwood nnd sought work In his old colliery. Ho wns told that no one hnd been working In his old stnll since he had left, nnd work wns found for him In the adjoining stnll. While engaged there his pick nccldcn- tally struck through the coal which di vided him from his old stnll, there came n fall nnd the twcnty-ycnr-old dreiini wns fulfilled. Wound Up. A member of parliament hud emp tied the room with un Interminable speech. Looking around at the empty benches, he remarked to n bored friend: "I am speaking to posterity." "If you go on like this," growled the friend, "you will see your audience before you." Too Willing. Dora I wonder why Harry broko tils engagement with Miss I'eckcin? Jack According to my information,, her father offered to lend lilm money enough to get married on. Exactly. "I am going to linvo an old beau for the hero of this story." "That Is n dandy Idea." It Is sometimes safer to throw kisses nt n girl than to hand them to her. Who wants bread and butter when a feller can have POST TOASTJES says !3o6ty Wcrk of This Fact. Ilidgway, Term. "I Buffered from fomalo troublo with backacho and pain in my side for over seven months so I could not do any of my work. I was treated by threo different doctors and was gotting discouraged when my sister-in-law told mo how Lydia E. Pinldiam's Vegetable Compound had helped her. I decided to try it, and it restored my health, so I now do all of my housework which is not light as I havo a littlo boy threo years old." Mrs. O. M. Riiines, Ridgway, Penn. A Remedy That Makes Life Worth Living Genuine beer denature Would Give Him Exercise. Former Congressman Georgo It Smith of Minneapolis Is fond of hunt lng .mil takes grcnt prldo in the owner ship of n costly setter dog of noble birth. Ono day nn old man, who was acting as guide for the hunt, camo nenr limiting n lifelong enemy of Smith by crltclzlng the dog's tcchnlquo In tha field. "The dog's perfectly all right," do clured Smith, Indignantly. "I wouldn't trudo him for any dog I ever saw, only ho doesn't get quite enough exercise. I'm busy and have to keep him penned up n good deal. lie ought to havo moro exerclso and that would lmprovo his hunting." "Has ho got nny flens?" Inquired tho old num. "Should say not," replied Smith, In sulted. "That dog hns his bath every week tho same as I hope you do." "Why don't you glvo him a few fleas?" "What do you mean, glvo him Hens? Why should I wnnt a fine dog llko him to havo fleas?" "Well," opined tho guide, thought fully, "they'd give him exercise." St Louts Republic. CLEAR YOUR COMPLEXION While You Sleep With Cutlcura Soap and Ointment Trial Free. On retiring, gently smear tho fnc with Cutlcura Ointment, wash off In five minutes with Cutlcura Soap and hot wntcr, and continue bathing nfow minutes with tho Sonp. Tho Influence of this treatment on tho pores extends through tho night. Free saniplo each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. One Hiding Place. "This Is n queer littlo hole of coun try of yours. Put," said ono of the Fly boys to our friend tho other day. "Begorra, an' us quuro us It Is," re plied I'nt, "there's wnn thing ye can do In it that ye can't do In ycr own country." "And what is that?" asked the draft evador. "Hide I" replied Pat. A Few Grades. Senator Kern got n letter from an old friend who has a little country place and wanted fish to put in a cute littlo pond. "Send mo a school of bass," request ed the friend. "I'm not sure about getting you an entire school," Kern wroto back, "but I'll try to send you n fow grades." St, Louis Republic. This year's sweet gill graduate Is on the war path.