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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1917)
AT "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" We're Putting the Skids Under The . B. McDonald Clothin FRANKLIN'S DOUBLE SPECTACLES 'ike ffl v Idea I i g Stocks MHMHHMMHHHWU3 e i . " '1 1 ! .' " TMP OLD FASHIONED BIFOCALS vext Improvement ike fined JL tZrlcLLJOrl .n.XiroKiGLASSESj HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bunk. local and Personal Henry Cor'des left Suriday for a visit in Kearney and Omaha, Mrs. W. T. Wilcox returned Sunday from a visit in Omaha. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Federhoof have returned from Omaha where the latter had heon taking treatment at a hos pital. The tliterature department of the Twentieth Century club will meet this afternoon with Mrs. Harry Cramer, west Fourth street. , Miss Bertha English, who spent the summer at the home of her uncle Earl Winslow, "expects to leave soon for her homo in Overton. Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, of Gothen burg, who purchased the J. C. Askwig property on east F.ifth street, took possession Monday. Among tliose who attended the fair last week were Mr. and Mrs. Rice, Hompr Gibbs and family and Mrs. II. E Menzi, of Dunwell, Neb. N. 13. Spurrier left yeste'rday for Denver and Colorado Springs. At the latter place ho will liavo a specialist examine his leg and back. Fred Thompson went to ChappqU Sunday to spend the day with his son. Mrs. Thompson, who' had been visit ing there for severaS days returned .with him. Rugs and carpets thoroughly clean ed by the Llttlo Giant Vacuum Clean er.' Phono Red G23. 73-4 Thomas Hanna, a prominent citizen of Lexington, has been sued for fifty thousand dollars by his daughter-in-law on the charge of having alienated tho.Lovo and affection of her husband by""making uncomplimentary remarks and comparisons about her. Mrs. Fred Carlson, of Kearney, Is visiting relatlveh in this city. .Mr. and Mrs. M. W. RIke snont Sun day with.friends in Chappq'l. John Poulos returned yesterday from Omaha where he had been transacting business. Mrs. Ida Lemon returned a few days ago from a three' visit in Chicago and Indiana , towns. Clalnv Agent Watts returned Satur day from Laramie where ho spent several- days investigating claims. Mrs. E. Maston and Miss Josephine Polster returned Sunday morning from a two weeks' visit with friends In Ordway, Col. Van E. Lawrence has sold his in terest in thio. Sarben bank, resigned as cashier and tis now at Reno, Nov., with a string' of running horses. The ladles' aid of the .MethodlBt church will motet next Thursday af ternoon in the church parlor. A cor dial invitation is extended to all mem bers and visitors. ; The Lutheran aid society will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F. C. Waltemath, 500 south Locust street. Mrs. iTarry Moore, Mrs. Julius Hoga and Mrs. John Rodine will assist in ontortaining. Try Dr. Smith, the Chiropractor. 50tf James G. Billlngsloy, of Keith coun ty, who was to have gone to Ft. Riley with the Keith county contingent but failed to show up, has baetn arrested as a deserter. The father of the boy has a'.so been arrested on the chargo of aiding the drafted boy to avoid ser vice. J Lost Saturday, Sept. 15th, on road( between city and the R. S. L. Voss place, a man's coat. Reward for ro-j turn of same to Tribune office 75-3: Tho commercial cfub of Alliance Is, attempting to again secure the services of W). D. Fisher as secretary. Mr. Fisher left the Alliance cIuTj to take tine1 secretaryship of the Chambor of Commerce of this city. Mr. FlBhor is now in tho newspaper business at Sterling, Col. These Are Busy Days nt this Store. There's No Let-Up in These Big .Closing Out Bargains. Newer and Bigger Snaps. Hurry load up before the stock is with drawn from sale. Now Is The Logical Time To Buy With a replenished Stock of Fresh, New, and Desirable Merchandise 'which has been Forced upon us. With a New and Replenished Stock of Fresh, Desirable merchandise which we have been Unable to Cancel, and which we Have Been forced to Accept, This Big Sale is Smashing It's Way along with Gripping Interest. Thousands of Dollars worth of "New Goods have been Added to these Already large Stocks. Everything is Being Sacrificed in order to Close Out The Entire block QUICKLY AND COMPLETLY. Fair Warning Is Hereby Given the Public to LOAD UP. When You Go to Buy These Goods Again You'll Pay Double the price we arc asking. Be here tomorrow! The Skids are under 253 Mens 424 Boys and Young Mens SUIT S In Sizes 34 to 38 only Group 1. Values to $15 - $4.65 Group 2. Values to $18 - $7.35 SUIT to be Hurried Out Mens and Boys wear Light ,Medium or Heavy One lot SI .50 values 95c One lot $1.25 values 75c J: One lot $1.00 values 39c "StaleVV and Under wear at 20 per cent off the old Prices. 348 Pairs 4 Mens Dress AND WORK Boys Kaynee Made BLOUSES AND SHIRTS One lot of 75c AE values Shoes Bum SWEATERS and Mens at 20 per off the oldjprices. All the best makes and all sizes Boys Knickerbocker ' School Suits bigj choice. Sizes 10 to 15 Boys LongfPants Suits p All $9 Q7 Sizes 15 to 18. All qualties Pw f Over 126 Boys' O ' coats TO BE HURRIED OUT Ages 6 to 12 years. VALUES TO $12.00 Boys' "Fitz" Overalls 67c j LITTLEj BOYS WASHOUTS VALUES TO $6.00 $2.85 1 McDONALD, Home of Good Clothes, North Platie, Neb. pi One group One lot oi $1 and 7 A $4.10 and $1.50 values 1 $7.35 . . . . S2 S THESE 3FEN LEAVE FOlt F011T JULEV TIIUltSDAi f i. . iff. i: y 1 - Katherine Gray as Rosalie La Grange in "THE 13th CHAIR," at KEITH THEATRE, FRIDAY, OCT. 12th. These who aro to go as tho third part of tho quota of Lincoln county, Nebraska. This list contain 40 names. To report at 2 p. m. October 3, 1917, and to entrain for Camp Funston, Fort Riley, Kansas on train No. 1G at 7:55 a. m., Thursday, October 4th. Francis E Palmor, Suthorfand Jlesse A Miller. Dickens Elmer W Shaner, Maxwell Christian H Schimmcl. Maxwell John M Decker, North Platto Chan es G Russell. Welllfloot Orion L Lum, Dickens Warren A Doolittlo, North Platto Samuel G Poulos, North Platto John E Gllman, Drady Albert A Ginapp, Brady Gl'bcrt V Anderson, North Platto Clifford Eckstrom, Brady Leslie D Simms. Wolllioet Julian T Cailkins, Maywood William A Marten. Wallace Thurman C Shano, Suthorland Paul C West. Wallace ItoH D M Davidson, North Platto Jesse R Carlylo, Staploton William V VanAr&dall, Suthorland William E Light, Wallace John W Jackson, Horshoy Moarl Jacox, Gothonburg Arthur W Hawloy, llershoy John N Bakor, North Platto Ray Coleman, Brady Leo V Fay. Staploton Benjamin Jonos, North Watte Oscar P Ecklioff, Wallace Dean Chase, North Platto Warren G Dlonor, North Platto Xrchlo E Hawloy, llershoy Elvo A Ballard, Suthorland Jesso Gartroll, Somorset Glarenco E Cooipor, North Platto Dorry Oonklln, Wellfleot Howard O Becknor. North Platto Jesso P Naftzingii'ir, North Platto Merton C Harris, North Platto John II Jordan, Brady Fred Schick, North Platto William C Hill Mooreflold Hartoy A Ditto, Brady Carl Heath, Wallaco More Ccrtlllctl 3rcn County Clerk ARen rocolved yester day morning tho names of five more Lincoln county men who liavo boon cortifled for service by tlo district board at Omaha, Tlioy aro: Lurqy F. Soulcs. Laavroncta Zollars. Peter C. Sutter. Harry A. Potter. Howard B. Combs. ,. ::o:: Fair May Tuy Out, Tho receipts at the county fair last week woro in tho neighborhood of six ty-flvo hundred dollars, tho exact amount not being - obtainable at his timo'on account of som'a minor receipts stll'l being out. President Piel8tickor said yestorday that ho thought tho ro-: coipts will pay all indebtedness, In cluding tho cost of tho ni0w buildings and tho robulldlng of tho grand stand tho building wrecked by tho wind. If this proves corroct, tho flr can stnr off next year in lino financial flhapc. : :o: :- The Fair "Has Come Back." Thja success of tho county fairs in wcatorn Nebraska this fall plainly proves tha t tho fair has "como back" and back to stay. In a largo measuro tho success has boon duo to tho auto mobile, for through it tho nttfcndanco has boon largo, and it is tho gato ro coitftSfJhat' really brings tho success of any fair. Long distances aro now covered ' quickly and hundreds make the trip by auto who would not for a moiriont consider tho trip by team. Harry Dixon roturniad yestorday from a brief visit in Omaha. Dr. Brock, Dentist, over Stono Drug Store. : :o: : Fifth -Becomes lilltli Infantry Undor army ordors issued Saturday tho .Fifth Nebraska, of -which tliio North Platto company is a part, will horcaftor bo known as tho Ono Hun dred and Thirty-fourth Infantry and will bo part of tho Sixty-ninth brigade In command of Genorat II. A. Allen. Tho Fourth Nebraska goes into tho artillory sorvico and tho Sixth is split, part going Into mVitary. pollco duty, part Into tho ambulance and part -Into tho engineering corps. Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain List of Cottages and Bungalows. 601. Nice four room cottage and lot in the 1200 bl.ock, -G18 Washington Street. Price $1000.00. ' G02. Neat four room cottage, 415 West 8th Street, close, in. $1500.00. G03. Four room cottage, 302 South Pine St. Price $1850. G04. Good six room cottage, modern except heat, G15 East Sixth St. $2100.00. G05. Fairly good cottage of six rooms with toilet, G20 Grant Street. $1200.00. GOG. Nice G room cottage, corner lot, shade trees, 721 west J7th Street. Price $2000.00. G07. Handsome new cottage, five rooms, modern except . heat, 214 South Ash Street. Price $2500.00. G08. Dandy new bungalow, five rooms, modern except i heat. Price $2S00.00. G09. Nice cottage, five rooms, modern except heat, with gas range, in 800 block Bast Third Street. Price $2800.00. 010. Handsome new bungalow of five rooms, full mod ern; lot GGxl32. This is one of the best built and' best looking In the city. Located in 1300 block West Sixth. Price $3500.00. Gil. Nice new 7 room cottage, 1015 East 4th, modern ex cept heat. Price $3050.00. .If you are paying rent; come and let us show you how easy you can buy any of the above list of homes and make the money you now pay for rent, help pay for one of these homes. Every ono of .these places aro selected bargains and are being offered ac 10 to 25 per cent less than they can be reproduced for. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, SOLE AGENTS. 1