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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1917)
THE 8EMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEDRA8KA. Was Laid Up In Bed Dotn's, Howenr, Rtitortd Mrs. Voit to Health and Strength. Hain't Suffered Since. "I had one of th vrorit caaea of kid ney complaint Imaginable," iayi Mrs. Win. Vogt, 631S Audrey Ave., Wellaton, Mo., "and I wa laid up In bed for dnya at a, time. "My bladder waa Inflamed and the Kianey secreiiona cauaea terrible pain. My back waa In auch bad ahape that when I moved the palna were like a knlfe thrtiit I cot ao dizzy I Couldn't atoop and my head Juit throbbed with pain. Beads of perapl ration would atand on my templca, then I would become cold and numb. "My heart action was UB8.VOQT. affected and I felt as If I couldn't take another breath. I cot ao nervous and run down, I felt lire wasn't worth living and often wished that I might die so my suffering would be ended. Medicine failed to help me and I waa discouraged. "Doan's Kidney Pills were recommend ed to me and I could tell I was being helped after the first few doses. I kept setting better every day and continued uae cured me. My health lmnrovtd In very way and best of all, the cure hast oeen permanent. 1 reel mat uotni saved my life." Sworn lo beforf mt, HENRY B. BURKAMP. Notary Public Get Doaa'a at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN'S y silv FOSTER-MILBURN CO BUFFALO, N. Y. Hf'If if LOSSES SDKLY PREVEHTEI DLHLft y CUTTER'S DLACKLEQ PILLS frwh. rtiUbU Drttferiedbr western itocK men. becsuM rottet Vrhira ithBr j& ... Vatcirtti fall. Br jVrito for bocVlct and tMtlraoaltla. PI Irtftavsi nir nififbtstvDMio i nn 50-diso pk& BttcMcz Milt! $4.00 Ui uf Injector, but Cutter i simplest nd rrtfoa ert. LEG Watft II they Tbt lupcriorltT ol Cutltl product! li due t orrr IS years ol tpcUallxlnr la VACCINES And scrums ONLY. INSIST OMCUTXEK'3. II tuubUluUt, order direct. ' ni nttir utmsTT.Bjann, m, tr metis, m. XXT A Tlyf T Is not recommended tol O VV rviVAIT- everything; but If yoii 'Dil'T, n&ve kidney, liver oi bladder trouble It may be found Just the medicine ydu need. At druggists In fifty-cent and dollar alzes. You may receive a sample size bottlo of this reliable medlclno by Parcel Post, al' so pamphlet telling about It Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents, also men tion this paper. Kill All Flies! TH!AD Fltcwl anrwuere.Dslay riy KHUr attracts and kills all tUaa. Nut, clean, ornamental, eonTtaieot, aad cheap. vp T.rWillll.t S.ll M Daisy Fly Killer Sals by riaatara. mr S fcr aaprMt, ,n,il4, ll.aa, HMOIS SOMIR. 180 CI KA1B AVE.. BROOKLYN. N. i . PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Ilelpi to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. iOc and tLOftat DnreUta, W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 32--1917. HE HIT BULL'S EYE THlU Governor Cox of Ohio Explains Wh His Marksmanship Improved Sud denly on Rifle Range. Jnmos M. Cox, governor of Ohio, tol) this story when he visited Fort Berj Jamln Harrison, says the Indlnnnpoll News : "I was over at the fort this aftei poon, and out at the rifle range Majo Barrow asked mo If I wouldn't like t try shooting. The men then were shoo lng from the 000-yard range. I sail 'yes,' so Major Darrow borrowed , rlflo for me from one of the men an another for himself, and we lay dowj across the sand bags and began pep" ping away." "After each shdt that either of us mado the man down in the pit waved the red flag that meant we had missed the target altogether. "Finally, after about a half dozen shots apiece, the major said: 'Young 'man, telephone down to that man In the pit that Major Darrow Is shooting,' and so the young man did, and then the major shot again, and the pit man waved the emblem that signified the major had hit the buJl'S-e'ye. "Then I said to myself, 'um hum,' and so I turned to tho man on my right and I said, 'Young man, tele phone down to the pit man that the governor of Ohio Is shooting, nnd then the next time I hit tho bull's eye, too." r,r.i'' Took Him Literally. A clergyman In a remote part of the Scottish Highlands was speaking at length to his congregation of the many things round us that are shroud ed In mystery and of which we know little. As he warmed to his theme, ho became eloquent, and frequently re pcated tho oft-quoted saying of Gootho: "More light I Oh, for light I" His surpriso may bo Imagined, suys the Scottish American, when, after one of those utterances, tho old beadle, who had been dozing since tho com mencement of the sermon, woke with a tart, then got up, tiptoed softly Into tho vestry, seized two additional cun dies and, ascending tho pulpit stairs, placed them besldo tho two already there, aud In a loud whisper, heard all over tho church, exclaimed: "Yo maun do wl these, for there's nao malr!" Youth's Companion. Embarrassing Query. "A fool and his money are soon parted, my son." "Who got yours away from you. dad?" Qdbmu. says Try a dish of Post Toasties with cream for lunch v on hot days - . -r l mt KITCHEN CABINET "Whatever you did In years that are gone, In the year that' Is yours today, Lift up your brow In tho light of the BU. Do loyal and bravo, and pray. HOT WEATHER BEVERAGES. Usunlly tho hot weather drops upon us finding us unprepared with cooling drinks. There Is always the standby of lemonade which Is such a favorite and when a more nourishing drink Is needed, a well beaten egg may be stirred Into tho drink just beforo serving. With a sprig of mint or a section of lemon the delicacy of the draught Is Increased. The juices of various berries make delicious shrub and the fresh Juice added to water using u pint of julee to two of water and adding sugar to taste, chilled and served with cracked Ice Is most refreshing. Grape juice bottled the year before Is welcomed ns a hot weather drink, It may also be used In sherbots, Ices and various desserts and pudding sauces. Cocoa or chocolate sirup may be made and kept for weeks In the Ice chest, a little added to a glass of cold milk, with a spoonful of cream or a sprinkling of cinnamon gives variety. Such a drink Is not only refreshing, It Is nourishing. Iced coffee Is another popular drink, add a pint of black coffee to a quart of cream, sweeten to taste and servo In glasses with whipped cream or freeze and serve In glasses topped with whipped cream. Iced tea which Is recommended Is prepared from n mixture of black und green tea, Ice and plenty of water with sugar and lemon to bo added as It Is served. Itaspbe-ry shrub Is one of the delightful fruit Juices which Is so much enjoyed. Cover berries with vinegar, using four quarts of berries and two quarts of good cider vinegar, cover and let them stand for three days in a cool place, then strain nnd ndd four more quarts of berries, let them stand three duys and struln ns before. Thenput the Juice Into a pre serving kettle with a pound of sugar to each pint of Juice, boll nnd skim, after boiling Ave minutes It mny bo put Into sterilized bottles nnd sealed. Logan berries, blackberries or almost any berry, good for fruit juice, may be treated In this mnnner. Coffee is another delightful drink served cold. Add whipped cream to the coffee poured Into a glass a third full of ice and half filled with coffee. This Is also sweetened by each Indi vidual. Wastefulness pervades our homes as they are conducted today. Lacking technical training we aro ever practic ing and learning In the costly school of experience. Janet M. Hill. How sad It la to sit and pine Tho long half hour beforo wo dlnel Upon our watches oft to look, Then wonder at the clock and cook. A FEW PRESERVES. There are so many delicious pre serves that only the cost of sugar keeps the average house wife from putting up someof all kinds of fruit. Barberry and Rnlsln Preserve. Use fine fla vored seeded raisins. Cover the barberries with water nnd boll. til 111 strnm tnrougn a piece or. all ' -C cheesecloth, this allows the pulp and juice to pass through leaving tho seeds nud skin. Add raisins nnd sugar, using enough to make a rich sirup, cook until thick but not sugary. This makes a very toothsome pro serve. Rhubarb and Fig Conserve. Tnko three pounds of rhubarb, two and a half pounds of sugar, one-half pound of figs, two ounces of candled peel, scutter the finely chopped figs and peel over the rhubarb, rtdd the sugar and let stand until the next day. Then boll the preserve slowly for an hour. Put Into Jars nnd seal. Tomato Butter. After cooking rlpo tomntoes, salt them nnd put them through a sieve to remove the seeds. Have ready an equal amount of tart apple sauce well cooked, add It to tho tomato puree, sweeten slightly nnd let boll until It begins to thicken. Stir It carefully to keep It from scorching. Put Into Jelly glusscs. Serve with meats. Gooseberry Preserves. Remove tho flower and stem ends of the berries carefully, wash In cold water. Meas ure as many cupfuls of sugar as ber ries. Make a sirup using very llttlo water, when It bolls udd the berries which have been scalded and drained. Cook until the Juice forms a Jelly, then seal In Jars. Preserved Pears. Take six pounds of pared, cored and halved pears, four pounds of sugnr, two cupfuls of wa ter, the juice of two lemons, the rind of one, cut in strips, and an ounce of ginger root. Drop the pears into cold salted water ns soon ns prepared. Boll tho sugar, lemon peel and ginger root for an hour. Then drop In -the pears, add the lemon Juice and cook the pears a few at a time untfl they are well cooked. Put the pears In a jar, boll the sirup until thick nnd pour over the fruit. When a bit of sunshlno hits ye, ' After passing of a cloud, When a fit of laughter gits yo An" yo'r spine Is feelln' proud, Don't ferglt to up nnd fling It At a soul that's feelln' blue. For the mlnlt that ye sling It -It's a boomerang to you. SUMMER FOODS During the hot weather meats or heavy dishes arc served less often and In smaller quantity. Cucumber Jelly. Pare and cut In small pieces six cucumbers, add a small sliced onion and cover both vegetables with a quart of cold wa ter and a tablespoonful of vinegar.. Cook until tender, season well with salt and pepper nnd press through a sieve, add one ounce of gelatin mold, cljlll and servo with mayonnaise dressing'. Stuffed Cucumbers. Tako three good-sized cucumbers, half a cupful of bread crumbs, half a cupful of chopped nuts, onev egg, one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of chopped onion, one tablespoonful of salt and n dash of peppeiv Pare the cucumbers, cut Into halves and scoop out tho seeds. Chop the nuts nnd ndd them to the bread crumbs, the onion, egg aud melted butter. Fill each half of tho cucumber with the stuffing, put the two pieces together and tie with a string. Brown In a hot pan with two tablespoonfuls of olive oil. Turn them until they are brown, then add u lit tle water and bake them until they are tender, basting two or three times. If the water In the pan evaporates, add more. Dish on n hot platter, re move the strings and serve with a brown or n tomato sauce. Cherry Fritters. Remove the stems and stones from ripe cherries. Roll each one In the white of an egg, beaten with a tublespoonful of water, then In chopped almpads; dip them one by one Into a tiilck fritter butter and plunge Into hot fat. When brown, drain on brown paper and serve with a sweet sauce. Fruit Roll. Roll out a round of pastry very thin. In tho center plnce two cupfuls of pitted cherries, or chopped apple with ralstns, or rhubarb with raisins or any fruit combination .that Is agreeable. Roll up and pluco In a deep baking dish. Add two table spoonfuls of butter, a cupful or more If the fruit Is acid, of brown sugur, a cupful of boiling water. Bnko for an hour In n hot oven. Servo with the sauce and whipped cream. If rhubarb Ik used there will be plenty of snuce tu serve with the pudding. SALADS FOR SULTRY DAYS. An old proverb says that In making a salad a spendthrift Is needed to put In tho oil, a miser to add vlnegnr, a wise mun to ad minister tho salt, nud a madman to do the mixing. Delicious Fruit Salad. Cut into cubes three banu- v nns, one orange, two npplcs, two slices of pineapple. Beat a cupful of lemon Juice nnd tho same nmount of pineapple Juice. Stir over the fire till they thicken, then pour over the fruit. New Beet Salad. Take a quart of boiled beets, one quart of cabbage, ono pound of sugar, a cupful of grated horseradish, a teaspoonful each of salt nnd black pepper, a dash of red pep per, a cupful of celery. Chop the cab bage and beets separately, then mix them; ndd all the other Ingredients with sufficient vlnegnr to thin the mix ture. Put Into Jars and seal. Pea Salad. Take a cupful of cooked peas, two tablespoonfuls of grated cheese, six sweet pickles nnd one small onion. Chop the onion nnd pickles, then ndd the peas and cheese, moisten with mayonnaise dressing und serve on lettuce. Veal and Vegetable Salad. Take a pound or cold ronst veal, finely chopped, half a pound of walnut meats, one stnlk of celery, ono can of pens. one bunch of radishes, two onions, ono green pepper, ono red pepper nnd a little finely minced parsley. Chop all the Ingredients, except tho peas, mix well nnd ndd mnyonnnlsc dressing. Servo on shredded lettuce. Cherry and Marshmallow Salad. Cut Into quarters n half-pound of mnrshmnllows, add a cupful of cher ries, three sliced bannnas, one can of diced pineapple nnd four oranges cut In small pieces. Add n few filberts, a mayonnaise dressing and servo lifter being well blended on head lettuce. Pear Salad. Take u quart of pears, fresh nnd very ripe, or well drained ennned pears; mix with shredded nl mondn that have bevn blanched and serve with French dressing highly sen soned, on lettuce. Plumbers. Whenever you invito tho plumbers In to spend tho week nnd fix tho kitch en faucet you should plan ahead. Huvo everything In readiness. Plumbers nro often n little hurt to seo thnt there hnvo been no prepara tions. Plnmbers tnko theso things very keenly. If n pipe Is leaking nnd you aro go ing to hnvo tho plumbers come, tnovo everything out of tho kitchen so they will have room for their tools. With good weather nnd no mishaps they may get all of their tools nrouud the first day. Getting nil tho tools around Is n ood day's work for two plumbers nnd boy. On tho seeond day they cxnm- Ino tho leak nnd inaku notes then get busy planning tho week's work on It If tho leak Is a plnln hole- then tho thing Is simple and they finish It up In smart shape within tho week. It Is best to send the children to tho country when tho plumbers come. Put a lid over tho goldfish bowl. If yon haven't ft spnro room or a stablo you might nrrango to hnvo them bonrd with tho neighbors. Illinois Stnto Register. CARE FOR YOUR SKIN And Keep It Clear by Dally Use of Cutlcura Trial Free. A hot bath with Cutlcura Soap fol lowed by n gentle anointing with Cutl cura Ointment clears the skin or scalp In most cases of eczemas, rashes and Itching of children and adults. Mako Cutlcura your evcry-day toilet prepara tions nnd prevent such troubles. Free sample each by mall with Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, Dept. L, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. (Net Contents 15PinidDfaoli Nothlng'hurts n man like pinning his faith to n mistaken Idea and being scratched by tho pin. CASTORIA fej lTH1 I For Infants and Children. iinuthoStomajdlkwxUgj llUIU.U.kLltMia,m4J II ami MlUbVV jiuiuv-..,--.- . '1 neither Opltim.MorphlncnoM illncrol. NotKarotic1 Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Beaxs a ..,ft,l i?rmrflV fbT 'CMBUMonDUi- fttltl revensnm. rao5IraileSiinatpC Always XT ft Jjv In fkX Use Y For Over Thirty Years MKI9IK A BIG TOURING CAR FOR FIVE PEOPLE 25.9 Miles Per Gal. of Gas 234 stock model Saxon "Sixes" trayel 70,200 miles July 18 and set grand average of 25.9 miles per gal. of gas To give a national demonstration of the remarkable gasoline econ omy of Saxon "Six", 5534 Saxon dealers joined in a 300 mile drive July 18. A grand average of 25.9 miles per gal lon of gasoline was registered for the 70,200 miles of travel. Consider that this run took place in 234 different parts of the country, under 234 different sets of conditions, over 234 dif ferent kinds of roads. Consider that theso 234 cars were stock model Saxon " Sixes ", not "tuned up" special cars, not cars with "doped" gasoline. That proves that this 25.9 miles per gallon of gasoline is the ordinary, the average performance of 234 Saxon "Sixes" taken right out of stock. I And it proves as nothing else would prove, the gasoline economy your Saxon Six" will give you. No other car in its class can match this record. Furthermore, these 234 Saxon " Sixes " averaged 175 miles per quart of oil. l And not a single instance pf mechanical trouble occurred throughout the entire 70,200 miles. There is the proof that Saxon " Six" is your kind of a car. Price f. o. b. Detroit, $935. Saxon Motor Car Corporation, Detroit Exploolon Averted. "I hear you have been a very sick nan," said tho maniigor of tho garngo. "Yas sur," replied Mr. Erastus I'lnk ley. "Dey mos despaired of my recov ery. Hut I never hud no doubt nfcmt It myself. I Jes' hnd to get well." "Why?" "Well, sub, I knowed I wnsn' good enough to go to heaven. An workln' In dls garage hns got me Ronked so chock full o' gnsollne dnr wnsn' a chanco of delr wnntln' me aroun' do other place." A Junale Joke. First Monk My brother went to America and secured a position as ashler. Second Monk A cashier to what? First Monk To on organ grinder. Self-made men nud home-mado fur niture may ho strong and reliable, and beautifully polished by hard rubs. She Knew What to Take. Five-year-old Marj, who Is always anxious to he In everything that goes on, lives In n smull town where tho long-suffering minister still endures do nation parties, to make up his hack salary. Just beforo the laBt one sho begged eagerly: "Can't 1 tnke something too, muv ver?" "No j If your father nnd I Inke some thing, that will bo plenty." Hut tho child could not henr to glvo up tho iden, so she ransncked tho whole houso for something suitable. Finally sho appeared beforo her mother with a worn nnd faded dress of her own. "Please, muvver, can't I tako this? See, it's not a speck of good for any thing," sho urged. Christian Herald. Was It hecauso wurIi day comes next to Bunday that somebody told how cleanliness Is next to godliness? Making 'Em Bite. A street enr passenger stooped t pick up something from the floor. "Who hns lost a dime?" ho nsked. At once half a dozen passengers bo gan fumbling in their pockets, until ono of them held out his hand nnd declnred that he had dropped the coin. "Docs It bear tho date 1800?" lo quired- tho finder. "Yes, certainly." "Is ono sldo rather worn?" "Jusfso." "Here you nre, then," said the flndet and handed him a trousers button." With tho exception of ourselves no ono ever does things as they should bo done. mj. !J When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eve Remedy Ho Bmarllnc-Joit Comfort. M imIi UrnmUU or inalL WrIUi for ttf ilo iloo. UUKINUUYUHEMIUJY CO., CHICAGO