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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1917)
r Wkt Jjlorth THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 17, L917. No. 62 t LOCAL AND PEHSONAL Charlos Porkins loft a fow days ago for Lincoln to spond a woek. Robort Daughorty and Jack McKano, of Koarnoy, visited Wednesday wltli Rlloy Warren. r Geoxgo Wolr returned to Grand Is land yesterday morning after spend ing a week hero. Leslie Bare will leave today for Estos Park and other western points to ripend sovoral days. C. M. Newton left ho first of this wook for Omaha to spond sovoral days. Ho returned yestdrday. A. W. Plumer returned Wednesday morning from Denver whoro ho trans acted business sinco Sunday. Born Wednesday morning to Mr. and, Mrs. Georgo Schaffer, a. baby girl. All concerned aro doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thompson left yesterday morning for Minne apolis, to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. John Eckhou of Suthorland, who was tlio guest of Mrs. E. C. Thomas, returned homo Wednosday ev ening. Mrs. Phillips, of Lancaster, Mo., ar rived here a few days ago to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maiso for two weeks . Mrs. L. L. Wright and son .Jake Wright loft Wednesday morning for Denver to remain for two weeks with friends . C. A. Llston, of Dickens, is spend ing a few days hero visiting friends. Ho recently returned from a visit in Estes Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Moore left Wednesday afternoon for Denver and Colorado Springs to sfoed to days vlsltig friends. Misses Ruth Carroll and Erma Bar raclough loft yesterday morning ro Fremont and Omaha to spend two weeks with friends. Miss Helen Waltemath who , has been 111 for some time with blood poisoning In her heol isablo to walk with tho aid of crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Mann and baby and Miss Lillian Eaton left yostorday moring for Denver and Avon, Colo., to visit relatives for a fortnight. A picnic party chaporoned by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bybeo sipont a pleas ant evening In tho liills south of town Tuesday evening. Mrs. Phillips, of Laracastor, Mo,., was the guest of hon or, i PIANOS, PHONOGRAPHS ANDSHEET MUSIC WALKER- MUSIC CO. NORTH 1PL ATTE. WE INVITE YOU TO CALL OR WRITE. WHEN HARVEST TIME KEEPS' ', you close to tho farm remembor this bank is your "man In town." Thoro aro many ways In which wo can bo of assistance to you. Wo have a keen , Interest in our farmers and aro proud to bo of sorvico to thorn at all times, Mako uso of us. k Platte Valley State Bank j. v North Platte, Nebraska. . Robert Warwick and Gall Kane will bo Boon at tho Crystal Saturday after noon and ovoning in tho Brady-Made picture "Tho False Friond." Mrs. Charles Howe, of Columbus, Ohio, a cousin of Charles Ell, arrived horo Wednosday ovoning to spend a week whllo enrouto homo from Colo rado. Miss Erma Huffman, who was called hero last week by tho death of her grandmother, tho late Mrs. J. C. Fedorhoof, loft a fow days ago for Muskegnn, Mich. Miss Mario Doran loft Wodnesday morning for Gretna to moot hor sis tor Miss Isabello Doran. Tho young ladies will spond a couplo of wcoks with relatives In Wisconsin. John Dolnattlo of Ravenna and J. Sund. who wore driving their cars on, Front and Dowey streets Wednosday collided as they made tho turn for tho corner. Damages woro slight. For Salo Lato 1916 Dodgo touring car, in good condition with our Dodgo used car guarantoo, reasonably priced and will now, outwear 2 cheap cars. ROMIGH GARAGE. Miss Anna Wilson, of Harlan. Iowa, Is expected horo today to acce'pt a position In tho alteration department of tho Tramp dry goods store. Miss Wilson has had. twonty years exporl onco in this work and comes here high ly recommended. Rooms will be needed for tho ac commodation of teachers attending tho Lincoln County Teachers' Institiuto to bo hold In North Platte September 3 to 7. If you have a room which you can rent, please fphono Black 502. GJM AILEEN GANTT, Co. Supt. Pearly Black was arrested Wodnes day on suspicion or being a slacker. Ho claims to bo ovor 31 but at the time of his marriage last spring gavo his age as 29. He 1J being hold whilo investigations aro boing made. Thero aro now twelve slackers in the county jail. A car load of catalogues. 12,000, in number irom tho C, F. Smith., Co. of Chicago, woro received at the local postofflco yostorday mornlrg. Thoy will be placed in six hundred sacks and distributed to various postoffices In this vicinity. The local offico will rccoivo the bonefit of $800 postage. : :o: : A Bargain. For Sale An "ADDRESSOGRAPH" Addressing Machine In first class con dition. Communicate with NATIONAL SUPPLY 'COMPANY, Lincoln, Neb. tf .2 COMPANY E ORDERS TO LEAVE CANCELLED At noon 'Tuesday Ca'pt. P. R. HalH gan Tocolved a mossago Instructing him to havo Company E In rcadinoss to loavo for Ft Doming in twenty-four hours. Tho company,modo all prepare Hons to loavo and orddrod tho follow lng rations: 300 pounds broad, 175 lbs roast beef, 100 lbs coffeo, 100 lbs' ugar. 8 casos pork' and boans, 8 casos tomatoos, 4 cases peaches, 2 casos jolly, 6 boxes orangos. 75 lbs. minced ham. 50 lbs cheese, 8 bushels potatoes, 4 boxos crackers and 5 gal' Ion of dllkpicklos. Wednosday after noon tho orders to leavo woro can colled and word recoived that tho company would not ontraln until tho reglmont was called. The broad, meat, and porlshablo food wore thoroforo sold at privato salo that afternoon. From the mess fund Harold Lang- ford treasurer, has placed an order for $12 worth of gum, $G0 worth of tobacco and ?55 worth of candy which ordor will bo hold until the company leaves. Prepare for County Fair Lincoln County's Fifth Annual Fair to bo hold by tho Agricultural Socloty from Sdptembor 2Gth to 29th will bo tho best ovor hold In tho county. Tho exhibits will bo larger than bo foro, tho raco track has boon put in first class condition and tho raco horse ptrogram as well as tho automobile and motorcycle races havo boon ar rangod. Tho 'raco program will be held in conjunction with Koarnoy and Lexington and J. L. Case will bo In chargo of tho bucking mule which many have tried to rldo without suc cess. A splendid musical program will bo glvon during tho artornoon perform ance. Sovoral new buildings will bo erected for stock and farm prod ucts and tho tw former buildings and grand stand have been ropalre. The now horse barn will bo 30 by 80 foot and tho raco horse- houso 1G by 120 feet Officers in charge of tho fair aro: F. C Plelstickcrpresldont7 J. C; Wll son vlco-prosidont, J. C. Fowler treas urer and B. M. Stackhouso secretary. Premium lists can be obtained at tho Chamber of Commerce Tooms. Colored Men Arrcsled. Eight colored men who came In from western points Tuesday wcro ar rested Wednosday morning and ar raigned in Justlco Miltonborgor's court They woro charged with entering tho former round houso building, now used as a mess houso for tho' extra section gang, and stealing n largo quantity of food. Threo woro fined flvo dollars and costs and tho remain dor threo dollars ana coats. Boing un able to pay thoy woro ordored out of town. Yostorday morning two colored men woro arraigned in tho samo court for stealing a irido on tho mall train. Thoy wcjro fined five dollars ksach : :o: : Fanner Prevents Wreck. John Mtooro a fanner living in tho vicinity of Richland, Nebr., a small station east of Columbus provonted a serious wreck of train No. 20 tho first of this woek. He was working in tho flold near tho track and noticed that a3 a train passed by a six Inich sec tion was broken out of tho rails, no tied a red handkorchiof to a corn stalk and placed them in tho gap In tlmo for Conductor Warren and tho engi neer to stop train No. 20 with 300 pas songors on board. Frank Campbell. James Morgan and Lawronco Petorson of Company E went to Paxton yesterday morning to spend tho day with homo folks. A HEALTHY DEMAND I am rocelvlng moro than my sched ule of Dodgo cars every month but at no tlmo slnco last spring havo I been ablo to carry cars in stock for immed iate dollvory. Tho lesson that you should draw from this is that if you want a Dodgo Bros, car it would bo advlsablo for you to got your signed ordor in at oncoc. Ask any ownor about Dodgo sarvlco and economy of o'poration and up-keop. J. V. Romigh, DEALER. KOUTII MATTE, NEB, - JIAILIIOAI) NOTES U. P. Special Agont Cashman, of Omaha, spent tho foro part of this woek horo on buslnoss. Enginoor and Mrs. W. S. Dolson will move to Grand Island thlsweok to mako their homo in futuro. Conductor and Mrs. Eugono Hol conib aro onjoylng a visit from Mrs. Robort Soaman, of Chdyonno. Gllbort Potors, who rocontly left for Cheyonno, Is employed ns brakomnn between Sidney and Cheyenne. Freeman D. Johnson, .who had boon employed as locomotlvo fireman has taken a position ns passenger brake man. Enginoor and Mrs. E. E. Moody and Emmott, who were visiting In Laramio for ton days, returned homo Tuesday afternoon. Goorgo Seniles, an employe at tho U. P. lew houso was injured on tho hand by boing struck wltli a cako ot Ico Wodnesday morning. Marshall Crook Is off duty from the U. P. froight houso this wcok on ac count of an Injured knoo which ho sus tained In a fall a fow days ago. Curt Galyean, of Grand Island and J. McCIcmmon8, jofl lOhoyannk BpocJInl agents flofr tho Union Pacific Co., spent a fow days horo this week on buslnoss. A froight and fruit train woro wrock od at Sparks. Nevnda Wednosday morning and as a result train No. 20 was annulled and passongor trains Nos. 2nnd 10 duo yvstordny afternoon cime through as soctions of No. 4 at olovon o'clock last evening. A special train of marines from Maro Island to Philadelphia wont through this city Tjuesday afternoon ns a section of No. 20. Thoro woro over two hundred young men In tho com pany and thoy woro welcomed by a delegation of Company E Beginning Sept. 1st tho Union Pa cific Company will pay their omployes bi-monthly. Pay days will bo tho 1st and 15th of each month. On Wednes day of this wcok tho checks wore In full for July and on, Sept. 1st tho amount paid will bo for tho flrot half of August. Tho amount duo for tho second half of August will bo paid Sept. 15th. A mumbor of tho car depart ment and shop man woro granted a raise of two cents an hour August 1st which raised tho pny roll In those departments $2,000 tho past month or from $35,000 to $37,000. : :o: : Epworili Leaguers Addition Tho Epworth loagfuo will havo a box social Friday ovoning Aug. 17. Lcag- uers will moot at the M. E, Church at 7:30 and will leavo for tho park at 8 o'clock sharp whoro thoy will enjoy tho evening in outdoor gnmes. ::o: : For Sale 1910 Ford Touting car. ROMIGH. GARAGE. William S. Hart In a new and stronger character that of a man who through faith per serverance and courage changes the dejected village of "Broken Hope" to the thriving town of "Believinville." He's "The Desert Man" VIGOROUS SWEEPING DRAMA With a bright thread of romance and the tang of the desert air. Monday, Aug. 20. Keith Theatre. CITY AND OOUNTY NEWS. Mrs. Harry Bybeo loft this morning for Halg to visit for a fow days. U. G. Applegato, of Cheyonno, was a buslnoss visitor in our city yostor day. Buck Burr and Edward Hasonkamp of Co. E spent yoatordny with rolntlvos In Lexington. Paul Ottonstoln, who rocontly en llstod in tho navy, was called to Oni aha yostorday aftoinoon. Mrs. Deo Ranoy, of Wallace, camo a fow days ago to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. Grooly Dundy. Rov. KnhBO, of Omaha, who visited wltli Row C. B. Harman yostorday. loft for Omaha this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Krauso, of West Point camo yostorday to visit with their daughter Mrs. Arthur Tramp. Miss Holon Bird roturncd yostorday from a visit in Sutherland and will loavo soon for District 43 to teach srhool. 4 Miss Nona O'Rourko, ot Floming, Colo., arrived yostorday pud will spond a week or longor nt tho J. H. Donogan homo. Thero will bo sorvlces at tho Swed ish Lutheran church. Tontli and Wil low Btroots, Sunday morning, August 19, at 11 o'clock. Mrs. J. B. Hayos and two sons of Omaha, who spent llvo wooks with hor paronts Mir. and Mrs. Goorgo Austin, loft for homo tills morning. Miss Gladys Lovo, of Fort Collins. Colo., who has boon tho guost of hor cousins Mlssos Holono and Fomo Shoup, of Suthorland for tho past week, was In town yostorday visiting local friends. Weather forecast for North Flatto and vicinity: Fair tonight and Sat urday. - Somowhat warmor tonight. Highest temperaturo yostorday 90, n year ago 90; lowost last night 50, a year ago GG. FINAL CLEAN-UP SALE OF Wash Goods We are offering what we have left of Wash Goods at greatly reduced prices to move them all out quickly. LOT, 1. Striped and Floral designs in good qual- 4 4 ity Batiste per yard IlC LOT 2. Fancy Striped Voiles and printed pat- 4 A terns regular values 25 and 35c per yard 1 C LOT 3. Fine quality Wash Goods selling at 50c f in a regular way price JisCt There is only a limited amount of these goods left so come ear)y and make your selection. Wilcox Department Store. Cool Breeze Indoors The cool breeze of the mountain and sea shore may be enjoyed in the home or office equipped with an electric Fan. A wonder ful sleep producer. Insures the baby's 0 health in hot weather. Operating cost is but a fraction of a cent an hour. , North Platte Light & Power Go. Baptist Church Notes Sunday school 9:45. Church sorvlcos 11 o'clock. Rov. J. C. Popo will preach. B. Y. P. U. at 7 o'cl'ock Evening sorvico nt 8 o'clock ::o::- Eplscopnl Church Sunday,August 10, Borvico at 8 a. m. All bo prcsont. Tho Bishop will preside at communion. Sorvico also at 11 okjlock. ::o:: A regular mooting ot Sarah Ro bokah lodgo No. 10 will bo hold this ovoning at 8 o'clock. Initiation will bo followed by refreshments. All aro urged to bo proscnt. Business of hr portnneo. Mrs. Arthur Fink ontortalnod tho Et-A-Vlrp club Wednosday afternoon. A unlquo hat trimming contest was hold and tho prizes awarded to Mrs. W. J. Tiloy nnd Mrs. James Adams. Miss Holono Shoup, of Suthorland, loft tho first of tho weok fox Donvor and points ot interest In Colorado whoro eho will romaln until taking up her school September 1st, Tho K. I. D. S. club loft today for Dick's grovo wharo cnoy will spend a weok In camping. Thoy woro cha'p oroned by Misses Janet McDonald and Mario McCabo. Mrs. E. M. Donaldson, ot Sedg wick, who had been taking trcatmont nt a local hospital, diod last ovoning. Funoral arrangements havo not boon mado. Brakomon King, Ray Covington, Kosgrovo and Blvlns, of tho Omaha North Platte run, woro recently trans forrod to Kansas City as train audi tors. A picnic party was hold in tho hills squth of town Wednesday ovontng ns a farowoll to Harris Stuart and Raw lins Glnh,, mombors ot Company E. Roy Amos, of Company E, wont to Bridgeport tills morning to spond his leavo of absenco. Ho will roturn Sat urday ovoning.