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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1917)
Professional eye service Testing eyes is a distinctly professional work. True, it must be done before properly fitted glasses can be secured. But at Clinton's the professional side is above the mercantile side. Our optometrist docs not think of selling a pair of glasses, but of learning exact eye conditions. If these do not make glosses advisable, ho says so. And you can rely on his advice. Let him examine your eyes. '!' -I vi it A Vie, 1 CLINTON,' Graduate Optician, At tho Sign or the 1)1? King. Sonic More JTcw Teachers for North I'latto City Schools CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. Morrill. Dentist Harry Huffman spent tho woek end in Colorado cities. Joospoh Groeson of Co. E, Spent tho wook end In Oshkosh. Clarenco Norall spoilt Uio week ond in. Ogalalla wlUi frlonds. ' Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . ' Building & Loan Building.. COtf Wm. Powoll accepted a position In tho Walker Music Shop rocontly. Donald McFarland began work in tho Tramp grocory yestorday morning.' Caanor Itaich and son Alvln "Who jHvor'o visiting in Donvcr havo returned uionio. .Don Mayflold, of Stanton, camo Frl (lav inornlmr to visit at tho Fratcr 'homo. Frank Smith, of Omaha, who spent Uio wcok ond with his paronts loft Sun " day ovoning. Joiin N. Bakor, Jr.. loft tho lattor nart or laai wcok lor uonvwr to buu a weok or, longor ' ' , Walter Hoxlo lofkthOklattor.p'ar.t of ' last weok Jo Toport-fortho navy at umaiia una wuuii. Sam Hemphill, who had boon om v ployed In Scotta Bluffs for eomo timo ; has .roturnod horo. Mlsa Irnia McMichaei who lias boon x'lnlHnir In 'Rntna Turk will return homo in a fow days. Mrs. C. R. Hillyor, of Ogalalla, camo hero hist wook to visit hor eon Italph of Conmpny E, Miss Mildred Stonman, of Gothon- . burg, who visited frlonds for a weok loft Sunday ovoning. Liout. Cocll Cool enmo up from Om - aha Saturday ovoning to visit local rnlntlvntj nnil .frlnmlu. Sldnoy McFarland returned Sunday . ovoning from Choyohno whoro ho vis ited frlonds last wcok. Harry Brodbeck loft tho lattor part of last wook for Donvor mid Colorado .polntB to spond a week. Mrs. Artliur Roynolds and daughtor rotumed Friday from antoxtondod visit with relatives in Des Moines. 0. W. Tucker formerly of Uio Marti moat market who wont to Omaha ro contly has aceopteu a position. Mtb. Cool and daughtor Ima who woro visiting with Cocll Cool In 0m aha last wook camo homo Friday. Miss Ellon McGovorn returned Sun day morning from Donvor whono sho spent her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. John Andorson of Brady, camo by auto Friday to visit Uioir dwghtor Mrs. Charles Boss. Mrs. D. J. Hogo of Ovorton and Miss Anna L. Whalcn of Wood nivor spont tho week end horo with local frlonds. Leo Tlgho has roturned from a short vlBlt in Denver with friends and re sumed work In tho Kcxall Dnig Btoro Mrs. E. Lloyd who had boon visiting with hor daughtor (In Ogalalla re turned homo tho latter part of laBt wook. Rov. and Mrs. Hull and family who havo boon visiting In Estos Park for ten days aro oxpoctcd to return homo Friday. David Ryan of Fort Morgan, for morly of this city who has been visit Ing local frlonds will leavo Friday morning. MrB. 0. L. Brock of Gothonburg camo tho lattor part of last wcok to visit her brother who Is a mombor of Company E. yMlss Uobo McG-uJrOjifSchuylor who wftH visiiing nor paisniftjr. onu.jurs Oharlott McGulro for a wook loft fow dayB ago. Miss Dulcio Fator left Friday morn ing with a party of frlonds to spend a wook or longor in Colorado and Wyoming by auto. MIsb Isabollo Stafford who taught in tho local schools tho paBt two. yoars will accopt a position in tho schools at Paxtqn this year. Dr. D, J. Bowman and Mrs. Bow man of Lincoln, aro visiting with tho lattor's broUior Mark Bakor whilo on routo through by auto. Ralph Adams, formerly of this city, who has boon In Koarnoy for a cotuplo of yoars camo tho first part of last wook to visit local frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross who woro married In Lexington two wookB ago returned horo Friday and will bo at homo on weat lOUi atroot Mrs. Goorgo A. Saint and children of Elmhurat, 111., who havo boon visit ing hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gllmnn for a wook will loavo today. PIANO FOR SALE. Wo havo had loft on our hands at North Platto a now Btrictly high class piano, which if taken at onteo will bo sold at a posi tive bargain. Llboral terms. If inter ested, do not fall to wrlto Tho Donvor Music Company, Donvor, Colo. GO-G the Let Us Keep Your Books Instead of paying your bills in cash and taking a chance of losing your receipt open a checking account with us this month and pay all your bills by check. .. . ' 1 Your check endorsed and cancelled at the bank is your'receipt for payment and the stub in your check book tells you how much you have received, paid out, and how much you have on hand. We will furnish a statement of your ac count each month or oftenor if you wish. McDonald State Bank. Miss Holen Davison of Lincoln will havo chargo of tho English work in the Sonlor High school. Miss Brown will not bo wlUi us noxt year and Miss Drummond will take the Latin. Miss Davison is a graduate of the Unl vorslty of Nebraska and has hod qon- sldorablo exporlcnco in high school teaching. Sho was employed during tho past summer In tho Teachers' Col lcgo High School at Uio University of Nebraska and comes highly recoin- monded by Professor Stuff and the TcachorB' Collcgo faculty. Mr. Everett Ward of Plattsmouth Nobr., will teach in tho Junior High School. Ho is a graduate of Cotner University and has had good oxper- lonco. Ho is at present doing some work for tho Burlington railroad hut will bo on hand In North Platto when school opoiiB. Mr. Ward has had con- sldorciblo training In aUilcUcs ami gynnslum and will bo a help In these departments. Miss Viola Olson of Donver has boon toachlng In Uio city schools at Fremont Nobraska for Uio past year and comes well rerommonded from thore. She had her training in the Fremont Nor mal and taught threo years at Dodge. Nobr. Miss Olson will havo work In ono of tho lntennodlato rooms of our school. Miss Fay Parsons will teach ono of tho Intormedlato rooms noxt year. Sho Is a graduato of tho Koarnoy State Normal and last year taught at Stap- loton but declined to accept her place thoro because of hor election here. Hor family has alroaey located hero. Miss Mildred Whlto of Fromont will havo charge of tho music In all of tho departments ot tho city schools. Sho is a graduato of tho American Conservatory of Music of Chicago and has had oxtensivo oxporlonce in teach ing volco In Fromont, Spokano and Chicago. Last year alio conducted music clasaos in tho "Lady of Sor rows" Parochial School In Chicago and directed a children's chorus at the Association Settlement House in Chicago. ::o:: Sues for $107.50. Tho caso of Curtis Konquest vs Ivan Johnston for bodily Injuries and damage to his motorcyclo camo up in county court tho lattor part of last weok. Tho plaintiff asked for $197.50 damages and was given $115.00 by tho court. Tho damage was tho re. suit of an accident during Uio Seriil- Contonnlal Colobratlon when tho Car of tho former collided wlUi tho motor. cycle breaking tho machlno and Injun- Ing tho plaintiff's shouldor. : :o: : Wallnco Reld and Cloo Ridgley in "Tho Yollow Pawn" will bo. th attrac tion at tho Crystal Thursday night. It la a stirring photo-drama which ro lontlessly oxpoccs tho merciless meth ods of tho Uiird dogreo, combined with a Bwoot and tender lovo story. A number of vnluablo and pot dogs navo- boon mysteriously poisoned the past wook. Among thoso who report tho loss of dogs aro Archdeacon !J. J1, Bowkor, Dr. F. J. Wurtole, P. Mettin and Frank Elliott. Choyonno County will not hold thoir annual fair Uils year on nccount of war conditions and tho ahortngo of holp among Uio farmers. Tho money which thoy would havo spend for Uio fair will bo donntod to Uio Rod Cross. Weaver Holllday. of Kearney, for merly of Uils city visited hero for a fow days past with local frlonds. Hol llday played hero on tho local ball toam two yoars ago and Is now a member of Company L. Tho Prlntzoss Garments aro very beautiful for tho fall season, special doslgnlng, tho materials aro beautiful and colors aro all tho now autumn tints. E. T. TRAMP & SON'S. Mrs. Glon Mlllor ontcrtalncd olght ladles at a theatre party at tho Kolth Saturday ovoning in honor of Mrs. James Hayos and Mrs. William Kon nody of Koarnoy. A luncheon was lator onjoyed at tho Oasis. Misa Floronco Stack, of tho Clinton Jowolry storo is taking hor summor vacation part of which sho will spond In L6xington and other polns in oast orn Nebraska. Frank Cnutzliigor, who is in chargo of tho construcUon work of tho now do'pot, wont to Donvor Sunday ovon ing to BQcuro oxtra mon to work on tho building. Mr. and Mrs F. Martin hold a faro owll party for Uiolr son Paul Martin of Company E tho lattor part of last woek. Thirty guests woro pleasantly ontortaJnod. Wm. Malonoy Sr., and daughtor Mrs. J. J. Horrlgan and son Paul loft by auto Friday attorooon to spond a fow dayB with Mr. Horrlgan In Grand Island. Dr. W. T. Pritchard loft Sunday ov oning for Lincoln on buslnoss. ;:o:: FOR YOUIt AUTO SERVICE Call 125 for Taxi day or night Alao flvo or Bovon pa3songor oar for funoral service MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO-, Chandler & Elcar Agoncy. Corner Eighth and Locust Sts, From Credit to Cash On and After Oct. 1 WE WILL SELL For Cash Only In business there are Three Important and Essential Factors, the Pro ducer, the Seller and the Consumer. The most important of these three is the Consumer the one who uses the goods. As sellers of highest grade Footwear our interests are very closely associated with the interests of the Consumer YOU! Hence it follows that anything which benefits to consumer will benefit both of us. On and after October 1st our business will be operated on a cash basis. Per sonal charge accounts will be discontinued. This change of store policy is made in your interest as well as our own. You will be given the benefit of our decreased "overhead" by correspondingly LOWER PRICES. And at this time when general costs have been greatly increased due to conditions beyond your and our control, it's bound to be mighty interesting for you to know that at the BIG SHOE STORE like ours has adopted a policy which will make it possible to place before you the ultimate in expert shoe merchandising. QUALITY-SERVICE-PRICE No one need feel any sense of injury at being asked to pay cash. Our first class credit customers are many in number AND NINETY-FIVE PER CENT of our pat rons who have and are now carrying "charge accounts" will welcome the new pol icy because they realize that CASH BUYS" CHEAPER THAN CREDIT. It isn't a question of getting our money that concerns us most, it's merely a matter of getting lined up with the NEW WAY OF DOING THINGS the way that gets cash pays cash and gives better values for less money. We do not make this move in a spirit of retaliation toward anyone. With us it is strictly a business proposition and we are putting it up to you SQUARELY. We want your business and expect to get at least a share of it on the basis of QUALITY, SERVICE and PRICE and last but not least COURTESY. One price and that one CASH after October 1st; on this platform of sound business practice we respectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. D. & F. Shoe Store DIENER & FLEISHMAN, Props. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Tho Chufo Novlta will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. P Stuart. Dr. J. K. Elms of Omaha, a former resident, is spending tills week hero. Miss Loretta Burke of tho Wilcox Department Btoro wont to Lexington Saturday morning. Edward Mulcaliy, of Choyonno, for merly of tliis city, spent tho past two days here whilo enrouto cast Aftor spending sovoral days with lo cal frlonds Herbert Emerson returned to Kearnoy Saturday morning. Mrs. S. R. Dorryhorry who lies boon visiting In David City for ton days is expected to return homo tomorrow. Mrs. James Flynn and son Fergus came down from Lowollon Saturday evening to spond several days with rolatlves. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoaley and family will leavo soon for eastern points to visit for some timo and look up a location. Mrs. Philips of Lancaster, Mo., who has boon visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Wnltor Malso for two weoks will loavo tomorrow. ' , i Mr. and Mrs.Ray Cummlngs who had boon visiting in Donvor, Estos, Park and othor wostorn points returned homo Sunday aftornoon. J. B. Edwards, of Omaha, who was n chargo of tho Harcourt Clothing Co. during tho absonco of William Har court, loft Saturday ovoning. Brothor Jorono, of Spauldlng, camo Saturday ovoning to visit with Rov. P. McDald and to socuro students for tho boys' Catholic collogo in Spauldlng. Tho Methodist aid society will hold thoir regular mooting in tho church parlors Thursday aftornoon. Mes damos Doau, Bcsack, Kaountz and Cool aro tho hostessos. Mr. and Mrs. Luto Thoolecko and family arrived horo tho lattor part of last weok by auto to visit Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Thoolocko. Tho former re turned homo Sunday ovoning. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullon, of Hast ings, nnd and Thonius Mullon, of Om aha who Avoro guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Hanlfln and family last weok re turned homo Sunday ovoning. Now Coats and Suits arriving daily. Now Is tho timo to got a good selec tion. Como in and seo tho now Fall approvod styles. E. T. TRAMP & SONS. We have something like 40 of our "Special Electric" Washing Machines in use in North Platte and every user will Boost for them. Special Matinee Keith Theatre, Friday, Aug. 24. BABY MARIE OSBORNE, in "WHEN BABY FORGOT." ADULTS 10c. CHILDREN Sc. Anita Stowart in "Clover's Ro bolllon" at tho Kolth Wednesday shows that lovo will And a way in splto of Dukes ana riches nnd tho ambitions of schomvng relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ericson of Brady spent yostorday horo whilo onrouto to! Colorado by auto. Mr. Ericsson says tho rain In tho vicinity of Brady Sun day ovoning was Uio boat ono of this season and although too lato for tho corn crop it will put tho ground in good condition for tho fall wheat On accdunt of tho oxtromo dryness many farmors in that vicinity woro un ablo to cut a second crop of Alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. McCartney and daughtor Hazel of Thurmon, la., spont last wook as tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Frater and loft a fow days ago for Colorado and Wyoming. Mrs. Georco Savin find rlHIflrmi. for merly of this city, camo Sunday morn ing from Dmnlm in trial IMi U nta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Monclo for a couplo of weoks. Mrs. William Snolling of L03 An golos, who had boon vistilng hor mother Mrs. Nicholas Kloln for two weoks loft yestorday morning. Mr. Snolling who loft last wcok for Shori dan -will meet hor thoro and accom pany hor homo.