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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
i . . 7, ur - i i - IMI OLD FASHION CO BIFOCALS Improvement Ivoo JrAvlrrtintt kbyptok classes 'cctwn kwtok The originator of the bifocal idea was Ben Franklin. His (lasses showed a heavy seam across the face of thorn. Then followed the cement arid pant ed bifocals which were not much of an improvement over Ben's crude spectacles. The lntcpt dcelopment in bifocals is IfBYPTOK & a- GLASSES ! THE INVISIBLE DIFOCALS Thoy nro the perfect glasses for nonr nni far vision, without lino, seam or hump. K It Y P T 0 K S . (pronounced Crlp'tockH) nro ono solid crystal cloar Ions with smooth von sur face, Thoy aro single vision in appoaranco. C. S. CLINTON. Registered Optometrist. The Hlgn with tliu JJIg King OITJf AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Ruoy Shanor camo Thursday from Maxwell to spond a couplo of dayfl with frionds. Mrs. W. P. Wnltomnth has returned from a wook's visit In Omaha ttnd with v paroiUs at Ulalr, Noh. fow stylos In womon'fl nnd. mlsso' coats and suits nro arriving dally ut Tho Leader Morcantllo Co.'s. , Mrn. B. N. McNamnra roturnod to Paxton yostortlay after visiting for a day or two with frionds in lawn. j Mrs. 0. fT. Joffors, of Wlmhorly, Mo., will nrrlvo hero noxt wook to visit at tho Whito homo. Iteglatorod Porchoron Stallion for snlo cheap. Thomns E. Doollttlo, North Platto, Neb. . 8-8 Mrs, Ray Wolborn will loavo Sunday for ColoroUo, whoro slio will spend the. aprlng and aurnmer on hor hus band's homostoad. A son cama to brighton tho Tioino of Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hedllold yoftorday morning. Tho mothor and boy nro re ported to bo gottlng along nicely. J. V. Romlgh drovo to Oothonburg yestorday to attend tho public wl como oxtondokl tho mllltla company upon its roturn from tho border. "WantedWashing; also trousers and shoos Tor two boys, six nnd nine, whoso mother Is sick. Phono Hov. Itobt, Whito, Muck 003. Mrs1. Hobort Arnold ontortalnrj tho Eldoon club at n koiiHliigton at hor homo Wednesday afternoon. Tho noxt mooting of the club will bo hold in two weekg iwlth Mrs. 1). U. Soosbo. Angus MoLocn who boon employed In tlw rtinckor drug store Mill loavo this week for IiIr former home In Lex ington to aecopt a position with tho Union Pnciflc ns tickot agent. Ono yonr ago Wednesday the' siege or Verdun was begun. This hna gone down on tho records ns tho groatont sloga tho world hna over known. Hun tlreds of thousands of Pronch and Clor man soldiers have boon klllod or wounded, and today tho relative ad vantages nro Bcarcoly unchnnged, the Pronch bolng somewhat moro favor ably situated. ' "Troamirs" tho scond lnstallmont of the wondor serial "Patrla" with , Mrs. Vornon Castle at tha Keith to I night With this will be shown the I Hulboa feature "The Sultana" with ' Uuth Roland. I William Strain, employed with the telephone company returned Wetlne. day from a few days' visit with his purontH In Lexington. I MIm Dulcle Prater will lenvo next i week for Lincoln to spoiid a few days I visiting her ulster Ttiolma who In at tending mo siaie university. Ear Corn for sale 1203 North Lo cust. Photic Hk. 460. 11-2 Yetenlay, tha birth anniversary of Washington, was fully and lognlly ob 1 served In North Platto by the banks, I fedoral and county offices, the tJ. P. I shops, and by some of the business houses In the afternoon. In the school! upproprlate exercise were held and 1 Mage floated from many poles on the buildings. j When tired or worn out send your 1 washing to the North Platto Laundry Phone 113. 8tf ' Honry AVell will go to Grand- Island noxt Tuesday to be present at the opening of bids for the construction pt a hotel he will build at Hayard , This hotel will bo constructed of brick, 47x132 feet and lwivo thlrty-lx rooms I on th uppor floor. On the ground floor will bo tho lobby, dining room and kitchen and n businesn room. Tho funeral of tho late Henry Co llagen wna held yestorday afternoon from tho Luthornn church, conducted by. Itov. Harman. Tito attondanco was much largor than tho seating capacity of tho church. Tho L. O, O. M. of which tho deceased, was a member, to tho numbor of sixty or moro attended In a body, as did also tho city officials. Thoro was a wealth of iloral offerings. Dr. Brock, t)entlst, over Stone Drug Store Tho voters of Wallaco mot last week and discussed tho question of erecting a now school building. There woro no "knockers" present nnd tho proposition will probably b0 carried .through. A four room Jirlck building !b suggested. Tho peoplo of Wallaco can in no othor way spend their mon ey so woll as in providing school ac commodations for .their boys and girls. Tho Groat Wcstorn Sugar Co. has contracted for nbout 1,000 acres of boots in tho territory nsslgucd It In tho division of the boot district, and oxpects to hnvo tho total roach 1H00 acres. Somo of tho farmers at O'Pal lons will put out a largor ncrengo than ovor boforo. Among theso aro Davo McConnoll who -will put In sixty acres nnd Henry Pulk ninety acres. Aklvancb allowing of millinery in North Platto indleatos a continuance of flport stylos qulto foBtlvo Indeed. With Hport shoes, hoso, suits and hats, tho avorago girl attracts attention at a coiiBldorablo dlBtanco. Models for young nion'H .npiparol aro quite us fotchlng as tho glrlB, but hero In tho short grass country the young m?n do not Boom to "fall" for thomr-so mod est, you know, Tho remains pf Harry Wilson, who died! nt Summit, twonty mllca north of Tryon, wan brought bore yesterday for burial and tho funornl will bo hold this aftornoon at tho homo of his sister Mrs. IT. C. RodgorB, 705 wost Sovonth street. Tho deceased formerly rosidod In tills city nimi Is a brother of Ocorgo Wilson, "who Is a Janitor nt tho fedoral building. With Uio rommice of aprlngtlmo, tho glamour of ndvonturo In a great city, tho mystory of a detective story nnd the conflict of emotion with facts. Tho Innocont Lie" with Valentine Grant showing nt the Keith Saturday night brings to tho screen a combina tion of interest dlffloult to oxoel. Pro dooeu, in Uio most beautiful apots in Bermuda Uio dramatic offocts of this unusual nliotrtplay aro highly en hanced by tho scenic qualities of the production. Tho banking room of tho First Na tional building Is nearlng completion. Tho mnrblo workor Is about through, and tho only romnlnlng work Is that of varnishing nnd rubbing down tho mahogany finish. This will require about throo weeks. Not lator than April first tha officers hope to bo doing bus InosB In tho now room, which em braces ovory convenience that modern bnnklng requires. . FLAW IN FORMATION OF IIKIIIGK PRECINCT A flaw In the boundary lines of the recently formed bridge precinct south of the river renders invalid the pre imrntory steps that have been taken and the proposition -Kill need bs start -'od anew. This means that the petition must again be circulated for tigna Uure. new boundary line of the con solidated), precincts be made and other "preliminary work done. The error was discovered by Attor ney Heeler Wednesday when -he be gan work on preparing the bond propo sition to be submitted to the vdtcr. nnd was of such a nature that had It gono unnotksey tho bonds whn 'voted would liave been invalid. It in there fore well that tho flaw was discovered before furthor steps had been taken. Tho only bnd effect is that the dau of the election must le further de cayed and the additional work of cir culating tho petition. , IUIIjIIOaVnOTKS P. W. Sltton, who had boen In town for a day or two, left Tuesday on a business trip to Donvcr and Kansas City. The lower house of the Nebraska loglnlntur,, Indefinitely postponed Wed neday the full switch engine crew bill which wne backed by railroad omploy os. W. T. Wnlkier, who for nineteen 'years has boon in tho employ of the Union Pacific and tho P. P. E. Co., will loavo early In Mnrch for Cockoysvllle, ATil. fn TYinlff liln linnio Mr Wnllfor "lias boon traublmli "with oxzomu, for several yoars, and obtaining no rellof from treatment nt different springs, has decided to remove to a lower al titude. Tho Union Pacific suffered another tlo-up In Wyoming Wednesday and yesterday, but fortunately It wns not bo prolonged ns tho blockado of two weeks ago. Trains dun at this termi nal yesterday noon arrived this fore noon, covered (with snow an ice, evi donco that tho storm Wns severe. Trains diuo today will arriv several hours late. Qonl. Manager Joffors and Gonl. Su'pt. Stonger, -who had boon In Wy oming tor tnren wccks looKing alter snow blockades, ipassoil east Tuesday. When thoy reached Loxlngton thoy were notlfld that It was again snowing be tweon Laramlo and Ogdcn and Mr. Stongor roturned to Cheyolino in oi- ,dcr to bo on tho'groutw should another blockado occur. On account of this storm all trains from tho west wero from four to six hours lato Wednes day. William Shaylor of Sioux City, la.. Is suing Uio Northwestern rnllroad for $25,000 damngos In district court for alleged injuries suffered on De cember 7, 191C, when hd was shot by a hobo at Onnwa, la. In hls petition Shaylor assorts that hobos and I. W. W.'b Infested, tho train on which lie, waB a brakoman and that It was Itis duty to put them off. Ho alleges that a bullot from a revolver In Uio hand of a hobo permanently disabled him. Omaha Bee. Vic Vonfloetz Promoted. Victor VonGootz, formoriy of this city has boon appointed ticket ngent r-t tho Northorn Pacific Terminal Co. at Portland, Ore, and will account for all tlckots sold by tho Northern Pn ciflc, Union Pacific and Southom Pa cific roads. Tho position has a salary of $175 per month attached, and In addition ho will rccelvo certain "per quisites valuld, tat fWtty dollars or moro per month. Por four years past Mr. VonGootz had boon a ticket seller for tho termlnnl company. His pro motion Is ovldonce. thnt ho Is making good. The Vnlversnl Cnr. Thnt tho Ford is the "universal ear," Is attested by tho sales nmd, bv the Hondy-pglcr Co. this month. Prom Pobnuary 1st to February 20th they rocolvoo and placed in tho "hnnds of purchasers fifty-live Ford touring and runabout cars. Even thoso heavy re ceipts hnvo not onnblcd tho firm to catoh up with tholr Plgned orders, and fllioy expect sovoral moro cixrlcnds within tho noxt couplp of weeks. Why Pay the Peddler or Canvasser Twice These Prices? You can sine u good deal of money by buying jour si nek tonic nt this store, Instead of pnylng the peddler big, fan cy prices for goods of. unknown quali ty. Look ut these prlcos for Unit old reliable nnd guaranteed stock condi tioner and norm expeller. Dr. Hess Stock Tonic 25-lb. Pail Costs $2.00 100-lb. Drum Costs $6.50 . Remember, we have no peddler's wagon nnd horses' expenses to pay. That's why we can sell you Dr. Hess Stock Tonic at these Rock-bottom Prices. Horo la anothor point, Mr. Parmer, wo want to oniphnslzo, that Is: Dr. Hosg Stock Tonic Is highly concentrated; It goos farther, as the small doBO quantity proves. Dr Hose Stock Tonic is to put your nnimulH In a thriving condition, mnku tho ailing onos healthy an I xpol tho worms otherwise you get jour money back right hero nt our store. .Wo also liandlo Dr. Hess Dip and Disinfectant Dr." ''Hess Poultry Pan-a-ce-a Dr. Hess Instant Louse Killer REXALL DRUG STORE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. "Fair and Wuriucr." A farco bo Ingratiating, bo convul sively amusing and so unlwsnllv ap pealing that It ran for ono year at tho Kltlngo nnd Hnrrls theatres, New York, without once failing of Its capa city buslncfw, Ih tho famous "Pair and Warmer," which Solwyn & Company will present at tho Keith thoatre on Tuesday, March Gth. Avery Hoywood, Its author, put a now "pngo in hla own brilliant record which included "Soven Days" nnd "No body's Widow" and Solwyn & Com pany maintained Utolr roputatlon for Having tho seasons greatest mecfl. Tho demand for, Its apcahinco on tour bogan boforo tho ond of tho second month of its astonishing Nwv York run. It will bo shown bore under tho mot nuplciow clrcuniBtnncos, with a beautiful production, wondwful Knwns. and n highly skilled company of farcours. Every household needs a HOT SPOT gas room heater. A quick clean heat without dirt, soot or smoke. North PlatteLight and Power Co. Hi Our W Enemy SO IS HE YOURS. TJieref re we Eaave arraBaged for the aie e!nveffy mm WaiMid, Whole Wheat, Graham an d Rye Flour and Corn Meal Heretofore sold in 500 pound lots In any quantity, at wholesale prices and with a strict money back guarantee Uelleving that the little consumer is entitled to this reduc tion in price ns well ns tho big purchaser, wo hnvo adopted tli is course. ; i Shorts, bran, wheat, corn, oats, barley, chop, ground mix ed feed, mixed chicken feed, alfalfa baled hay and tankage that have previously been delivered in only 500 pound lots will here after also lie delivered in any quantity and at our usual low prices. LevDoldt & ft Pe Phone 99 nmngton, Office, Elevator and Warehouse, Front and Silber Avenue. SERVICE CAN'T IJU'OKT LIQUOK INTO miY STATUS. Washington, Feb. 21, "Bone dry. bono dry," echoed throughout the liouso of representatives today and "bono dry it Is, so far as pronlmuon states aro concerned, for by a vote of 321 to 72 tho house voted to concur in tho Heed amendmont to tho post offlce appropriation bill making it a crimo to Import liquor into "dry" statoa. With tho exception of Roprosonta tlvo Sloan ovory member from Ne braska voted to concur In Senator Reed's amondment, the result being regarded as a triumph for the "wots" on tho theory that a rigid enforce ment of prohibition laws and tli? ex clusion of liquor for porsonnl use will bring a revulsion of Bontlment In favor of a largor personal llborty. It Is counted as one of tho most far-reaching prohibition measures in yoar9 because, it will nialco absolutely dry states which now permit shlp monts in limited quantities. Every offort to chango tho amend ment was defeated ovorwhelmlncrlv PCrles of "bono dry" rang throughout tho liouso and the sentiment swopt tho houso until tho Inst vote tor con currence was cast. Members who at tempted to explain that thoy wore prohibitionists nt hoart, but stood for statos rights, wore greoted with laughtor. Tho amondment Incomparably the most farrroachlng prohibition legisla ture ovor approved byv either liouso of congross, would raise an absolute bar rlor against tho shipment of liquor into nneon stato whero It can b0 im ported lognlly now nnd whero millions of dollars worth Is consumed an nually It would add to the "bone dry" territory about one-third of con tinental Unitod Statos. Mrs. Paul Gantt loft this morning for a visit with relatives in Lincoln. Now siks, dross goods and dress trimmings at Tho Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Tho firm of Whito & Emple, en gaged in tho mercantile business at Sutherland, has beten dissolved, C. H. Empio purchasing tho interest of J. R. White. Kor Sale or Trade My residence property at the corner of Mnpls and I! streets. Seven rooniB and madam ox cept heat. Thwio Red GJ0. 11-3 WM. MORRIS. Lenten Meetings. A series of meetings will bo held onch Friday evening during Lent nt eight o'clck nt the Luthornn Hrothor hood house. Tho dates of thoso meet ing and tho londors will be: Fob. 211 Rev. O. O. Wood. March 9. Mr. I II. VanCl- March 2d, Mr. F. E. Rullurd. March 23. Mr. E. J. VanDerhoo'. March 10, Mr. L. II. Toole. March 30. Mr. R. A. Rhodes. -' ,,; ;o: ; Dr. Morrill. Dentist. :o: :- THK HEN THAT LAYS Us tho hen that pays. It sho doos not lay. kill hor. but boforo you kill hor glvo hor H. A. Thomas Poultry Remedy twlco n day for a week, and them you will not kill her for sho will bo paying you ti profit. It not only makes hens lay but it is a rom edy for Cholorn, Roup, and Gapes We gurtranteo It to cure or wo re fund your money. Sold by Dorryborry & Forbes. rs I .--.. -.L-J A252 'H Be the Next to Build? Look What A Wide Choice! A Good Store Building for use or for rent. A Nice Home, Cottage. Bungalow or Mansion. A Good Bam. on the farm or in town. A Siied, for Automobile, stock or machinery. A New Porch, or Addition to the House. A Hennery or Fence. Be the Next and See Us for LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL Coates Lumber & Coal Co. North Platte, Nebr. Duroc - Jersey Sow Sale. Wednesday, February 28. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA NORTH PLATTE SUBSTATION Will sell nt Public Auction at 1 o0 P fWmi ti ut i t$Z:y 28 m the Sultotli?StUlS65 35 PURE BRED DUROC-JERSEY GILTS S bf 2 nShed f2 !L ST?"6' Reisttin certificates Col. E-Z. Russell, of Omaha, Auctioned P SNYDER. SP-