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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
Fashion's fancies are illustrated with remarkable accuracy in our showing of if it it ti 4 t.t 1 Glasses are becoming to J people when properly se- f 8 iected and Med; If you are not pleased with the appearance of your present glasses call at our optical de partment. Our business is to properly correct errors of refraction and property fit frames and lens to your individual requirt mer.ts. DIXON, THE JEWELER 1 REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST. DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist OHice over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL ANU I'EltSONAL. David Shcetly has returned from Pine Bluffs where ho had heen visit ing with his son. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Mike Dunlavy, of Powell, Wyo., camo down Sunday evening to visit his uncle David Shcedy. Wanted A housekeeper in a farm homo with two male occupants. Phone 784F011. Wagner Bros. 11-4 TTnvt Hn'rt. nf Puxton. was in town Wednesday enrouto hom from Iowa' where ho had been visiting relatives. Thomas Mathews, who had heen employed at Laramio for several weeks, returned hero Monday morning.- The music and art department o tho Twentieth Century club will meet with Mrs Ralph Smith,' 523 west Sec ond. Tor iiiiicfc action and satist'nciosy sale list your land with Thoelecke. tf Wantd Stories for moving pictures. Send stamp for full particulars to "MOVIE" caro Empress Theatre. Grand Island, Nebr. . 12-3 Tho Mooso banquet, which was postponed on acount of tho death of Henry Cohagon. will bo held at the Lloyd next Monday evoning Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hondy loft Tuo day 'evening for Sutton, whore they were called by tho death of Mrs. Hondy's brother, Allen Molleneaux. Frank Johnson, tho Wollileet drug gist, who had beon taking treatment at a local hospital, returned to his home the early part of this weok. Efficient and reliable light draying of any -kind, taxicab service and coun try livory. Splcer's Parcel Delivery. Call Huffman's Cigar Store. Phone 975. Mrs. Clark Buchanan, "who had been visiting relatives in this city and in Chicago for a couplo of months left Tuesday for her home in Los AngeU s via Denver. All the men's, women's and chil dren's sweaters to be closod out com pletely, and are now being sold by The Leader Morcantiln Co. at one-third off the fonnor price. License to wed was granted Tues day to F. W. Johnson, of Tryon, and Miss Nollle A. Listor of this city, and they woro later married by a local clergyman. Mrs. Victor VonGoetz, of Portland, formorly of this city, is now visiting in Honolulu. Sho accompanied a lady friend who wont thoro to become a principal in a wedding. ! . Bert Boycr was lined five dollars and costs in Justice Meyers' court Wednesday on tho drunk and disor derly charge. Ho wag givon until March 3d to make tho payment. Wo want men and women to handlo our new novoltloe. Samples sent on re colpt of 10c for postage. Big money to IIvo workers. Addross Acmo Supply Co. Box 422, Grand Island, Nebr. 12-?. Mrs. C. II. Stamp and Mrs. Louls Peterson woro summonod to Hossvllle, 111., Wedensday by a telegram announ cing that their mothor, who is past ninety, had suffered a paralytic strok Farm and llanch loans at lowest rates and best terms. Money on hand to close loans promptly. 43tf BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. T. C. Watson expects to leave next week for California, whero ho will re main for somo tlmo. Tho Colon?l prob ably desires to oscapo somo of the stormy weathor that may possibly vis it westorn Nebraska during the next six Tveoks. Tho city council met in regular sos sion Tuesday evening, but about the only business transacted was the passage of the ordlnanco authorizing thn lowlntr of taxes against the prop erty in tho paving district to pay the' cost of same. i A now lino of bed spreads at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. All very rea. sonably prided. W. II. McDonald returned yesterday morning from a business trip to Om aha and Lincoln. For sale Nearly now Singer sowing machine at an attractivo price. Call at 703 east Fifth street. Jack Harter and Harry York made a trip to Arthur yesterday In Jack's six cyl streak o lightning. I now havo funds at 5M: per cent on choice bottom table land. Gene Crook, Itoomi 3 & 4, Waltomath Bldg Albert Lepioyt, of Paxton, spent Wednesday in town while enrouto home from Chicago iwhoro ho had beon visiting relatives for six weeks. C. H. Walter sold a car of hogs on track at North Platto Wednesday for $2,520.38, the largest sum for which ho ever sold a car of these animals. Thoro wore elghty-ono head In tho car. Mr, Walter recalls the time when ho sold a car of hogs for less than ?500. With total resources of $G32,292.2S deposits of $490,381.G3, a surplus fund of $20,000 and undlvidcil profits of $17,749.53, as-shown by the statement published Tuesday, the McDonald Stato Bank keeps In tho front rank of state banks In the west half of tho stato. Lots of cold days ahead. Can you afford to miss the overcoat sale now on at Tho Leakier Mercantllo Co.'s? Buy a $10 to $40 overcoat at $5 to $20. Plenty of coats in this final clearance lot that you will find good to own even for extra or for next winter. All go ing at half price. "Billy" Johnson formerly travellns representative for tho Lincoln Jour nal and relinquishing that position 'engaged in tho banking business in .Spcarflsh, S. D. spent Wednesday and yesterday in town. lie is again travel ing for the Journal, having sold his interest in tho bank. Tho Franklin gymnasium was turn ed ovor to the bask3t ball teams this week and both tho boys and tho girls have had practicos. It Is too late in tho season to secure games with othor schools but tho students are having tho benefit of very healthy exercise. Dr. Carver, ono of tho notorious characters in this section forty or moro years ago, but now in tho show business, sayB ho surely wants to be In North Platto during tho soml-con-tennial celebration in Juno. Many of our older residents remember Carver and somo of tho stunts he pulled off In western Nebraska. In all tho ward schools this week particular attention lias been given to patriotic exercises, particularly to im pressing upon tho youngsters the full significance, of "old glory." Elsewhere wo publish, at tho roquost of tho Daughters of tho American Revolu tion, tho Hag law of Nebraska which probably but few havo ever read. Tho Harrison Nursery Co., York, Nebr., haa asked mo to receive orders for nursery stock, and I shall be glad to call on request and help plan tho orchard, hedge, windbreak or land scape. Lot mo know your wants along thte line. II. A. McConib, (formerly horticulturist at tho North Platte sub station) North Platto, Nobr., Routo 1, Phono 780F2. 12-3 "Under Two Flags" tho novel by Oulta which tho genius of William Fox ha turned Into a film mastorplcco with Theda Bara in the loading role .will bo shown at the Crystal tonight, When tills play watt presented on the stago Blanch Batos playod the lead. The swift sharp action of a military camp rims throughout the film ren dition of tho famous novel presented in nil its glory and splendor. Captain Luko North, who was In command of a company of Pawnoo Indians at tho battle of Suinmltt Springs, writes that ho and Mrs. North will bo hero to seo the battlo staged 1 during tho soml-contennlal celcbra I Hon. Captain North has written Secro i tary Mooney a lottor giving a dos crpltlon of tho battlo. From tho vnrlou, ! descriptions of tho battlo rocolvad, Secrotary Mooney is In a position to make up his sconarlo very accurately. van YOUR AUTO service Call 125 for Taxi day or night. Also five or seven passenger car for funeral sorvlco. MOGENSEN-LOUDEN AUTO CO. Chandler & Elcar Agency. Corner Eighth and Locust Sts. v it 55 if t.t t.t V if it if i.t i.t :.: :.: :.: tf i.t if i.t i.t if i.t i.t i.t i.t it i.t i.t V :.: i.t it i.t . if li i.t Every detail which is the vogue for Spring- is embod ied in the attractive suits and coats we are now show ing. The many different styles, innumerable little finishing touches, the strikingly different colors, all assist in making our offerings for Spring more de lightful than ever before. ! call attention to a few of the favored styles and prices, but a visit to the department will be necessary to understand the comprehensive nature of our selections A mew ouii L537 A light mixed fabric made with, new pinch back and patch pockets. Price No. 4930 This suit is made of a very fine gabardine the Rookie Shade attractively trimmed with smoked pearl buttons., Price. .... in $35.00 No. 5820 This suit in the new rose shade jersey cloth made in double breasted style with large pock ets is a distinctive model. Price. .... .00 Ne w Coat No. 209 Made of Rose colored Wool Velourin Melted Model trimmed in Novelty Silk Stitching.- The large cape collar is a pretty feature. Price 1341 Coat made of Mustard color Wool Poplin. iNovei inpie ueiteu motiei Willi large (T 4 Q pockets and collar. Price OflOj 3420 A striking Coat of Magenta Vclonr trimmed with pearl buttons and silk stitching andined with fancy sin. nas a long tie ior No No lasteninjr. 'rice $35.00 if if 11 if if if if if if i.t i.t t.t i.t tf , tf if t.t tf if t.t tf it 8" t.t t.t t.t t.t if if if t.t t.t if tf if if if if i.t if i.t if if if if if if if if t.t if i.t i.t if if if if if if it i.t tf tf tf if it it if tf if if t.t SOLDI Kit HOYS RETURN HOME TKO.M RORDER Fourteen numb rs of Co. E, Fifth Ne braska Regiment, who wore mustered out of sorvlco at Ft. Crook Wednes day arrived homo "Wednesday night; several other North Platto members of tho company remained in Omaha to visit for a fow days. Company E, whi.lo designated as the North Platto com pany, was not- made up wholly of residents of tho ctly; In fact the great-. er number of tho members woro men from all quarters of the country. , Tho North Platto boys return home, looking well, and all are glad to get back having hnd about all tho soldier lifo thoy desire. The only complaint, tho boyB havo to make Is the ay theyi woro driven Into (drill and discipline, tho government attempting, and to a great extent succeeding, in making out of the state militia In six months' tlmo tho mine efficient soldiers that they expect of tho regulars after throe ' years of sorvlco This entailed upon tho boys strenuous drilling and hikes that woro extremely wearisome, but thoy "took their medicine iihilosaphl cally and Co. E was regarded as one of tho most efficient companies In tho camp. Tho returned soldiers plnco a low estimate on tho avorago Mexican ; they fall to find in him anything worthy of commendation. SOCIETY AND CLUBS. Odd Fellows' Will Inltlnte. Tho Odd Fellows of thlg city have called a special session for Monday evening, Feb. 2Cth, at 7:30 sharp, (for Uio purposo of conferring the third deegreo upon a largo class of candidates. Immediately following tho exemplification of tho third degree, thoro will bo a "food" In the ,ban quet hall. All local members and so journing brothers aro requested to be proBont. -: :o: :- Delltcrs Tliroo Addresses, .ludgo Hoagland was u pretty busy man yosterday when ho dollvered thro,, nddrossoB bofore tho pupils of the North Platto schools. At 9:30 ho nd drossod tho high school studonts in tho Central school audltorluim; ho s'poko to tho Jofforson school pupils at 1:30 and to those of tho Washington school at 2:ir. Tho Judge's theme at all those nddressos was George Washington. -: :o: :- NURSE HWHVN MEMORIAL HOMEOPATHIC HOSITl'AL Tho llfo of this Institution comos through tho successful use of tho true and tried Homeopathic remedy; noth ing healing more quickly, moro easily, more permanently. Hero Is a hospital that Is making It self known by good rosults In Major and Mluor Surgery, and which is the Homo of Orlflclal Surgory with ac complishments that no othor system can daro challongo In the troatment of flcuto and chronic diseases. ' 100S West HIi SU Trortli finite, Neb. .Tolin S. Twlncin, Iff. 1). Tho Eldecn club was entertained by Mrs. Robert Arnold Wednesday af ternoon. , Mrs. Geo. N. Glbbs entertained a number of Jaklies Wednesday afternoon complimentary to Mrs. 13. A.. Gar Hchs. ! Mrs. E. A. Garlichs was hostess at a thcatro party Tuosday ovonlng fol lowed with a "llttlo bito to eat" at the' Oasis. I Mrs. J. II Ilogarty was hostess at a' mooting of tho Alpha Mu Sigma club Tuosday afternoon, at which bridge! was tho feature. Mlsa Josophlno O'llaro, Mrs. Frank McGovorn, and .Mrs. Goorgo Vo.selpka entertained tho Lady Forrestoia at tlio Vosolpka homo Thursday afternoon at a kensington and business meeting. Monday's Trlanglo program at tho Keith will bo tho five-part drama, "Tho Wolf Woman" with Louise Glaum an,i Chas. Ray and tho Keystono comedy, "Tho Winning Punch" with Slim Sum- mcrvlllo and Peggy Plorco. Mrs. Olio Rasmusson was tho ro clpi'iit of a surprse party Monday ovon lng on the occasion of her birth anni versary. Forty friends and nolghborH formed tho Invaders who proceodted to mako merry the hours for nil. As niomontoos of tho occasion Mrs. Ras miusson received a number of gifts. Mcdamo Pattorson and Gantt and .Misses Patterson and Gantt entertain ed about oiio hundred ladle at tho Pattorson homo Tuosdny aftoitnoon. The hours wore from two to four and from flvo to seven. Decorations woro in tho national colors, the scheme be ing carried out In tho place card, ami In the refreshments. Mrs. O. H. Thoolocke entertained the Novlta club Wednesday afternoon at a Washington party. Tho houso was prettily decorated In the national col ors and patriotic contests wore a fea ture of the day. Prizes wore won by Mrs. W. P. Snyder and Mrs. T. V. Austin. At tho closo of the aftornoon a two course luncheon was aorvod on decorated tables. Guest wora. Mrs. Elder. Mrs, Chas. Tljfho and Mrs. Frazlor. Mrs. E. T. Tramp and Mrs. Horbort Tramp ontortalned a number of frionds Tuowlay evening compllmontary to ! Mrs. J. II. Krauso and Miss Onotah : Krauso, of West Point, Nebr., who havo been tholr guosts tlU week. At ' tho Tramp homo an hour was spent In vocal and Instrumental music, follow ed by a thcatro party and luncheon at tho Oasis. Tho evening proved a de lightful ono for tho gnosis. I Membors of tho J. F. F. club woro i tho guests of Mrs. A. W. Shilling I Tuesday afternoon at a Washington party at which tho docoratlons woro omblematlc of tho "fnthor of Ills coun try, i no national colors woro also used with pleasing offoct. Card games woro tho. entertaining fenturo, first prlzo going to Mrs. L L. llortho and second to Mrs. John Rausche. whllo Mrs. M. II. Douglas and Mrs. Wood Whlto woro awarded tho guost prlzos. Fred Ululniio Passes Away. I Fred Malone, ono of tho most wide-' ly known fanners of th0 nort sldo, died. itrn.i..n....ln.. ,...ti. I longed lllnosfl, nt his home soveu mtlos northeast of town. Tho funeral sor vIccb will bo hold at tho Preubytorlan church nt U:H0 this aftornoon con ducted by Rev. White. Tho leceasod was ono of tho. early seniors In his neighborhood, an Industrious man, and ono who enjoyed tho good will ani ostoom of ovory acquaintance. Ho 1b survived by a wlfo. Miss M. Slnman has resigned as Huperintomf nt of tho North Plntte Gonnral hoHpltul. When down town drop Into The Loader Morcantllo Co.'s storo and have tho clerk in tho hoslory depart ment show you tho new lino of Hk hoslory In plnln and fancy silks. lVoiild Restore Coyolo Roiinty. A few yours ago tho woir bounty law of Nebraska was uvlped off tho statute booka by a progrosslvo legisla ture, because It was costing the, ptato treasury $00,000 or $70,000 a year and wolves Hvero multiplying becnuso of tho bounty. Now the hrAwo commltteo on ogrlculturo hns rocommonUod or passago a bill to reetoro' bounty and mak0 It hlghor than ovor, $12 a hiJud for coyotes and $5 for gray wolvos ::o.:- , ; k. j. mi: net: . co. Ken! f. state mid liirtiirnnro Come and boo us for'.toVn lots-; In different parts of the olty. Oood In vestments on easy terms. Houses lor sale and rent. Wo huvo also good Imr galna In farms and raucuotvV Cor. Front and Dowev Stii., upstairs. mi mum Keep Your Own KEEP more of that money which slips away each month. The sure and easy way to do it is throuha Ssvings Account in the McDonald Slate Hank. Make this message mean some thing to your entire future. It CAN it surely WILL if you just bring a small amount even SI .00 and start a saving account here at once, do m Kosth Platte, Weor, ji t! llrmunsiii M1LT0NBERGER HI mm Real Estate and Insurance COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. Will look after renting your property at reasonable rates. Phono Black 550 and we will coll. Notary and Justice of tho Peace.