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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1917)
THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. HAS"BO(IEDRY"PLftN AMERICAN STEAMER STARTS FOR THE WAR ZONE REED SCHEME MEANS ABSOLUTE PROHIBITION FOR STATES. MOVE APPROVED BY SENATE Dry Leaders Fear Amendment De. dare It Is Detrimental to Pro. hlbltory Legislation. Pretty Frocks for Evening Wear. Nearly nil girls look their best In the silky and filmy frocks thej' wear for evening, and of course they are likely to know this. Therefore, every once in n while the up-to-date young person is apt to Insist on a new party frock, and to keep matters stirring un til she gets It. But she Is not exacting as to material, as n rule. Pretty col ors and smart style In the making are the things that captivate her. It Isn't a bad Idea to encourage the acquirement of a new evening or after noon frock, especially as an Incentive to the nvernge girl who needs to lenrn to sew. Some mothers agree to fur nish all the materials which their daughters will make up for themselves furnishing ono garment at a time. This Is wise management on the part of the mother, who wishes to train her girls In planning and shopping and sewing, for their own future good. Three Classes of Hats. Three hats belonging to three classes of millinery Invite you to familiarize yourself with their distinct character istics. Otherwise, when you go out to buy you are liable to make a mistake, unless you Intend to invest in an as sortment of millinery. Some enterpris ing and smart shops now place a small tag In each hat for the enlightenment, of bewildered customers. This little tng bars a legend which places the hat In the right class. These little tags say with finality: "This hat Is for sports wear," or "This hat is for trav eling," or "This hat Is for afternoon wear" and "This hat Is for morning," etc., etc. At this rate we may expect a hat for high noon; we already have them for the "wee sma' hours." In the group shown here the hat at the' left Is for sports wear. It Is of oyster-white silk in a heavy crepe weave, with feayly colored disks to give It the right vivacity. The faclug Is of white milliners' braid, and a single long and handsome quill appears to have lit on the brim. In millinery, as In other sports clothes, there In no limit to the courage of color. For street w?ar or traveling or morn ing wear, the small turban of black satin and straw braid demonstrates that a tint muy scorn color of any kind and yet achieve the pinnacle of smart ness. This shape Is a miracle of be comlngncss and It is finished In the best possible way with a satln-llned curling quill In black, fastened by a strap of satin with Hatln-covered but tons nt the ends. The dressy hat ut the right la all In A pretty evening dress which does not look too dllllcult to copy Is shown In the accompanying picture. It has a plain taffeta underskirt and a net overdress, a low-necked underbodlce with net overbodlc and short sleeves of net. Patterns of similar designs are furnished by all the standard pattern companies. The not bodice Is square In the neck and the overdress Is flounced over the hips. A bit of sil ver laco finishes the bottom of the ovorsktrt at the back and front. Among the new designs for evening dresses there Is a captivating one made of wide soft satin ribbon and white net. The skirt Is flounced with alter nating ruffles of the ribbon and groups of narrow frills of the net. The short sleeves are of net frills and there Is a net surplice with a bit of the satin ribbon at the front and back. turquoise satln-covcriug. leaves, apples and, collar. Anytime afternoon It mny be worn, with the assurance that noth Ing prettier Is going to be met with, because It Is a gem In millinery. Pontlr.e Coats. On the Southland trains many a smart motor coat Is to be seen worn temporarily as a traveling wrap, or carried over the arm of maid or foot man and disposed of In the drawing' room compartment with the hand lug gage. It Is surprising how many of these coats are of pontine a material with glossy, waxed outer surface and Inner surface of soft silk or satin sometimes- of cloth. And the colors are wonderful. Pontine coats with borders of fur are especially In favor. and since this material Is warm, as well as light, atid sheds water as suc cessfully as any actual leather coat fabric, It Is much In demand for mo toring wraps. One of the Iiandsom est pontine coats of the season falls in ripples below a graceful crossed sash-glrdle and Is edged at the foot with a broad band of beaver matching the beaver collar and deep cuffa. Black Silk Jersey Kilts. Separate skirts of black silk Jersey knife plaited are very popular for wear with sports blouses, especially If the blouses be of a brilliant hue. Washington. If the houso acccptB tho amendments to tho postolllco ap-, prlatlon bill approved by tho senate concerning tho shipment of liquor thero will be n completo prohibition against tho Interstate shipment of j liquor Into dry stales for bovernge ! purposes. I Tho "bono dry" amendment wan of fered by Senator need, who at i: "This amendment was designed to bring about real prohibition; It will stop the shipment of limited quanti ties of liquor into dry states. Thoro aro many states which allow tho pur- chaso of up to two quarts periodically. My amendment Is Intended to atop this. Thero aro a lot of people who voto to prohibit other pcoplo from , drinking on the theory that they can still get what they want themselves. "This nmendment will put an end to that condition, and the people who want prohibition must voto for It, and those who don't want it must vote Just aB honestly. "1 do not think thero Is any ques tion of tho legality of congress deal- ( lng with tho question In this way The opinion of the supremo court In tho West Ylrglnla cases seems to mo to glvo congress tho most complete Jurisdiction. That Is tho opinion of tho ablest lawyers in tho senato." Senator Beckham of Kentucky, pro hlbltlonlst, voted against tho Reed amendment. Ho issued a lengthy statement, In which ho said that moderately effectivo enforcement of prohibition laws Is best achieved by not making the prohibition too drastic. Ho said that he thought tho Reed amendment was detrimental to pro hibitory legislation, because It Is too drastic, and added that he not only had voted against it, in tho interests of effective prohibition, but that he thought the cause of prohibition would be advanced by Uio defeat of the Reed amendment In the house. , Senator Reed is not a prohibition ist, and tho dry loaders In both houses look upon his amendment as an antl prohibition measure, believing that If It Is enforced prohibitory laws will bo come so unpopular that somo may be repealed, and some states, now on tho verge of prohlbltlonfNvlll refrain from approving it. All Guards Ordered Home. , Washington. Demobilization of tho cntlro National Guard force remaining In tho federal service on tho border, Including troops from Texas, Now Mexico and Arizona, waB ordered by the War department. General Funs ton was directed to send all guard or. ganlzatlons homo for muster out as soon as ho can complete arrange ments for tho movement. Tho order affects about 50,000 guardsmen, who were not Included In a previous order which recalled abo-jt 25,000 men. General Funston now has approxi mately 50,000 regular troops distri buted along tho line an1 tho order Is construed to mean that ho has rccom mended tho withdrawal of the Na tional Guard, as ho believes tho reg ular forces sufllcient for patrol duty and to faco nny probablo emergency. Says Villa Gone to Japan. El Paso, Tex. Francisco Villa, whose movements have been a mys tery to his enemies as well as to the mass of Ills followers, has made his way to tho west coast and embarked for Japan, according to W. L. Craw ford, a well known cattleman of Dal Ins, Texas, and a former Texas rang er, who says his nourco of Informa. tlon Is one of Vllla'B most trusted agents and a man personally known to him to be reliable. Villa Is said to have traveled to tho coast In dis guise and got safely aboard a ship In Mazatlan, and now Is threo weeks nt sea. Cattlemen to Get Revenge. El Paso, Tex. Tho roport Is cur rent hero that tho cattlemen In the Ilachlta district of Now Mexico intend to form a punitive expedition of their own to cross into Mexico and give chaso to tho bandits who murdered the three Mormon cowboyB on the Corner ranch February 12. It Is known that cattlomon havo bought supplies of arms and ammunition here and shipped thorn to Hachlta and that much bitter talk has been heard from them. Oldest Episcopal Pastors Dead. Minneapolis. Rev. James Trimble, 91 years of age, no of the oldest Episcopal clergymen In the country, died at his homo here a few days ago. Rev. Trlmblo was born In Ireland and camo to America when 16 years old. Ho had held pastorates nt Wooster and Mansfield, O.; LanBlng, la., and for. twenty yearB was at Clinton, la Ho was dean of tho cathedral at Sioux Falls, S. D., for several year beforo taking chnrgo of missions at Rico Lake and Shell Lako, Wis. The steamship Orleans of the Oriental Navigation company, photographed as she sailed for Bordeaux through the proscribed war zone. Besides a general cargo, she has titty motorcars on her nftcrdeck. The Orleans Is making bet first trip under American registry. In her crow of !15 aro HI! Americans. SOME OF THE GUNS THAT GUARD NEW YORK HARBOR These great mortars, among the es of New York harbor. fenses GERMAN German merchant vessels In Manila bay, where they have been lying since majority have been dismantled by the crews since the diplomatic break with GATES OF THE WHITE HOUSE CLOSED The public no longer has the freedom of the White House grounds. A policeman stands guard behind the closed gate at each entrance, while others nro stationed Inside tho grounds as further protection to the president. GIANT UNITED STATES SEAPLANE This HOG twin-motored Gnllaiidct latest additions to Uncle Sam e licet several passengers. most powerful guns ever built, are In MERCHANTMEN IN MANILA BAY seaplane, known as D l. is one of the of aircraft. It Is capable of carrying Fort Tottcn, which Is ono of tho dot tho wnr began. Of tho 17 there, tho Germnny. OFFICER AND PET EAGLE This tine golden eagle belongs to i! British olilcer on the Balkan front and Is so tamo that strangers can bundle lilin. He takes long flights dally but never falls to return to his muster. Uo was caught when a fledgling. War Traveling A Retrospect. J. West Goodwin of Company I, Slx-i ty-second regiment, Ohio volunteer lay fantry, has told tho story of how ha and his comrades went to war In 1801. According to Private Goodwln'8 ac count he and his fellow enlisted men went to war on Hat cars, locating theim selves as they could amid their wngons, ami guns, and taking the smoke and cinders and weather ub they camo. The, commissioned olllcers wero provided with passenger coaches lighted with one candle each. Tho regiment, trav eling In this style, reached West Vir ginia Just In tlmo to enter tho battle, of Rich mountain. Private Goodwin's, pay was $8 a month and no provision for the family left behind and no guar anty that his Job would bo held open, tor his return. Even tho worst of war traveling In 1010 was luxury compared with thu best In 1801. Buffalo Enquirer.