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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Walter Hoxle enme down from Og alalla Wednesday evening. Flannel downa and Flannolletto iamonas 50c up at HLOCK'S. Wonderful bargalna In Ladies' Suits at The Leader's sale, which opens to morrow. Mrs. Ewing, of Wood Hlver, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilsbn the first of this week. Mrs. F. W. Hormlnghauticn went to Oninlia yesterday morning to spend a few days. Mrs. Clydo Empson of Oihkosh, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. .1. U. Hcd fleld thfs wook. Itlley Warron came homo from Om aha a icw days ago after visiting there for ten days. Attornoy Alhort Muldoon transacted business in eastorn Nebraska the first of this weak, Wanted A good man on farm. Steady Job. Thomas E. Doollttle, Phono 2S2F022. 77-2 Mr. nnd Mrs. Eber Murphy have re turned from Omaha whoro they visited for ten days. Thd talk of the town will be Tho Leader's Ladles' Suit Solo which opens tomorrow. Miss Helen Hoxle has taken a posi tion as stenographer In tho county clerk's offico at Ogalalla. Dr. Saddler of Horshoy, visited in town yesterday whllo enroute homo from a visit In Omaha. Mrs. Cy Itusscll left Wednesday morning for Omaha to Bpond a week or longer with friends. Now Fall Coats and Suits still arriv ing daily nt BLOCK'S. Charles Martini, Jr., of Omaha, camo up yesterday morning to visit tho home folks for a fow dayB. A baby girl was born tho first of tho week to Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gilbert. All concerned aro doing nlcoly. Carl Abrahamson of Lincoln, spent a few days here this week visiting friends and transacting business Misses Isa and Hoxy Murphy who spent threo weeks visiting relatives hi cltie of Iowa have returned homo Mrs. B. Frercr left for Central City yestorday morning after visiting with the Splintor family for some time Mrs. John Marcott. of Hershey, who had been visiting Mrs. S. Dalstrom for several days has returned home. Ono-hnlf price Includes our ontire lino of trimmed Hats. Saturday, Oct. 10th. McVlcker's Mllllnory, The Lendor,, Mrs. Hannah Wnrnock of Kimball, who visited Sheriff and Mrs. A. J. Salisbury ruturned, homo., yestorday morning. : Mrs. Wlntors, of Hastings? visited ner miuguiur Mrs. i inueri una wee urn uuuuu uio uuyiu eiguuors . VUMVUllltUU . Andy McGovom, of Brndy, came up Wednesday to visit his sister Mrs. H. A. Donclson and transact business for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Allman, of Stella, who visited their daughter Mrs. A. i E. Timmorman for threo weeks, havo returned homo. Thagrentest suit Balo in tho history of North Platte opens at Tho Lender to morrow and continues until Satur day evening, Oct. 23d. Thomas McGuiro, of Wallace, who has been visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuIre, while enrouto from Omaha, left Wednesday, Wanted: Ono thousand hustling men and women to sell our Christmas goods. Big prollts. North Ridge Sani tary Brush Co., Freoport, 111. -tfrs. Thomas Golden and children of Des Molues, la., who spent scv "rnl weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duke, returned homo Wcd neoday evening. If anybody In this town or any oth er old town, can bent us In value Klv- lng, and tho low prices which nra.sell- Ing our up to .date garments, they'll i havo to go Bomo. BLOCK'S. I Mrs. M. E. Watts returned Wod-!nlco ncsdny morning from an extended vis it in Corning, la., with her son. En routo home she spent a fow days In Omaha. Illlnior Thompson of Chnppull, re turnod home yesterday morning nftor spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. Ho was enrouto from a business visit in Omubn. Rooms for housekeeping, '10G east Third. Phono Black I0l. 75ti Mr .and Mrs. J. B. Elliott leave nbouti November 1st for St. Cloud, Fla.r-whero thoy will spond tho win tor. They havo been mnklnir Si. Cloud thoir winter home far several , years past. Misses Thelma and Dulcle Frntor who havo been visiting for two weeks in Stnnton, Omalui and Lincoln will return homo Sunday. AVhilo In Lin coln Miss Dulclo took coaching work In tho Lincoln School of Music. Mr. and Mr3. Boyity Borden, of Stanton', who wero recently married and havo been spondlng thqlr honey moon in uanvor nnu ouier western points, , will visit tho Frnter family ioxt week while enrouto homo. A. D, Skinnor who conducted n chill parlor east of' tho Horrod store last wlntor, has returned to town and leased ground in tho rear of tho Rex all drug atoro wjioro ha is orectlng a Binnll brick building that ho will uso U3 a chill parlor, P. II. McEvoy returned yesterday nr.ornlng from Omaha whoro ho wont the first of this week with his daugh ter Laura. Ho left tho lattor In tho hospital thoro very ill with a norvqus breakdown and It will bo necessary for hor,to,tnko treatments for Bovernl wcokai For Sale Puro bred Duroc-Jorsoy Bpring boars your cholco at $25.00 each. SCtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION, THi: .MAY WO 01) FA I It TJIOVINO JIIH SUCCESS a About twenty-five automobiles load ed with NortlM'latte men drove over to Muyw,ood Wcdnosday to spend tho day at the Southwestern Nebraska fair, .vlilch they found to be a very credit able one. Splendid fair buildings have been. erected for stock nnd agricultur al exhibits, there Is a good race track and fine grand stand. Four counties Lincoln, Frontier, 1'crkln and Red Wllow had separate agrlanlturnl uxUiIMts, and all were fine, Lincoln county equaling If not leading the others. The exhibit of live stock was very lnrge, especially hogs, and n unlver sitty man was present to judge the stock. Senator Hitchcock delivered an ad dress' In the auditorium. Several well known Nebraskwis spoke Tuesday and yestorday. In the amusement line there wore nftraplane lilghts, balloon ascensions, horse racing and other sports. In tho tug-of-wnr the McCook team defeated the North Platte' team. The gate receipts Tuesday wore 11.147.00 and Wednesday tho crowd Was pronounced considerably larger than on tho praylous day. Taken ns a whole tho fair Is a most creditable one, nnd the men at its head are cntltlod to much credit. Annies A car of npplos from the Olenburnle Fruit Farm on tho track, Including the Grimes Golden, Wlno Sap, Ben Dais, Missouri Pippin. These are choice nr plea and freo from worms. You win mnko no mistake In buying these ap pies. 7G-2 DAVID HUNTER, Sutherland. The Itoynl Neighbor ('((mention Tho Royal Neighbor Convention for tho Fifth and Sixth districts which is composed of more than half the terri tory of tlic state. which met in this city Wednesday, is pronounced to have been a very interesting and successful one. In these districts thero aro 170 camps, and while not nearly all of them were represented at tho conven tion, tho number of delegates was suf ficiently largo to make a good sized audience. Tho morning and afternoon ses sions wero taken up with bus! noss, nnd tho evening session was of a social nnture, a lino musical pro grnm being rendered. At this session over 200 wero present. Tho delegates were nicely enter- tnlned and oxpressd themselves ns pleased with their visit to North Platte. Olf leers were elected as fol lows: Oracle, Mrs. T. M. McGowen Grand Island; vice orncle, Mr3. M. Smith, Sutherland; chnncellor, Mrs, H. P. Henckol, North Platte; marshal Mrs. C. Irish1, Kearney; receiver, Mrs. At. Rwinrr. Wnnd River: ronortor. Mrs, I. Dcnrdorff, Hastings; Inner sentinel Mrs. E. Miles, Paxton. The next con ventlon will be held at Hastings In April. Resolved, That we extend a vote of thnnks to Mayor Evans, Rev. Knowles Chnmb0P of Commerce, Miss McKay Mrg EdWt IJurkei W. Walker. Mrs. DeFord, Judge French, Mlas Buelmn an, Zella Doran and Emma Bogus for their assistance in making the recent convention of Royal Neighbors a suc cess. Signed, MRS. H. P. HENCKEL, MRS. J. F. SCHMALZRIED LOCAL AND I'EKSONAL. E. E. Jnck'son ,left a few days ago for' Denyejr'to visit relatives for n wook or more. QharlCB Reynolds, who had been vis iting In Omaha, Camo. home Wednes- Ml3S Comfort Conway returned a few days ago from a short, visit in Fremont with frlonds.. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho B. of L. F. & E. held a social at tho K. I hall Tuesday afternoon. Tho grocory department of tho Hub has been re-oponed, W. T. Banks Inn ing purchased tho bankrupt stock of tho late Thomas Baldock. A new lino of grocorlos has been added and 30v- eral changes made In tho rooms Mls3 Gladys Bush was tendered a surpriso party Tuesday evening, It be her fifteenth birth nnnlvJrsnrv. interesting games wero played and n collection of gifts presented to the young hostess. Delicious re freshments were served. Attornoy J. S. Hoagland and wife left this morning for York 'whoro the former will attend a meeting of tho board of trustees of the I. O. O. F homo and later go to Omaha to attend tho CSth annual grand lodge conven tion. Mr, Hoagland has, attended thlrty-sevon annual conventions of Odd Fellows. J. Wobstor was arrested here Wed nosdny afternoon, having answered tho description of tho man who forged a check for $25 on a pool hall at Grand Island Inst winter and also stole an ovorcoat Ho wns taken to Grand Is ! iflllfl lnut f.vnttliitv Iti tlin almrtft' nf ....... V. ... f) "J v. Hall county, who wns notified of his arrest and enmo aftor him. Ralph Allison, for threo years past cleric in tho Unitod States land office, has received notice of n transfor to tho land office at Douglns, Wyo., and win report there November 1st. De creasing business in tho locnl office is ; tho Tonson for tho transfer'. Mr. Al llsou is a splendid young man, nnd hns won many frlonds during his rest uonco in town Miss Mary McKano nnd brother, Sid noy, visited their mint. Mrs. A. M Mason, and cousin. Mrs. Millard Hos lor, Wednesday ovonlng whllo enrouto to tnoir home in St. Anthony, Idaho from nn extended visit with rola lives in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Their mothor was formerly Miss Snllio Mc Mlllan, ono of tho locnl school tench ors, and was well known hero. Wind Up Sale. Shelves with about 200 boxes used In hardware storo. Shelvos with ovor 150 divisions for storing machine, re pairs, plpo llttings, bolts, etc. Offico furnlturo, Including desk, ifo and files. Ono oxtonslon tublo. Window sultublj for hen houso, hot bed or barn, doors, crntes, boxes, lumber. At IIcrBhey's, 6th and Locust streets, opposlto postoliice, phone 15. 7Ctf CLUBS AND SOCIETIES Mrs. A. J. Frnzler will cntertnln the members of the J. F. F. club Tuesday nftornoon. The Lady Rowena Sewing Circle will meet aUthe hoaic of Mrs. J. A. Ward on Tuesday afternoon. Tho Hfenitiirn ilonnrtmont of tho TwontleOi Century club a111 meet I Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. John Slihms, 403 South Sycamore Mrs. J. B. Murphy entertained the Mother's, club very pleasantly Wd nesday afternoon. The refreshments were nicely prepared in courses. Mrs. Scott Reynolds enter ta'n;-il her aunt Mrs. Mary Powell gf On tario, Caiuuln, last week. Mrg.vPowll left Tuesday afternoon for Kfcmiey to visit rolatlvos. Mrs. Asa Snow entertained u num ber of ladles at a "Tea" Tuesday nf ternoon for hor sister Mrs. A. C. Hudson of Council Bluffs. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all. Mrs. J. B. Redfleld entertained the Eplscopal choir In a very enjoyable j manner Wednesday evening. The ev- j onlng was spent In gamos, social con versation and music followed by a nicely prepared lunch. The Copper Club was entertained Wednesday evening at the Martini homo, Messrs. Charles Martini, Jr., mil J. Trexler, ,of Omaha, being tlic ghosts of honor. A pleasant even ing was spent by nil present and the refreshments wero very mucn enjoy ed. The club will meet next week with Harold Langford. The members of the ilvo hundred club met nt the homo of Mrs. E. F. Seeberger Wednesday afternoon to re organize for the winter months. Mrs. . F. Streltz was ciiosen secretary and It was decided to hold the first moetlng next Tuesday evening at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lang ford. Mrs. Harry Dixon will assist in entertaining. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Guy Cover entertained the Entre Nous club. In the games first prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Sinclair and Mrs. James Guymnn. Second honors were awarded to Mesdames E. E. Moody and Russell Wyman. Tho refresh ments wero nicely servd in two cours es. Guests of the day wero Mesdames Sinclnlr. Moody and T. Sandnll. The next meeting will be held at tho home of Mrs. Russell Wyman on October 27th. Tho Novlta club were the guests of M'rs. Thomas Austin Wednesday af ternoon. A number of guessing) con tests Were provided ror tneir enter tainment and prizes awarded to Mes dames Fred Payne and H. A. Brooka. Delicious refreshments were served Into in the afternon and plans for a Hallowe'en party discussed. Mrj. Cash Austin was a guest of the club. Tho next meeting will bo held at the home of Mr3. Harry Samuelsori In two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bretzer ex tended their hospitality to tlic mem bert) of the Lutheran Brotherhood Monday evening. Business, nffalr of tho church wero discussed and an cn- Joynble talk given by Rev. Harman Arrangements are being mado for the nnnunl anniversary banquet which will be held on November 8th. The committee appointed to superintend this is as follows: E. T. Tramp, J E. Sebastian and Dr. O. H. Cressler An enjoyable lunch wns served. Te Twentieth Century club held a good fellowship banquet at the home of Mrs. T. C. Patterson Tuesday ev enlng. Plates wore laid for fifty and a sumptuous spread served by Cater er W. A. Skinner. Meadnmes M. E Scott and T. C. Patterson addressed tho Indies and read a report of the State Woman's Club convention at Nor folk recently, to which they went as delegates. Mrs. G. B. Dent also gave a short talk on the manner in which thoy were entertained at the conven tlon nnd tho work that Is being done Side light talks wero made by dif ferent members of tho club and the school problem was discussed, It be ing the de3ire of tho Indies to co-op erate with the school work this year. Misses Laura Murray and Emma Smith represented tho teachers and were called upon to express their views. Several new members were taken Into tho club. In appreciation of tho faithful work which has been ac compllshed the past year by thoir president, Mls3 Anna Kramph, she wns presented with a beautiful bo- quet of chrysanthemums. The Red Winy Shoes. ino nest working snoe for men made. Will stand water and manure, In tan nnd black. Every pair guar antoed by tho mnker and by tho seller, PrJqfos- S3. 00 and $3.50. Sold ex clusively by THE LEADER Mi3s Mao Buchanan, of Oshkosh, Wis., who spoilt several months with Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Elliott, returned homo yesterday afternoon. We positively can sell you tho best Suit or Coat In the city between $15 and $25. Don't take our word for jt, look around first, then come here and let us show you. BLOCK'S. Offlcr Baker received notice Wed nesdny that tho Dunkle & Epplcn drug storo of Greolty had been robbed of $G01.50 worth of niorchnndlBo nnd It Is thought tho guilty parties enmo this way. Among tho articles taken wns a kodak valued at $27.50 and a fountnin pen nt $0.00. Tho other goods Include stamps, razors, stJ tionory, smnll camors, nnd drugs. A roward of $75.00 Is offered for their capture. A Union Pnclflo Special went through this city Wednesday aftor noon. On board woro tho following qnicmis who aro making an inspec tlon trip over tho U. P., O. S. L., and o. w. lines in their private cars: Chairman of Exccutlvo board, Robert s. Lovett, president, A. L. Mohler; uonsumng engineer, H. E. Adams; Chlof Englnoor. R, L. Huntloy, Supt. win, jotrors, uonoral Manngor Chns Wnro and J. P. Caroy. For Snlo Cheap. Tho two-story building back of tho McDonnld clothlne storo. Sen Ottnn- stein, or phono 25S. 71tf FIRE DESTROYS DWELLING . ON THE ROBERTS FARM. The twelve room dwellllng house on the A. E. Roberts farm, fornicrly known ns tho Thoeleckc place, four miles southeast of town was burned to the ground Tuesday evening about C:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts bnil been snondlne the day at a nelgh- bors, and when they arrived homo about five o'clock they found the kit- chen, which formed part of a one. story addition, filled with smolte. in vestigation was made but no fire could then be discovered. The hired man was then interrogntd, and ho said he had made a light fire at noon to get his dinner. The doors and win dows were opend and the smoke dis appeared. A fire was started later in tho range for the evening meal, and shortly thereafter the room wns again filled with smoke. Mr .Roborts then proceeded to make a thorough examination nnd discovered flames in tho attic of the kitchen. He at once proceeded to attempt to extinguish tho fire, while his wife telephoneii to the ndioinlnc farm, whore a thresh- ng crcw Was at work, for help. Mr. Roberts, however, could not got water on the flames, and by tho time the man from the adjoining farm arrived the flames had reached such headway that a bucket brigade was powerless and all attention wns given to re moving the furniture,' Dart of which had already been carried out by Mr. and 'Mrs. Roberts. Practically all the furnlturo except that in two up stairs rooms was saved, as was also the clothing. The dwelling was two story with a one story kitchen, and the loss to Mr. Roberts is netween $3,000 nnd $4,000. An insurance of nbout $1,000 was carried on the house and furnishings. The fire Is supposed to have origl nated when the fire was started in the range, at noon, from some defect In the Hue. and smoldered until evening Mr. Roberts owns a houso in town and will probably move In for the win ter and erect a farm dwelling next spring. 3Iiss Rork Slurried. Miss Hazel Rork, formerly of this city who has made her home in Colo rado Springs for several years, was married there Wednesday to Mr William Hoagland, a prominent lnun dryman of that city. Mrs. F. L. Rork and dauKhter Callie, mother and sister of tho bride left Wednesday evening for Denver where they will visit tor a fw days with Mr. and Mrs. Hong land who are spending their Aoney moon in that city. Apples A big crop of ood winter apples at tho Glenburnie Fruit Farm. These are choice varieties and aro selling cheap. Special prices cn waqon loads. 7Gtf DAVID HUNTER, Sutherland. D. M. Hogsett, who has been 11 for several day3, Is reported to 1)6 Improving. "Lot Hep Go, Gallanherl" Judge Beaver of Morgan county, Ky., hmPa trotting mare of which lie was very proud. The nnininl was nlwnys driven nt the race meets by n man named Gallagher, who wns at that time city marshal of nnrrodsburg. On one occasion tho Judge entered his mnre at a trotting meeting In Tipton county. Some sports there, knowing of the Judge's pride in the nnimnl, thought they would lower his colors for once so they entered against her n noted fast trotter. At the end of tho first mile the two trotters passed under the wire neck nnd neck nt n 2:40 pace, and the judge grew wildly excited. "Let her go, Gallagher! Lot her go!" he shouted. And Gallagher, hearing, loos cued tho lines. Tho mare plucklly re sponded nnd finished more than n doz en lengths nhead amid the wild cheer Ing of tho crowd. Pittsburgh Dispatch. Racing In Mongolia. Ilorso racing la tnken seriously In Mongolln.-whure It is carried on under the auspices of tho Buddhist priests The races are rarely less than ten miles long, mid the chief event of tho Mon golian racing year is a contest over thirty miles of rough steppe. When C W. Campbell visited Mongolia ho at tended u race meeting, ntVhIeh most of tho competing horses were owned by lamas. "The great races which take place yearly at Urga," ho writes, "are held under the direct patronage of tho lainu pope of Mongolia, who becomes the owner of nil tho winners. A horso race with n bishop In tho Judges box, u pub lie chlelly clerical, no bookmakers or betting and nominal prizes is a phe nomenon in its way." Why He FailSd. "I understand Jinks has found It nec essary to close up his electrical busi ness. What wns the matter?" "Well, as nearly as I can make out. when ho failed to spark properly, his banking connections became short cir cuited, and his customers failed to sup ply the necessary current. These mis fortunes tore the Insulation from his lines of credit nnd ho became lfrald he was no longer a live wire. "The poor fellow had to shut up shop. As n matter of fact," said the narrator, tlodging u blow, "ho didn't know what else to do." Richmond Tlmes-Dlspnteh. Over the Mark. "Does he aim nt realism In tho sto ries ho writes?" ' , "Ho may aim at it, but ho doesn't hit within n million miles of It" "How's that?" "Tho hero of his last story Is n spendthrift Scotchman.'" Houston Post. West Point Graduates. It will doubtless surpriso most Amer icans to learn that out of tho small to tal of 4,121 graduates .during tho first century of tho oxlstencd of the Military ncadeuiy, from 1S0J to lOO'J, 2.TM en tered civil life at s-onio period of their career - National Magazine. Mrs. Herbert White left yestorday afternoon for Denver to vlsjt for a week or longer. Attorney and Mrs. W. V. Hoaglnnd Intend "to leavo Sunday for Omaha to attend tho I. O. O. F. and Reboknh meetings next week. Saturday, Oct. 16th, a special price of $5.00 ami $4.00 for $10.00 . and $12. PntinHhnt,S Ut McVIcker s Mllllncry at The Lender. ATtt T 1 V nc rtrr n n P nnnnlnllM ! aunt of O. H. Thoeleckc, of this city, was hero yesterday. She was enroute to Iowa City, where she will visit her brother, who is ill. NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL -NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 GRADUATE NURSES We nre in u position to furnish competent nurses for physicians, on short notice. Call Phone 82 and state whether you want graduate or domestic nur3e and we will complete all the arrangements for you without charge. 607 LOCUST STREET NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PHONE 82 Sanitary Newly Furnished This institution is now open for the Reception and Treatment of Surg icnl, Medical and Obstetrical cases. A Strictly modern Hospital for the convenience of the' physicians', of North Platte and country tributary thereto. The above five roorri Bungalow, absolutely modern, situate on W. 5th St., one of the best resident streets in the City, for sale. Price 33,400.00. You could hardly build the house for this figure, say nothing about the lot, which is worth 5800.00. Let me show ycu this property. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent.' 7.'iirii'r'ri'"i I, m mi i.i"iwi M tiwtf 7-' w rr,.; There's No Place Like Home Especially if it's your own home built alter your own ideas and just to suit you. Every Man Should Build Something During His Lifetime You take more pride and satisfaction in something ol your own creation. BUILD SOMETHING AND SEE US FOR Lumber and Building Material Coates Lumber and Coal Co. The Home of Good M onev to Loan ON FARMS AND RANCHES Lowest Rates and Best Terms. Plenty ol Money on hand to Close Loans Promptly. Buchanan & Patterson David Shecdy Is reported to be qulto 111 nt h(s h6m) on west B street. ' Bert Chnmbcrlaln who was Injured In a nutoinobllo accident last week 1b reported to muchlmproved. Mlas Allco Plummor, of Maxwoll, camo up tho first of the week to visit local friends for a few days. Mrg j Brccdlovo, of Council Bluffs, wife of Conductor Breedlovc, spent yesterday In this city while en- Wnf ina i Hard Coal Hcnrei'. That cost $05.00, good as now for $25.00. liuchannn & Patterson. 74-4 DOMESTIC NURSES tmmtEEmsxwssBsSi Fireproof A2I3 Coal. Phone 7.