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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1915)
SUA6 eitti-lteMji tribune NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 12, 1915 THIRTIETH YEAR. ------------ tt r. no. (u LOCAL AXD PERSONAL. Ray Langford went to Artlntr coun. ty this morning to officiate as clerk at a tale. The Socialist Study Club will meet with Mrs, Phil Deats, 221 south Sycu more street Wednesday afternoon. The spectacular photo drama "Jul. lus Ceasar" In six parts will bo shown at the Keith Theatre Thursday night. Money to loan on rcnl estate. HKATT Si GOODMAN. The Ivanhoe club, of the Yeoman lodge will give a dance at tho Lloyd opera houue Tuesday evening, Octot ex 19th, to which all Yeomen aro in vlted. C. L. Williams, city editor of tlu Lincoln Journal, spent tho week end in town, coming hore on matters per-, talning to the estate of his late fath-' cr-ln-law, E. W. Crane. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fltzpatrlck and, daughter Mildred returned Sunday morning from Omaha where they vis-, ited tho Mullcr family. Wlillo there Miss Mildred was slightly Injured In an automobile accident. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday; , warmer tonight,, Highest temperature yesterday 53, a year ago 1G; lowest last night tI5, a year ago 32. I Wanted to Buy A good second hand range -JIIh water back. Majestic pre ferred. MRS A T YOST. rri.o Tiininp Auxiliary of tho Episco pal church gave a farewell party Sat urday afternoon for one of their most faithful and diligent members, Cnro line McNamara, who leaves next week for her home In California. i Benjamin, the eighteen months old son of. Mr. and.Mrs'. S..W. Mannan, living twelve nilles .south of town, died last night of cholera infantum. The funeral wil be held tomorrow and In terment n.ude on tho pacj. Just , unloading a carload of nice winter apples. R. N..LAMQ. Mrs. Howard McMichael' andvMrfi. Wm. Baldock entertained 'eighteen la dies at the home of the latter Satui day afternoon, In favor of Mrs. Ham mer, who will soon leave for Omaha to make her home. House decorations were suggestive of Hallowe'en. A nice two course lunch was, served at the closo of an enjoyable-afternoon. TO THE AFE UfVEfiTOK Wo lmve u few dcslrnble lirt moil page loans of $200 and upwards, in.'tr ting 7 to 8, not tu.nble. Noth ing snfer for your idle money. . Bit ATT A; GOODJMANV Wm. Welsh left this morning I.'.ulsv'lle, Ky. tor L. L. Walker loft this morning foi Lodgepolo to spend a few days. Miss Marie Stuart went to Sterling this morning for a short visit. Tom Watts came up from Orand Is land this morning to spend a few days. Tho Nevita club will be the guests of Mrs. Thomas Austin tomorrow at ternoon . C. M. Newton has returned trom Omaha where he spent a week buy ing goods. Mrs. Lester Wilson nnd son Paul have returned home from a short vis it with relatives in Grand Island. Mra .Tnlin TlnkiM' returned to Mel roso this morning after visiting her I daughters ior a coupie ot weens. Misses Minnie Lowe and Irene Stu I art will leave m a few days for Om& ha to attend the Rebekah convention. I Mr mill Mrs. .TntllPS Hart left hist tventng for Omaha 'to visit friend and attend tho Kni&hts of Columbia banquet. SUES RAILROADS FOR FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS DAJ1 VtiES Mrs. Charles Perkins loft for Co lumbus this morning as a delegate to the Woman's Suffragist convention this week. Mm. Ttnlnn Klrsch. of this CltV. administrator of tho estate of Nelson E. Klrsch, by her nttomoy, wm. is. Shumnn, filed suit in the dlst'-let court nt tiiia rnnntv niralnst t!ie Union Pa cific nnd Oregon Short Line railroads for $50,000 damnges resulting irom tho death of her husband, Nelson E. Klrsch. Tho deceased was killed at Purdv, Y'0'. 9tu' 1914 wnll tx tiin inlnWeninlov of the two companies as brakemnn. It was in th early morning, and Klrsch, while llagglngj the rear end of tho freight train on, which ho was a brakeman, was struck by a passenger train coming from tho opposite direction. Mrs. Klrsch, who was formerly Nel- llr AnUormnn nf tills CltV. following the death of her husband, camo to this city to make her home with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. August Ackoi man, and as a resident of thy city tho suit Is brought in tho district court of tills county. The suit is brought un der tho federal compensation act. Prior to going to Wyoming six or eight years ago, Mr. Kirsch had beon employed ns switchman In the locai yards. Mrs. E. Fogel, of Green Rvcr, re turned home tills morning after an ex tended visit with h?i' daughter Mrs. P. VanCleave. Mrs. Williams, of Lincoln, who had been tho guest of her sister, Mrs. John Jones for some time, wqnt home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. J Gil.-uirttr., ot Denver, arrived hero a few dayo ago and will be associated with the Van t Doran Orchestra. The regular meeting of Signet Chap ter O. E. S. will bo held at 7:30 Thursday evening, October 14th. Ini tiatory work will be put on. i Mrs'. Todd, of Beatrice, who has ! been living on a homestead In Mon tana for some time, came last even ing to visit her daughter Airs, i-rana Buchanan for a couple of weeks. Conductor Fred Drlebus 'was taken m tvIMi nnnAriiHrlMR wllUn tn this CltV f,n 1fiifn- nhrf nf tat tipoU nnd Was removed to hls homo In Grand iBland where an operation will be periormeu. Atra WnrMi Miller, of Osralalla. wife of EditorMlller, who is ill in tho City TJilaAUnl i-Aiirnrv,l Virtllin tlllQ liinrii ing. Mr. tMlller was operated upon last week ror appendicitis aim is uu Ing. nicely. , . it-. Vm Trocs FonSnle . TYnmi irrnwn Elm trees, lnnuire of rir' Ownns. 221 east Twelfth' St. tf A. L. Davis Seriously 111 Postmaster Davis received a tele gram Sunday announcing that his brother, A. L. Davis, of Los Angeles, was In an unconscious condition, duo to supposed paralysis. Tho stricken man was formerly engaged In tho hardware business In this city, but for a dozen or more years has resided in Los Angeles. Annies a Mi' nmn nf cood winter aimles at Mm fsinnhurnlp. Fruit Farm. These are choice varieties and aro soiling cheap. Special pneaa on wagon loads. , , 7Gtf DAVID HUNTER, Sutherland. Elected President of the Synod t?pv. c. li. Harman returned last nvnn In rr frnm Lincoln, where ho Slient a week attending the sessions of tho T.nMiornii Kvnnii or iSourasKa. UOV , Harman was elected president of tho Synod for the ensuing year a com pliment to his woric in tins parisu and In the state and to his standing us a pastor among the Luthoran church es of tho stateu Wo congratulate him upon tho honor his church people have bestowed upon hlni. Miss Orra Murphy, of Cheyenne, who hos'beeh visiting-her sister, Mrs. Jo seph Quinn while enroute home from eastern cities, will leave today. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A section of good hill land for North Platte property. What have you i Sec Pleased with the Locnl Schools The October number of tho Nebras ka Teacher devotes a pago and a halt to tho North Platte schools. The article Is written by Deputy High School Inspector Gregory, who recent ly Inspected tho schools. Ho com mends the several buildings and com pliments tho policy ot tho schools ns Inaugurated by Supt. Tout and so successfully cnrrled out by him. Mi. Gregory concludes his nrtlclc with this paragraph: "Superintendent Tout has been sup ported In his efforts by a board cam, 1 pcsul of subiVantlnl business men wlio believe in practical tilings, uiuy have stood for duality and efficiency In ovcry department, nnd have held to I that policy long enough to prove that It is tho only right way. They hnvv Bhown tholr fitness by securing good teachers and all the essential equip-1 mont. then expecting the superintend-, out nnd teachers to "make good." They rrif in linrnmnv with the teachers I without Interfering but rather sup nnrllm. tlinlr nffnnts. "Get together and boost for the schools" seems to be tho motto of In structors, board, patrons and pupils I nnd with tho result thnt North Plntto Is Justly proud of her educational sys. tern." Colonel Predicts .Mild Whiter f 1rv1 -ill ni Tim Whltn bases his pre diction or a mild winter aomowhnt on tue met inui mum """'' " downy ducklings about the lake3 this late In the season. Clicks are duckB, i,n I'nimiiM. nnil lhov arc so closMy allied with nnturo that ihey tmght io Imow R-int they are doing Into tho more or less clvllzed world when summer wanes and the honkers aro due. Down through the .'enrs tho uoionoi nns on-, twrved tho prognostications of the wcaiiicr lUieau uy u- a nuan the punr Mi rlnd;, Htous. and tho call of tiio ciyntcs In the hills, but from now on for awhile he expects to ct tho birds of the air help him prophesy. Sutherland Free Lance. It not on Takes Lead In tho world's sorles ball games be tween tho P'lndcdphla Nationals ami tho Boston Americans, tho latter has won two of tho threo gnmos played. In tho two games plnyed at Philadel phia Friday and Saturday, tho Phil lies won tho first gnnlo by a scoro ot threo to one, tho Bostons the second by a two to ono scoro. In tho game at Boston yesterday, Boston ngain wen by a scoro of two to ono. Alexander, tho Phillies star pitcher, won tho first game, but lost yesterday. It Is gen orally conceded that tho Boston team Is out-playing tho Quaker City team About 20,000 attended each gamo In Philadelphia, and nt Boston yesterr lnv lin ntlniulnnnn wnq 42.300. Much Interest Is taken in tho gnmcf. in Norm riatto and uuiieuns oy in-ulnr-a nrn rp! nlvpil at. Green's nool hall. nnito n iinmhnh nf bets rnnclnc from ono to ten dollars aro made on each game. Annies A car of apples from the Glenburnlc Fruit Farm on tho track, Including the Grimes Golden, Wlno S.ip, Ben Dais, Missouri Plnnln. Theso are choice ni nios and freo from worms. Y'ou will mnko no mistake In buying these np ulna 7G-2 DAVID HUNTER, Sutherland. If the wcathor Is as lino tomorrow as today, It will no doubt Induco many to join tho booster trip to May wood. Sweet clover seed Is selling at 57.50 per bushel. Last year tho lowest prlco offered was ?10. The present prlco would Indicate that tho demand Is not so great as last year or elso tho crop Is much heavier. Jurors for November Conrt Tim fnllnwlnir Inrnrs bnvn been drawn for tho term of district court which convenes November lotn. Clydo Allison Maxwell W. It. Brooks Nichols Fred J. Bremer Htui Frnnk Buchanan North Plntto 2d wnrd Frank Coates ...Sutherland A. M. Gates Bucliannn Charles Harden .Whlttlor CM. Ilnydon Wallace John LoMnstcr North P'atte 1st wnrrj Alfred Loth Nowoii E. T. Lattlraer Medlclno Fred MyorH Sutherland W. C. Masters Sellers Elmer Martin immwoou E. D. Murphy Hrady Chas. Prnnburg Vronnm Alvln Pickle Sprlngdnlo Trot Roberts Maxwell M. C. Roger ..North Platte 4th ward J. 1J. Stock Sunshiiuj v.ti.n Scnsll OarKclil Frank Turplo -Osgood O. H. Thoolecko North Plntto 1st ward Win. Wnltomath, North Platte 3d ward Premium Getters In Its Friday Issue Tho Tribune- ,,.111 .ml, Hall n list, nf tllOSC WllO SIS- cured premiums nt tho county fair. Tho namo of tho winner, tho article on which tho premium was awarded, tho amount of each premium and the to tal amount received by each exhibit or will bo given. Tho publlcatlou of tho list Is somewhat balated, but will no doubt lntorest a majority of our readers Hnrd Conl Ilcntcr. That cost $65.00, good as now for $25.00. Buchanan & Patterson. 74-4 Judge Lovott, chairman of tho execu tive committee of the Harrlmnn lines, is in Omaha on a trip of Inspection and will probably bo in North Platte tomoorow. Ho will bo accompanied by -Presidont Mohler. Wo trust Presi dent Mohler will show Judgo Lovett our depot, cxplalnln& to nun fully, Its wonderful accommodations it posses es, its architectural beauty, and its nll.nrniitiil unnHnrv conditions. Wo tu-ft. confident the Judge will agree with us that the North Plattd depot Is a blot and a big one on tho othei wise perfect condition of the greatest railroad in the west. 1 Ira Wilson, of Brady, is in town to day transacting business. and made Tho Tribune a-cau . ... The Q4COxJL S3T&e Saturday October 16th. Perfect Fit that's what you get Mighty im portant to have., your cloth' es fit you right. MffiteMCT 1 '? nwuiv n nna fpnt qilo'" It is a salo where ynu buy an item at the regular prlco, then another Item of tho same kind for 1 cent. ypHV.oH I 25c; you buy a tube at this prhe and by paying lc more or 2Gc yoigct two tuh.M. Ev- Article hi this sale Is ! li?gh class standard piece of mcrchap.dise. jS. the same as we sell every day at tic regular prices, 'and havo 3o.d to, AB ery Hero aro examples of tho wonileiful values given In the Rexall Stores. ONE CENT SALE. Leave it to us we'll not only fit' your figure but your personality too. Adler's Collegian Clothes are the best fitting garments made. They reflect the best ideas in clothes-making. They bring out your good points and give you the stamp of refined taste. Made from high grade woolens. Weaves and patterns stand the most exacting tests. They have the quality you Want and style you deserve. You " will pronounce them the beet clothes investment you ever made. Come in and let us show you. Suit's and Qvercoats IS mtd up HARCOtIRT k JENSEN The Store where you feel at home. Rexall Shaving Cream, ono tubo 25c, two. tubos -,5U Violet Dulce Talcum Powder, 1 box 25c, 2 boxes for -(,c Harmony Shampoo, ono bottle EOo 2 bottles 510 t r,i Tinitimnrn Linen Writing Pa- r 1 nnnlrnPR 2fin. 2 nackai.'OU 2fiC liu , i w . n ' roii Tnllpt Snnn. 1 cako l')t!. 2 I1UAUM w..v - . i nnlron ....11C iii Pnid Cream. 1 Jar 25fl, 2 ro,roo rimcolates. 1 pound box 1 UUUtV - r 1 Am K(n ixrrt fnr ,,.010 rAnil rnnm nf Almonds. 1 botlQ XlUAUll V or. O linttlna tioO A linn Vnrln nnmnlexlon Powder, 1 l.nv rOn 9. lmves 010 iniAf nninn vnniRblnK Cream, 1 nn r.nn 9. Inra TllO not Tnnnlrn Tnlp.lim POWdOr, 1 can 50c, 2 cans Harmony Cocoa.B.uttor com vruuni High Grade Tooth Brushes, four I All 25c Rexall Medicated Soap3, 2 Ono 25c bottle Aromauo mascara, rows bristles, 25c value, ?, for . .'20c Sor 2fioj 2 for t irlP 4 rnw tooth brushes 2 for . . . .itlic 25c Vanity boxes, 2 for 20o ono 25c box charcoal tablets, 2 for 2(!c StaZeo n7 Sioof Sidles I KUBBEH 00I.S Ono 2 Bo 1k,x Carbolated Witch llaxol 50c box initial Stationery 2 for.... 51 o 75c Flrst-Ah Water Bott es 2 or c Baiw. for !Kn hnx wrltlnc oaner 2 for -oo 10c package Envelopes, 2 tor . ...uc 50c box linen Envelopes, 2 boxes ftlo One full pound, 90 sheets hlgu grade white fabric flnibh writing paper $1.25 Moneyt-Back 2 quart I'oun tain Syringes, 2 for $1.2(1 50c Roxbury Rubber Gloves, 2 pairs for , ."ill 5c Medicine Droppers, 2 for (it 25c, 2 for 26v$2.00 Maximum Hot Water Bottlo Cascado linen Envelopes, 2 packages 2 quarts, guaranteed for i years, fVin ORn A nnnkntros for 2(ic , 2 bottles for 2.0 1 40c Ink tablets fabric finish, 2 for Ho 25c Infant syringes, 2 for 2(i(, rn lMiV tnhiPt snmnth finish 2 for Co Stork Nipples, 2 for (In 5c corkgHpSSSdelfs"' .C!c Fountain Syringe Tubing. 2 for Rn hteh crado load neiulla. 2 for..0o 10c dozen Rexall steel pens, 2 do&.Alu 10c hand brushes, 2 for iU 15c hand brushes, 2 for.... ...ICo 25c lather brushes for shaving, 2 (iO lilJo 35c Stork Nurses complete, "Hgoa Style," 2 for WW Valuable Household Iteiiiedles Rexall Clierry Bark Cough Syrup, 1 25c bottle, 2 for '.!c r.lo for . . OCOl..UllU4 " l ... ,, rnil o fn llfift' flnn FlOn linln 9 fnr 1 Jtr 50c, 2 -jars sec uexuu iuuci cuuj,a - - THIS SALE LASTS 0K DAY ONLY SATURDAY, 0CT0BKU 10TU. lots. 2 for "'Hi Ono 25c box Rexall Foot lv,vd.n 2 for 2W, Ono 25c box Rexall LIvor Pills, 2 for 21 Ono 25c bottlo Rexall Corn Solvcnv 2 for 21. Onn r,0o bottlo Rexall Kidney Rcme- dv. 2 for Ilc Ono $1.00 bottlo Rexall Syrup Hypo phospltes, 2 for $1.01 Ono 25c bottlo Rexall White Lini ment, 2 for 20o One 50c bottlo Rexall Cod Liver Oil 2 for Gle One 25c box Rexall Cold Tablets, 2 for 20c i hp. m.m& M-BKmt'A) mat iLtmrnm. wxmmu BMBM-Wiligjg n: THE REXALL DRUG STORE The Leading Drug Store in each City and Town. The above live room Uungalow, absolutely modern, situate on W. 5th St., one of the best resident streets in the City, for sale. Price $3,400.00. You could hardly build the bouse for this figure, say nothing about the lot, which is worth $800.00. Let me show you this property. C. F. TEMPLE, Agent.