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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1915)
Mik XW fCM .JT 0 y.! -Vn C.rv. ami viusess o ararday evenmg, ays oiuy Our buyer in New York has just sent us 129 ladies' suits, no two alike, from a leading suit manufacturer at .60 cents on the dollar. Sizes from 14 bust to 47 bust. These are in the latest weaves of broadcloths, gabberdines and crepes, in tailored and box styles, plain and fur trim mings.s and every suit lined with the best guaranteed linings. We have placed them in five lots. ft iTh. nan M i mf Lot 1 f4. Lot 2 Reg Mm Lot 3-Reg If :, LolS-R gular $20.00 S 1, w a iimr a. r J tuts lar $27.50 Suits at $17.50 and $35 Suits at at S17.S0 oit at fbl mts sit egular $30 24.50 WW No store in this country can offer better values and lower prices right in the heighth of the suit season. Don't delay", act quick before sizes and styles are broken. em ember this offer- is for seven days only. Y ours for Great Values and Cut Prices, 213 I fit M ?P5&w pSESu JULIUS PIZER DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, GraJnale Dentist Office over the McDonald State Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Margaret Johnston who had heen teaching in District SG has re signed. Mrs. Louise Peters and Mrs. A. B. Timmerman were visitors in Maywood Wednesday. Mr. and. Mrs." Nels Hammer and daughter Freda have, gone to Omaha whero they will make tlieir home. Ladles' Misses' and Children's AVool Sweaters, belted offects, 9Sc up, at BLOCK'S., Miss Ida Wicnberg returned Wed nesday from a two weeks' visit in Omaha and Lincoln with relative's. Marriage Uqenso was granted Tues day afternoon to Daniel K. Newmeyer , of, Central Cfty and Doris Young of Sutherland. For Sale A practically now Mon . arch malleable steel range. B. M. ' Reynolds, 920 west Fifth. Miss Marian Cross has resigned her position as teacher in district 39 and , is succeeded by Miss Pearl Tibbetts of Pawnee. .Tho Et-A-Virp club spent a pleas ant afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wallaco Quinn Tuesday. Dainty re freshments were served. Mrs. Arthur McNamara son and two daughters who visited her parents Mr .and Mrs. C. S. Clinton for sov oral month's, rtjturned, to Oakland, Qallf., Wednesday morning. Miss Vaunlta Hayes has accepted a position as book-keeper in the Nebras ka Telephone offlep succeeding Miss Elva Day who resigned. For Rent My residenco property on west First street after October lGth; In good repair.. Apply to Geo. E. French, at county judges' office. 7Gti A permit to wed was issued by Judge French Wednesday morning. - The interesting parties were Samuel E. Payno and Miss Mablo M. Gordon of Newark, Neb. Tho Coates Beauty Parlor in tho Flrt National Bank building was dam aged tho first of tho week by a brokon water plpo which Hooded tho floors of tho work room and hall and entered tho rear room of tho First National bank on tho first floor. Notice For Bids. Sealed bids will bo received until October 21st for tho sale of tho two buildings known as tho old church and residence on lots' 7 and 8, block 13D. The committee reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. C. T. WHELAN, Chairman of Building Committee. Dr. N. McCabo was a visitor in Om aha the first of this week. Stocking Caps, Auto Caps and Tam O'Shanters, 25c up at BLOCK'S. Miss Navijo, of Lincoln, 'spent the past week with the Murray family. Miss Clara Kane has returned from a short visit in Omaha with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomlskn will leave Tuesday for Oklahoma to locate, Mrs: Mary Mooney went . to Lex ington Wednesday morning for a short visit. Mrs. J. H. Fonda left Wednesday morning for Omaha to spend a few days . Wanted Girl for general housb work. Mrs. W. H. McDonald, 407 west Fifth street. J Miss Olga Sandall has returned from a short visit with friends In Ogalalla. Rov. Ives of Ogalalla came down Tuesday evening to visit with Dean Bowker. Charles Tigho left Tuesday, evening for Hastings to attend the-RexaH State convention. MJt3 Sylvia Watts will entertain the members of the Travel and Study club Monday evening. H. L. Fletcher, of Burwell, is spending a week horo on work for the A. O.' U. W. lodge. Wo remodel your own material cheaper than elsewhere, at the Par lor Millinery. 7G-S Mrs. Norman Wilson returned Tuesday evening from Omaha where she visited for several days. Dr. Twlnem reports the birth of a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zlmmer who live southwest of this city. For Sale Two Retort Oak stoves in good condition. Inquire of Wilcox & Halligan. 7G-2 Mrs. W. S. Dolson and daughter Florence returned Tuesday evening from a visit in Grand Island. A baby boy was born tho first of this week to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scharman who live west of town. Miss Nell Toolo, of Kearney, who waij the guest of her sister Mrs. Harry Boyle, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlcs Ell returned Wednesday morning from Omaha whero they visited for several days. Rev. McDald is spending thl3 week in Omaha having gono down to attend it ho Knights of Columbus meetings. W. L. Cary of Omaha is spending a fow days hero on business connected with the now Lincoln Highway bridge. Miss Francis Arrowsmlth returned to Ogalalla after visiting her grand parents Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Clough. You will lose money by not attend ing the suit sale whiph opens at Tho Leador tomorrow. Harry K. Hnyes of Los Angeles, visited the Mooney family last week while enrouto to Nelson to visit with at g 0-ci0(.j p Swedish Lutheran Congregation Kenneth Bescher, Pastor. Rev. Chas. F. Sandall, president of the Swedish Lutheran churches in Nebraska will visit. North Platto and preach in the Advent church Oct. 19. relatives Mrs. John Ell returned Tuesday ev- m. We heartily invite, tho Scandanavian speaking people of North Platto to ening from the eastern part of this' partake. Services are lield every first state whero she visited relatives for Sundny in tho montli. In the morning two weeks. Mr(. A. C. Hudson, of Council Bluffs, who has been visiting her Uls ter Mrs. Asa Snow for two weeks, will leave tomorrow. Attorney M E. Crosby Juts re turned from tho eastern part of this state whero ho accompanied his fam ily the first of this week. For Rent Furnished house. A. A. Schatz . Mrs. Mary Mooney is enjoying a visit from hor son B. D. Mooney who came from Los Angeles a fev days ago to spend two weeks." Gcorgo Smith. Jr.. of Denver, for merly of this city was married last Miss Anna Dorcas of Denver, and will mako their home there. For Farm Loans see or write Gene Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. ' 41tf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross and Mrs. Perchy, of Altona who were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Galvln Inst week, returned homo Wednesday. C. F. Joens of tho Joens Candy Co., of Omaha, spent the first of this wdek hero transacting business and visiting Charles Martini nnd family. at 11 o'clock.' FOUNDS SUGAR $1.00. Having opend up (ho grocery de partment wi will offer the following for u short time:. UO lbs granulated sugar $1.00 wlthn $10.00 order of groceries. 20 lbs granulated sugar $1.00, nlth ii $.".00 order of groceries. Prices and quality guaranteed. Goods delivered to any part of the city. TUB HUB. Shaffer Displaced. Captain C. W. Shaffer, chief of the aviation corps of the Nebraska Na tional Guard, has been deposed nnd is succeeded by Cnptain Ralph Mc Millan. Shaffer is tho fellow who came hero to mnke flights during tho county fnlr, but for various reasons FIAN'O TUN' Kit WILL Knights Klcct Officers. VISIT NORTH FLATTK. ! At a meeting of tho' Knights of Chns. C. Perry, who has been lo- Columbus held Wednesday ovenlng tho catcd in Grnnd Islnud for a number , nnnual election of offlcors was hold of years as a piano tuner, will visit nnd the following elected to office: North Platto regularly In tho future. Grand Knight, F. J. Dornn; Doputy His first visit hero will bo tho week Grand Knight, J. J. Horriganj flnan beglnnlng October 18th. Orders for bib cial secretary. W. J. Landgraf; ro- services may ue ion at mo iiincitor , coming secretary. Ray TIghe: trcas- storo TIiq subjoined letter is submitted: Grand Island, Sept. 14, 1915. To Whom It May Concern: TliiB.ctteiv jvil) introduce to you Mr.Cht.Ja. 'Perry, who is com potoll! 101, give you the best of ser viccvjii phino tuning as well as work In general. f-Trust him on my recom mendation, as I know he has tho abil ity and 'will be honest in all tho de partments of piano work. Very truly to tho Public, W. V. LEONIIARDT, Timor and Builder, Retired. Gibbon, Nebr. v (Advertisement.) Tim Game of the All-Sturs. October 28th will bring a big crowd of people to North Platto to see tho gamo of ball between teams of tho Nntional League and tho Amerlcnn Association. In surrounding towns urer, Josep'n Schatz: trustees. W. R. Mnlonoy, F. T. Redmond and C. J. Pass; Insldo gunrd, F. J. Sullivan; outside guard, J'. F. Sullivan; Out side guard, J. I Houser; advocate, F. C. Pielsticker; lecturer, J. II. Hegarty. , Hojr Snlq' ft On Wednesday, Noveitfbor 10th, wo will sell 70 head of'fmhiuued hogs, about half Polands and half Duroca. 30 head aro boars aini'wolghlngvfrom 12G to 300 pounds, 40 head aro open gilts of about tho samo weight. These pigs aro purely bred with tho best mating poBBlblo, a uniform lot of long ptrctchy fellows, with well arched backs, good feet, noat heads and as much bono as an alfalfa rango pig can possibly develop. After tho hog-salo, wo will sell 0 Holstein nnd 2 Guernsey heifers, thoao much interest is being manifested in not fresh, soon will bo. Wo will also could not get his machine in shapr1. tho coming game, as all fans aro anx- poll 10 puro bred Red Polled bulls. Ho promised to make a flight later, , ious to sea tho big leaguers in notion. Thoso wishing cows fresh Mn tho fall but could not make good his prom-'In these toams aro to bo found the will need thorn at this time, iso. Two weeks ago Shaffer was to stnt'3 of tho big leagues, and wo aroj -Tho salo will bo held on the farm 4 have mnde flights at the Gage county assured that In tho gamo to bo played miles west of Lexington. Tako tho fair, but ho failed to carry out his 'at North Platto will bo represented local to Markel which Is on tho farm, contract, and this with his other fail-, men who hnvo national reputations as and salo will bo out In tlmo to tako tho urcs caused General Hall to retire, nail players in otner words tho; local back. If Interested send for him ifs chief aviator of tho Guards. Kennedy Visits North Finite. John L. Kennedy, of Omaha, was a visitor in town Wednesday and left I Mrs Miko McFadden and baby of loft yesterday morning for Maywood f Pax:ton. camo down Wednesday to visit her paren'ts Mr. and Mrs. .John John Herrod for a week or longer. Mrs. J. Walter Adams returns! Tuesday afternoon from Omaha where whero ho made an address at the fafr(, Mr. Kennedy Is a candidate, for tho republican nomination for United Slates senator at tho 191G primary election. Ho has been a resident of Omaha since 18S2 and is ono of that teams that will play will bo compoaed of as strong players as thoso who ap pear In tho Omahn, Lincoln or Grand Island games. For Salo Fine Lawn Manure Inquire of Joo Spies, Phone Blnck 1G1 . 73-8 clrculur. J. O. ANDERSON, Lexington, Nebraska. Mrs. Stimson who was operated up on at tho City Hospital returned to hor homo In Ognlalla Wednesday af-trrnoon.s she visited her son who is starring i clty-H moat prominent attorneys nnd iu it-iimio lumciouiiuuuu uiu w.-ii. i business men . A numbor of years I Apples for sale at 56 cents a bush- "go ho served one term in congress ' el. and 40 cents on tho trees. 1 mllo' and made an excellent record. Mr. west of Platte Valley school house.n J. Kennedy has spent tho past ton days G-. Andorson. 7G-3,'" western iseorasKa mamng auuresH- , ,, TT , , . es at fairs and other public gather- Misses Julia Hennlng and Eunice nK8 Wolgard of Chappell who have been ' guests of the former's sistor, Mrs. Boston Wins Series. J. E. Sebastian for a week will leave! Thft nnstnn American ball team won tho world serioa from tho Philadelphia Nationals Wednesday when it de- tomorrow. John Poulos, .proprietor of tlu1 North Platto Candy Kitchen returned i Seated Its opponents by five to four 4coro nnd won its fourth straight gamo. In tho concluding gamo which was played at Philadelphia the Phil lies mado two scores in tho first In- Tuesday aftomoon from Excelsior Springs whero ho spent a month tak ing treatments. rejolcylng over the arrival of a baby j"1" " Pb among their support ,..i.iAi. . w. i ,1.1 ers ran high. Boston scored ono in tho I Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital tho'?,ocoml an ln " tl,,n1' U.cln first of this week. t tho score, but tho Phil es camo hack $.').()() Reward For return of ono liver and whito Pointer dog. Lost somo eleven miles southeast of North Platto. 7G-3 TO. OTTI1N. with two In tho fourth. The scoro was again tied by Boston in tho eighth. nnd tho latter mado the winning run In tho ninth when Hooper mndo a homo run. 1 Tho Nebraska house on east Front ' .itreet changed hands (the first of this week when' Mr. and Mrs. D. E. i Bruco sold out tholr interests to W. I A. Pnyno who has been conducting tho adjoining cafo for several months. I havo CO head of registered Per Mr. and Mrs. Bruca oxpect to lnvo choron horses, all ages, from colts to today for Oklahoma to spend Hovorall.12 years old. Can bo bought 'on tlmo weeks after which they will loeatoi with good security. Wm Edls, 2 miles In Billings, Mont. I south of town. 73tf tawNnwnM Pimm OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH The First National Bank -ol'- A'OTi T1J I T.A TTIS, JSlZJt AM S h'A . Member Federal Reserve Bank System. CAPTAv AND SUItl'KUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. STABILITY, EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE IIAVK IlKKN THE FACTORS IN THE GROWTH OF THIS BANK, AND THE SA.UK CAREFUL ATTENTION IS GIVEN TO SMALL ACCOUNTS AS IS GIVEN TO LARGE BALANCES, n INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. 4