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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1915)
y ' Jits i . Swlnrofc Jatte THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLA1TE, NEB,, OCTOBER 19, L915. No. 78 LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. C. J. Perkins left Sunday ev ening for Omaha to spend a week or longer. Mrs. Dan Roberts and son will go to Cheyenne this week to visit rela tives for a fortnight. Miss Pearl Koontz, of Staploton, spent the week end visiting her par ents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Koontz. Mrs. R. Engle, of Callaway, spent, last waek visiting Mrs. Jesse Van Dyke and returned home Saturday. Win. McMonglo, of Long Pine, vis ited Ills cousin, Mrs. Edward Rodden this week while enroute to Denver. For Sale Good second hand baby carriage. Phone black 133. Miss Mao Wilson ha3 recovered from the small poxand taken up her duties as teacher In .the Paxton vicinity. Mr;. John "Monnlch, of Frchiqnt, was called here this week by the death of her father, the late Charles Llerk, Sr. A baby boy was born Friday to Mr. and Mr3. E. E. Jackson, of this city, at the home of the latter's parents In Denver. W. II. C. Woodhurst left Sunday ev ening to transact business In the east ern part of the state and attend the foot ballNgamo at Lincoln Saturday. Weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy and colder tonight and Wednesday. Highest tem perature yesterday 73, a year ago 83; lowest last night 39, a year ago 41. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren and chll- dren, of Tampa, Florida, who spent the summer with Mrs .Warren's par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Dullard, re- turned librae Sunday evening. j Two Maxwell men were brought hero for hospital treatment last week, I Harry Schrlver who was thrown from a hay sweep and bad y injured and C. J. Israel who fell and Injured a leg. Money (o loan on real estnto. HKAJi x hUUiuiAA. Contractor McMlchael will com- plete the new Howo & Maloney busi- ness building today and turn It over to the owners. Tho second floor, which Is used for storing surplus fur niture stock is already well filled with goods. j Today has been .designated by Gov ernor Morehead as "Apple Day" and everybody is requested to ;eat several apples. Personally we look on the apple as our best medicine, and our advice is eat plenty apples and see hnw irnod von feel. ' i Mrs. John Oswald, formerly of this cuy, wno nuu resiueu inuienu, mi., belung made to make It a very on for several years, died a few days aEo-!j0 bie affair, at a hospital In Seattele where sho had been taken for treatment. Death Sunday a boy in Omaha was run was due to injuries received In a fall over by an auto and killed. He with while going on board a boat two another boy was playing in the street, weeks ago. She leaves a husband, one of whom run to one side tho other three daughters, one son and sister, to Che other side; in avoiding one tho J A . t A A II. . .11. t 1 f Mrs. Charles Perkins, of this city, For Sale A practically new Mon arch malleable steel range. B. M. Reynolds, 920 west Fifth. Tho high school' tOot ball 'team went to Maywood last Friday with the expectation of playing tho Curtis team, , but the latter failed to appear, e,vl-1 dently concluding that there had been too much rain. The North Platte boys had a hard drive through the hills but were recompensed to some extent by viewing the big pumpkins at the Maywood fair. For Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jersey spring boars your choice at $25.00 each. GGtf EXPERIMENTAL STATION. - Ti How to Build a Con venient Corn Crib A corn crib should al ways be constructed so that it can be filled and emptied with the least labor. For lcVel ground, a good type is double cribs with an elevated driveway through the center of the building and elevated ap proaches at each end. This enables the loads to be driven through the cribs and dumped or scooped out of the wagons without any high pitching. A good crib pays for it self in a few years by keep ing the corn in such condi tion that it will bring you better prices. We would lii?e to talk to you about your corn crib. Come in. W W. BIRGE CO. Furnished rooni3 for housekeeping, 414 west Third. 78tf The Episcopal guild Thursday afternoon in basement. will meet the church Charles Roche returned Friday ev- cnlng from a visit In the eastern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fitzpatrlck arc enjoying a visit from Jerome Fitzpat rlck, of Omaha. Mlss Creta Cass, nurse at the City ond base, Evers, Boston; third base, eratlon performed. The shock was, Hospital, spent bjv days lust week Groh, Cincinnati; short, Fisher, Chi- hewoviy, too great for his system to with hor father in Kearney. i cago, or Bancroft, Philadelphia; left withstand. Mrs. Llerk was in Omaha hm., xt., -t.....,,. i !.- Held, Cary, Pittsburg; center Held, Kll- at tho time. iSTllTitrim a llfer' Cincinnati; right field, Magec' Tho remains were brought home where flho Sl ted relatives Ilo9ton' ! ?UIM,ttjr cvcnll,B aml met nt tho ,,0,,ot wneTe sue isiteu relatives. ( Amerlcan League: Pitchers James, by an escort of the I. O. O. F. lodge. Mrs. Clyde Empson, of Oshkosh, who Detroit; Ayera, Washington; Klepper, The funeral will be held at the Luth was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Cleveland; Marbridge, Now York. i oran church nt 2:30 this afternoon, Redfleld, left y esterday morning. Catchers Cady, Boston; and Henry, and will be attended by delegations of Arthur L Toole of Kearnev. came W"!"0"- tho Odd Fellows and Modern Wood- yester lav moraine to vUlt hlBfator Flrst baso' Gnmnr' Boaton n,ul Hob" ,no"' r whlch lodsC8 1,0 WHS a inem Mrs H am Bo? le for a few avs I ,l7011' of I3oston; SL'coml bas0' Bnrr'- bcn lurs. nanj uojie, ior a lew nays. Boston; third base, Schang, Athletics; Charles Llerk was born In Mechel Good lump coal for furnace or range short, McBrldo, Washington or Chap- burg, Scherweln, Germany, November uso at 50.00 per ton. Leave orders at North Side barn or phono red 65G Dr. II. C. Brock went to Kearney last evening to attend the state dental convention, which Is being hold there. Mrs. Evei)., of Cheyenne, who had been visiting her daughter Mrs. Jason Sawyer for several weeks, left yester- day. Mlss Lena Baskins, who has been visiting friends in California for sev eral weeks, is -expected homo next week. J. J. O'Connor, of Elsie, shipped 350 Bluff county where they will be fed during the winter, Misa viola McGuire, of Lincoln, a fow t vlsIt htfr onU( Mr and Mrs Charlc3 McGuire, for several weeks, Mrg H Cramer and son John returneu Sun(lay evCning from Burns, Wyoming, where they visited Mr. Cramer for five weeks. Mlss Graco MoonoVi accompanied by lier brother, George, who has been visiting In town, left last night for a few days' visit in Omaha. Mrs. Merle R. Wilcox and Miss Maude1 Welsman, of Cozad, who were guests of Mr . and Mrs. Roy Cottrell last week, have returned home. The entertainment committee of the Elks announce, a dancing" party for the evening of October 28th, and each two weeks 'thereafter during- the winter season. The drilLleam of the Yeoman lbdge will hold their first annual ball at the T.lnvil nnfrn limian nn Tlmrailri v nvfn lngt October 28th. Arrangements are autolst run into tho other. We refer , to this particularly because the same , action of children frequently occurs on our street and only by watchful ness on the part of the drivers are ac cidents avoided. In this a note of warning is sounded to parents. Threo Million More Men Fifteen months in the field, with ex penditure of millions of men and bil lons of treasure, have simply served to outline In a vague way the magni tude of the war in Europe. It is too great to be more than hazily comprp hended by tho ordinary mortal, whoso 1 mind falls to grasp the significance! of tho tremendous totals daily dealt in when reporting1 on the operations of the armies. One present develop ment will help some towards a better understanding of what It all means. ! England Is called upon to furnish ; threo millions more of fighting men. i This means more than twice the total ; population of Nebraska, and not in ! men.i women and, children, but In young, vigorous, bouiiu mnnnoou oi : .. ,. i i . nnnnnninn mnnnoou mo umpuu, ua ulol ,,UODUa.u... ' The excuse glyon or ,o aemanu s that the spectacle w I d Bcourage t w Germans, who are estimated as having , yei m ruservc, uuu miu u,u) w uw- terred from throwing them Into the a i l a. t. mill of destruction. Tho war does not turn on this factor at present. Tho Germans aro as energetic and as re sourceful as ever, and show little dis position to abandon their pu'rpoao. Press agent stories from tho front must be taken with considerable nl-, Wm nector onterC(1 t,,0 Cll ,10g. owance Wo are getting just such ,tft, t, flrst f t, , f t t. Information as tho belligerents want mQnt us to have, and none other. They, " aro engaged in a serious undertaking,' Mrs. A. L. Ilassct , of tho Barkalow and neither side Is taking the other nows f1""'1' arrlvc'1 tllls morning to Into Its confidence at this time. AU,,nnl0 ll0r homo- tho neutral world really knows Is1 Mrs. J. T. Murphy and hor guest that men are being wasted along with Mrs. Worley, wont to Sterling yester wealth. and tho proceedings at pres-'day morning to visit for a week or ont aro such as to support tho Oil l Uri) BUUll ilS IU BUJIIUIL mo.D".. thought that only tho exhaustion of Mrs. Mlko McFadden and daughter, tho combatants can end the struggle, who visited at the homo of Mr. and Thirty million men aro under arms Mrs. John Ilcrrod Inst week, have re- end Is beyond conjecture, but tho mont8 for ft Hallowo'en party and wholo should make Americans more (janco to ,)0 nem nt thoIr lmll on No. than ever thankful for the peace they vember 1st. ' enJoy.-Omaha Bee. MPi nnd MrfJ porry Caraon wont t0 I'laun at a Hnrgaln Customer near North Platte Is un-. ablo to finish payments on piano con-, tract. Wo will turn piano over to flrst 5" 'L; month. Write Schmollor & Mueller Piano Co., Omaha, Neb. John Den, A. E. Bell and party loft yesterday for tho lako country to spend several days hunting. Jlake-Up of All Slurs Teams. The management of tho All Stars ball teams, which will play In this! city on Thursday of next week, has) solected tho following players from ' whom tho line-up for tho gnmo here will bo made: I Natlona Lenguo: Pitchers Alexan- troublo performed tho preceding der, Philadelphia; Coombs, Brooklyn; Thursday morning. He had been af Vaughn, Chicago; Pfeffor, Brooklyn. fHcted with the trouble for a con Catchers Miller, Brooklyn; McCar- slderable time, but he patiently bore thy, Brooklyn. tho affliction until It became so acuto First base, Daubert, Brooklyn: sec- "that It was necessary to have an on- man of Cleveland; left field, Wnlker, St. Louis; center field, Roth, Clove- land; right field, Strunk, Athletics. i Cadets to Receive New (Jims ' The federal government has favor- ably acted upon the application for rifles of tho latest models for tho liigh school cadets. Word has been recelv- ed that If tho board of education gives the necessary bond for the proper pres. ervation and care of the guns they will bo immediately supplied. This the board will do at Its next meeting and formal application will be made for eighty riiles. With these new guns It Is probablo that the cadets will participate In long distance shooting at the range of tho Rlilo Club south of tho experhnentnl station. ,. . . Clly Hospital Notes Henry Doebke has entered the hos pltal for treatment. Mrs. Orcutt, of Belmar, who Is tak- lng treatment, is getting along nicely, Master Joe Williams, who had been confined to the hospital for several weeks owing to injuries received by being struck with an automobile, has returned homo. Engtyieejr Bert Chamberlain, who was Injured a couple of weeks ago in an automobile accident, continues to Improve, Miss Edna Elliott submitted to a JL uuu ib iciiwij uo vixoj ua v-uuiu uo ci- pected. Contract Let for O'Fnllon School The contract for tlie erection of tho new school building at O'Fallon, be tween Hershey and Suthrerland, was awarded Saturday to Shane & Son, con- a i i? ti.. ii. i .i mi. i iruuiura oi ouuiuniuiu. i ne euniruui prico is $11,118. and the building is to be completed by August 1st, 191G. flnlv nnpi ntlifr lilil wns Hiilimlllnil w ' that Is the best outside of the villages f-lP tlln nniltltV JSSUKANCK All kinds of the best and cheapest Iiisuraiico against loss by fire, auto mobile theft, elc, wrlllen by UHATT & GOODMAX. Notice lo "Wnlcr Consumers Water will bo shut; off from tho en tire cltv tonlEht (Tuesday) from about that of E R Green of Scwnrd whoso mrH B "nmlunain weni 10 io urnnu ,LBinuu 10 vinn ineir uaugu price wa3 $14 400 ' v ' Sterling yestorday afternoon to spend ter, Mrs. Ralph Hansen. 100S Wost 4th St., North Platte, Neb. The new building will bo tho best il weck or loBer wIth relatives. Tho e,ght ypnr oW (laughtor of rural school structure In tho county Dr. and Mrs. O. II. Cresslor have Mrs. Talbot loft tho hospital Sun-. Mrs. Margaret Hall, Superintendent. 12:30 p. m. until about 3 a. m. to re- traveling as Ofrst engineer on tho pair valves at tho plant. One blast Hteamship Llmar, will sail for Copcn of the lire whistle will be given about ttagon Denmark, this week. ' HPnSHPY s WFr riT ater. Wtvtr Commfssfoner Aatcr commissioner. FOK TIIK SAFE IXVESTOK Several first real eslnte morlpifrc loans lieHInir 7 o 8 Inlcrest, not taxable. The bosl Inrestnieiit for Idle money; $300.00 and upwards. Hit ATT & GOODMAN. Surrenders Bond O. II. Eyeyrly, of Hershey, was In town yesterday and surrendered as bondsman for Clnrenco Trent, also of Tlorslinv. wlin will lio trlnil In thr ,U t , - t , on t, , of gnmllHnjr Trcnt was takcn ln cs. to(. ,vh -, town veatcrdav and will bo held until he secures a suroty for , . nnnparanco ln court Uls aPPcaraco colirt- W. H. ('. Attention A special meeting for Inspection will be held at tho homo of Mrs. Joe Morsch Friday afternoon nt 2:30 sharp. By Order of tho President. longor and will attend tho foot ball game at Lincoln Saturday. Tho Travel and Study club were tho oning? The Object foHiio 'evg guests of Miss Emma Smith last ov- v''D",f ' i iiiBiuijr of Our State." Enjoyablo rofresh- ments wero served. For Salo Fine Lawn Manuro. Inquire of Joo spios, mono uiacK 101. 73-8 CHARLES LIKltK IUKS AT AX OMAHA HOSPITAL v Charles Llerk, for thlrty-ono years a resident of North Platte, died at St. Joseph's hospital Saturday mornliiK. following an operation for stomach 2U, 1S59. After serving the required time In tho Germnn cavalry, ho came to th Unltetl States and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, with his father and mother. Ho remained thero for a year and then came to Nebraska, set tllng In Hayes county. In 18S4, after proving up on his homestead, ho came to North Platte, where he had slnco resided continuously, and sence 1887 had been 1 n the continuous employ of tho Union Pacific, In 1S89 ho was united In marriage to Emma Oleson, to which three chll- dren were born, Charles, Jr., Hazel and June, the latter having died In Infancy, Ho 1s survived by his wife, and the children Charles, Jr., and Hazel of this city and Mrs. John Mounich, of Fremont, a brother living In Omaha and a brother and sister In Cleve- iaTnii ciiarles Llerk was a man of whom nothing but good could be said a consistent member of tho Lutheran church, a good citizen and n man respoctcd and esteemed by nil who jncw Um Ho wns (iovoted to his imniiv hi wlfn nmi iiia niiiiiimn nn.i to them In this hour of sorrow the condolence of all friends are extend ed. WHKX SEEKING LIKE INSURANCE ' ' 'STtl 1 llfc f iew York? JLe? livhlSs ' near!? Don't take blue sky. Get In some pny premium. II It ATT. & GOODMAN. District Agcilts. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tomlska went to Oshkosh yesterday morning to snen sevoral days. Mrs. McNomar, of Paxton, came down yesterday morning to nttend the Licrk funeral. - T o ni i. l I i . gono to Kearney whero the former will .VMnrwl 41m C(n(r Tin n ... 1 na.nnlnHnn and give a clinic at the meeting this ninrnlnir. morning. Wm. Holdorness, of Gothenburg,1 been 111 for three weeks, left tho hos who is now employed with nn electric pitnl Sunday. light company in Omaha, spent tho Tho threo year od son of It. V. latter part of last week witli local Shlrloy, of Wellllcot was brought to friends. I tho General hospital for treatment yes- ,,r..i ... i.i t. ii. I terday. Ho was accompanied by Dr. r,i,. H,nf Tmnni, nnnn...,., ,iln a .w J J ladles' aid society of the Meth- 0ll,st cUuruh WU ,neet Thursday af - tornoon wlth Mrs a F Temi)io, 220 S?1'"1 csml-?,Z' " . ouu,11 " .JUUU ou"",B slst ,n entertaining. ,,,,., Tho two-story building back of the McDonald clothing store. See Otton stein, or phono 258. 71tf Baby's Outfit From the first little wrap per baby wears to the pretty knitted afdlian everything , , e i . .fl. needed lor a complete Outnt tO Supply. Our Pearl line 01 ' 1 :ntrQl- miantS Wear Will interest every mother. Come in and see how pret tily and inexpensively you can dress your baby by mak- in your btJitJULiuiia uum uui n . -. P A t Pearl line of infants wear. E, T. Tramp & Sons. Umger and TV I 1 uo mate These Clothes Winners On first sight you'll agree that our suits and overcoats have the riht swing and spirit. They're clothes with char acterbuilt to e jw make flesh and blood folks look their very best. Styles are the season's finest Adler's Collegian Clothes Made by experienced clothes-makers who haVe long set the standard for America's best dressed men. You vill find the new patterns handsoriie and distinctive without be ing the least bit freaky. And the styles are even better. In short, good 'clothes-making reaches its climax in vthe lines we show. BARCODRT The Store where Mrs. V. A. Elklns, of Oshkosh, who was oporated upon last week, Is pro gressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Casey have gono day, having fully recovered from heT u 111.. Xorth lMiittc (ftliernrlospHnr Xoles. I n i n...i.ii t, i..i Mrs. Charles Unr.tholemew. who had tj.,.,,l Hundstfom I'lano Lessons Piano lessons given at 412 cast Third street. Phone Red 104. 7 !1 " BERYL IIAHN. Hospital Phono Black 633. House Phono Black G33. W. T. lMtlTCHAIU), Graduate Veterinarian Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospitnl 218 south Locust St., one-half block southwest of the Court Ilousb, Notice of Suit I In the District Court of Lincoln. County, Nebraska. Fnink F. Davis, Plaintiff vs. George AT, T,ln ltfnlvln 1itu i'lf ' and Mrs. H. F. Owens, Defendants. clcorgo B. MclvJn and Ida May Mol vln, defendants, will tako notice that tho plaintiff, Frank F. Davis, filed Ills notlt on in tho District Court or L n- coln County, Nebrnska, on Octobor,A8 1015. ngalnst said ueionuanis nnovo named, tho object and prayer of said petition being to foreclose a cortain mortgage made, oxecutd and delivered by aaid defendants on April 7, 1911 to tho plalutllf, which snlu mortgage sold and convoyed to tho said plalntll all of Section Thirty-Two (32) Township Sixteen (1G) North, Range Thlrty Threo (33) West Oth P. M. In Lincoln County, Nebraska, as security for tho payment of a certain note made, exe cuted and delivered by tho snld de fendants on April 7, 1911 to tho plaln tlc liereln, said noto bolng In tho sum of S2.000.00 with lntorest nt 10 per cent from April 7, 1911 and said mortgage being recorded on April 17, 1911 In book 42 of mortgages at pago 44 of tho records of Lincoln County, Nebraska. That there Is now duo up on said not and mortgage tho sum of $2000.00 with Interest at 10 per cent from April 7, 1914. and alHo tho sum of $22.85 with Interest thereon at 10 por cent per annum from Octobor la, 1915, on account! of taxes paid iy plaintiff upon said land. Said defendants aro required to ans wor said petition on or before tho 29th day of November, 1915. FRANK F. DAVIS, Palntlft By WM. E. SHUMAN, ol9-4w His Attorney 9m You'll pet tho very limit of service, top, for our clothes will keep their shape nnd stylish appear ance day in, day nut, until you are ready to bid them a cheerful good-bye. Suits and Overcoats $15 and up & JENSEN you feel at home. Not a Hospital But a Homo Nurse Brown Memorial Hospital Miss Yet a l'lcknrd, Oiaduato Nurse. Br. J. S. TwillCIll, . . Physician nnd Surgeon Dcst for ImnanKj's Cure Orlflclal Surgory irltli Hnincopntlilc Medi cine for Acuto and Chronic Dlsense. J. II. JtEDFIELI). PHYSICIAN & SUKGEOJtf Successor to HYSICIAN & SURGEONS HOSPITAL Drs. Redfleld & Redfleld ' Office Phone, 042 Res. Phono 67G I Elizabeth Kaar-Langsfon Teacher of Singing Studio 122 West Front St. II. II. LAND GRAF l'tilntor, l'apcrhniigor mid Decorator Phono Blnck 570. Cigars in the Home For Iho next Hvo months smokers will .spend their urcniugs indoors, and wiiai is more convenient and more pleasuraiblo than ti box of cigars nt home, easily nccosslblo when you luivo an Jncllnutlon (o smoke. Try u box of our home. made nnd hand-niado ci gars, (ho kind (hat are n little bettor than you buy elsewhere for (he snuio price, "Wo nlso carry a full Hue of to bacco nnd smokers' nrtlcles, J. F Schmalzried.