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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1915)
A" THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 8, 1915. No. 75 CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Dr. T. J. Kerr spent Wednesday In Ogalalla on professional business. Mr. and Mrs. Olo RaBmussen re turned yesterday morning from Oma ha, where they visited for a wcek1 Mrs. Kato Evers, of Cheyenne, came Wednesday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Sawyer for two weekb. Miss Lcnore Cumnilngs, who hao been thogucst of Mrs. Geo. T. FlclV will leave Sunday for her homo In Chicago. Miss Florence Stack, who has"been visiting In Lincoln, Omaha and ColiThi bus for two weeks, will return to morrow oVtinlng. The Et-A-Virp club were the guests of. "Mrs. Ed Dedrlck Tuesday after noon. Games wero played and a nice ly prepared lunch served. Largest, display of furs ever shown In Nothf Platto new shown at BLOCK'S. Next Tuesday. October 12th, Is a stato legal holiday known as Colum bus Day. The banks and other Insti- tutlons'wlll be closed on that day Tho wrecking crow was called to Brule yesterday morning to rc-rall an engine deralld by running Into an open switch. Tho Episcopal guild will hold an ex change at tho Derryberry & Forbes store tomorrow. Cakes, pies, cookies, etc., will bo on sale. Mrs. II. M. Grimes and Mrs. l . W. Rlnckcr entertained at a dinnoi party last evening nt tho home of tho former complimentary to Miss Lonora Cumnilngs. Covers wero laid for ten. For Itcnt Furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 414 west Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bunnell wero ten., dered a surprise party Tuesday even ng by a number of friends nnd neigh bors. The evening was spent in games and social conversation. Refresh ments wero served at midnight. Miss Sara Cresslor, formerly of this city, was married at hor homo In San Francisco, Wednesday evening to Otto Hansen, who. Is employee, In tho quartermaster's1 offlco of tho United States Army. Their wed ding trip is to tho Philippine Islands, nnd their home will bo in San Fran cisco. Mrs. G. Robinson, of Page, Nebr.. BJalno Kltzmlllcr, of Denver, form- Is visiting this week with Mrs. ' Lew erly of this city, Is spending a fow days binitli. with local friends. Tho first carload of sugar beets for this season passed thraugh the local yards this morning. Mrs. Fred Elliott returned yester day afternoon from a short visit In Omaha with friends. Attorney Carl Ilollmnn and family loft last evonlng for Tipton, Iowa, to spend a couple of weeks. Mrs. G. B. Falconer, of Denver, camo last evening to visit hor brother, J. H. Thompson, for a week. Mrs. Frank Dornn returned last ev ening from Gretna, whero sho had been visiting her sister. F. J. Doran will leave the first of next week for Omaha to attend tho K. of C. meeting and banquet. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Artz, of Denver, formerly of this city, are expected next week to visit tho former's parents for two weeks. Tim ilnmnoMn cnlnnpn ilnnnrtmnnf-nf the Twentieth Century Club will moot' withers. J. T. Stuart, 510 west A' street Monday afternoon. I Mrs. F. W. Hermlnghauson loft this morning for Omaha to spend a weok or longor. - Mr. and Mrs". Thos. S. Carr in tend to leavo for Tryon to open n res tuarant this week. A car of coal derailed at Roscoe this morning blockd tho double track nud east bound trains woro delayed. Leonard Dick will leave today for Toledo, Ohio, where Mrs. Dick has boon visiting for a couple of months. The G. I. A. will nold a 10 cent social at tho K. P. hall this afternoon. Boston brown bread, baked beans, cookies and coffee will bo served. New FALL ALL WOOL Serge Dross es In all the wanted shades, sizes 14 to 44, at $4.79 at BLOCK'S of course. In tho county court yesterdny Carl Lunkwitz plead guilty to assault and battery his nelce Augusta Lunk witz, whom" he struck with a spade last week, while at work on their farm near Hershey. He was lined fifty dol lars and cost and ordored to keep thb peace j : " ' D15TINCTI0N.HDRESS WM The Eyes of Envy Are turned on the woman whose clothes mark her apari from ,the crowd. They proclaim her one of discriminating taste, for lo select such a garment from the many that are seen on every hand -requires a knowledge and appreciation of style, material, lit and wearing qualities Lhal few possess. But these are characteristics lhaL are found in every Prinlzess coat or suit. They confer on their wearer the compliment of good taste, assure her the approval of those -most critical in matters of dress and the envy of those who have not found the secret. Em np . 1. Iramp ons. FIRST JiUMllKK OF UMTMl) I LEl'TlllH COUHSK TOMIUIT The Southland Artists Olllnmc Mil low, Concert Violinist, Lawrence L. Lewis, llnrltone mul Header, Here nice Walker. Plnnlst ami Accompan ist.. The program or this company ap peals especially to those who know and appreciate tho best In music. To marked natural ability theso young people have added years of study un der great teachors. All havo had ex tensive concert experience nnd tho rports of critics show nil have won notable triumphs, for their art. Their appearance horo will be a notablo event. This entertainment tonight at the Presbyterian church thlrty-flvc cents. This is the first number of a series of entertnlnmonts to be given this winter at tho Presbyterian church tt. lie known as the United Lccturo Course. The courso wns arranged for by tho brotherhoods of four of tho churches of this city and should have tho hearty support of all North Platte and Lincoln county pooplo who enjoy entertainment of tho bettor clnss. The brotherhoods have spent considerable tlmo nnd expense In arranging for this courso and It Is their hope It will bo well attended throughout tho sea son. Tho completo courso Is as follows: Tho Southland Artists, October 8th, entertainers, musicians. Tho Old Glory Quartottc, October 2Sth, enter tainers, singers. Col, Low Beauchamp November 10th, humorous philosopher. Schlltirots1 Hungarian Orchestrn, No vember 17th, Novelty Four, January 13th, instrumentalists arid vocalists. M. Beryl Buckley January 25, Inter pretative reader. Brooks Fletcher, February 3, lecturer. Season tickets for the cntlro courso may bo obtained from Mr. Starr at McDonald Stnto Bank, adults $2.00 and high school students $1.00. Foreman Murphy, who had his right ankle sprained and bruised several weeks ngo J, hobbling around on crutches. It will be two weeks bofor. he will be able to resume work. For Rent Furnished house. A. A. Schatz. Menu for tho commercial dinner nt tho Christian church Monday, October 11, served from 11:30 to 1:30: .Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes and gravy, creanied turnips, cabbage sal ad with manles, beet pickles, apple sauce,- sliced pacnes with whipped cream, sponge cake, milk and coffee. Price 30 cents. President Wilson announced Wed- nesday'nlght his engagement to to Mrs. Norman R. Gait, of WashliiKton. The date of the wedding has n6t bednflxen; but it will probably take place In De cember at tho homo of tho brlde-elcc Mrs. Moshler and daughter, of Kan sas City, arc the guests of Mrs. H. . White. When you want good reliable medi um priced Shoes, remember they carry a full line of them as well as liner grades at Wilcox Department Store. Hon. Church Howe, for over forty years prominent In business nnd politi cal circles in Nebraska, and well known to many North Platto people, died at his home In Auburn, Nob., yes terday morning. Ho was a veteran of tho civil war, and politically had been honored with' many offices- He owned a 1,500 acre farm near Auburn, on which wns grown last year 31,000 bushels of apples. For Trade G40 acres near Stapleton to ox- change for city property or smaller tract near town. This Is a good value. See or phone, 75-2 O. II. THOELECKE. Thoro will bo no sorvlces nt tho Lutheran church Sunday oxcept Sim day school, on nccount of tho absenca of Rev, Harmau who Is attending sya. od at Lincoln. E. M. Westorvolt, right-of-way agent for tho Burlington, was In town Wdncsday and authorized tho salo oi sovornl houses on land owned by tho Burlington. Whether this means n possible construction of tho Burling ton up the Plntte valley laojour guess. Personally, wo havo quit guessing of tho Burlington's Intentions. Tho Royal Neighbors of the Fifth and Sixth districts will hold their con vention in this city October 13tlu Preparations nro being made to enter tain tho visitors. Tho session will open nt 10 a. m., and at 2 p. m. lm atory work will bo hold. A banquet will bo served nt G o'clock In the K. P. hall and at 8:30 thoro will bo an open mooting to which nil visiting members nnd Woodmen nnd Uielt wives nro Invited. Denton's Slooplng Garments, n full lino at Wilcox Department Store. Among tho freight passing through on tho Union Pacific woro sixty car loads of box cars consigned to tho Russian government nt Vladivostok. Theso box cars aro shipped "knocked down nnd railroad men say that tho utmost Ingenuity has boon displayed In tho manor of their loading and that It will bo tho easiest matter posslblo to put Uio cars together at their des tination. Tho roofs and Moors of tho cars, aro shipped ontlro, making tho largest single piece In tho Bhlpmcnt. Now Fall Underwear in nil styles, high neck, long sleeevcs, low neck or short sleovcs, low neck or sleeveless, in cotton or wool now shown nt BLOCKS. Mrs. W. W. Cumnilngs entertained tho literary department of tho Twenti eth Century club Wednesday after noon. Mrs. Joseph Roddy talked on "Reference Work nt Iho Library" and Mrs. Charles McLano chose "Tho Billion Dollar Loan" for her subject. Current events woro discussed after which light refreshments wero served. Christian Science scrvlco Sunday 11 a. m. Sunday school 12 m. Building & Loan building, room 25. Jliu-MnH Oil Co. Yet Living It Is bolng announced by Mr. Hayes, tho Standard Oil "tlunUy" that tho Mar shall people havo lost out already He Is calling upon the dealers and telling each one '!youhad bettor buy from us now. all the others .havo quit them." Now wo feel that Undo Joe has started to tho funoral too soon, and If the peo ple of North Platto and Lincoln coun ty continue to glvo tho Marshall Oil Co. tholr support as they havo In tho past. Undo Joo will bo moro norvouh 'hndiottory than ho Is at prosont, whgii ho Is nblo to say "I told you so." 75-1", ' J. W. SHEPHARD. lVuIstp ! WnlstH! It matters not what kind of a waist you nro looking for, you aro sure to find It at BLOCK'S. For Farm Loans see or write Ueno Crook, room 3, Waltemath building, North Platte. 41tt Statement of Ownership. (Required by Act of Aug. 24, 1912) I, Ira L. Bare, solemnly swears that I am tho solo owner, publisher and manager of tho North Platte Senil Wockly Tribune, published at Nopth. Platte, Nob., that thero aro no holdors of bonds, mortgages or other securi ties against tho said Semi-Weekly Trlbuno printing plnnt. IRA L. BARE. Sworn and subscribed to beforo mo this 7th day of October, 191C. J. E. EVANS, (SEAL) Notary Public. A Banking Enttmsiast "Expect all the scrvlco and help a bank can legltlmntoly render, and then go to tho Platto Valley Bank to got It." One of our most enthusiastic custo mrs niado this statomont, and we don't know of anything wo would llko bet ter said about ourselves. i and all because wo have tho facilities and capacity to llvo up to his remark, to make You, as well as, he a Platte Valley State Bank enthusiast . Platte Valley State Bank 4 per cent Interest On Time Deposit. North Pintle, Nebraska. , , -