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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1915)
s i h .t ' ""Hi, r THIRTIETH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB.' OCTOBER 5, L915. No. 74 ' CITY AND COUNTY NEWS. Miss Thco Schwaigcr was a visitor in Kearney Sunday. Maurice Fowler returned yesterday afternoon from a businss visit in Onia- lia. Miss "Aileen Gantt returned Sunday evening from a brief visit in eastern Nebraska Mrs. Charles Vernon returned Sun day from an extended-' visit with friends in Montana. Mrs. C. II. Morey returned the lat ter part of last week from a visit with relatives in Hastings. Mosdaine3 Louis Spencer and Bcnz, Mr. and Mrs. Mose McFarland nnd.MISHAHX TO llSTAULlSH two daughters left Saturday morning I STUDIO IN THIS CITY for Omaha to visit for a few days. I See the new melon shape muffs at The University School of Music, Lln m nrif "A coln' Nebraska, is pleased to recom- I mend to the people of North Platte and The Lutheran girls will meet Friday' vicinity, Miss Beryl Halm, teacher of evening with the Misses .Helen and pianoforte. Jessie Dakor. All members are urged Miss Hahn is a graduate of the Uni- to be present George Mudd, of Hershey, spent yos-l terday In town, and last night, ac-i companled by Mrs. Mudd, left for' Omaha to atend the Ak-Sar-Bon i Mrs. B. T. Tramp is suffering from' a broken arm which she sustained; in a fall from the steps of the porcli verslty School of Music under Sidney Silbor and has been a successful teach er for several years. Special attention lscnlled to the new Conservatory course- known as the Progressive Series which Miss Halm Is .about to Introduce in North Platte. Students studying the Pro- grosivp Buries wit i Miss Hnlin mnv of Wallace, visited local friends tho at hor llome I,rIday 0VenlnB. arrange for -direct recognition at the latter part of last week. .For Sale A practically new Monarch i ouuuui m music uy naving malleable steel range. 15. M. Rey-, u" ivu oauiuuu uui.a Braui!ii iuuiu nuu i reviving jenny ccruucnics from tho conservatory. Miss Hahn expects to be in North Platte about October lltli ami will route homo ho spent several days at then rnonunco the location of her the Bily Sunday meetings in Omalia. I studio. The best and cheapest insurance written lire, life and automobile,' against nil hazards. UK ATT & G001MIAN. I of tho Dodge car to Wm. Soules, of uolds' 920 west FirUl' Somerset Saturday afternoon. Arthur Owens returned Saturday from a two weeks visit in Iowa. En- "Du Barry," a six part feature, with Mrs. Losllo Carter will be the attrac tion at tho Keith Thursday night. Capt. Haskell, of the Loup country, visited In town this week and left yes terday afternoon for an extended visit in San Diego. Mrs. C. C. Hupfcr and daughter Mary returned yesterday from St. Louis, whero they had been visiting relatives for several weeks. Fur Sets Or Separate Fur Scarfs or muffs in any kind of fur obtainable at most any price you can afford to pay, now on display at BLOCK'S. Judge H. M. Grimes, Attorneys Beel er, Wilcox and Shuman, and Court Re porter Barron went to Ogalalla yester day where district court was in ses sion. Snow fell in Wyoming yesterday morning, the storm extending east as far as Kimball. This accounts for tho change in temperature in the ba nana belt yesterday forenoon. Next Wednesday will Platte and McCook day at Tho ladies' guild or tlie Episcopal church will hold an exchunge In tho Derryberry & Forbes' window Satur day. All kinds of home made dainties, Word from Denver is to tho effect that Mrs. Fred Letts is so badly crip Shakes Hands with "Dill." In reporting tho Sunday meetings of Evangelist Sunday, the Omaha News said: "One of those who came forward waa H. F. DuBorry of ?Torth Platte 'I'm a Christian, Bill Sunday, but i came all the way from North Platte, 300 miles away just to hear vou preach this sermon. And I brought FARM K11S EXCHANGE AND LADIES' REST ROOMS These rpoms were equipped and arc maintained by the North Platte Cham ber of Commerce for the use of tho farmers and their families. When in North Platte visit tho rooms and make use of them. They are equipped with easy chairs, desks, tables, pens and ink and writing pa per. Toilet and wash room facilities and telephone service. Make your appointments at tho rooms. Do your 1Usinoss with other farmers at the rooms. Put on the black-board If you have anything to sell or want to buy anything, or if you need help. Tho Secretary will also assist you in procuring help or will assist in anything else he can do for you. Remember the rooms were equipped to use. pled with rheumatism as to bo unabli,n' wlfc anil-boy,' he said as ho reach- to walk. Her qondltion Will be re gretted by her North Platte friends. The best Prints made at live cents n yard at The Lender. Sheriff Salisbury returned Sunday evening from Grand Island with Ash ton Manning, who was arrested last cd up to shake hands with tho ovan gelist 'That's line that's flue. Thank you for coming,' answered Mr. Sunday, beaming a broad smile." ltoynl Neighbor Convention The Royal Neighbors of tho Fifth Horses at Public Auction On Saturday, October 0th. 1915, I will sell at the old stock yards In North riatte, rveurasisa, i&u neau or range horses at public auction, consisting of mares and geldings, some suckling colts, and some two and three years old. Come out everybody and we will havo a good old time range horse sale. These horses are here now and the sale will start at 1 p. m. Also will soli a pair of young mules. If yon hnve any alfalfa pasture for rnt Bee m"e. C. A. MOORE. 1 lCT m 1117 ii io ui viiv-v4 -j t - Week in that city as being the guilty ami oixui ciisir cts win noiu tlielr con- party who burglarized the office of Mfnuon in una city October 13th. Dr Brock recently. Articles answer-! Preparations are being made to enter ing the description of those stolen, tnln the visitors. The session wilt frntn tho llrnclf nlflnn wprn found in! Open at 10 11. 1U., and at 2 P. 111. illli be North Mils nnssession and later identified bv atol worl wm lie Held. A banquet : the Mav-1 Dr Brnnk and his assistant. Manning.' w" b served at G o'clock in the K wood fair. Twenty-live uutos loadea who has been traveling under several 1 ,1U' anu at s:du mere will he an with Mr.Hnnk men are exnncted and .liffprnnt nnmps. hail 11 harlnir in the Pea meeting. About two hundred Screrary Temple, of the local Cham, j county court yesterday morning and an'l foventy-flve visitors arc expected oer ot uommerce, nopes 10 nave more pieau not guuiy. ine case is sei 101 than that number go tfom North ! trial tomorrow morning. i1"?! Ths.e wh er.aJf:A Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Trent, of Hcr- biro iu must) mu u ui ai.uiuu mimy . , crinnrTInr- ;v to.xv ilnvs in Mr. Temple not later than Monday. M w I town . They 'are eiiro'ute home from SILK PETTICOAT SALE, WEDNESDAY AND -THURSDAY AT THE LEADER We have just received 5(1(1 Relden Lawrence McMinn, of Sutherland, Casey, Illinois, "where they had been' SHU mid I'cnii Duchess Petticoats, was given a hearing before the in'saiib' spending two months with relatives' B"nilccd silK, extra sizes Included, oft nt tlielr which will be sold ut ii cash discount insane by his wife; who made "tht-" COin-flilt'le twelve year old daughter Doro-.." twenty per cent. Two days only, plaint against him. After hearing thy. The child was suddenly taken. T HE LEADER. the evidence, the board dismissed the sick about two weens ago witn case McMinn is a carpenter and ptomauine poisoning and died two "The frost was on the pumpkin" contractor of Sutherland. They days latqr,, Shp yas known to many ! this morning, and It was not necessary havo been married for twenty-eight of the local people as a bright and to look twice to discern it. Observer loveable child having freqently visiteu smiling terms It a killing frost tin. hero with her parents who nave tne temperature dropping sufficiently low years . At the Keith theatre tonight will be presented a six part picture, "Pro Patria." The leading part is taken by Henri Kraus well known as Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables." Thq ver sion of this play by Sardou is or spec sympathy of their many friends. FOR THE INVESTOR WITH IDLE MONEY We have a few good, safe first mod U filfkJfc .....I mi 1 vnlnn not lr,nr nQ cmlomlifl nif. IMUO IlliUlS lit SU111S 111 !?". UU Will 1 turtaUon of a well known pfa'y by 'a ward;, netting 7 and 8 Interest master author, but as a historical pro- ' We attend to I letiills, nuiKc out a ductlon that may be Alio wn in connec- Iers, and collect Intcicst Mlthou tion with tho study of history and the trouble to you drama RRATT & GOODJLAX. NO TOR CAR When you ride in it you will realize that it has the, responsiveness, comfort and power you want in a car. It gets away instantaneously and skims the road N silently and smoothly without motor vihration or sideway at high speed. , The motor seems always, to have more and still more power when occasion requires. .There is no choking at low speed in high gear, and there is an unusual freedom from gear shifting. At full speed there is scarcely a tremor of the motor. to lorm ice. This killing frost Is about a week later than customary. I The bulk of the corn will not be In jured. There will be soft corn a- plenty, but this year such would prove true nail the frost delayed Its ap pearance ten days longer. New Wale Corduroy Skirts t- matcn your coats now shown at BLOCK'S. Miss Florence Stamp entertained the Travel and Study Club last eveij ing. "The Domestic Problem" was the subject for discussion. Enjoyabli refreshments were served . Out of town guests were Miss Lenoro Cum mings of Chicago, nnd Mrs. R. A Scott, of Sutherland. Tho local church brotherhoods have united in giving a lecture course during tho winter months. The first number will be the Southland Musical Artists who will appear Friday evening at tho Presbyterian church. Seven numbers wilb he given and tickets are now on sale. .Money to loan on real estnie. BR ATT & (J00D.MAN Gail B. Lawson, of the C. K. Law son Co., of Hastings, came a few days ago to visit Chas. Edwards and take advantage of the hunting hero. Mrs. Fred Fredorickson loft th!i morning for Knnaas City and other eastern points to spend a couple -of weeks with relatives. Mrs. James Hart returned last ov. ening from Chicago where she spent a couplo of weeks with hor slstor. Mrs. James Brady and children re turned last evening from a two woqIcs visit in tho Ozark mountains. Foot Ball Friday The Initial game of foot ball will bo played on the local field Friday af ternoon with Cozad as the opposing team. This team defeated th'e Kear ney Normalltcs in a fast game Sat urday and It is predicted that the local team will be called upon to do its best. However, the North Platte team is pronounced one of tho best tho Kchool lias 'ever had. and It is promised that they- will put up a strong game. Even though you may not bo very strongly interested in foot ball yoii can well afford to attend in order to encourage the local team and tluii start the boys off with enthusiasm, Tho ginger displayed by a team Is of tn gauged by the attendance at tht game and tho "rooting." Thorefore attend and "root." Waists! AVaists! It matters not what kind of a waist you j?re looking for, you aro sure to find it at BLOCK'S. The motor Is 30-35 horsepower The price ol the Touring Car or Roadoter, complete, le S78S (I. o. b. Detroit) Hendy-Ogier Garage, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. For Sale Pure bred Duroc-Jersey spring bonn your choice at $25.00 each. CCtf EXPERIMENTAL ST .VTIOX. For Sale - Fine Lawn Manure. Ihiiuiro of Joe Spies, Phone Black 161. 73-8 A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Stolnhausen yesterday. F. Hanlon left last evening for Oraa ha to spend a week or ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, of Sum nor, visited with J. B. Hemphill this week. Mrs. Steve Baldwin left this morn Ing tor Omaha to spend a week or longer. .Tho Tillikum girls will meet in the church basement tomorrow evening at 7:.".0. Mrs. Charles Calhoun will enter tain the Jolly Matrons Club tomorrow afternoon, Tho Rebokahs will serve a 15 cent lunch nt tho I. O. O. F. hall Friday afternoon and evening. Karl Hamilton and Nell Turple re turned this morning from Omaha where they visited last week. 11 nil I k ('(uiiliiiitii June some big bar gains in ell) ifniperiy, farms and oilier lands, bce-them. The members of the G. I. A. il liold a fifteen cent lunch at tho K. P hall Friday afternoon. Eeverybody invited. Judge French issued a marriage 11 censo yesterday afternoon to M's Blanch Rupplo and Conrad Shane both of Sutherland. Miss Lola Jonbc, of Chicago, win has ben visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chas Weir, will leave for Cheyenne the lat tcr part of this week. Coats and Drosses of any descrip tion in an endless variety for tho school girls as well as for tho llttlo tots, from 08 cents up at BLOCK'S Mrs. Dave Robeson, of Douglas, Arizona, a former resident of this city, left this morning nfter a pleasant vis it with Mrs. Emma Pnlver and other trtends. Mesdames Jesse Van Dyke, J. W. Sheppard and Elmer Burke spent tho lattor part of Inst week In HoVshej with friends, having made tho trip by auto. FOR RF.NT Houses mid nice unfurnished rooms. Bit ATT k (J00DMAN. Judge Our Clothing By Your Own Ideals You want your clothes to look well and wear well. You demand up-to-the-minute style, distinctive character and graceful, comfortable fit. You want substantial value for your money in all these points. ADLER'S COLLEGIAN CLOTHES are snappily stylish perfectly fitting and will, stand the hard knocks and daily wear in a wonderful way. They are the standard of men's clothing qual ity, designed along ad vanced lines and made from the choicest woolens. Size these clothes up to see how they-meet your own ideals of what good clothes ought to be. Get our prices and then de cide whether you want Suits and Overcoats lo ea0r ?8"ns or nor. oce rne new styles early. HARCOURT & JENSEN The Store where you feel at home. Tho world-sorioa ball games be tween tho Philadelphia Nationals and th'e Boston Americans will start Fri? day, and tho results will bo awaited with great interest by fans in ovorj city, town and hamlet in the country Hem in North Plotto the Boston team seems to bo tho fav.orlte. Many small bets by local fans will bo made. It is estimated that the re'eipts at each Philadelphia game will bo $10, 000 and at eacli Boston gatno $80,000. Tho grounds nt tho former place ac commodate 20,000, at the latter placu 50,000. The Dlutnl Building & Loan Associa tion Is prepared- to Issue a limited amount of its Full Paid Stock. First come ilrst served. This stock Is Is sued In any iimouuf from $100.00 to ,lTi,llll().()0 and pays scitii-anniial dhi deads nt rale of six per cent. Hlutistics on Murder. In his book, 'Pay Day,' page 109, C. HnnfOrd Henderson tolls us on tho au thority of Andrew D. White that, for ovcry million inhabitants, Canada has eacli year three murders; Germany, under five; Great Britain, ten; France, fourteen, and Belgium Bixteen . These records aro distressing enough, but thin full iuto Insignificance ber)ro our own record. In tho United States of America, Mr. White says, we havo 129 murders per million inhabitants every year. In one single year over cloven thousand men and women nnd childroii are murdered. One murarrer lu soven-ty-flvo pays tho death penalty, and for the rest an averago imprisonment of sovten years settles tho score. Henrys B. Joy In Leslie's. Tho aid society of the Christian church will meet Thursday afternoon In tho church basomcnt. mm fas t n. -M.1 mi rvsi (Sftmaitmao CnUad foo Rubbing Poai) Only Oiler madj ."ifhout valves, NEW IDEA' mm & m it mi To the cstato of Frederick N. 'Dick. deceased owner of lots 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, nnd 0, Block 9, North Platto Town Lot Co's Addition, North Plato, Nob. Tho owners of property on the south sldo of fith street, between Jefferson and Grant Ave, aro hereby notified that the Mayor and Council of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln county, Ne braska, passed and approved an ordi nance on the 18th day of June, 1913, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said .premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent ma terial as provided in tho general or dinance of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks In said city. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the north sldo of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and G, Block 9, owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or beforo tho 9th day of November, 1916, tho samo will be constructed by said city and the costs assessed upon tho said lots owned by you adjoining which tho samo shall bo constructed C. P. TEMPLE, City Clerk. To Richard L. Groves owner of lots 1. 2 and 3, Block 11, North Platte Town Lot Co's Addition, North Platto. Ni'br. Tho owners of proporty on tho outh side of Otli street, between Jef- l'i --son and Grant Ave, are hereby no- 1 1 lied that tho Mayor and Council of tl city of North Platto, Lincoln county Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on the 18th day of June, 11)1 :i, ordering a sidewalk adjoining tlu'ir said premises, to bo constructed as to lino and grade, and of permanent material, us provided in tho general ordinances of said city, regulating tho construction of sidewalks in said city I'nlosB said walk is constructed by you along the north sldo of said lots owned by you, In accordance with said ordinances, on or bol'oro tho 9th day of November, 1915, the same will bo constructed by said city and tho coBta assessed upon the said lots owned by you adjoinlug which tho same shall be constructed. C. P. TEMPLE, City Clork. mm A f IP t.l W . J MS UCEE SSSSEflSE- c?pt filling. Umraniecd 5 Yean. Uwcs Crude or liowe's Medicated Oil. Simplest and most salisfac t iry ol!, r on the market. Costu XI to $12 Iran than others. mmm P.6&S3 Pens and Yards ih tetany Dlnfeet'sd fA Ar-nlk'-i the vr rn:in destrovinz oil r;at oa b.a kclr, l;eil3 eui oi inaiir,'', scurvy ana Atolhpr skl.i riiRpn-".rs. Promotes i 1. .11 l .. .I - 1 1 . ti tuny m-.iii uuu a smuuui yiubiiy coat of hair. Doeo away wit'i H bothersome dips and sprays. Disinfects nen3 and yards. Wards off dl h ease. Best and ch. apeat diseaFf! r revr ntativo and profit-maker you can finu pgr sa& m We W, BIRGE CO, NURSES REGISTRY CITY HOSPITAL NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. GRADUATE NURSES PHONE 82 DOMESTIC NURSES Wo aro in a position to furnish competent nursei for physicians, on short notic. Call Phono 82 and state whether you want yraduute or domestic nurse and we will complete all the arrangements for you without choree.