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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
t Si . V M r I THE REVOLT OF IE TOYS f r tllH "PI" By WELLS HAWKS. UK irritated hotel "H(Wt WHS fUM" iu iiiid ruining wltli the clerk bo citisc lie co.ild ii .1 sleep. Il V ; 10 o'l'locU Oil clii'iHtniiM 'V. iimI the throng nf merrymakers (III Ul0 HIP Of IS iniuU mi inmli noise Hint slumber on n ground Hour whs Impomdblo. In n most obliging manner the clerk gave tin guest mi Inside room on tin six teenth lloor In place of IiIm Kill! wllh windows opening on tin1 street. Outside n throng of merry people noisily, hannlly nwiilti'd the coming of tlio L'lnddoHt tiny In all tin your; wom- oti and children, old and young. Jostled and pushed, blow liorns and throw con fetti, and the pollct'iiiiui stood on the corner and Hinlled. and the real people who could not sleep looked out from their windows and laughed and said, "It Is ho good to see them happy." Hut on the sixteenth lloor of the big hotel and in the solitude of an Inside room n bit;, Hellish man stood and rub- iw..i iiiu immlH mill smiled becaiiso it was so oulet. Once the distant blow Ins of n horn was heard, and he stood on a chair and stuffed a bath towel Into u ventilator. "Fine, finel" said he. "Those fools: I'll set Home sleep now." And he undressed and walked about and smiled. Low? ago, v. 'ion the hulr Just above his ears begun to show a little gray, a groat wall arose in Ids life and cut off the past -the past when ho was ii boy. And tlead vines hum? ntwut this barrier, and its walls grew thicker and higher until It forced back till of the streams of happiness and Tl T" 'Till "- J trw-i .V5rZSAM,F l t 1 iwm'ouii or iiAi.i.8 or Or IIAI.I.H KOIIUTION. livnnv hiuIIoh that eanie from chlldhood'a lmp py memory, and his heart grow linn' and cold. "Christmas!" he sneered as he reach ed for the electric light. "All over the country, I suppose, they are di'lmlln;.' children with the Santa (Jltuiu tumlool cry." Then it was darkness, and he lucked himself deep down under the cover. A great happiness came over hhn. f i lie could not hear a sound, so he close.; his eyes and sleep came to him. Outside tho noise crew fast and loud er, only a mile lime aim mo neii would ring the. midnight hour and It would lit Christmas morning. A mil lion housetops were silent, for beneath thoin, In their tiny beds, were the lit tie expectant hearts. And he in the Inside room was snoi ig. Suddenly he threw his arm u, nnd grabbed the side of the bed. lie tossed his lens wildly about and rocked like n man In great agony. Then 1 . was still for a moment, and then sud denly he sat erect and. shiiklnj? his list In tho air. exclaimed: "Hack, I say! Hack before 1 Urn!" Let us crawl over ihe wall arortul his heart, and look. The room Is tilled with a thousand soldiers--nuiro than that. There is regiment after regimen' Some lire of lead, others or tin, wld' tliosu making the assault on Hie bee. tiro wooden. From back or the bureau comes a troop of cavalry, the tin horses fairly galloping as the enpta'n bni. dishes his sword. From under tl" washstand conies a battery of art!! lery. They are placlw? their sums. 'lh llttlo general, painted so gaudily. Is the man's shoulder. Will lie enpm, late? There Is quiet among the troops The general comes down and consult for a moment with tho couunander of tho wooden soldiers. The man looks nt thorn with terror. Ho has kod .iv 1 1 mo Suddenly tho troops lurk ML-nln. and around the bed hundreds of tiny tents. The tnnn In tho bed groans. They nro go ing to stitrvp him out. The man mleks his head out from the cover for air. Ills head Is hardly out when It Is struck by a i?reat rubber ball, and then, like n July storm, when u great cloud breaks, thore comes from nbovo u downpour of ribbor balls, footlmllB, baseballs. Jiickballs, tennis balls mid balls of every description. They bent on the bed and pummel the mini like hail on a bed of roses. lie lies still and groans. The shower ceases, and then, with the noise of a hurricane, there comes rushing through the air what seems an African ty phoon. "It Is the hoops, the hoops!" cry the wooilen soldiers. And so It Is. Tho air Is Illicit with every kind of hoop, and they roll back ward and across the bed like u storm lushed sea. The man screams In pain. Homo of the hoops have bells on them, and they ring In his ears as tho sharp edges of the bent hickory cut his face. He Is weak and pale, but does not t?lvo In- Then there Is a clam? of bells and a blowlw? of whistles, ami with a rush the entire toy lire department makes for tho beil. Follow! w? them come the tin locomotives, wildly ringing their bells, and back of them the toy trolleys. The bed looks like a side street during a four alarm lire. Now the hose connections are made, and scores of streams of water beat on his face. From Ihe foot of the bed comes a cloud of steam from the en gines, while hot and blazing above are sparks from the trolleys as they grind along the brass of the bed. lie lights hard, but finally succumbs and falls i. .....1 ..vl.ii.iu...! 'Pin, Oi-ntiliill Hill' Weilll mill i:Ainiu.-it-.t. ..v. ...... r. their bells and start back for tne lire houses, while the soldiers keep back the crowds of brownies, Indians, rub ber men, tenpins, Jumping Jacks and walking monkeys that were clinging around the ropes. Tho man watched nil this carefully. Then he covered his eyes with his arm. Somehow It all faded away. lie seem ed to bo climbing over a wall. He reached the top and. looking down a pathway, saw a summer house. About it Mu. 'lilacs fell In crent clusters. Looking through the doors, be saw be neath a vista of the cedars and waving maples rows of (lower beds, and she was there among them, clipping, train ing and guiding over trellises the ten der blossoms she loved so dearly. In the summer house and on the lloor he siv a noy. He was lying on the lloor. while his chubby hands placed about the fort of sand the little soldiers he took from a box. The man sighed, lie opened his eyes and looked about him. It was the Inside room on tho sixteenth lloor. it was very unlet. Ho looked In the glass and saw a tear In his eye. It ran down his cheek, and another came In Its place and followed It. Then he threw open the window. Like a tem pest In rushed the nolse-the blowing of the horns, the clatter of the rattles iimi tin. liimrhter of merry people. lie drosseil hurriedly. From his satchel he took a portfolio and, taking out a check book-, wrote a check and. grab bing his hat. rushed out of the room. "Cash this for me and In a hurry," salil the man to the night clerk. The clerk went to tho safe and brought our a roll of bills. Ho counted It. but there was not enough, and he opened the petty cash drawer and gae the man it'll that was there. "Fine!" said the man, shilling It Into his pocket. "I'll be back In the morn ing." The man rushed Into the street, .lust a half block up a lot of llttlo boys were looking at a cart full of rubber balls. The man handed the peddler a big bill and said, "dive all of these to the boys." The peddler looked sur prised, and the boys yelled with glee. Across the street were a lot of little girls, tired and worn from the day and night's work of running at the cry of "Cash!" but Jusl happy at looking In the windows. Almost like a madman the man pushed them Into the store. and soon each hail a great doll and a shawl and candy and so many things I hat are good before they knew It. Across the street was a man selling Ihi.vcs or tin soldiers. "Ah!" said the man. with a rem iniscent sigh, lie Jumped on a box and yelled for all the boys around to come near hhn. and as they did he handed each a box of soldiers and llien paid the man twice the cost. "What Is It?" saltl tile man. "It Is Santa Clans gone wild." said a policeman who had children at home. Tho man rushed on and Into a mar ket. It was very late, and the poor were buying the leftovers for a Christ mas dinner. The dealers were pack-"lnt- up tho best to save for the New Year's sale. "Open ui)!" cried the man as no nour ished a roll of bills. And as tho multi tude of palo and worn went by those In the railed alpacas he reaciieti out and gave them money and said: "This Is to buy for tho children," while the dealers poured Into tho yawning baskets the best on the stalls. It was morning when ho threw him self in bed. tired, but such a good Hi-mi il. stretched himself out and fell asleep. And In Slceplnnd he looked out, and there before him, as far as his oyes could reach, wero the soldiers all drawn up for review. The tiny bands hexun to play. The olllcors mar'hed proudly at the head of the column. Tl" parade began to move up the room, then up to the bed and across, lie arose and snluted, for as they pnsscd tho guns wero all at pre sent arms, ami tho colors dipped as they went before him. The toys wore tho victors, but they honored tho conquered. Now York Mull. A Real Gonlus. ' What kinder a ft-ll-r U Pete Hoollt , tur "llrlght ns n dollar, patient, an' u hard worker." "Wliy, he can't hold a Job for moro'n a week, an" 1 hoar his ramlly ain't got enough to live on." Sho; that may be. but what's that got to do with It? You see that meer (.L'linum pipe o' hls'nV Colored It lilm seir. You see that there hosslmlr watch chain he wears? Braided It him self. Notice the peach stone charm hangln' to It? Carved It himself, an" It took two mouths to finish. See that hotin' tlawg he's got? I'cto trained that dnwg to do everything a circus tlawg kin do. liver hear I'cto play on the mouth harp an' accompany him scir on the glttnr? Taught himself. Kver see his hnndwrltln'? Jest like copperplate, all shaded air liounsneu. an' ho kin make a swan without takln' his nen fr'm the paper. Feto may not keep a Job or reed his ratn'ly, but a nonius that's what ho Is!" CI land Plain Dealer. .7Hcxwx &,' J ut but he's eve- . ,-iri .nn,.iwmr,rto AAltooooccoocaxort, ft (cjwxjgccocfcciLjj vu-'t Tm- - - " Join the Merry Throngs o Happy Shoppers at the VVL , Hlf '5Ui- Rincker Book & D Km 1cO Presenco of Mind Colonel Cody ("Buffalo Bill") once told the following story of ono of his comrades of the plains known as AVlltl BUI: "A man who nursed a grudge ngnlnst -Vlld Bill swore to kill him. Ho stood concealed In a doorway, stepped out and confronted Bill as tho latter pass ed and leveled a pistol at his head. " 'I've got you now, Wild Bill,' hr said, 'and I'm going to kill you. but I'll give you one minute to pray!' "'Well,' said Bill with an easy smile, 'It does look like tho Jig's up!' "Suddenly Bill peered over the man's shoulder and waved a deprecatory hand. "'Don't hit him, Andy!' he said. "The man wheeled to protect him self from the supposed enemy In lib rear, lie gnzeu into empty space. There was no Andy nor any ono else behind him. and before ho could turn round again Wild Bill had killed him. Tho Wild Boar. Tho wild boar Is a most courageous animal. The clement of luck counts for a great deal in pig sticking, as lu most other forms of sport, and It often happens that the foremost sportsman who by dint of hard riding or thanks to the fastest horso has come up with the uuarry Is deprived of tho coveted honor of "first spenr" by a sudden 'Jink" or turn of the pig. The boar. In spite of his clumsy appearance, Is not only possessed o? n groat turn of speed, but Is extraordinarily active. He will turn and twist like n Iiare, putting every obstacle In the shape of bushes, rocKs. water, etc.. iietween iiwisuu and his pursuers, but all the time mak ing for the nearest patch of Jungle and safety. The pace after a pig is fab'ter than tho best of runs with hounds, but Is sooner over. Eastman Kodaks, Cameras and Supplies, Victor and Edison Talking Machines and Records, Waterman and Moore's Non- Leakable Fountain Pens, Music Rolls, Leather Goods, Beautiful Framed Pictures Spalding's Sporting Goods, All the Latest Stationery in Paper and Cards, The Latest Toilet Articles in Whit.e Ivory, Collar Bags, Writing Tablets of all kinds Baskets, Fulf Line of Toys, Games and Dolls, Toilet Water, Perfume, Satchet Powder, In facs a store full of Presents suita ble for both young and old. Rincker Book & Drug Company. rf ' "" ...J iooooooooooooool aSooooffiooooEs' xoooccooooc His am Cattle Cannod Music In Scotia. Uarly In the last century an old For farshire lady Installed In the bedroom corridor of her castle an automatic organ. It was her delight of a morn ing to wake her guests with its strains. But it was not the delight of one of them. Miss Sophia Johnstone of Hilton. to lie so awakened, and she said so. "Ye tllnna like the music? shoiildna say that. Sophy," said hostess. "Ye'll no" win to heaven yo dlnna take pleasure In music. to be all music there, ye know.' '"Deed." said the incorrigible one, 'an' If heaven's a place wi" aultl wives playln' on hand organs at (I o'clock In the inornln' It's no tho place 1 tak' It for. nor yet the place I want to be In." New Witness. Bought and highest market prices paid PHONES r?ailence Red 63G Office 459 C. H. WALTERS. J Signet Chapter 0.E. S., I I NO. 55 J Meets 2nd find 4th Thursday of every month at Masonic Hall at 7:30 p. m J SHKUnKS SALfc. Hy virtue of an order of sale Issuwl from the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, uiionn decree of foreclosure rendered in said court wherein Fritz L. Wienbcnr is plaintlir, ami Hoy Surbcr, et nl., aro defendants, and to me directed. I will on the 10th day of January 1314, at 2 o'clock, p. m.,nt tho cast front door of the courthouse in North Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, bell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to fatlsfy said decree, interest and costB. the followinK described property to-wit: Lot one (1) in lllock thirteen (13) in I'eniston's Addition to the city of North IMattc. Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated North Platte, Neb.. December 8th, 1913. ,15.5 A. .T. SAL1SUUKV. Sheriff. Ve the an' It's Handol In Dublin. There was a period of his life In which Handel, the famous composer, retired from London In a tit of dis gust. Ho went, to Dublin, and it was therc-In the Dublin .Music hall that Ills great masterpiece. "The .Messiah," was produced. "The performance," writes D. A. Chart, "was for the bene fit of Mercer's- hospital. In order to provide room for a large audience ladles wero reiiuested to lay aside their hoops and gentlemen their swords. Hy this means an audience of 700 was crowded Into the space, and the con cert realized MOO." PKOI1ATE NOTICK In the county court of Lincoln county. Ne braska, December 2nd. 1913. In the matter of the estate of William Shear, deceased. . lfl . Mr,iino U hnrpliv clven. that the creditors of said deceased will meet tho administrator of said estate, before the county judno of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at the county court said county, on the fith day of January 1911. nnd on the bth day of July 1011. at 9 o'clock n, m., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the administrator io reiuo "... estate, from the 2hth day of December. 1913. A copy of this order to bo published in the North IMatto Tribune, a lesal semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for four successivo weeks prior to Jan. C. 1914. J0HN GKANT. County JudKe. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE OK SALE IN rAttTITION. In tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebras William Huxoll, Paintiir, I vs. I Caroline E. Telltz, Emma York, Harry York. Tilllo llux- I nil, Anna Juni?, Martin Junir, I Ella F. Huxoll, Marian Huxoll. I Fro lerick Huxoll and Ella P. I HukoII. Ruardian of Marian I Huxoll and Frederick lluxvll, I minors, I Defendants J Notice is Thereby Riven that In pursuance of a Decree and Order of tho Judco of the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, made on the 10th day of Nov., 1013, the undcrsljrned referee, duly appointed in said cause and after having taken tho oath prescribed by law, and uivini? bond In the sum and manner with sureties ns provided by law, and approved by tho court and by 11. M. Grimes, Judwe of said court. I, John Grant, tho said referee, will offer nt public auction at the cast front door of tho court house in .said countv of Lincoln, State of Nebraska; to the hiuhest bidder, for cash, tho followinK described property which was ordered to bo sold by said decree of said court to-wit: The south half (SM) of the northwest quarter (NWKi) and lotB (3) and (4), of section two (21, township thirteen (13), north of runifo thitty-threo (33) west of the Sixth principal, meridian in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said sale will ho held and said property sold as aforesaid at 2 o clock, p. m. central stnnuaru lime on Saturday tho 20th day of December. 1913, and said sale will bo held open for n period of ono hour from and nftcr tho said itme of 2 o'clock, p. m. on said date. Dated this 18th day of November, 1913. nIB- John Gkant. Hcferco. Oblong Houoes. Square and oblong houses aro cheap er to build than odd shaped structures. The oblong house Is cheaper than the square. Timbers come In certain lengths, and the house that Is long and narrow takes less timber than one that Is square-that Is to say. the material cuts to better advanlago In the oblong house than In the square house; also less labor Is Involved In tho making. Pictorial Uoview. Notice. G. V. Carroll, first and real name un known, will take notice, that on the 7th day of October, 1913. P. II. Sulli van, a justice of the peace, of North Platte Precinct No. 1, Lincoln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for the sum of $21.75 in an action pen ding before him, wherein Albert L. Timmerman is plaintitt and G. V. Carroll, first and real nnrrte unknown, defendant, that property consisting of one box of merchandise, the contents of which aro one rug 9x12 and a quan tity of bedding and dishes, has been attached under snid order. bold cause was continued to the 29th day of Dec. 1913, at ten o'clock a. m. Alheut E. TlMMEKMAN, Plaintitr. North Platte, Neb.. Nov. 17th, 1913. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION NOTICE OF SALE IN I'AnTITION In tho District Court of Lincoln County. Neb. Fred Mortjan. Plaintlir. I vs I Marie Schreconijost, minor and ! Irene Schrccominst. minor, i Defendants, I Notice is hereby Riven that in pursuance of n decree and order of tho Judee of tho District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, mane on mo 21st day of November, 1913, tho undersigned referee duly nppointed in said cause and after haviiiK taken tho oath prescribed by law and biv InK lxmd in the Bum and manner with surety ns provided by law and appoved by tho court and by H. M. Grimes, Juduo of said Court, I. M. E. Crosby, tho said referee will oner at public I auction at the east front door of the court house, I in said county of Lincoln, state of Nebraska, to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed property which was ordered to be sold by din ,l,.cri... ot wild court, to-wit: All of lot seven (7), block seven t -seven (77). of the original city of North Platte, Nebraska, and tho south half (sKi) of lot ton (Wi. of the County Clerk's Subdivision of tho kouth half (SW of the northeast quarter (N134) of section thirty-two (32), township four teen, rango thirty (30), west of the Sixth I'rinci .,ni MnrMlnn. I.lnrnln countv. Nebrnsko. Sale will be held and said prtiperty Bold ns aforesaid at two o'clock, p. m. central standard timo on tho 27th day of December, 1913. and said sale will bo held open for ono hour from and after the said timo of two o'clock, p. m. onsaid date. Dated this 21th day of November, 1913. tsS. M. E. CnosiiY, Referee, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS Mario E. Jones, H. W. Jones, her husband, C. M. Gilmore, first and real name unknown, S. II. Stahr, first and real name unkuown, I. Lipsky. first and real name unknown, II. W. Jones and M. E. Jones, his wife, first and real namo un known, II. L. Brown, first and real name unknown, Thomas H. Hughes and Henry Ncverne, Defendants, will take notice that upon the 31st day of October, 1913, Charles A. Ready, plaintlir, filed his petition in the District Court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, to have the following deeds cancelled nnd nnuulleU nnd discharged of record, to-wit: Warranty deed from Thomas H. Hughes, to S. H. Stahr, acknowledged May 2. 1911, filed for re cord April 15th. 1911, In Book "B-3," at page 418; Quit claim deed from Henry Neverne, single, to Thomas H. Hughes, dated November 22nd, 1911, filed for record November 25th, 1912, recorded in Book ' A-12, at page 089! warranty deed from C. M. Gilmore to B. W. Jones, dated January 4th, lyl3,filed for record January 16th, 1913, recorded in Book "B-3" page 559; warranty deed from B. W. Jones nnd wife, M. E.Jones to I. Lipsky, dated January 7th, 1913, filed for record January 16th, rjiii, recoruea in isook u-3, nt page DUO; war ranty deed from Marie E. Jones to C. M. Gilmore dated January 27th, 1913, filed for record Jan uary 29th. 1913, recorded in Book "B'3," page 576: Deed from I. Lipsky to Mario E. Jones dated January 24th, 1913. filed for record February 1st, 1913, recorded in Book "H-5", page 37; warranty deed from S. II. Stahr to C. M. Gilmorodnted May 27th, 1912, filed for record February Bth, 1913, recorded in Book "B-3,", pago 581; also mortgage from C. M. Gllmoro to II. L. Brown, dated Decem ber 12th, 1012. filed for record January 13th. 1913, recorded in Book "41," pago 442, for the reason that all. of tho said deeds and mortgages arc n cloud upon plaintiff's title and arc null and void. Plaintiff also prays to have tho title quieted in said plaintlir free nnd clear of nil of said deeds and mortgages, and for such other nnd further relief us may bo just aud equitable. He, the said plaintiff, claiming to be the owner In fee simple of of all of ths southwest quarter (SWM) of section thirty-three (33), township ten (10), north range thirty-two (32), west in Lincoln county, Nebraka. You and each of you aro required to answer said petition on or before Monday, January 12th, 1914. Dated this 20th day of November, 1913. A. Ready, By Muldoon & Gibbs. his Attorneys. Wasted Sarcasm. Indignant Wife I wonder what you would have done If you had II veil when men vere tlrst compelled to earn their bread by the sweat of their brows. Indolent Husband 1 should have started a little notion store and sold tiundkerehiel's.-Chlengo Tribune. Flattering Epitaphs. Charles Lamb, when a llttlo boy. walking In a churchyard with ins sister aud reading the epitaphs, said to her. "Mary, where are all the naughty people burled?" Woman's Triumph. Heforo she Is married a woman s Idea of triumph Is a man: after marriage her notion of great achievement Is to get him to go to church Atchison G I obe. That is overy man's country where ho lives best.-Arlstophanw. Notice or Incorporation Notice is hereby given that articles of incorporation subscribed by D. 1. QuiKley, J. S. Twinem and Geo. B. Dent were filed in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebras ka, on October 13th, 1913, and which said articles show: 1. That the name of the corporation 19 1110 XSOrin I'lllliu ucucmi ""I1"-"' Association. , , , 2. That the principal place of trans nctinp. business is North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska. 3. That the general nature of the business to bo transacted is to maintnin and operate a hospital for the care and treatment of persons sick, disabled or otherwise incapacitated; to buy lease, erect and acquire, hold, own and manage ..,.,.! ..ctnti, nm nmiiimi'S lur nit- nuaiu- tals and hospital purposes, and to do all things necessary in conjunction with tho maintenance and operation of said hospital or hospitals. I. Tho capital stock of the corpora tion is $2,000 fully subscribed. f. The time of commencement of sapi corporation is October 13. 1913, and at termination October 13, 193.1. 0. The highest amount of indebted- imio nr linliililv tn which tllO COrPOril- tion may subject itself is two-thirds of paid up stock. i. i ne an airs oi wiu iuiiumu ... to bo managed by president, vice-president, secretary, trensurer and board of directors. The North Platte General Hospital Association. By Dr. D. T. Quigley, President. Attest: Geo. Ii. Dent, Secretary. U5-1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Serial No. 012C0 DEPAIITMENT OK THE INTERIOK. United States Land Ollico At North Platte. Nebrnska, Nov. 15th, 1013. Notice Is hereby given that Samuel Young of Somerset, Neb., who on Apr. 2nd, 1908, made homestead entry. No. 23922, Serial No. 01260 for EM Section 20, Township UN. Range 31. W. of Cth Principal Meridan, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to tho land nbovo described, before tho register and receiver at North Platte Nebraska, on tho 12th day of January 1914. Claimant names ns witnessses: Georgo Bur mood. J. E. Lawyer, Frank Wilson, all of Somer set. Neb., O. K. Elder, of North I'lntte. Nebr. n18-e J- E. Evans. Register. NOTICE OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Nebraska, Nov. 17, 1313. To Robert F. Campbell, address unknown, contestce: You are hereby notified that John E. Koontz, ' who gives North Platte, Nebraska, as his post ollice address, did on Oct. 20, 1912. file in this ollice his duly con jliorated application to contest nnd secure tho cancellation of your homestead entry No. 21465, seriol No. 0895, made September 6, 1905, for tho whole of bection 22, township 12, range 33, west of the Sixth Principal Meri dian, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that George M. Campbell, tho original entrymen, was divorced from his wife when ho made tho above entry and that ho died about a year subse quent to entry and prior to making final proof, leaving as his only heir Robert F. Campbell, then n minor hut now of age; that said Robert F. Campell has never made his residence upon said land nnd hn3 never cultivated tho same and has abandoned the same for more than three years last nast. You are, therefore, further notified that the said allegations will be taken ns confessed, nnd your said entry will bo cancelled without further right to be heard, either before this office or on nppenl, if you fail to file in this ollico within twenty days after tho fourth publication of this notice, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically responding to these allegations of contest, together with due proof that you have served a copy of your answer on said con testant either in person or by registered mail. You should state in your answer tho namo of tho postofiico to which you desire future notice to bo sent to you. n2S-4 IRA I.. 1IAHE, Receiver. Published In Semi-Weekly Tribute: Dates of first week's publication November 18 and Nov. 21, 1913, dates of second week's publication Nov. 25 nnd Nov. 28, 1913; dates of third week's pub lication Dec. 2, and Dec. 5, 1913; dates of fourth week's publication December 9 nnd Dec. 12, 1913. Notice for Publication. James S. Gilbert, non resident defen dant, will take notice thut n the 23d day of October, 113, Hoy Haney, I. D. Mc- Knight and (J. rJ. llaney nieu tneir pe tion in tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebraskn, the object and prayer of which are to have a certain sheriffs deed to EJ NWJ and AVJ of NEi of Sec 35, T 1G N, It 32 W, dated August 29th, 1912, and recorded in the ollico of tin county clerk of Lincoln county, Ne braska on the 7th day of September, 1912, in Book "A-ll," at page 531 can celled and nnnulled and sot aside; also the nroceedincs and decree had in and about and upon which said tleed was based cancelled and set aside, and for such other and furthor relief as may be just and equitable. You aro requireu to answer sum ; pe tition on or before Monday the 12th day of January. 1914. Dated this 25th day of November, 1913. Hoy Haney, I.D. McKnight and C. E. HAN3Y. By Muldoon & Gibbs, their attorneys. AUCTION OF SCHOOL LAND Notice is hereby given thst on the 2".h day of December, 1913,atl o'clock, p. m., at the ollice of the county treas urer of Lincoln countv, the Commis sioner of Public Lands nnd Buildings or his authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auction all educational lands within said county upon which forfeiture of contract has been declared as follows: All 3G-14-27 T. L. Carroll. Dated December G, 1913. Fred Beckmann, Commisioner of Public Lands and Buildings NOTICE OF SETTLEMET. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, si. In tho County Court. In the matter of the estate of Thomas J. Davies, deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees, nnd others in terested in tho estate of Thomas J. Davies Tnke notice, that executors have filed in tho county court a report lot their doings as executors of snid estate, and it is ordered that tho same stand for hearing the 23rd day Of December, A. I)., 1913, beforo tho court nt tho hour of 9 o'clock, a. m., nt which time any person interested may appear and except to and contost tho same. Notlc'o of this proceeding nnd tho hearing thereof Is ordered given to all persons interetted in said matter by publishing a copy of this order In tho North Platto Tribune, it semi-weekly newspaper, printed in said county for three successivo weeks prior to tho Bald date of hearing. Dated December 1st. 1913. d2-3 JOHN (JRA.NT. County Judge IS