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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1913)
-ipiptrrrr. c .,.., .. . Iff fc What 25c will buy jPOM 2f fa fB th h i si ti es n .La OnsWTklftYHl E 0 H &S fcv gJIllfllO o THE STORE THAT HAS FIRST-CLASS MERCHANDISE Windsor Tics and Jabots. Geneva Silk tan and black. I lose, while, linens T Knit Ties and Lace Collars. 4 4 Handkerchiefs, fancy and batistes. Kuchcnig, every color, Dainty new Ribbons, plain and Persians. Hat Pin Holders. Pin Cushions, dainty designs and colors. Ladies' Gorset Cover, won derful at the price. What 50c will buy Hose, best quality, all colors. Beautiful Linen Towels and Centerpieces. Travelin' Sets that arc line. They are waterproof. Turkish earth. Towels, best on Gloves and Mills, very use ful gifts. Linen Handkerchiefs, extra ordinary values. Children's Auto Hoods. Everything in the Royal Society Packages. Bath Towels, beautiful 'large towels, with blue and white borders. 'fef it Afrka. Mil .lllllllt I'lt'tni'iime Notes Hlllt What $1 will buy AT I IMi icck no colors. Sets for Men, all Corset Covers beautifully trimmed with lace and ribbons. also Baby Blankets, and blue. in the pink Sweaters for Children are much abpreciated gifts. Fancy Scarf Pins. Ladies' Knit Petticoats, grey with the fancy stjipes. Ladies' Caps and Hoods in the knit for warmth. They can't be beat. Fancy Barrettes, anteed with guar- settings. leautiful gifts that we can show you this week. t w This is only a small list of the useful and T io matter what price you wish to pay you will always find hundreds of appreciated. 's the Place to Find Santa Clans. Night Gowns, fancy muslin, uiu nuuu Ullllll" OlI'S. . Europe. Nc'l i i i I"l'i if h i mull i j ' ' W i-t Vfru i. s in M Mm In "iSxsne AiMl'il fi--:in Anmloten." which few KmijHniis i-mii throw off. Thi'ii li tolls of a man who. lifter living for ten coiimvutlve .Miirxjn h loiivlv pHi't of southern Ni mm In. made up hw inlivl to hnro ii trip liiiiiii n ml sailed nwiiy In splendid spir lis Tln Mold Const ports wore part of WVit Afiliu. mill " hf managed to make himself fairly tit home while there. tluniKli the llfu on board ship was alri'iulv bediming to bore lilm. nail ho whliod that ho had never left N'lgetin. Sierra I.oono he did not lll;u nt all. as It was not the West Afrlea which appealed to lilm. and he began to Imij; for his home In the bush. Aft er leavlin; that port and with no slulit of land to cheer lilm he became des perate, and on arrival at I.ns Paltuns he declared: "I shall go no farther. 1 must return at once. I have had tpilto enough of Kuiopc." Guaranteed Leather Hand Bags. Ladies' Waists, we can offer good values in Waists at $1 prices. Open Windows at Night. It Is ditllpult to get doctors to ngren and to agree with thy patient listener. Por years I had been n slnvo to tb open window, the fresh nlr at night. Ihat doctrine of the onen bedroom Foolishness of Betting. Being thinly convinced Mint n cer- tnln contest would teruilnato In con rit.iiiif ...nit iti.. .....!.. ....... .... i.. "viiiiiii- ui iiiu UIU'II lieiirOOIIl '."ii nuu ma i'illlllill, u lllllllt'l III window was my obsession, but recently i Now York state wagered his now unto- llnnlif neurit t.i t.. ....l.1....t .1... I i I lllrilillu nrvnfttc-t n tilinil1niKt...i.. .... .1..., mv'i ill. ill IH-i-IUL'Ill IIIU llCtl- "-- niuiiai fi i "l. i Iti0.1. Aiww. .t, 4 I'm mn-stlon Will you pleu- how it peisnii Is lifted by font pel-sol, plucltiR their IiuIpx tliiBors imdrr l:!s uliouldew and len by iiienn of slljtlit lifting force nl time of Inhaling u Ioiik breath by each person and by the person about to be llftedV" Kdjrnr I.uelen I.nrklti In Mm Xew York American says: "I have been asked this question iiiany Mines. If a person actually has been lifted mid those dolus the lifting think that the 'law of gravity Is par tially suspended' then the lifters are under self hallucination or auto su;: sestlon In so far as their Impression of lifting Is concerned. They actually lift far more Mian they think, but they tvlll not admit this, ns they are par tially self hallucinated In the belief that the body of the person will rise And If they really succeed In lifting the man two Inches they think It a foot. Auto hallucination Is a remarka ble iiuMitoloKicat phenomenon and Is now IteliiK studied by nientallsts here and In Kuroive with inlnuto care and research." H edfield fydfield Physicians and Surgeons. WH.1,13 J. IlRDFIEI.D.Surircon. JOK II. UKDKIKLD. I'hy.lclnn. OFKICU: Physicians & Surgeons . Hospital , . l'HONE CI2. v.n.--r-- -. ".mmwvJ DR. HARRY MITCHELL GRADUATE DENTIST. Telephone Rett 4 605M Dewey St. North I'ln 'to. Nebrnnkn. gifts thai are ;sfefo..fr4fo room window had been closed, and l slept peacefully and woke refreshed In n closed room. There was no ven tilation of tlio olllclal medical variety. To a medical journalist I put the prob lem of tlio window at night, and. to my astonishment, he told me that I am an animal when 1 sleep and do not want fresh air at all. "Look at the animals! When they sleep they choose the stulllest nooks they enn llnd. and they know whnt Is best for them. Shut your bedroom windows at nlsht and open them In the morning." And when t rellected on the dormouse and the doj; I am en couraged to tuck my nose with the other animals. London Chronicle. Local and Personal Dr. A. D. Runstrom and Ben Cooper, of Wellfleet, were business visitors in the city Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Brooks left Wednesday morning for Gothenburg to spend the day visiting her mother, Mrs. George Loan. Clarence E. Lowe, of the Farmers' State bank of Sutherland, was a visitor in the city Tuesday to look after some legal business. Dr. Collettee, who has been very ill at a local hospital, is reported much improved. He has a serious case of dropsy. Dr. Collette comes from Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. GoefTrey Anderson, of Julesburg, Colo., arrived in this city Tuesday afternoon on their wedding trip. They visited friends in the city and selected some of their goods at the local stores. Francis Flynn, who is attending Stan ford Junior university in San Francisco, sent word to his parents here that he would sail today with a friend for Hono lulu to spend the holidays. He has three weeks vacation and will spend them on the islands. Mr. Flynn is taking the engineering course. Business Property on North Side For Sale. Two story cement block building on the cornor of Locust and 9th Sts. Two laige store rooms down stairs, both woll rented. 15 rooms up stairs. Brings $1,000.00 per year rent. Price $7500.00 if taken before the first of the year. One-half cash will handle it. Where can you beat it for an investment? C. F. Temple, Agent. C. H. Smith, of Stapleton, was a visitor to North Platte on Tuesday afternoon on legal business. A. G. Hamer, better known as Gus, a prominent farmer of the Buchanan precinct, was a business visitor to the court house Wednesday. Engineer J. C. Hoge is in tho Bird wood district this week working on the irrigation and power plant engineering project. Paul Roberts, of Maxwell, was in the city Monday to visit his father who is confined at a local hospital. He left in the evening for Lincoln where he is at tending the state university. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ahrens, of Sid ney, arrived in the city Mondav eveninrr for a visit with relatives. Mr. Ahrens left Tuesday evening for his home, but Mrs. Ahrens stayed over for a few days visit. The Junior class of the high school is giving a farce comedy this evening at the school house for the benefit of the annual Junior Senior banquet which will be held in the spring. There will be four acts and they will be made up of comedy and minstrelsy. The mem bers of the class have been working very diligently getting ready for the entertainment and have a good even ing's entertainment prepared. Fit His Case Exactly. "When father was sick about six years ago he read an advertisement of Chamberlain's Tablets in the papers Mint fit. his pnsp pvnpthr " uri.if.ia M.on ... . v....w,j, iu.o i'noa Margaret Campbell of Ft. Smith, Ark. "He purchased a box of them and he has not been sick since. My sister had stomach trouble and was also benefited by them." For sale by all dealers. Stability, Efficiency and Service lltivo boat tho J'notofs in tho irrowtli oT tho First National Bank, -ol- XOJIT1I 1'T.ATTIl, tXISIJJiASKA. CAPTAt AXO SUKI'LUSt One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars. Arrested on Charge of Stealing Horses A man giving his name as Harry Smith was arrested Tuesday afternoon suspected of stealing a horse. He rode into town on a fine horse with n lino saddle and offered it for snli rivdn Lake bought the outfit for S20 nml im. mediately became suspicious and called Chief John Frazier, who questioned tho man as to where ho got the horse. He stated that he had worked for John Johnson, a farmer living eighteen miles south of the citv. but whim th,. oflicer phoned cut there hewas informed thnt Johnson had never had a hired man. Smith was talking to some other par ties and stated that was he from Lex ington. At another placebo stated that he had come from McPherson county. As he could not give a satisfactory ac count of himself, he was turned over to the sheriff and lodged in the county jail. Late in the evening, Sheriff Salis bury received a call from Sam Moore, a farmer near Dickens, stating that he had a horse stolen and wanted the authorities to keep a look out here. He described the horse so that it was im mediatedly identified as the one that had been sold. An Old Caddie's Rotort. lie is tin old caddie on an east const i course, and being a noted tlguro on the ' links ho endeavors as far as possible ' to caddio only for thoroughly elllclent trolfers. Occasionally, however, lie finds himself accompanying a "foozlcr." and on these occasions his dignity Is In jured. I Ono day recently he found himself caddylng to an old gentleman who was out. clearly, more for exorcise j than for tho love of the game and who was playing shocking golf. By the time the twelfth hole was reached he had been In most of the bunkers en route and had succeeded In breaking n club. "I think I shall give up Mils hole.' ho reninrked at last to his Indignant caddie. "Xa, na." re torted the old worthy bitterly: "feen Mi the course, sir feenlsli the course. Ve've gotten other four clubs to smnsh yet an' nine bunkers tne due It In!" (5 lasso w News. a wheelbarrow on Mm result of the contest in question and lost. Giving up the property, ho grim ly trudged seven miles to his home. Probably his family noticed that he had a grouch too. Considered In the calm, clear, cold light of puro reason, the gentleman succeeded In proving himself a near relative to a California canary otherwise known as a donkey. Had he won the bet tho result would have been pretty much tho same, for belting Is not argument, evidence or proof of anything. It adds no force, power or dignity to any opinion or set of opinions. It Is merely the outpour ing of tho gambling spirit, and that Is a spirit that has led ninny a ninn to utter beggary who might linvo adorned a homo and ornamented a community. Detroit Free Press. Dr. D. C. Crocker. Osteopathic Physician PHONE RED 021. 4 4- t4 4 it 4 tt 4-4-4 -4. GEO. B. DENT, 2 Physician nnd Surrjcon, jj Office over McDonnld Bank. 4 4 Phones Office 130 4 J Residence 115 ft - .T-4.- gt ft Bear in mind our January sale. For months oast we liavp li.Pn lm. - paring for this event. Extraordinary values have been purchased, no old snell-worn merchandise will be of- lered. Rememhpr il nnlv Un...... and it will be some sale too. E. T. Tramp & Son. T. H McDowell, of Paxton, was a visitor in the city Tuesday to look after business. B. P. Richards and family, of Suth erland, were visiting in tho city Tues day. Jacob Koch, who resides on a fann south of Hershey. was a subscription caller at this oirice the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson, of Lnappell, arrived in the city last Tues day for a short visit with friends. H. R. Rhiley, of Oshkosh, was n busineFs visitor in the city this Tues day. Miss Grace Anderson, of Oshkosh. arrived in the city Tuesday for a visit with friends. William Shaw, of Oshkosh, arrived in the city Tuesday for the purpose of transacting business. Editor Reynolds, of Sutherland Freo lance. wns :i visitm- in .!. .-... m (lay. ' mutuy iUOH- David Barrowclifr arrived in tho city this week from Bridgewater, la., and Will Visit IWir.l fnf nm., .!,. ...i.V i., 1 ill i i . """" HIIIU Willi II1H brotber-ln-hw, Roy ehlman. A Merciful Farmer. A young lady from the city was go lug one summer to mako her first visit to a cousin In the country. At tho sta tion she was met by tho cousin, nnd after a half hour's drive ho told her they wore approaching his farm. In one of tlio brond fields Mint met the young lady's attentlvo eye stood a windmill, nnd gathered around It, somo standing nnd somo reclining, were several hogs. "Well, that beats anything I ever heard of!" exclaimed tho fair ono. "I didn't know that you farmers were so considerate." "What does?" queried tho country cousin. "Thnt over yonder." replied the city girl, pointing a pretty finger. ".Inst think of hnvlng a fan out In tho field to keep those hogs cool I" Christian Endeavor World. A Tall Storv. Tlio long leggedest man wo know Is our friend II. ltlnglinin Palmer. He enn take steps above live feet long, In spite of which ho Is devoted to horse back riding. Recently he cnino Into the olllco to chnt awhile, and wo noticed Mint he limped. "Corn?" was asked sympathetically. "Xope accident," he answered, ns answers one who doesn't care to talk about something. That aroused our curoslty, and wo couldn't help showing It, probably, for he sighed and con fessed: "I wns rldln' through the park Mon day, and I was just rldln' along and rldln' along and not thlnkln' of any thing in particular, and my foot slip ped out of tho stirrup." "Well?" "Well, the dnrn horso stepped on It!" Cleveland Plain Dealer. Courage of Despair. Professor McCoy of Melbourne uni versity in n book about snake experi ments tells a strange, story Illustrating tlio' courage of despair. Putting a mouse Into n box that contained one of his captive cobras, ho watched the reptile glide slowly toward it. Tho mouse shrank terrified Into a comer, and then when the cobra's tlattened head was within an Inch of It It tmrnug Into the air and alighted on the back or the neck of Its foe. It sat there and clinched Its sharp little teeth in the rentllo's Mesh. The colirn mulil nnt- sbake It off, and it bit deeper and deep er until the cobra lay dead. Dirigible Balloons. The dirigible balloon Is by no means a modem Invention, ns many people seem to think. As a mnttor of fact, as long ago as 1781 General Meusnler pro posed the construction of an elongated bnlloon which might bo propelled through the air. Experiments were made with It by two brothers nnnied Robert, who made several ascents nnd attained n speed of three miles an hour, though tho method of propulsion was only aerial oars worked by hand. Nothing further wns attempted until 1S.'2, when Henri GIITard built dirigi bles which, by melius of a light steam engliio, he propelled at nearly seven miles an hour, and since then various experiments Lave been mnde which ill Minutely ended In the wonderful tri umph of Xeppellu. New York Press. An Irish Bull. An Irishman was trying to lead a bull. Ho Med tho rope to his wrist, and tho bull took tho lend. lie took it with a vengeance. As tho Irishman was dying around the corner a friend shouted. "Where are you going. Pat?" "I don't know." he replied. "Ask tho bull." Exchange. Spoiling Good Paper. "Poetry should be written on ono side of tho paper, shouldn't It?" asked the budding bard. "That depends on tho poetry." re plied the editor wearily. "Lots of it shouldn't be written on either Hide." Philadelphia Itecord. Never Suspected It Until Then. "When did you find that you eared for him?" "About a ipuirtcr of a minute after I discovered that ho no longer felt that life would not bo worth living if he couldn't have mo." Chicago Record-Ilcrald. It Is by presence of mind In untried uiniiiguneies Mint tho iiatlvo iiietMa of a ninn Is tcstcil.-Lgwoll. Borax In the Laundry. Tho uses of rellued borax are maul fold. It Is Infinitely better Mian sodn for wnshlng purposes. It may be uxed In the proportion of a large handful to ten gallons of boiling water, and will effect a great saving in soap. If you tuo about to wash delicate laces or cambric use an extra quantity of powder. The effect of borax Is to sof ten tho hardest water, and. being a neu tral salt, it does not in the slightest de gree injure the texture of linen or any other delicate material washed with It New York Globe. Courtier and Poet. Louis XIV., having shown Bolleau some verses of his own composition, demanded his candid opinion about them. "Sire." answered tho poet, "your inaj csty wished to write poor lines and you did it so well Mint you proved that nothing is Impossible to your majesty!" Changes. "You will admit a wlso innn some times changes his mind?" "Yes." replied Senator Sorghum "IIo also changes his wardrobe. But In doing so he avoids popular attention as much as possible." Washington Star. Storms of Life. Ah storm following storm and wave succeeding wave give additional hard ness to the shell that Incloses the pearl, so do tho storms and waves of life add force to the character of man. Flag Bunting Tost. The United States government's test for color In bunting Is six hours' im mersion In snlt wator and six hours' oxpo'Aiiro to the sun. IIo Is not many who yields to fits or uiigi r, but he who wields roinposnre nnd kludiicns.-Miucus Aiirollus. Office Phone -110 Res. Blk G52 Bertha E.Mcmgon, M D. Physician and Surgeon 0r Women and Children Specialty NOBTI1 PLATTE, KJ?n. New MeC'alw lllbg. 5 J C5 t V ,'.'.1'ir' . .k-k.w A. J. AMES. MAItlK AMES. ; Doctors Ames & Amos, t) Physicians and Snraeons, l Office over Stone Drug Co. 0 Phones 'nf,,273 8 M ) Residence 278 o :w::v.?:;:;::v.v..;;;Kri..:g,.. Olfice phone 211. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROS T, Oslcopnlhic Physician. Nortli Platte, - - Nebraska. McDonald Bank Building. Oldost Bank liv Lincoln County McDonald State Bank North Platte, Nebr. CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 We Solicit Your I)uilneia. Established In 1871. Contractor and Builder. Shop Corner fith nnd Vine Streets NORTH PLATTE, NEB. R. D. Thomson. For Thirty or more Years. We hnve been making, repairing denning, and altering clothes for tne people ofNoith Platte. Wo have aimed to give satisfaction, and wo guess we hnve been successful, else tho people would not now pat ronzo us. (Jive us a chance to do your work. F. J. BROEKER. Entrnnce north of the Nynl drug store. PJTRONIZE THE In ' House of Good Shows When in North Plallc. Motion Pictures. Runs Every Night. Matinee Saturday After noon at 2:30 O'clock. 10 CENTS. put Dr. A. G. Mathews Specialist. Twelve years of practice in Nebraska. Special Attention to Dental Work Successfully treats diseases of domestic animnls. These are some of my cures, pollevel, fistula, sweeney, spavin lameness, splints, curb, ruptures, moon blindness, etc. Calls answered day or night Located at Palace Livery Barn Phones 20 or Ued 707 ii: