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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1910)
State Historic loi f The Alliance Herald. l Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte County and City of Alliance VOLUME XVII. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY,, NEBRASKA: THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1910 NUMBER 48 $k , ' BANKING You something of our service. But if not a patron wouldn't it be well for you to become one ? Our Savings Department is calculated to serve all classes; the old and the young, the poor and the rich. It receives deposits from $ i ' lip to $5000 and allows four per cent, interest, compounded , semi-annually. The First National Bank i of Alliance k-. Drbd, Klnctd & Co CUthti, - A f Fur if JX The generous use of materials is one of the remarkable features of our Fur Coats. Broad shoulders, full sweep and general roominess are the characteristic features and are. reasons for their popularity. Big, roomy sheep-lined coats with fur collars. When you shiver with the cold- drop into NORTON'S and buy bne' of our classy overcoats. Your winter outfit is not complete until you have a pair of Florsheim Shoes. DR. A. GAISER, DENTIST, Office, Room 10, Rumer Block, Phone 535, Alliance, Nebr, 42-tf BUSINESS? have more or less of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know rf 4 -.. - mmmmmm ieature in joranaegee Kincaid & Co. Clothes. There's not a stitch but what can be depended upon. There is not a line that does not add "class." Tailored with a pre cision that cannot be excelled and styled according to fash ion's latest dictates. The young chap and the older fellow who has made up his mind that he is going to stay young, will find all he requires in both style and quality in our remarkable and dependable clothes. - T Coats j-, NORTON'S GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Box Butte County Vote-Official Coilnt The canvassing board, consisting of D. VV. Hughes, Lloyd C. Thomas and County Clerk W. C Mounts, finished the official count of the Box Butto coun ty vote at four o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon. The total vote was light, being only 1,149. Following in the Vote for state, congressional, legislative and county candidates, and on the proposed constitutional amendment: For amendment, 444; against, 305. Preference for United States senator; Burkett, 401; Hitchcock, 564; Birm ingham, 7; Lippincott, 30. Governor: Aldrich, 598; Dablman, 487: Wright, 98. Lieutenant governor: Hopewell, 543; Clark, 409; Lichty, 17: Sfutter, 33 Secretary of State: Wait, 53g; Pool, 495; Wittstruck, J4; CuBhing, 36. -f Auditor of Public Accounts: Barton, 569, Hewitt, 472: Lambert, 37. ' State Treasurer: George, 540; Hall, 4955 Fitch, 17; Burns, 35. Supt of Public Instruction; Crab tree, 597; Jackson, 450; Jeffryes, 37 Attorney General: Martin, 5 1 25 Whitney, 493; Terry 22; Burleigh, 0. Commisioner of Public Lands and Buildings: Cowles, 532; Eastham, 497; Olmstead, 35. State Railway Commissioner: Clarke, 532; Hayden, 499; Moss, 33. Railway Commissioner to Fill Vacan. cy: Peter Mortensen, 350. Congressman, Sixth District: Kin kaid, 574; Taylor, 483; Ross, 9; Chase, 2g. State Senator, 14th district: Rey nolds, 55 J 5 Haley, 499- Representative 53rd district: Kent, 615; Reische, 451. County Attorney: Burton, 782, County Commissioner: Reck, 573; Pahlow, 512. ? ' , The following road overseers were elected: Boyd precinct, Ferdinand tid ier; Box Butte, Ole Davig: Dorsey, Harry Pierce: Lawn, Joo Bartos: lib erty. Jos Wintoni Nonpareil. Tesner hesperson; Running Water, J. X,P r ?i.i.r .li. i:..i -"i mf. -cta.i AVright, Dist, No. 9, V. McCoy Dist. No. 11, Carl Hashman. The proposition to bond the city of Alliance for 5,000 for a city park sys tem carried by a big majority. In order to have the complete state returns this issue of The Herald is being held until Friday morning. Herald Furnishes Reports The Alliance Herald kept its reputa tion as the leading newspaper of west ern Nebraska by furnishing reports of the election returns Tuesday night. Because of the crowded condition df The Herald office the bulletin board was placed in the commodious pool hall across the street owned by R. A. Charlton, Through the courtesy of Manager Tom Beeson of the Alliance Telephone Exchange, a special phone set was placed in The Herald office. Arrange ments had already been made for phone reports from every precinct in Box Butte county and connections were arranged with all of the towns in western Nebraska. By midnight com plete reports had been received from every precinct in the county except Snake Creek, and this was brought in by the carrier, the distance of nineteen miles being covered by two o'clock. The Herald force were all busier than bees and reports were ieceived from Bridgeport and other North Platte Valley towns, Crawford, Chadron, Harrison, etc. A large crowd waited until the complete returns were re ceived, the last of the force leaving at five o'clock Wednesday morning. Much favorable comment was expressed by all who benefited by the services of this paper. School Notes Mr. Carlson's civics elass used the class period Tuesday morning to test their ability to vote. Sample ballots had been s."ured and these hud been secured and ti.cse were distributed to the members and they expressed their choice for the various oillces. The par ticular object was ty test the ability of tne class to vote as required Uy law and it Is to their credit that only one ballot Incorrectly marked. ' Inci dentally the test aroused considerable interest in the election. At the meeting of the Board of Ddu cation Monday evening it was decided to permit such teachers as might desire to do so to attend the Nebraska State Teachers' Association without loss of time. The meeting will bo held at Lincoln Nov, 23, 24, and 25. Miss Susie Frazler. Principal of the Central school, went to Bridgeport last Saturday to attend the meeting of the Morrill County Teachers, Associa tion. County Supt. Edith Watford, of Morrll county roqusted Miss Frazier to attend for the purpose of giving assist ance to her teachers in primary work. The banners for the second month, which are awarded to the rooms having the best records in mttendanc and punctuality, were won by Miss Feld icr's, Miss PhaloU's and Miss Peterson's pupils. This makes the second month that the banner has been awarded to Miss Fcldler's pupils, The meeting of the Latin club, which was to have been held last week, was postponed until this week on account of the accident which befell thoir president, Mabel Worley. The club will meet with Hazel Bowman Satur day night of this week We liR7o received word from Chad ron that they are ready to play us basket ball, the first game to bo played cither at Chadron or Alliance as suits our convenience. A series of games will probably bo arranged soon. The Agriculture class visited the creamery Thursday morning for the purpose of hearing an Ulustratod lec ture on the subject of cream and butter making. Mr. Beck explained tho var ious processes to the class in a very lu cid manner. The subjects of sampling, pasteurizing, ripenieg, and testing cream, as churning and working the salt and moisture into the butter were explained in detail and demonstrated to the class, Wo are grateful to the management of the creamery and to Mr. Beck for a very profitnblo lesson in agriculture. The report of the Supt. to the Board of Education for the second month of school shows the following: Total number of pupils enrolled this month .... .... , . , . . . 7C0 Number boys enrolled . . , 377 Number girls enrolled..,.. 302 Total number enrolled to date .... 601 'Average attend, for mouth Boys. 349 " Girls. 301 Total. 710 Per cent daily attend, for month. Dd.60 No. cases tardiness " " 38 Per cent of punctuality 00 60 Neither absent nor tardy for rao. . 458 " to date. 355 Number cases of truancy . . , 0 Number present every day.... ,. 573 Visits from Supt 77 Visits from others.... ,. 89 Visits to patrons 12 The following items were handed us for publication last week: Mabel Worley met with quite a seri ous accident last week. As she was entering one of the rooms she slipped and fell forward, striking nud break ing tho glass in the door and cutting her ihoulder seriously enough on the broken glass to necessitate several atllches being taken. We hope she will soon bauble to be in tscbool again. 'Tro"(frassib:""AriBn'meUaln-JmRVbj-' gun work for- tho preliminary debates which will occur about the first of the year. Tho question to be debated this year is "Resolved, That the Policy of Maintaining the U. S. Navy at its Pres ent Strength is Preferable to the Polloy of Substantially Increasing It." Last year fifty-eight of the strong schools of Nebraska were members of tho Ne braska High School Debating League and the number will probably bo in creased this year. It is, therefore, no Binall honor to be uble tp win the state championship. In Memoriam Mrs. Nellie Trenkle, dearly beloved wife of Sam Trenkle, and third daugh ter of Mrs. Nellie Heath, passed away on the night of October '25th, 1910, at Mercy hospital after an illness of but a few weeks, aged 24 years, 4 months and 18 days. She bad grown from early childhood to a most beautiful womanhood here in our midst. Nellie was a most con sciencious, consistent Christian girl with a smile and word of good cheer for everybody- Death was due to ty phoid fever which she contracted after nursing her husband through the same. About six weeks before her death she calmly gave her heart's idol, little Al len, into the tender Shepherd's care, but the strain of it all was too much for the brave young soul arid, notwith standing the tender care of her heart broken mother and other dearest to her, her pure soul took its flight heavenward, leaving her husband and little babe, her mother, her four sisters and her brother to go on through life without her. The funeral services were held in the homq, A short but most beautiful discourse was delivered by Rev. Dr. J. L. B, Jones, pastor of Alliance M. E. church, who conducted the service, assisted by J W. Thomas. Notwith standing the cold, raw day the funeral was attended by an immense concourse of people, for truly, none knew her but to love her. The body was laid to rest in Greenwood cemetery beside the newly made grave of her little one. Dear Nellie, wife, daughter, sister, mother, You have gone to realms unknown, Where all the good and pure ones Shull behold God on His throne. You have gone tp greet your loved ones, Who have pussed from earth before And are beckoning us to follow And tread with you the golden shore. Card of Thanks We desire to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neigh bors who so kindly assisted us in the sickness and death of her who was our beloved wife, daughter aud sister. Mr. Samuel Trenkle, Mrs, Nellie Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Curry, A Mr. Chas. Heath, Mrs, Daisy Miller, Misses Anna and Essie Heath. Electric Light Board Report Morse, Sterne and Humphrey Value Plant at $78,000 The Anxious awaited report of the board of three gentlemen selected to place a val uation on tbe plant and business of tho Alliance Electric Company, made their re port on Monday evening. George II, Morse was elected by the city; William C, Sterne was selected by the company, and Clifford W. Humphrey as the third. The detailed re nor 1 ex- , , . .... . ? plains me memoa oy wnicn tney arrived at the value of (78,000 for the plant, and states that tbe physical properly was con fidercd with regard to its present value; books of the company were examine and earnings and expenditures carefully con sidered; question of going vvnlue aAd value of Unexpired fraqcb)sc tanti con tract wereaisoconsideredr Future growth of business, etc., were al) considered. George H. Morse did not agree with the other two members vf the committee, which fixed the price io be paid for the physical properly at 8)3,400 and for fran chise, etc., $35,000, making a total price tube paid by the city of $78,000, or 823,00 more than tbe amount which the company asked from the city. In an interview with the Herald report er Prof. Morse stated that he did not agree with the way in which the other two mem bers of the board arrived at their conclus ion, but did not care to go into particulars at this time. Prof. Morse stated that he believed that the other two gentlemen were perfectly sincere in their estimate and that they were two of the ablest men he had ever had an opportunity to work with, Mr, Humphrey stated to the Herald representative that he makes a business of this kind of work and that he investigates and valors plants of this character on the average of one in every two weeks, that he believed the plant a good investment at the valuation placed upon it. When asked why he find Mr, Sterne had placed a valu ation of $78,000 on the plant when the company had only asked $55,000, he stat ed that he had not been Informed that the company had asked the last named figure, but that if such had been tbe case, the city wculd .have .had a very goodV bargain Mr. Sterne bad eft . tbjjjityndcrdd -norbeseen. ' -. The city council met last evening, but the .meeting being a special session for other business, no action, was taken on tbe electric light proposition. It is known, however, that a majority of tbe council favor not buying tbe plant, but putting in a duplicate plant. Married Miss Inice Neeley, formerly of Alii ance and a niece of 1- U. Hagar of Al liance, and Mr. James Elmore, a well known Alliance boy, were married Wednesday in Billings. Miss Neeley has been in Calispel, Mont., for some time but met Mr. Elmore at Billings, he leaving Alliance the first of the week. Their many friends will be glad to know that the happy couple will be here, the la6t of the week. The Her ald joins in wishing them n long and happy married life. Case Attracted Attention The case of J L. O'Donnell, who was arrested last Wednesday afternoon and charged with fighting, attracted a large crowd in police court Saturday morning. O'Donnell and a colored man were ar rested and charged with fighting. The colored man pleaded guilty and was fined five dollars and costs, but O'Donnell plead ed not guilty and was placed under bonds of $25. At the trial O'Donnell, by his attorney, Wm. Mitchell, proved by a half a dozen witnesses that three colored men bad at tacked him and that be had not fought un til after they bad attacked him Police Judge Gregory Zurn decided that three to one were too many and that a man had perfect right to defend himself, so O Uonnell was declared not guilty. Seed Laboratory Is Now Open The Herald has received a letter from Dr. E, Mead Wilcox, collaborator in charge of the seed laboratory of the Ne braska Agricultural Experimental Station, stating that the laboratory is now open and ii prepared to test samples of seed for purity and germination. This work is done free of charge and if the farmers of Nebraska would have their seed tested before plauting much better results could be secured. Irrigation Association Will Meet The first meeting of the Nebraska State Irrigation association will be held in Bridgeport, Nov, 15 and 16. Delegates to this congress aro to be chosen by tbe state, county and city officials, the governor naming fifty delegates and mayors and county commissioners being allowed to name fifteen delegates each, An attempt will be made to organize an association strong enough to enforce the demands of western Nebraska for legislation and to aid materially in the propagation of those ideas in which this country is particularly interested. The temporary officers are. T. O. Egleston, president; and D. D. Price, secretary, Communications re garding the congress should be nt to tbe latter at the state engineer's office, Lincoln. ATTENTION When You Want to Buy Ladies' Cloaks Children's Cloaks Ladies' Suits Ladies' Skirts Ladies' Waists Infants' Coats Infants' Dresses Children's Dresses , Ladies' Dresses Kimonas Underskirts Muslin Underwear' Knit Underwear Millinery Laces Veilings, Mousing Goods Hosiery ' i ,v, Corsets ' ' ' Embroidery Silks'' Stamped Linens' " ' Sofa Cushions vP Velvets Ribbon Handkerchiefs Gloves Neckwear Fancy Work Materials Hair Goods Combs Belts and Bags Pins, Needles, Notions Call on Stuckey & Co. Tv Orr ,ii ouse-Block Hot Drinks Have you ever had tho ' pleasure of. trying one of our hot drinks on a cold chilly, raw, blus tery day? There is nothing more invigorating or more acceptable. We particularly rec ommend Hot Beef Hot Chocolate Hot Malted Milk. Every one will satisfy the most fastidous taste and the most particular -stomach. Drink one at our fountain. UefcUottcYv JbMMaiAL r-H"IH"W-X-:--MH--i I KENNEDY BROTHERS t DENTISTS. t 4-OifJce in Alliance National Bank Blk 3. V Over Postoffice, v . i- 'fhoue 391. a&i'iM We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least A. P. Ill, MfjT.