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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1910)
I', 1 1 i: 5vc HEVUINOFXDRD HERALD CORRESPONDENCE i II' m I HOPE Ernie Tiioinpton culled nt Hope a few inlnutci Saturday evening. L. C. Davis left for the fntitrrh. part of the tu to la&t I lilirMlay. Hen Nicola wah seen around Hope one day lust week. Itolllu II ted wnh down from Scott bluff Sunday. Mrs. Edward Moury nnd children vor up on the homestead for u few daya last week. Arthur lliibboll nnd John Duerrwere Minutarc visitors Saturday. Henry Nchno and family have gone to Mluatarc to spend the winter. Ronton Meek was the cuest of his parents a few days this week. 0. V. Horn and daughter, Sudlc, called on Mrs. Frank Deeton last Tues day. Ernest Thompson Is drilling a well for Mr. Cutllmu. Harry Long, who has been visiting with Hcrt Horn, has returned to his homo in Uoyard. Mr. and Mrs. t.onnle Friend nro liv ing1 on their Klukiiid. Mrs. Hilly Gander was visiting her mother, Mrs. Abe Smith, one day last week. HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA: NOVEMBER 10. 1910 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Jj BELMONT We arc having Hue weather uud ev ery one seoms to be rushing their work to get It done before eold Weather sets in. Rich and Urvc Mongol have just shipped an emigrant car to Missouri, where they have moved with their families and expect to make It their future homes. Fay Abbott was In town Saturday, Miss lllesslng spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother and stater In Arumorc, b. u. MrR. Walden just returned from lluf fulo Gap, where she has been assisting In taking oaro of her fcigk father. Ouy Lemons has rented the Frank t)uhl ranch utid expects to try his hand at farming next year. Guy, when is the wedding to be? Carl Tollman and wife wore seen on our streets Sunday. Mrs. Wendt is very low at the present writing. Will and Fay Abbott and llowurd Pierce took In the dance last Friday night. wv, RENO John Carter, who has been working t Grand H"d Uii summer, returned home on 43 Tuesday. ti.. M..ii,rwtut I .fillips' Aid spent oil day Wednesday with Mrs. Fred Ablcy. Mr. Shetler came in on 43 Wednes day, Roitifc oiit to Sioux county for a visit with Holla Shetler. Mrs. Roila Jolmsnfi went to Alliance Weduesday on 44 to have some dental work done. Cltas. Glaze came home from Mars land Weduesday on 44' Will Holllnrake of Marsland came in on 44 Wednesday.. P, K. Christcnsen and famllv left for Kansas City. Mo., Wednesday on 44 for au extended visit with relative. Jean Heed came over from Pine tii.icm Wednesday, brincini: Ids sister- if ntul niece. lames Hunter .,.i Mw.m lure and accompanied them to Alliance in his auto. Mesdamcs W. E. Speticqr, Gltrnati and Ilaumsardncr returned to Alliance Wednesday evening. MrB. H. L. Bushucll and Mrs. Mat Beaumont went up to Alliance Wed nesday on 44 for a few days' visit with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Dick Ken ner. Byron Fosket came in from Sioux county Wednesday, going back Thurs day. Col. Foskct went up to Chadron Thursday,, returning Monday on 44- Fathci Becker tamo from Crawlora Saturday to preach the funeral of Mrs. Geo. Bahncr. Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkerton came in from Holdrege, Nebr,, Sunday on 43 for a short visit with Mrs. Pinker ton's brother, Pete Swanson. Mr. Whitaker came homo from Omaha Monday on 43- "Are You a Progressive or a Standpatter?" X PROGRESSIVE believes in buying the best quality of goods, and THAT MEANS YOU. A Standpatter believes in letting the "old line fellow" continue to swell his bank account out of profits he makes from sales to you. Wouldn't you rather buy where you can get the best value and pay but a small profit to the dealer, than continue to stay with the standpatters? Well, the way to do it is to trade at BURLEW'S where the profit margin is always in your favor and to your advantage. 1 riEHlNGFORD B U R L E M'& NEBRASKA Hello, hero we are again after an ub sence of some time. , If we have this Hub weather all win ter the hay will be sure to hold out, In most parts anyway. Several of the ueighbors loaded u ear Of potatoes ut Reno to ship to Lincoln, Q, E, McFalltU visiting Jibe brother, Engineer L. N. McFall, in Denver ut present. MissOladys lller, who Is attending school at Alliance, camo homo Satur day on 44 uud returned Sunday ou 43. Henry Hler received a ear of lumber and posts ut Reno last Saturday. Ho intends doing some fencing and repair ing at the ranch. Miss Mlna MeFall vlMted at home last week. She bus been staying at Mrs. Sunburn's In Alliance the past month, where she bus beeu learning the dressmaking trade. Mrs Ullss Stergeon of Alliance was visiting with Leo Stergeou and family laBt woek. Dr. Curtis has beeu doing some horse doctoring and dentisterlug in this neighborhood tba past week. J. C. Berry received a cur loud of coal lust Tuesday. Chtts, LeUtrltz butchered a hog last Friday. Leo Stergeou butchered one last week also. Henry Hler bought u tlue, you tig stallion from Win, Butler, about twen ty miles uortheast of Alliance. Jim Strong came home last Thursday from Alliance, where he has been for tho past week oft 60 taklug life easy and attending to business. Mr, Forbs of York, Nebr , was In this vicinity last Thursday, taking an ipventory of McFall Bros.' cuttle. Mrs. Todd Berrv received a message last Thursday stating that her brother, iifteen years old, was aecldently shot and killed. She left Friday for his home in Idaho to attend the funeral. Mrs. Funny Swltzer came home from her school last I'rlday, after an nb benec of a couple of weeks. BEREA Saves an Iowa Man's Life The very grave seemed to yawn be fore Robert Madsen of West Iiurling ton, Iowa., when, ufter seven weeks In the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the murvelouh curative power of Electric F3ltters. For, after ciirht months of frightful suffering from H7er trouble ( and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five I Mrs. Georce lialnier tmssea away ""r. :. J", 1 .:: ,;. :::,V;V.;.:.:" . ifictui v vui cii nun, un iiuauivciy kii Thursday nlcht about ten o clock. She J . eed for htomacli. liver or klilnev had been ailing for about tlneo years, 'trouble unci never disappoints. Only Funeral services were held trom theipoc ut F. J. Jlrennun's. house Saturday afternoon, Father. .ww Becker officiating. Tho remains weiel ' m7S -7 L n,rtin. laid to rest in tho Lawn cemetery. The, lhP ; fO dalned. bereaved ones have the sympathy of Omaha. Nov. 8. Bishop-elect George 1 drow'a day, Nov. 30, at Trinity cathe dral. This date has been set by Rt. Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, bishop of St. Louis and presiding bishop or tho notes taut Episcopal church. Bishop Tuttle will be consecrating bishop and tho eo-consecratorB will be lit. Row Arthur U llliams arid Jit. Rev. A" Kern R. Graves, blshop.'of 'ihe mission dry district of Kearney. Also in the chuncel will be n number of other bishops. up from the entire community. Miss Uuhy Wildy came Scottsbluff Saturday ou 43. Mr. Hilcman, orator for tho Forest Lumber Co., camo up Monday- on 43. J. B. Hall, orator for the Central Lumber Co., waif in'towu the" later part of tho week and left for Sterling, Colo., Sunday evening. Llojd Hickey came in on 43 Sunday from Hlackfoot, Idaho, where he has been visiting with his uncle, Roy Hickey. Ho stopped off for a visit with liis aunt, Mrs. John Hickey be fore retiming to his home in Gretna, Nebr. Rev, Chas. Burieich received a tele, grain Saturday afternoon of the death of his mother ar Print-ley, lown. He left for that place Saturday night. SUgar Production Record. Grand Island, Nov. 8. A new record of sugar production was made nt the local factory when, in twenty-four hours, 1,530 bags of sugar, of 100 pounds each, were turned out, Tho beets have been of especially high quality this year. The Biggest Department Store in Box Butte County bargains for We can show WSSVWAWAWAS'WWWiVVAVAW.WAV.,AV1iWA ' Cold Weather means S TO VES It's a fuel astonishing. 1 handle the "KINO BEE' heater, saver and its capacity of holding1 fire is The prices are reasonable. See them. ? I have in stock a complete line of the latest models of ranges. Fine weather again and everybody thawed out. Our little bunr was quite busy last week. Mr. Hawkins has moved on his homo btead near Rerea. Mr, and Mrs, Duff were in Alliance Thursday. Mr. Barkburst has been on the sick list lately. The Roxfords have moved in to the Nelson place north of Keren. Mr. and Mrs. Sturkle of the poor farm took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Gaghugeti Sunday. J, T. Nabb went to Oxford, Nebr., hursday to so u car load of Spuds. Mr. Rushncllot Hemingford loaded one car and .!. T, Nabbof Rerea loaded two cars of spuds luht week. Juck Steel has moved to Hemingford to run a hotel, so please call and get your dinner of him. Mr. Stoekwell from northwest of Hemingford has moved into Mrs. Weaverb' place on the farm for tbe winter An auto load of Alllunce people were in Keren Sunday. They must have been asleep, for one said that they could uot see Rerea for the houses Guy Nabb Was in Alllanco Wednes day. '0h heart, stop thy wild beat- Stove boards and stove oilcloth, all kinds of , Builders9 Hardware C. A. SHINDLER Hemingford, Nebr. J J.'JV.vvvvn.nJ.v.,.vf.vvN?wfVwJ 4 Four big departments and every one of them filled full of careful buyers. We invite you to inspect our immmense stock, you how that by buying in large quantities we save you money. Furniture Department The special iYz per cent discount sale will be continued another week. It is a big success. See the goods and note the prices. We need the room. Queensware Department ' - This new department has just been opened with a complete line of new See tne new Japanese ware. It s selhngaast. Complete line of I queensware dinner sets. Clothing Department ,k: We can fit you from head to foot. Clothing for men, women and children. All wool suits from $10 to $20. Grocery Department By buying in big quantities and in quick stock always on hand at the lowest prices. Special discount on lots of ten sacks. sales 3 est we have grade of a good.) fresh flour is $1.65. Anything you want for sale your money back. at this store. Satisfaction guaranteed or ROQKEY & SON HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA Round Oak Heaters m Burn all the gases and black smoke. Coke the coal, making- an evpn M $ steady fire. Make a hotter fire from the same fuel. Make a cleaner fire. S $ Save fuel. A full line on exhibition at my store. m. : 1 . - l m Central Lumber Co. A Full Line of v,f Building Hateria!, Piles, and Coal HEHINQFORD, NEBR. Posts FRANK CAHA (Successor to Anton Uhrig) Hemingford, Nebraska f IMI0Nl0 Hemingford Housei R. E. WOODS, Prop. Reasonable Rates Good, Clean Rooms Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEMINGFORD, NEBR. SPECIALTIES. Diseases of Women and Children and Geoito Urinary Organs All calls snewertd promptly day ar night 1 I Hemingford's New Store EVERYTHING IN r Drugs, Sundries, Paints and Oils THOMPSON'S PHARMACY A. M. THOMPSON, Propr. " ' Successors to Boyd's Drug Store HEMINGFORD, . . NEBRASKA -VI 1 Y f .inghj- IFJl