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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
m8mnammTSF "- Mfc i T du i: ft AUCTION SALE AO OF ORGANS THE BENNETT COMPANY STORE OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE Saturday Afternoon, Aug.13 2 O'CLOCK These Organs have been taken in exchange on Pianos, and as our store is small and having daily shipments of Pianos coming, we MUST HAVE THF ROOM These Organs will be sold to the highest bidders. Every instrument is fully guaranteed to be in good playing condition. We will agree to allow the full amount paid for any of these organs in 3 c excnange on any piano purcnasea irom us wrtnm o years. Remember the Date-Saturday, Aug. 13, 1910 c. a. mm THE BENNETT COMPANY "Si UP $rftt'TjnjtT'ifftit Automobile Department ALL QUESTIONS CHEKUFULLY ANSWEKED THHOUGH THE COLUMNS OP THIS DEPARTMENT Anyone having automobile news will confer a favor by phoning or stopping in the office. S. C. Heck, proprietor of the Hex Garage, located in thi Land Office Build ing, reports a good business. The article in last week's Herald in "this department on "automobiles for igti" has received a great deal of favorable com ment, ww In New York City the taxicab rate is thirty cents for the first mile and ten cents for each additional quarter-mile with one dollar for each hour of waiting time An exchange of automobiles was made last week between C C. Smith and Cal Vinsel. Mr. Smith now owns the Pope Toledo and Mr. Vinsel the Moline car, Electric lights are supplanting gas and oil lamps on automobiles. Low voltage lamps are operated by a small storage battery and give a better light than gas. Alliance has plenty of good garages and expert mechanics. All of the public garages here are equipped to do any work that may become necessary in repairing or rebuilding a machine. The farmers arebuing automobiles. A single automobile company recently offered farm mortgages and farmer's notes to the value of $1,000,000 for rediscount on the New York money market. The Herald auto department has just received several catalogues showing the 1911 models. These are interesting from a point of information and we will be glad to let anyone desiring have the use of them. E. D. Henry, who is in the automobile livery business in Alliance, and who has been using ooe of last year's two cylinder Reo autos, has traded the same in a brand new four cylinder f(eo. James Keeler, the Alliance agent for the Reo, made the deal. The total number of automobiles manu factured for the year 1910 is estimated as follows: France, 50,000 cars; Great Britain, 60,000 cars; Germany, 25,000 cars; and the United States, 100.000 cars. This makes a total of 233,000 for the year at a total valuation of $235,000,000. Did ou ever start to climb a hill and have jour engine stop in the steepest ptace on account of the carburetor being higher than the gasoline level. The next time trv blowing into the tank. This will often force the gasoline into the carburator and of course remedy the trouble. Some motorists try backing up the hill. How ever this is impossible many times. 1 1 was said not long ago that automobiles could not be used in the sand hills However an auto that will not make a trip through the sand hills now would not receive much 'consideration with pros pective buyers. What formerly was a dreaded trip by team can now be made in a short time with an auto and many of the ranchmen in the sandhills are purchasing cars for their personal use. I Omaha has been having an epidemic of ' automobile accidents lately, several pen ' pie having been killed. It is our opinion 1 that speed fiends should be restricird toi the race track where 00 one can be killed ' except, themselves. A moderate amount of speed is necessarv and when one is making a country trip it certainly is all right to make speed but no one is excus able for tearing around in a town or city at a rate at which the car cannot be perfect ly controlled. I The automobile is receiving a great deal of blame for the present money stringency, it being claimed that the people of the United States are spending all their money for machines to the detriment of business. However the automobile instead of being a detriment is a help. Take four people out of live who have autos and vou wilt find that they are using it as a help in their business. Every m?n who has an auto can make it a divident payer instead of a dead expense. The rapid changes in recent years in automobiles have led some to ask what the automobile will be like in 1915. The' French, who have always been leaders in the motor industry, are of the opinion that the eight cylinder V-shaped motor will be the popular one, but American experts are of the opinion that the six-cylinder will always be the most popular. Unless in the meantime some ono invents a motor that will entirely revolutionize the present gas engine. Gasoline Supblants Steam Some of the more congested districts along the Southern Railway will be relieved by gasolene-electric cars which will be operated in place of the old steam trains During the month the steam passenger service in the Greenville terri tory will be replaced with regular gas electric motor-car service. Some time ago the Southern Railway Company experimented with the new gas electric car produced by the General Electric Company and this experiment has proven so successful that a number of cars will be ordered for short line service. The gas-electric car is virtually a power station and an electric car in one with a space set aside for baggage. In the front end is located a powerful gasolene engine which drives an electric generator. The electricity generated in this way is used to drive the electric motors beneath the car. The car is operated with a simple con toller handle with all the ease and con venience of the common street car. It can be stopped, slowed down, accelereted and reversed without starting and stopping the gasoline engine. A car of this type is capable of making a large number of short stops and still maintaining its schedule The new cars will carry 50 passengers and their baggage at a speed of 40 miles an hour. A full list of the automobile owners of Box Butte county, together with the makes of machines, will he published in this department in a later number. We also expect soon to take up a re view of the different makes of machines manufactured, gtviug a brief descript ion of each. The Rex Garage S. C. Reck, Prop. In. McOcilsle d. I n. g- Automobile Storage Rentals and Repairing EXPERT MECHANICS REASONABLE PRICES AGENCY FOR THE The most popular auto today is the FORD. Low priced and Inexpensive to run, It fills the need better than the higher priced cars Alliance' to Have Tailoring College Mrs. M. .1. Williams, who is a graduate of the Keister Ladies' Tailoring College of Seattle, will open a sewing school in Alli ance on August 15th. There has long been a need for a school of this kind in Alliance and she is already assured of a I good patronage Denver, Omaha and I other cities have schools of this kind which are vary popular The students bring their own material If desired classes will be held evenings. The Alliance Keis ter Tailoring college will be located over tha store of F. V Irish it Co. Phone 524. Anyono desiring to take lessons should communicate with Mrs. Williams at once. Method of Planting and Caring for Trees J. I llAItoKlt. It has been my pergonal experience ns uoll us of others that the reason for the death of ninety percent of the trees that do die is poor planting-, This is the case not only In western Nebrasa but all over the United States, or the world for that matter. To have good success with trees the ground should be prepared In the fol lowing manner. The soil should bo made mellow by repeated plowing and where the soil is densely packed a sub soil plow be used, the ground being stirred from twelve to fifteen Inches deep. If this is neglected the roots are soon surrounded by an inpenotrablo wall of solid hard dirt and they certain ly cannot bo expected to live many years with this condition. Trees are frequently ruined by lack of care or bad treatment after they fall into the hands of the purchaser. When tress are received from the nursery they should have the roots thoroughly covered with a blanket, sack or straw, until they reach their destination. Then the bundles should bo opened and the trees seperated from the moss in which they are packed. If the roots have become dry from long exposure straw should be spread upon the ground; the trees laid upon it', then covered with straw uuil the whole well watered and left in the moist straw for several days. If the trees arrive In good condition and the holes for planting are not ready, a trench should be dug and the trees put in it in a slanting condition, covering the roots und two-thirds of the body. Let them remain this way until ready to plant. If the soil for an orchard has been properly prepared by subsoillng and deep plowing then the rauking of the holes becomes a very simple matter. Where only a few trees are to bo planted and no sub soiling has been done or where they are to be planted in sod the holes ought to be at least four feet wide and eight teen or tweuty inches deep, the subsoil thrown back and thto hole filled to the proper, depth for planting with Hue top soil to receive the trees. Both the roots and tops should be pruned at the time of planting and before the trees are set in the ground. In pruning tlrst cut oft' the ends of the broken and bruised roots with n sharp knife in a sluntiug direction on the under side. This will cause the wound to heal over reudily. Then cut back each branch or side limb to a bud not more than five or six inches from the body. Then cut back the leader or central limb so us to leave It about four or five Inches ubove the highest side limb. When there ure no side limbs the tree should be pruned back to a height proper to form a top; none of the lower limbs should be cut off entirely, us it is best to form the head as lowas possible, so that the limbs will protect the trunk from the rays of sun. Immense numbers of trees are ruined by planting too deep, Moit fruit trees, except dwarf peurs and plums 011 peuch roots should be set so that the joint where the body and the roots are united will be about four Inches below the top of the ground. By this means roots will be thrown out from the part of the body that Is covered with soil and largr and longer lived trees will be secured. If the above directions were carefully followed any nursery man would be glad to guarantee his trees. No Quarantine Dry Farming Pays in Dakota i,,,fl J "I Why Not in Western Nebraska? The quarantine for mange and scabies on cattle has been removed in the counties of Ha) es, Hitchcock, Chase and Dundy. Those still under quarantine are Sioux, Scotts Bluff, Banner, Kimball, Cheyenne, Box Butte, Dawes, Sheridan, Deuel, Per kinx, Keith, McPherson, Oram. Cherry, Hooker, Thomas, Logan, Lincoln, Blaine, Brown, Kevapaha, Rock, Loup, Garfield, Wheeler. Holt, and Morrill. As fast as the infected are,s are freed from these diseases the quarantine restrict ions ate removed Jbv the Secretary of Ag riculture We believe it will n)t be many years before at) of this western country will be entirely free from the dread cattle and sheep diseases. At the present tune inspection is always necessary wnen snip ping from the districts which are under quarantine. Foolish Advertising Talk. The man who conducts his business on the theory that it doesn't pay and he can't afford to advertise sets up his judge ment in opposition to that of nil the best business men in the world. Says an experienced ad vertising authority: "With a few years' experience in conducting a small business on a few thous and dollars capital he assumes to know more than those whose hourly transactions aggregate more than his do in a year, and who have made their millions by pursuing a course that he says doesn't pay." If advertising doesn't pay, why is it that the most succes ful merchants in every town, large or small, are the heaviest aevertisrs? If it does not pay, why do the largest business firms in the world spend millions in that way? Omaha Tade Ex hibit. Some five or six miles northeast of 1 ower.i Lake lives a man ho farms out of a book, says the Corpio News. His neighbors laughed at him at one time for his peculiar Ideas. He not enly farms put of a book, but he keeps books in which he records the results of his own farming. He keeps a written record of what he does, and can tell you what sort of work he did year before last to accomplish a certain specified result. His neighbors laughed at him but they don t now. .,.Thi E?ar Mr' Matin's crop stands out like a hill on the plain. It looks like a crop raised in a bumper crop year. Tho wheat is green and tall, and the oats are dark and rich. The neighbors have somo prospects of a crop. There has been a little more rain in that territory than in the eastern part of the country, but their crops are nothing compared with those of Ross Martin, Tho system he uses is known as tho Campbell System. It consists briefly, in plowing the land six to ten Inches deep, then packing with a subsoil packer, then sowing wheat at the rata of one-third of a bushel to the acreone-third, mind you and then dragging the crop after every rain until the grain is a foot high or more. Every third year he summer cultivates tho land. That is, one-third of his land is under summer cultivation as though he had a crop on it, and drags it after each rain, and if the weeds begin to show up ho drags it if it don't rain. He says that tho weeds tako tha moisture out of the ground. And they do. Last year Mr. Martin's wheat went 34 bushels to the acre. How much did yours go? He savs that ana mtartftr i alt nna man and four horses can farm under his plan oiiarmmg. uut it tne protit is double what it would be under ordinary farming, whv not farm that wav? StanW fNnrtl. Dakota) Sun. INTERESTING ARMY MANUEVERS Special Henld Corresponitut at Dale Crttk, Wye., glm Iftterestifit Biscrlftion. The U. S. army manuevers at this placo are very interesting, especially to a civil ian, from the spectacular point of view and to an army man because of the fact that conditions are, as pearly as possible, like they would be in case of war In fact, the purpose of tho yearly manueverla to accustom each soldier .to the conditions that he Would have to confront if in ser vice on the field in time of war. On Friday afternoon at two o'clock the whele available force of the camp went in to the field to manuever through the night until Saturday morning. They were div ided into two armies; tho reds and tho blues. Each man carried the haversack ration, which consists of enough raw ba con, salt, pepper, sugar, coffee, and hard tack to support one man for one day. There were in the field the 81b Cavalry, 4th CavalRj, gth Cavalry (negroes), tho nth Infantry, 15th Infantry, 18th Infant ry three companies of the Wyoming Nat ional Guard, the 4th Field Artillery, Company "M" of the Engineers, Company "I" of the Signal.Corps, and the ambul ance section ol Company "A" of the Hos pital Corps. The Beds went into bivouac about sev en miles from camp, where they were attacked by the enemv. The battle lasted through the whole night, the roar of tho artillery and the rattle of the continuous rilla fire being heard in the camp. It is almost as interesting as real warfare would be and it makes a person just want to get out and do his worst with the enemy. At out G.30 a m Saturday morning "recall" was sounded and after some dis cussion among the umpires, the victory was awarded to the Blue army. The troops arrived in camp during the morning tired and sleepv but there was no rest for them for at three o'clock in the. forenoon the whole consolidated force formed in the east side of the camp and a parade of all, including the wagon and pack trniiorta tiou, was held. Each organiz-tuon as It passed the reviewing officer, General Hoyt from Fortllussell, raking the trot on double time until it had passed, then went to its separate camp, where the men prepared for a good night's sleep in order to make' up for that lost A Matter of Stomachs An body who has ever cut up a veal knows that a calf has a regular procession of stomachs. Four stomachs make up the call's quota of abdomens. Few people have ever cut up a baby to see, but nevertheless it is common know ledge that no baby has more than one stomach. Vet many people think it quite the proper thing to leed a little baby with one stomach, equipped for taking care of hu man milk, with me same mtlk that the sucking calf takes care of with four stomachs. Do nu do that? If vou do, try this: Get a bale of timo thy hav. Every time the hour for feeding baby the unmodified cow's milk comes around, eat a whisp of unmodified hay yourself. It will be interesting to see which will live the longer, you or the baby. Omaha Daily News. The Northwestern's Loss at Chairwt The Chadron Journal of last Friday gave a full account of the destructive fire that occured there Tuesday of last week and which was mentioned in the Herald last week. It seems that the fire started in a heap of waste in an old engine stall and it made such headway that the men in the roundhouse and shops barely escaped with their lives, saving nothing. The North western had just installed machinery worth $80,000 and sixteen engines were in the building. Although some of these had steam up, not a one was saved, one being taken out part way and abandoned be cause of the heat. To take the place of the burned engines, fifteen engines were started from eastern divisions in less than 24 hours from the time of the fire. The engines burned were estimated to havo been worth 820 nnn nnrl iv... .,..i.! and buildings 8150,000, making a total ol $500,000. This is one of the most destruct ive fires ever experienced in vebraska