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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
I Ml- X Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. Cash Rates Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Recreations After a hot day' a plunge iu Berry's swimming pool will do you a lot of good. 33'5t A good mauy Alliance ladies patron ize the swimming pool at Judge Berry's, and some of them are quite expert swimmers. . 335 Take a swim at the "plunge" and see how much better you feel after wards. 33"5t Household Articles An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods and notions, on which you can save money at the Bee Hive. Bathing and Swimming Take pooh a plunge in the swimming 33-5' We call attention again to the "plunge" at Judge Berry's as being the finesjt place within reach of Alliance people for a delightful swim these sum mer days. Accommodations, for ladies as well as for men. 335 For Sale Houses, Etc. A five room house and two lots, for sale at a bargaiu. Inquire at The Herald office. Lot for sale. I offer for sale lot 14, in block 2, West Lawn. Address Mrs. E- Lipska, Laurel, Colo. 345W Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines For Sale, Pianos One Shubert, a very soft, pleasing tone and light touch, in perfect tune, mahogany case. One Bush & Gerts. case slightly dam aged. One Hamilton in perfect tune and iu good condition. These instru ments will be sold at a bargaiu. One Esty organ in fine condition. Three sewing machines, the Free, the Rotary, Ball Beariug. These goods are on sale. Terms to suit the purchaser. At the Burliugtou Hotel. 35 Good Things to Eat An excellent place to get good things to eat, fruits, vegetables, country pro duce, fresh groceries, flour, cured meats, etc., is at Watson & Watson's, northeast corner Box Butte avenue and Second street. Alliance. 35-tt Cottage for sale at a bargain, quire at The Herald office. In- Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware bust ncss Carries line of harness and has -best equipped tin shopln western Ne braska, firm is doing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Ilerald. 32-tf Wall Paper, Paints, Etc. Now is the time paper at Holsten's. to buy your wall Holsten sells lead aud oil and all kinds of paint material. Holsten sells art wall paper. Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans aud specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Live Stock and Poultry Attention, Farmers! If you have auy kind of cattle for sale see Jas. Feagiu3 or Oscar Braman, or call at Room 3, McCorkle Bldg. Spring Chickens for Sale Snrintr chickens for sale at so cents each. I. I. Koke. Phone 485 blue. 32tf Stallion for Sale or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight 1800, seven years old, dapple grav. James Potmesil, 2t-tf Long Lake, Nebr. LOST One bay horse about five years old. Has one white foot. Mane and tail both clipped. Branded with small anvil on left shoulder. Went southwest of Alliance about fifteen to twenty-four miles, Reward of ten dol lars will be paid upon return to owner. Miss Katie Gerald, phone Blue 485, at Mrs. Koke's, South Alliance. 32-tf SHORT HORN cows and heifers for sale. I witl sell from one to twenty-five head of cows and heifers, with calves bv side, or iu calf. Good registered stock cheau. Also some voung bulls. J. G. Brenizer, Broken Bow, Nebr. 35 5 WANTED-Horses to winter. Terms reasonable. Phone 3 on 10. Win. Rust, jr. 35-3w- Mrs. F. W. Harris and children are visiting relatives in Mitchell. Mrs. V. O. Barnes and children arc visiting her mother at Ellsworth. The Women's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. B. Mewhirter Friday afternoon. mrvwww Charley Huss of Hemiugford was shakiug hands with Alliance friends one day this week. Misses Lottie and Laura Duulap of Graud Island are visiting their cousin, Miss Lelah Reed. W. C. Mounts, county clerk, has been making good use of his Brush run about in trips through the county. Wm, Mitchell, the popular Alliance attorney, has been spending several days on business in eastern Nebraska. Virgil Smith, who has charge of the books at George Darling's store, is spending his annual vacation with home folks at Humboldt, Nebr. From the recent activity at the tel ephone exchange we presume that the Bell Company, who are now the own ers, will make some changes iu the system. J. B. Gray, of Gray & Guthrie, spent Wednesday in the country southeast of town settling a loss with Eugene Thompson of a mare which was killed by Jightuiug. A party consisting of Mrs. Geo. Reed. Misses Lelah Reed, Laura and Lottie Dunlap, and Katie O'Douuell left this morning for a visit with friends at Hot Springs. There are many ladies who have been wishing that they had the oppor tunity to take sewing lessons. Sewing is an art aud schools which teach it are always well patronized. Mrs. M. J. Williams, who was a resident of Alli ance several eats ago will open up a sewing school ou August 15th. She comes highly recommended. Harness, Saddlery, Etc. See how far your cash -will go in buying harness, saddlery, etc., at the new harness shop, opposite the post office, Alliance, J. E. Smith, proprietor. All kinds of repairing done promptly at reasonable prices. 34-tf Second-Hand Goods Second-hand furniture, stoves and household articles bought aud sold bv W. M, Wilson, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. . Will pay highest prices for second hand clothing. Shoes aud boots bought and sold. Mrs. Shaukmau. Location formerly occupied by Dick Watkin's Real Estate office on Box Butte Ave nue. 33-4t Implements, Vehicles, Etc. For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs; made bv Chas. Caffery; at Donovau & Sou's wagon shop. Owned by Fred Countryman. 25-tf. Help Wanted Man and wife wanted to work in country during the winter. Write to A. F. Alleu, Bridgeport, Nebr. Lost Lost A hat pin set with three green stones. Return to the Horace Bogue store and receive reward. Miscellaneous The "plunge" at Judge Berry's is the place for a really delightful bath and swim this hot weather 335t Typewriter Supplies Buy your carbon paper aud type writerribbons atthe Herald office. We handle-Carter's Ideal lines of carbon and ribbons and the Revilo brand of ribbons. We quote city prices. All goods guaranteed. tf I Employment Wanted Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Wanted, position at once as book eperr Have had experience. Ad- Central City, Ne- keeperi rll-pRS ' Box ,.. nrasua :- 542, If you are going to kodak, sten- see Hoi- One thousand and one handy art icles for the home, cheap at the Bee Hive. Money Reddish. to loan on real estate. F. E. 3-tf. NEVA PHIL PI2ER The Palace For TVlen m 9wi?wwwiph FURNISHINGS CLOTHING HATS SHOES TAILOR-MADE CLOTHES A SPECIALTY WtF" Your Money's Worth, or Your Money Back! New goods arriving- now. few days. Expect to Will be ready tor business within be in full blust bv Aurrust 1 qth. 2 Doors South of s Corner. a 21 9 Box Butte Ave. I, NEW Paints, arc sold at Holsten's. Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT. Two or three unfurnished rooms in modern private residence. Call at Herald office. Phone 140. tf The New Perfection Blue Flams oi stove is not an ''attachment" but is a complete stove, fully equipped for all kinds of cooking aud baking, aud is be yond question the finest thing of the kind on the market. You can examine these stoves and see them demonstrated calling at Achesou's Hardware Judge Berry has his swimming pool iu better shape than ever before. A new engine aud a new heater were put in this year, aud everything is in "ship shape" for the accommodation of his customers. ,n. 33-5 Holsteu sells kodaks and supplies. When it comes to buying harness foi cash, or bankable note, you can save money by going to the new harnes shop opposite the postoffice, Alliance. I J. E. Smith, proprietor. A splendid ! Una i-tf vtAtir irnnrld t CuLaI frniil aui him before you buy. Also, repairing done promptly, in first-class manner, and at reasonable prices. 34. tf Notice to Settle. by store. 35-2t Found Best place iu the west to purchase Fresh Groceries, Flour, 'Cured Meats, Provisions, Fruits, Produce, at Watson & Wa.tsou'a, Alliance. Having sold my grocery and meat market toTeater Bros,, all persons in debted to me please call and settle at once. S. H. DESCH. Watson & Watson call special atten tion to their fiue stock of Fresh Gro ceries. Wheu you want something good to eat give them a call,35tf- W. M, vViHoTIeTts the "O. K." Crude Oil burner. Can be used in auy cooking or heatiug stove, rauge or furnace. Saves 30 to 50 per cent on fuel bill. See it demonstrated at his store, 204 Box Butte avenue, Alliance. John Adams of The Herald force left Tuesday moruing for a trip to eastern points. He will stop at Oma ha, Carroll, Iowa, and other points to visit with relatives, expecting to be gone about a month. The Herald force is speculating on whether "Nan" will keep in single blessedness while gone or if they will have the sorrowful spectacle of seeing him return a bene dict. ww, F. H. Brooks of Ashby was in Al liauce recently as a witness iu a con test case, aud called at The Herald of fice to order the paper sent to him. Others here at that time as witnesses or otherwise connected with the case were P. A. Yeast, EH Rentfro, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Olson, Dean Rentfro, John Cameron, Henry Kruikenberg, George Thomas, Mr. Bell, Sr., aud D. Bell, all of Bingham. West Third Street (formerly Wyom ing Avenue) is getting to be a busy part of town. The new Land Office Building which has just been built by J. C McCorkle, and the new Wood buildiug for which excavating is now being done will help this part of town considerably. This locality was orig inally the main business part of town and from the present outlook it will uot be loug belore it rivals Box Butte Avenue as a business street. The Alliance Herald is guaranteed to have the largest circulation of any newspaper iu western Nebraska, aud this circulation is steadily increasing day after dav New subscriptions are coming in by the dozeu. We find it necessary to print two hundred more copies per issue than we did ninety days ago. Surely nothing else could be a better indication of the constant growth in the subscription list. The Alliance bottling works, known as the Golden Rod Bottling works, which was started several years ago by "Dad" Harrison, now deceased, and more recently owned by Clarauce Bruuell and Vern Dundas, has been sold to a company composed of J. R. McKiuuey, Vern Dundas and H. F. Thiele. The company is to be incor porated and will be known under the same name. The business of these works has been steadily growiug as the goods and the company become better known until a business covering all of western Nebraska aud surround ing territory in other states has been established. The Senior L. T. L. held its regular meeting August 8th at the home of We ster aud Anna Bernhardt. The tegular business was transacted after winch a social hour was enjojed. The next meeting will be held August 22, at the home of Jay Vance. A mock city government has been formed, with Webster Bernhardt as mayor. At the next meeting a saloon petition is to be brought before the council and the case decided upon whether or not this mock city shall have a saloon. A reg ular saloon fight is promised aud all are invited to attend. The Methodist church was crowded both morning aud evening to hear the Rev. J. L. B. Jones who arrived last week, as stated in The Herald. His addresses were attentively listened to and the coming year of his pastorate here is an assured success. The Sun day School in the morning was deeply touching to him because of the many flowers which were brought as a sign of welcome to him. Special music was rendered at the services and good judgement was shown by Mrs. C C. Smith, who has charge of the choir, in her selection. The new Epworth League piano is put to good use iu the services and is certainly appreciated by all. Those, in the choir Sunday were Mrs. G. J. Rosseau, Miss Dorothy Hoag, Ralph Thomas, Lloyd Smith, and Harry Troup. Miss Ruth Aspen wall was the pianist. Charles Ewiug, who has the con tract for cutting and stacking hay on the Robert Graham ranch south of Al liance was seriously hurt by the acci dental discharge of a rifle the Prst of the week- The rifle was leaning against the cook shanty and he was working near it. In some manner the gun was knocked over aud discharged and although the bullet did not seem to strike his knee the concussion broke the knte cap. He was brought to Al liance aud attended by Dr. Bellwood. He will probably be around again a soon as the wound has time to heal. No .serious results are anticipated Win It. Ross, a stenographer, ar rived tucMlay from Sheridan and wi.l ex tnlce u position with the C. 11, & Q, at this place. Mrs Ross vU arrive soou from Itilllugs, where ftbe is now stop ping, and they will make their home here. Wo are glad to walcomethem to this city. .1. II. Farley and wfo, of the Reno neighborhood, with their son-in-law and daughter called at the Herald oillce yesterday und huhsuribed to the Herald. He is carrying- mall In Iowa but Will be with his wife on their claim aud probably engage In dairying as soon as his term as man carrier plres. Union Temperance Meeting There will be a union temperance meeting lit the Phelan Opera House next Sunday night. Rev. .1. M. Hiittnii. pastor of the Baptist church, being the ttpeuker of the evening His stb-j-et will be. "A Mibjcut alt Men He llcwe In" A i e I I feature, of the meeting will be inti.-de by unl m choiu tihor Selected frum the ehtirelic-t of in city Kveryoue Kcor.l :t'ly invite i to utten I Does Advertising Pay? Marcus Fraukle, tho proprietor of the Famous One-Price Clothing House, which in now having the eighth annual clearance sale, says that advertising pays and practices what he preaches. "But,"he says, "you must put up tho goods to back your ad. It don't pay to advertise something tdat you haven't got." Mr. Frankle has built up a big business for the "daylight store." through advertising and "daylight methods" He sells at city prices and operates only on the oueprice system. He savs that it pays him to guarantee even-thing, no matter whether it is sold at a sale or not aud cati only do this by carrying standard lines of goods. Land Office Notes Land office notes will be a regular feat ure of The tferald, which is crowded oat tm week owing to a larfle amount of ad vriUinc beioi? received too late to issue a 1 extra f iiir-paRe section 3 PEACHES In all probability the cheap Peach season for that late Colorado stuff will be high. We offer a limited number of Nebraska Peaches this year is past. Indications are at 90 cents per box "COLORADO 1 08s WHILE THEY LAST Sl.IS. This lot contains some of the following1 brands; Imperial, Carmen, Crawford, Hale's Early, St. John, Moun tain Rose, White Free, Champion. Also some Extra Fancy California Elbertas $1.90, SIBERIAN CRABAPPLES PLUMS PRUNES PEARS CANTELOUPES Gold riedal Flour is only one of the many high est grade lines we distribute. 'ifUKi ..-.-' j,r!tt 11 fjsii.-ions :?: ..i&MfcVuM 'tfvifeTii-, ! 1 &&? .fisfiwfc n 'i I'V.. 'i '1' : w mmm &m& vi'&i v&ya iV3ai?I WA . "tf',','0.7 UFMJt'eA-' -US The very best lines sold any where are rep resented in The Heinz 57 fvr Cr -JKfl JFr:& i ffimxssmsa&w i n iMlli m "" if rfr m i 'irrTF 'MiWffll1 "Mornin8 Glor''" '?spi Flour OtJjW Mmr Canned pM Su, mUgW Vegetables MsHBAIRN-CRO$0y Jmmmmmmk Fernda!e L,ne Yaie Coffees t Schilling's Best Teas Coffees and Sdices IVIflLiiLBHil 1 I GROCERY CO f &mj22S. J" T" 't ?Tt fff