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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1910)
(4 flim&!ijmmAfim. ,Stato Hlbtorlcal Socloty,v The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. i :to a VOLUME XVII. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE CIJUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, AGUST 18, 1910 NUMBER 36 ft IS W m t W: i X .--v STATEMENT of the CONDITION of the First National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA TTJ-3XS 30t:tL, lSlO Resources LOANS AND DISCOUNTS Overdrafts - United States Bonds (Par) Banking House - CASH and SIGHT EXCHANGE Liabilities Capital Stock Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation DEPOSITS $464,581.97 43-35 51,000.00 10,000.00 134,018.70 $659,644.02 50,000.00 50,000.00 '11,932.90 50,000.00 497.71-2 $659,644.02 This Bank is a designated United States Depository. We have a modern and up-to-date equipped Bank and are prepared to care for our customers in any legitimate banking business. We pay interest on deposits left for six or twelve months. We have safety deposit vaults for rent. Dahlman Leads by 4,619 Majority IN 40 COUNTIES Cady Leads by 783. Returns of Primary Election Very Slow In Coming In. FIFTY COUNTIES STILL OUT Hitchcock Carries the State : ' KENNEDY BROTHERS ' r" DENTISTS. ' Office in Alliance National Bank Bit ' ' Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391. GEO. T. HAND. M. D'.; EYEWEAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Titled. STATE IN GENERAL. ,1 Up to the time of going to press only 500 precincts in the state had reported. . Returns from the state are coming in very slowly and it will probably be Saturday before the exact count is known. The votes were as follows: Dahlman, 14, 9M; Shallenberger, 10,205; Aldrich, 7,224; Cady, 8,007; "VVhedon, 2,681; Burkett, 5,191; Hitchcock, 12,495; Reed, 2,110; Metcalfe, 4,002. Shallenberger headquarters claim that forty counties, in cluding Douglas, only give Dahl man a majority of 1,800, and that the returns from the re maining fifty counties will wipe out this lead and nominate Shal lenberger. , Dahlman headquarters claim that Dahlman has a majority of I,6,4fi9jandthat Shallenberger's gain will not offset thio. Doug las county gave Dahlman a majority of 4,968 and Lancaster county 584. As fast as the returns are in they can be gotten at The Her- CLEARING SALE! AUGUST 18 TO 25 We are offering in this sale all Summer Goods at prices that will enable us to make a quick cleaning for the new Fall Stock. You will find exceptional reductions on nen's Summer Weight Suits, Ladies' Wash Suits, Oxfords, Embroideries, etc. flen's Suits Men's Oxfords 111 if W I ur hia if hi m vifl jmur 'rs: ,r nan. n j&itfi"ms$!s am. w This season's newest styles, elegant tailor ing, nobby weaves, in suits worth up to $35, & $22.5 $20 suits, finest tail oring, in grays and fancy weaves, all this season's goods, in this sale (f i J at only tfj A "TT $15 suits; these are the staple numbers in our stock, best of tailoring and trim mintrs: suits that will J$k give the service you jjr expect in y j this saleat7 A A A large assortment in tans, patentleath- er, gun metal and vici kid, specially priced for this sale at Dress Goods Dress Goods Remnants and Mill Ends; this lot at 9C-34 in. Percale, per yard 7 sy t 2t 4 off l3 off eeHsHffefflkkH KM A. C. SHALLENnEKGfcU aid office, either by phone 840, or on the bulletin board. The next issue will contain the com plete official returns. Percale mill ends,..i2jc goods i Mill End Ginghams, per yard Exceptional values in 32 in. 4ji Wool Violes, 75c qualities, tjsK 6c per yd. Suits worth up to $12.50. nothing better ever offered at the price anywhere, now placed on sale at the low price of New Fall Dress Goods. We made an ex ceptionally good buy in 65c fall patterns, which we offer at the low ?Oz price of jJC' Just the thing for school wear. Wash Suits, Half Price This gives you a $9. 50 suit for $4.75; $7.50 suit for $3.75; $6.50 for $3.25. TROUSERS 50 pairs pants, your choice $1.39 100 Boys' Knee Pants, Worsteds and Cas simeres' worth up to 75c, OQr Clearance sale price tJ.C' Big line Knee Pant Suits at 2.95 duywiicrc, now $7.50 Ladies'.Misses' & Children's Oxfords We place on sale at this time our entire stock of new and up-to-date stvles in Lodies', Misses' and Children's Oxfords at a 25 per cent discount. NORTON'S BOX BUTTE COUNTY. The official count for Box Butte1 county has not yet been made so the official figures will not) ue Known until Jmuuy or Saturday. These will be given on The Herald Bulletin board as soon as out. The total vote in the first ward in Alliance was as follows: Shallenberger 37, Dahlman 58, Cady 14, Aldrich 42, Reed 7, JAMES C. DAHLMAN Hitchcock 48, Metcalfe lb, Bee man 8. Kinkaid 41. Burkett 4r. Whedon 9, Shuraway 20, Taylor 20, Dean 15. The total vote in second ward was as follows: Shallenberger 32, Dahlman 38, Cady 7, Aldrich 25, Reed 14, Hitchcock 33, Met calfe 0, Beemnn 7, Kinkaid 24, Burkett 24, Whedon 4, Shura way 18, Taylor 4, Dean 13. The total vote in Box Butte county (excepting Lawn pre cinct) was as follows: Shallen berger 151, Dahlman 104, Cady 28, Aldrich 125, Reed 23, Hitch cock 115, Metcnlfe 41, Beeman 19, Kinkaid 124, Burkett 121, Whedon. 27. Shumwav 03. Tnv. lor 45, Dean 34. Notice to Farmers Box Butte county farmers, who have threshed grain, vegetables or anything else grown by them that will do to exhibit at the Nebraska state fair, and of which lhu uill furnish timrilan f.. . are requested to notify Earl D. Mallery, Geo. nnndlHif rr-Am At it.A ,i ..- - 7. J w tM tvai'CBIAlQ B uicu 01 nuance as sooo as possible. Special on Groceries ! While This Special Offer Lasts $6.25 for $5.00 $12.50 for $10.00 S5.00 CASH S 1 0.00 CASH Buys the Following: Buys the Following; 50 lhs. best grade Flour... $1.00 2 cans Pineapple (largo size) .70 2 cans Forest City White Cherries (large size) 70 2-25 oz. cans Baking Powder .50 2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee .50 1 Gal. Vinegar (in jug) 55 1 qt. ,T. M. Sweet or Sour Pickles 5 Boxes Matches 1 Bottle Monarch Catsup.. 2 Boxes Fancy Dried pur rants 8 Packages 'Mothers Corn Flakes' , 1 Bottle Strawberry Extract Flavoring 1 Bottle Lemon Extract Flavoring 1 Box Tootli Picks Total $0, .35 .25 .25 .15 .15 .05 or. 100 lbs Best Grade Flour . .$8.20 14 lbs. Granulated Sugar.. 1.00 4-25 oz. cans Baking Powder 1.00 2 lbs. Breakfast Call Coffee .50 20 bars Diamond '0 Soap. . 1.00 1 box (8 bars) Toilet Soap. . .25 0 qt. cans Tomatoes 75 2 qt. cans White Grapes. . . .50 2 qt. cans Forest City Peaches 00 2 qt. cans Standard Apri cots 70 1 qt. jar Sweet or Sour Pickles 85 1 gal. Vinegar (in jug) 55 1 Glass Lamp (complete) ... .75 1-2 doz. Cups and Saucers .05 1-2 doz. Dinner Plates 60 1 bottle Bluine 10 Total $12.50 Phones 1 and 4 Phillips Grocery Special Features a Secretary Earl D. Mallery informs us that arrangements have been com'pleted for a number ot special,, features, fcr the Box liutte county fair that will be brig at tractions, and that negotiations are pend ing for others. Philip Romero, who was interpreter'for the noted Chief Ued Cloud and who now holds that position at the Pine Ridge itnency, is in Alliance today completing atrangtments to bring a hundred Indians and camp on the fair grounds and help to entertain the crowds that attend, There will be fifty participate in the Indian dances. Following are some of those who wi!l come; Charles PJenlywolf, Fast Thunder, Whale Wind Horse Running Hawk, all of whom are chiefs, and Chase-in-the-Morning, who is the big chief of the tribe. Another feature, that will be a treat to farmers and others interested in the agri cultural development of ibis country, is a lecture by Prof. U. W. Campbell, the scientific farmer. Mr, Mallery has a letter from D. Clem Deaver, general agent of the C. li. & Q , advising bim that Prof. Campbell will be in Alliance and de liver the lecture September 22nd. List of Superintendents For the convenience of persons who may wish to exhibit at the Box Butte county fair this year we give the following list of class superintendents; Class A, horses, L. F. Smith. Class B, catt e, W H. Swan, Class C, sheep, G. W. Nation. Class D. swine. Wm. Rui. Sr. Class K, poultry, Fred Mollring. Class F, grain, seed and vegetable, Frnnk McCoy. s Class G, domestic products. Mrs, W. p Kumer. Class H. fruits, Mrs I. E. Tash. Class I. flowers, Mrs L. H. Highland. Class J, needle and fancy worlf.Mrr. W. E Cotant. Class K, machinery, etc , h, N. Wotley, Class L, ditcrttionary, Mrs. Dr. Church ill. Class M, school work, Miss Delia M. Reed. Go East Geo A. Mollring will leave Saturday of this week for a two or three weeks' trip east He will spend a few days in Chica go, visiting the large wholesale houses of that city. From there he will go to New York, where, besides visiting the whole sale, houses, he will go through some of the large factories of that great city. '1 be object of the trip is 10 order bis fall and winter stock of goods, which will be the largest and finest tn the history of bis, es tablishment ' Expert dressmaker. Work by the day. Phone 509. Mrs. A. H. Louis. 35-2 Is Front of the Palace Livery Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required, H. P. COURSEY. Prop. PHONE 72 Miss Jennie M. Kennedy Post Graduate (in Piano) of Toronto, Canada, University of Music, Gold Medalist and Teacher in Hamilton, Canada, Conservatory. Will Open Classes In Music on July 1 6th At Her Studio, 611 Big Horn Ave. Phene 391 mvi We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. UR DRUGS n J are all of the highest quality we can get anu are ail examined crit ically after we receive them in stock here before a single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. Furnished Rooms for Rent, Bath and Electric Light. Inquire 321 -Third St. Phone No. 582. tf 23