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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1910)
s KAMONISAGGUSER Mikes Sensational Charges Against Congressman Creager. J -SAYS HE SOLIGITED BIG LOANS ndlan Say McMurray Paid Him Dollar for Each Signature and That He Secured Ten Thousand Con ttracts McMurray Will Be Called to Witness Stand. McAlcstcr, Olda., Aug. 0. Jako L, Hamon mado sensational charges 0 against Congressman C. 12. Croager tip too congressional investigation, oi Jpo Indian land deal, Hamon charged fjthat Creager under the gulso of loaua rtbad nttemptod to obtain largo sums .jot money from J. F. McMurray, after Creager hnd Introduced n bill la con gress providing for a salo of tho lands. Hamon brought his charges In de manding the recall of Creagor to tho 1 stand for cross-examination. i "I want to show," said Hamon, "that gJCreager demanded largo sums of rjmonoy from McMurray after that bill i..rwas Introduced by Creagor." 2 W. T. llollmau, a Choctaw Indian, L testified he had been omployed by J. PfT. McMurray, holder of tho contracts, u to go out among tho Oklahoma Indians and Induce Ueni to sign tho d(u- taonts. At tho flame tlmo Hollman to- Slated ho was palif'a dollar a head" Itor securing contracts appointing Me (Murray to act In the .cases, la this 'way McMurray procured" 1OW0 cou- Ajtracts to soil land. j fit Tho terms woro 10 pop cent attornoy fftees, or $3,000,000 profit for McMurray .Dam his associates. , To promote this .deal In congress Benntor Goro contttnds.,ho was offered fa $25,000 or $50,000 brjbo. Hollmaa tostifled that ho himself had slgnod the 10 per cent contract because ho, In common with tho othor Indians, CI had becorao discouragod on tho gov- tl isrnment's promlso to sell the land. Si "I would havo given 25 per cent to CjiMcMurrny," said Hollman, "It ho could p;fciave gotten us tho monoy quickly." H Ho said ho believed boiuo of tho In- , dlans would bo willing to havo given 1 MoMurrny 75 per cent. In n statement to tho committee and .Without gofug on tho stand McMurray declared that tho contracts came to him originally against his doslro. Ho tald tho Indians nt a "war council" had demonstrated tholr lmpatlenco at tho government's tardiness in selling the lnnd and had called upon htm to ,ijtaKo tne joo at to per cent, winch no 'I Hid with roluctnnco. McMurray will I ko on the stand later. Questioned further, Hollman testified It was the bellof of tho Indians that jtholr property was worth from $30,- S 00.000 to $40,000,000, and tho under tandlng wns that McMurray was to feet 10 per cont of this, "Is It tho belief of tho Indlnnn that tMcMurray hns Bomo power nt Wash ington by which ho would be ablo to Iget tho money moro quickly thnn If fcrou first 'left It to tho govornmont?" asked Congressman Saundors of Vir ginia. "Wo did not know how ho was going D o do It, but wo thought ho know how," Stwna the answer. tc "Is it actually tho bellof among tho U! Indians that they havo to pay some tj. body elso to get what tho government aihaB said rightfully bolongs to thorn T" J "That has becomo tho bellof that they have to glvo up a good portion of what thov not In attornnv'R tnonV u D. C. McCurtaln, a Choctaw Indian Oj and an attorney for his trlbo, went on ID jthe stnnd .and -xoiterated -Mb chnrgoa le pat McMurray In 190G In the lobby of St Rhe Raleigh hotel at Washington had p bfferod him $25,000 as a bribe to with q tiraw the tribal opposition to old con ' tracts which wero disapproved by (President Roosevelt. Ho doclared ho rp once had been omployed by McMurray I whllo he was a dolegato to Washing ton for his tribe, hut ho asserted tho ft (work for McMurray was In bohalf of and with tho consent of the, Indians. O" When thq bribe wb ofTerod, he was a not associated with McMurray and ho N did not share in tho $750,000 attorney's fees granted McMurray In tho citizen ship cases years ago. MOB FAILS TO GET NEGROES Alabama Sheriff Calls on Militia and , Would-Be Lynchers Disperse. ' Evergreen, Ala., Aug. 9. Threaten ing to lynch Albert Johnson and John Manuel, negroes who wero in Jail liere on tho charge of being implicated In the killing of Jesso Baldwin, an aged farmer, a mob gathered at 2:30 a. m. and surrouudod the jail. Sheriff J, P. Orwln, however, fore stalled any attempt at violence by call lag on tho officers of the local mllltla company for assistance Tho appear ance of tho soldiers quelled tho mob. Thirteen Killed In Wreck. Ignaclo, Cal., Aug. 9. Thirteen per ona were killed and twelve. Injured, when the regular evening passenger train from San Francisco to San Rosa on the Northwestern Pacific railway was struck by a special engine and ca boose a mile and a half south of thla placo Rumbling Sound Heard at Blair. Blair, Neb., Aug. 9. The rumbling sound ascribed, tq a mqtepr or Mother phenomena was plainly heard in this city, and also & alight trembling of the earth resembling the effect produced by a heavy train. 1 REBELS THREATEN GEIBA Attack on Honduran City by Insur gents Is Expected Momentarily. Celba, Honduras, u&. 6. An attack on this city by Insurgents is expected momentarily. Tho American consul ate is crowded with rofugeos and tho Dritlah cruiser Scylla is entering tho harbor. Among the refugees arc Dr. Layton, United States marlno hospital surgeon, and his wife and mother; General Francesco Matuke and Genoral Gal lardo. Tho govornmont has formally de manded of tho American consul that ho Burronder General Matuke, but ho has refused. It is reported to bo tho fcntontlon of tho government to forco Matuko to glvo up a largo amount of money as ransom, as ho Is wealthy and stands high In tho community. Thoro nro altogether about 2,000 government soldiers around Celba and entrenchments aro being thrown up thrco miles east of town. Thoro is a report that on engage ment is taking placo about seven miles east of hero on tho coast be tween government troops and a largo revolutionary forco undor Gonoral Leo Christmas, who Is attacking tho gov ernment forces from barges and boats anchored in tho ofllng. Ho Is said to be using rapid fire guns handled by Americans. Tho report Is that ho has fifty Biich exports with him BANK GUARANTY LAW FIRST Application for Appeal Will Be Passed Upon by Supreme Court. Washington, Aug. C. Ono of the first questions on which tho supremo court of the United States will pass aftor It, convenes in Octobor will bo tho application for it to rovlow tho litigation In tho federal courts in Kan sas ovor tho constitutionality of tho Kansas bank depository guaranty law. John Leo Wobstor of Omaha, ex Senator Chester I. Long and several other lawyers representing tho Abilene National bank and others fllod tho ap plication for a writ of certiorari In tho case. Tho United States court for tho dis trict of Kansas, in an opinion handed dovn by Judge Pollock, ruled that tho law was unconstitutional, as being In violation of tho fourteenth amondment and as unlawfully discriminating against tho national banks and de stroying tholr efficiency. However, tho United States circuit court of ap peals for tho Eighth circuit roversed the lower and hold tho law to bo con stitutional. trade"stTll irregular Business Unsatisfactory at Some Points, but Optimism Prevails. Now York, Aug. 6. R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Rovlow of Trado says: 13tislness conditions aro Irregular, and at so in o points unsatisfactory, and yet is hotter than tho superficial aspect of leading markets mnko it appear. Re ports from principal trado centers are optimistic. Pig iron production con tinues to diminish, but demand for stool products, particularly for wlro, plpo and structural materials, is largo. Pricos aro littlo changed. New orders for footwear como In slowly. Tho leather market is still waiting. Rradstrcot's says: TraUo reports are Rtlll quiet In fall demand, though tho advance of the season nnd progress of crops toward harvest has aided in enlarging Jobbing demand In tho west. Building returns for July ahow a heavy docroase from a year ago. Business failures numbor ICC. Wheat oxports, 1,275,740 bushels; corn exports, 419,154 bushels. JhifcAilnliJufi luth JiJnfli.lntiifcifc.lMl -- I I I I I U 1 V I 1 I 1 1 I 4 IT lXWTVP 3 THE markets frHIH 1 1 HI !' J Chicago, Aug. 8. Expecting a bear lsh report from tho United states gov ornmont, the wheat trado today dis counted prices. Values also felt the depressing Influence of the big move ment of tho now crop and closed easy at a decline of a shade to :)ic com pared with Saturday night. Tho ses sion aoon advanced corn c and loweied oats l-lGyc Provisions "fare irregular, finishing ITV60 down tut 7 Vic up. Closing priced; ttneat Sept.. $1.01; Dec., $1.04 1.04,; May, $1.09. Corn Sept., 6363tf,c; Dec, 60 GOWic: May, 61 62c. Oats Sept., 26n; Dec, 38Vh38V. Pork Sept., $21.17; Jan., $1792' lrd Sopt., $11.45; Jan., $11.07. I'.lba Sept.. $11.27; Jan.. $9.37. Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 nurd whoat, $l.oa1.09 No. 2 corn, 64o; No. 2 oatB, new, 34y35c Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Aug. 8. Cattle Receipts. 23,000; steady to higher; beeves, $490 8 35; western steers, $4.006.75; Rtockers and feeders, $4.006.25; cows and holfers, $2.706 65; calves, $5.50 8.50. Hogs Receipts, 23,000; 10c higher; light. $8.409.Q0; mixed, $7.80 8.80; heavy, $7-4508.35; bulk of sales. $7.8508.20. Sheep Receipts. 28.000; steady; natives, $2.5004.60; westerns, $2.754.60: yearlings, $4.50 25.75; lambs, $4,50715. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Aug. 8. Cattle Re ceipts, 8,262; steady; beef steers, $0.4007.65; cows and heifers, $2.65 5.00; stockers and feeders, $2.853 80; bulls, $3.005.50. Hogs Receipts, 2, 860; 15c higher; heavy, $7 757.80; good mixed moved around $8,000; bo looted lights. Bold up to $8.35. Sheep Receipts. 24.115; 1C0S5O lower; primo fat lambs, $6.756 80; choice wethqrs, fiCOfH 30; cwos, $3.60; boat yearlings, $5 25. TEHERANJ5ATTLE Hot Fight Between Troops and Nationalists, RAPID FIRE GUNS ARE USED, Thirty Insurgents and Twelve Soldiers Slain In City Streets Nationalists' Stronghold and Three Hundred Prlsf oners Taken in Final Assault Satar Khan Is Wounded. Teheran, Aug. 9. Casualties in a battle in the city streets between tho government and tho Nationalist insur gents were nbout twelvo killed aud wounded on tho government side. The Nationalists, who were fighting under tho leadership of Satar Khan, made famous by his long defense of tho city of Tabriz against the forces of tho deposed shah, lost thirty killed and wounded. Three hundred of their numbor were captured In tho final as sault, which was mado aftor their po sition In the northern part of tho city had been under firo from Infantry and rapid fire guns for six hours. Baklr Khan, tho principal subordi nate to Satar Khan, was among tho prisoners and Satar Khan was wound ed. ENGLISH COURTS DESCRIBED Lawson and Keedy Report for Amer lean Bar Association. London, Aug. 9. John D. Lawson of St. iouls aud Edwin B. Keedy of Chi cago, who havo been iu London to study tho proceedings of tho London criminal courts for tho American Bar association, havo completed their in vestigation. Tho report will say In part: "England has a more businesslike way of procedure. Although they havo outward ovldonces or form In tho way of wigs, sheriffs and the like, they real ly are less formal than we. "The most striking differences in tho systems are the quick manner in se lecting Juries and the short time be Jiveen sentence aud final Judgment on appeal. We begun our work by read lug tho nowspapor accounts then go ing to the police courts and following the cases through to tho court of ap peals. Ono such case wa3 completed m six weeks. In another, a murder case, tho date of hanging was fixed three months after the crime, all this, notwithstanding that ovory person ha he right of appeal. Ono difference wo i.oted was the absence of challenging of Jurors. England allows no fishing by cross-examination, apparently con sidering it no more necessary to ex amine a juror than n Judge." BIGGEST WARSHIP LAUNCHED British Battleship Cruiser Lion Has Record for Size. London, Aug. 9. Tho gigantic bat tleship cruiser Lion was launched at Dovonport. It Is tho greatest battle ship afloat, oxieedlng all existing dreadnoughts in size, speed and arma ment. Tho Lion is officially described as an armored cruiser. It 1b superior to ovory battleship in tbo world, how ever, and Is the naval marvol of the yoar. The Lion is tho first naval vessel to bo armed with eight of the new 13.5 Inch guns, which aro arranged in four barbottes on the canter line of tho ship. The guns will flro projectiles of 1,250 pounds a distance of 5,000 yards. These projectiles will penetrate twenty-two inch armor. Tho vessel has u displacement of 26,000 tons. -Tho length Is 700 feet and tho breadth eighty-eight feet, Tho horse power Of tho Lion is 70,000 nnd tho speed will be thirty knots. The- Lion Is the fif teenth British dreadnought to bo launched. It cost $10,875,000. QUIET AT SAN SEBASTIAN Troops Preserving Order Following Clerical Demonstration. San Sebastian, Aug. 9. The govern ment's rigorous measures and tho for mal renunciation by the clerical junta of the threatened demonstration In this city Insured comparative tranquillity and a largely attended bull tight was the chief incident of the day. From daybreak the streets were patrolled by cavalry, Infantry and gendarmes, while heavy bodies of troops were held iu readiness In tho barracks at Mlramar palace, where the queen mother and the royal children aro in residence. Tho gravest incident occurred when groups of cleticals a33cmbled, shout ing "Death to Spain, long live the pope." Thousand of indignant people rushed toward tl inaniio3tants, and nly (lie personal Intervention of the governor at tho head of a platoon of police prevented an attack. Nearly l."0 nrrests were made. HANGS SELF WITH NECKTIE Boy Commits Suicide Because He Was Punished. Kalamazoo, Mich., Aug. 6. Blaine Thayer, eleven years old, son of Dep uty Sheriff Charles M Thayer, hanged himself In his room When ho refused to take his music lesslon, it wbb said at the lad's home, he waB sent to his room as punishment Ho failed to re spond to cal.lB at noon and when the door of the room was opened the hoy was found dead. Ho had fastened his tecktle around his throat And haugod himself to a bedpost CONDENSED NEWS James R. Norton, president of tho First National hank of Nowell, la, died of Brlght's disease. Los Angeles will havo a woman on activo police duty, guarding young men and women frotri evil. Mrs. Joseph Mackln was accident ally shot and killed by her six yoar old son at a picnic at Canon City, Colo. Request has'boon mado for troops to protect national forests In Montana and Idaho from fires and to assist In extinguishing the dames. The average conditio of the corn orop on Aug. 1, as estimated by tho department of agriculture, was 79.3, as compared with 85.4 last month. Two persons woro reported killed and seven Injured In an explosion which wrecked tho Granite City (111.) glucose plant of tho Corn Products Re fining company. Governor Harmon of Ohio com muted to life Imprisonment the sen tence of death which was to have been imposed upon Joseph J. Mackley, tho Toledo murderer. The embarrassed shoe manufactur ing firm of Perkins, Hardy & Co. of Dorry, N. H., was petitioned into bank ruptcy. Tho liabilities aro $600,000 and as3et3 $400,000. After selecting Indianapolis and the date of the first Monday in October, 1912, for tho next convention the In ternational Brotherhood of Teamsters adjourned at Peoria. Ono of two new dreadnoughts au thorized by tho last congress will bo built in tho New York navy yard and it is possible tho other ship also may be built by tho government. Fire, which started from an un known cause in tho elevator of Armour & Co.'s new branch house at St. Jo seph, gutted the second floor and caused damage to the extent of $9,000. Aftor a conforonco lasting several weeks with a committee of the Broth erhood of Engineers, tho Louisville and Nashville railroad reached a wage agreement whereby tho engineers se cure a substantial Increase. Eugene Chlids, a veteran of tho civil war, who as a child flow a kite acro33 Niagara falls which permitted the en gineers who built tho suspension bridge there to draw tho cable across, is dead at his homo at Minneapolis. Faithful service among workmen is to bo rewarded by the B. I. Du Poiti Do Nomours Powder company, cor. trolling plants In all parts of tho United States, as an Increase In wages dating from July 1 has been an nounced. Four photographs of the will of George Washington, which Is pre served in tho ouico of the clerk of Fair fax county, Virginia, may bo made by the lihrrrlan of congress, In accord ance wit.1! an order Issued by Judgo Thornton Reagan McKlnzie, James Spurger, Jr., and S. F. Jenkins wore arrested in connection with, tho recent race riots at Slocum, Tex. Tho additional ar rests bring tho number of white men In jail up to sixteen. Six negroes ar. also held. Tho enlisted strength of tho army during the present fiscal year has been fixed approximately at 87,000 men, un der the arrangement of the estimates by Major General Leonard Wood, chief of staff, and as approved by President Taft. The Payne Aldrlch tariff law has produced In its first year a revenue greater by $75,000,000 than tho sum collected In any previous year in tho country's history, except the banner yoar, 1907, according to treasury de partment figures. Russia's scourge, the cholera, con tinues to spread with alarming rapid ity, particularly In tho southern min ing districts and" in St. Petersburg, where the conditions are fast ap proaching tho proportions of tho great epidemic of 1908. From a height of 150 feet. Clifford B. Harmon, Uio amateur aviator, dropped theoretical bombs on a the oretical battleship and two companion submarines outlined in white on tho aviation field at Mlneola, Long Island. Only five out of' sixteen bombs fell wide. The qualified voters of Manhasset, Long Island, elected William A. War ren a school trustee to succeed Stephen A. Mason, who was put forth as a candidate to succeed himself. Warren Is the head coachman for Payne Whitney and Mason is a mil lionaire. Everett Busse Wobor, a five-year-old boy, was attacked and badly Injured at Chicago by a thoroughbred garao rooster. The child was unconscious when the bird was driven from him. The rooster Jumped at tho boy's head and Inflicted several gashes in hlo forehead. A catch-as catch-can wrestling match for $10,000 a side was contested at a I.ondou music hall between the Amer ican wrestler, Dr. B. F Roller, and Gama, the. champion of India. Gama won the first fall In one minute and forty seconds and the second fall 'in nine minutes and nine seconds, win ning the match. Genkyo Mitlsunga, the Japanese who is iu the Denver jail charged with- the murder of Mrs. Catherine Wilson May 7. it is said, mado a ron- fesslon to Chief cf Pollco Armstrong. He says that a strange wljltc man'cotn- Mtted the crime and forced him to In placing the mutilated bo,iy of oman In the box Mi the baseiaeaL it was found NEBRASKA NEWS Two Austrians Slain by Grader in Boarding Gar. "" " """ s ...lima. QUICKLY CAPTURED IN OMAHA, Killing is Done With Big Knife and is Said to Have Resulted From a Ca rouse One Victim Stabbed to Hear and Other Through Jugular Vein Slayer Claims Self-Defense. Omaha, Aug .8. Mlko Otllce, stabbel Anton Corner and John Nlckellvltch Bear Thirty-ninth and B streets, South Omaha. Ho killed both men by well directed blows with a hunting knife. Otllce nttackdd Nlckellvltch first and stabbed him to the heart and later, as Corner was attempting to flee, ho ran lifter him and stabbed him three times, one wound was in the back of the head, one on tho cheek and the fatal thrust was through tho jugular vein. The killing occurred after the men had been drinking quantities of beer. Otllce had been working Sunday and after he returned to tho boarding car the trouble began. All the men con cerned wore Austrian graders. After the murder Otllce compelled two other men of the camp to accom pany him to Omaha. These wore Nick and Joe Hodlck. They first took a Hanscom park car, which Otllce com pelted .his companions to board at tho point of his revolver. A messenger boy saw the force which Otllce used to compel his companions to accompany him, and followed on his wheel. Ua pointed out the escaping man to Offi cer Vanderford, who captured Otllco. When taken to South Omaha Otllco said that bad blood has existed be tween him and tho other two for soma tlmo and that while ho was working they woro nt tho boarding camp and got drunk aud quarrelsome, When ho returned they nagged him until ho was angry and resented it. Then, ho said, they both attacked him, and as he waa not able to fight them both ho resorted to his knife. Deputy Coroner Larkin took charge of the bodies and said that death must havo been almost Instantaneous in each case. In the case of Nlckellvltch, who was stabbed through tho heart, there was a largo purple discoloration of Ills chin, showing where he had fall en heavily on his face on tho floor of tho car. AUTO TURNS TURTLE John Knapp and Family Are Hurled Into Barbed Wire Fence. Madison, Neb., Aug. L John Knapp, wlfo and four children of Greon Gar den miraculously escaped Instant death when their automobile turned turtle while going at a high rate of speed. They wero on tholr way homo from this city and wero hurled with terrific force into a barbed wiro fence. Mr. Knapp had several ribs broken and internal injuries. Mrs. Knapp fractured a log and a son had an arm broken, while all wore painfully lac erated, except a littlo girl, who was uninjured. Tho car was badly wreckod. LOYAL MYST'C LEGION Supreme Council Ends Quadrennial Convention at Hastings. Hastings, Neb., Aug. 8. Tho au pronie council of tho Loyal Mystic Legion of America has just concluded its tourth quadrenulal meeting in this city. The meeting lasted for two dayj and was attended by delegates from several slates. Tho present supremo officers wero unanimously re-elected for the ensuing term: F. J. Shaufel berger, supreme councilor; J. E Wat kins, supreme vico councilor; Gaorga 0. Churchill, supremo secretary? C A WIgton, supremo treasurer. Officers Answer Dr. Neff's Suit. Tecumsi'h, Neb., Aug. 6. The au swer has been filed in the district court hero In the damage case of Dr. J. G. Ncff of Sterling -against former Chlof of Police Fred Rlckard, Chief of Police James Malone of Lincoln and ' former' County Attorney J. C. Mnhro nf Tnpum.nah Tin. unit la far malicious prosecution aud false im ' prisonmunl and damages In the sum ' of $16.0i0 is asked. The ciso grew out of the detaining of Dr. Neff In the police court In Lincoln in Juno. 1909, when his daughter, Lora Neff, Institut ed a suit against her father. The de tails of tho answer are lengthy and re cite In substance that tho officers t wore acting iu good faith. The caso was tried and Dr. Neff was found not guilty. Falls at Rush for Liberty. Madison, Neb., Aug. 8. Joseph Toman, hold as an accomplice of Efd Manning, now serving a sentence for theft in the state penitentiary, at tempted to escape from the county jail during tho absence of Deputy Sheriff Smith, but was foiled by the plucky resistance of Mr. Smith's wifo and son, who fought desperately with hhu an'd finally overpowered him. Rain it Western Nebraska. Benkelman, Nob, Aug. 8 Dundy county was visited by a heavy rain of over an inch, thoroughly wetting tho ground and doing inestimable good to the corn crop. It is figured that early corn was damaged aiput n "er cent by Iho hot weather, with nge to late planting, benco this ui r.ii an average crop for thU RlPtffiTOtf JUNIOR' NORMALS Many Students Enrolled and All 8hoW They Did Good Work. Lincoln, Aug. 8. Tho eight normal schools, located at Alliance, Alma. ,uroK."a now, Geneva, .- . ,ru Platte, O'Neill and Valentine, closed' their eight weeks' sessions. Tho total number of students enrolled was 1,414, laclUdjDg 557 tiuroUod for .iSiUl.u.Jgj Tho total attendance was twenty moro than tho attendance for 1909. Tho first week or first two weeks of tho session was designed as lnstituto for tho counties In which tho junior nor tnals were located, except in the case of Lincoln county, which named thd last week of the North Platte JunloC Normal as Institute week. I At tho Alliance Junior Normal Grant, Hooker and Sioux counties' united with Box Butte county for tha institute; Blaine and Thomas counties united with Custer county at th9 Brok en Bow Junior Normal; Hitchcock county with Red Willow county at tho McCook Junior Normal, and Perkins and Keith counties with Lincoln coun ty at North Platte. At theso, and att tho Geneva Junior Normal, special In struction was given in domestic sci ence and agriculture, the counties unit ing and bearing the greater part of tho extra expense. The lecture course at tho junior nor mals this year was made s If-sustaln-lng. The principal and local co inty superintendent of each school w.Ia re sponsible for whatever was provided in the way of entertainment and lec tures. The plan proved very smcass ful, in that while good service vu3 glvon the students in the3c special features the state was not calle.l upon to uso any money for such purpose. BEAT NEBRASKA FARMERS 8lxty Men From Vicinity of Auburn Hit for $110,000. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 8. Sixty farmers from Auburn, Neb., have Just becomo aware that they are victims of a land deal In which they are losers of $110,000 cash, as the result of lax methods of tho Utah state land board. The farmers have filed suits against the Oasis Land aud Irrigation com pany of Utah for that amount and havo appealed to the government for. recourse. The government in turn has ordered an Inventory of tho Oasis com pany from the Utah state land board. In 1908 the Oasis company applied to tho state of Utah for right to open a tract of land in Millard county, Utah, under the Carey act. Tho right was granted by tho government under its usual terms and a contract was signed between the Btate and the Oasis company. Nebraska farmers came to the state and settled upon tho land, taking acreage on the payment plan, and planted crops, depending upon tho water promised by the Oasis company for irrigation. Tho water failed to bo placed on the ground in 1909 and tho farmers lost their entire crops in tho blistering sun. The same conditions existed this year and again there was a total loss of crops. Seeing that tho Oasis com pany had fallod to comply with tho conditions of its contract, the farmers applied to the state land board only to learn that the company had furnished no bonds to protect tho farmers. B'JRT P:0NCcil3 TO MEET ' Congressman Latta Will Be Orator at Tekamah Picnic, Aug. 31. Lyons, Neb., Aug. 6. Tho eighth an nual reunion and picnic of tho Pio neers' and Old Settlers' association of Burt county, Nebraska, will be hold at Folsom park, In Tekamah. Aug. 31. The buttons which will be used to pin on the badges for the Pioneers' and Old Setrlers' reunion this year will bear a picture of tho "old block house" which was built of logs In 1855 in Tekamah as a fort against the In dians, It was also used as a court house and hotel. Prizes will he awarded as follows:' First, to those livings and present who helped to build the old fort; second, those married there and present; third, to any person present who waa born there; fourth, to any stage driver who drove when the old blockhouse was the "wayhouso" between Sioux City and Omaha. Tho addresg of welcome will be de livered "by President-Ha'rrlngtonfc-and the- response will bo by- Congressman Latta. NEW BRIDGE OVER PLATTE Duff and Pollock Will Build Structure Shortening Road to Omaha. Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 6. Public announcement has been made that Ralph A. Duff of Nebraska City and T. H. Pollock or this city will begin the construction of a now three-span steel bridge across tho Platto rivor at Oreapolia within a few weoks, apd rush it to completion. It is estimated that the cost or tho bridge will bo In the neighborhood of $20,000. This bridge will shorten tho distance from this city to Omaha (wagon road) about thirty miles, as it is now necessary to go to LouiBvillo to cross the Platto. Omaha Banker Shot Qmaha, Aug.8,. W. A. C. Jo.ln.s,on, . vaslrier-ofthe Packers' Natlonal'bank or South Omaha, was shot and seri ously' wounded in the residence por tion of this city by two holdup men. Mrs. Sayler Seeks Freedom. Danville. III., Aug. O.AttorneyB for Mrs. Lucy Sayler, now serving a sen tence In the JoHet penljentlary foe the murdrti-v of ha'r. busbahd John B, Saylar at Crescent City a year ago,' lave tiled a writ of error in the su preme court asking for aney trial of the case.