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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1909)
I i t 1 1 SPECIAL MESSAGE President Urges Legislation Amending Forakar Act, FAIL TO PASS APPROPRIATIONS Politicians Have Left Island Without Support Recommends Change In Law Limiting Powers of Insular As . sernbly -Says United States Has Gone Too Fast In Extension of Po litical Power to Porto Rlcans. Washington, May 11. Strenuous op position by lenders in the house pre vented llio reloronce of the president s messago recommending coitnln legis lation for I'orto Itlco to the commit teo on ways and means. The president directs tho attention of congress to nflnlrs on tho Island, laying particular stress on what ho terms "a situation of unusual gravity," developed through tho failure of tho legislative assembly of I'orto Rico to pass tho usual appropriation bills, leaving tho island? without support aftor June 30 next. I'orto Weans havo forgotten tho generosity of the United States, the president snys, in tho desire of cot tain of tho Island's political lcadors for powor, and ho adds that tho pres ent situation Indicates that tho United States has gone too fnst in tho exten sion of political powor to the I'orto Rlcans. Ho concludes that tho abso lute powor of appropriation should bo taken away from "thoso who havo shown thornsolves too irresponsible to enjoy it." Amend Foraker Act. Tho president suggests to congress tho wisdom of submitting to the ap propriations committee tho question of qualifying somo of tho provisions of tho fundamental act as to tho respect ive jurisdictions of tho executive coun cil and tho legislative assembly. Dut no action of this kind, the president says, should bo begun until tho For akor act is amended so that when tho legislative assembly shall adjourn without making tho npproprlntlons nee ossary to carry on tho government, sums equal to tho appropriations made In tho previous year for tho rospoctivo purposes shall bo available for tho current revenues and shall bo drawn by tho warrant of tho auditor on tho treasurer and countersigned by tho governor. Such a provision applies to tho legislatures of tho Philippines and Hawaii, and "it has prevented in thoso two countries any misuse of tho power of appropriation." Tho prosldent Bays that ever since tho Institution of tho present assem bly tho house of delegates has uni formly held up tho appropriation bills until tho last minute of tho regular session and' haB sought to uso tho pow er to do so as a moans of compelling the concurrence of tho executive coun cil In legislation which tho hoime do sired. In tho last regular legislative assembly tho nttltudo of tho oxecu tlvo council In refusing to pass bills led tho house of delegates to refuse to pass tho necessary appropriation bills. 8enate Upholds Finance Committee. The ability of tho Republican major ity of the senate to upnold tho recom mendation of tho committee on finance of tho lead schedule, which contains tho Dingley rates In tho tariff bill In tho place of the lower duties fixed by the Iioubo of representatives, was fully demonstrated when, by a vote of 35 to 44, tho Bennte declined to reduce by cent a pound tho duty on pig lead' as recommonded by tho commit tee on finance. In this vote olevon "Republicans voted with the Domocrats and two Democrats with tho Republic ans. By a viva voco vote Uie sounto adopted tho rato of 2" cents a pound on pig lend, ns recommended by tho committee. At the conclusion of tho session Chairman Aldrlch stated that ho ro garded tho vote as an Indorsement of the action of the committee and he expressed confidence thnt all tho schedules of tho conunitteo would oo upheld. WILSON ON WHEAT PRICES Secretary Refuses to Be Drawn Into Controversy With Patten. Chicago, May 11. Secretary of Ag riculture James Wilson, who Is hero Attending a meeting of government meat inspectors, refused to bo drawn into any controversy with James A. Patten over the wheat situation. "I am through with wheat talk," said tho secretary. d "Is tho present prlco of wheat real or fictitious?" tho secretary was askod. "If farmors could bo assured of $1 a bushel for wheat all tho time," ho said, "thousands of ncros of pasture land' In the middle west would bo plowed up next year and sown to WhunL" "Couldn't tho brokers havo Just as reliable n system of getting crop re porta as your department?" "I don't think so. Wo havo been perfecting our system of gathering ro ports for many years. I think ours is Ijotter." Quake Not Cause of Frisco Fire. San Francisco, Mny 11. Tho United States circuit court of appeals decided that the earthquake of April 8, 190C, was not the cause of a Are occurring after the earthquake. Tho decision af feels several hundred suits pending against insurance companies for losses suffered In the great fire. NATIONAL ART CONVENTION Improvement of Public Taste One of the Objects of Washington Meeting. Washington, Mny 11. With tho pur pose of forming a national fodcratlon of art societies, art institutions, mu nicipal and viltago Improvement so cieties nnd other organizations having for their aim the fostorlng and ad vancement of tho tasto of tho Amor lean people for the beautiful, a conven tion of delegates from such societies was begun today in this city under tho auspices of tho regents of tho Na tional Academy of Arts. Klndlng placo upon the program of topics to bo discussed by tho conven tlon nro tho following: Artistic con trol of city nnd village municipal de velopment, art exhibitions and somo practical mothod of moving good ex hibitions from placo to place, the edu cation of tho public by lecture courses on tho fine arts, more effective control of government fine arts (tho possibil ity of a bureau, with consulting board, to control the flno nrta of tho govern ment), art education, frco entry of for olgn works of art. Among tho regents of the academy who nro taking much Interest In the convention nro J. I'lorpont Morgan, Kllhu Root, Sonntor Nowlands, Robort Uncon, Sonntor Uidgc, James J. III1J and Mrs. l'hoebc A. Hcarrfu, RESUME PROBE OF LAND FRAUD Inquiry Into Haskell Deals Again Un " dertnken at Tulsa, Okla. Tulsa, Okla., May 11. Again a fed eral grand Jury took up nn investiga tion of the Muskogee town land fraud casos being pushed by tho government. Thoso nro tho same cases In which in dictments were returnod InBt winter at Muskogee agaltiBt Governor Charles N. Haskell and half n dozen other Ok lnhomans. Tho allegation In the in dictments, which wcro qunshed at Tulsa on April 10, was thnt thoro had been a conspiracy to defraud tho fed oral government and tho Creek Indian nation in connection with tho schedul ing of town lots In Muskogco In 1902. Sylvostcr Rush of Omaha, who had porfionnl chargo of the first investiga tion, will direct tho present ono. As provlously, witnesses whoso names wcro used by tho alleged conspirators In securing these lauds havo been sub poenaed from Ohio, Michlgnn, and other stntos to testify before tho 'grand jury. - -. FRANCO-AMERICAN WEDDING New York Society Woman Becomes Bride of French Nobleman. Now York, May 11. Tho wedding of Mrs. Robert T. P. Flake, who has been prominent socially in this city, to Count Lionel do Montesqulou-Fezonsac of Paris was celebrated today In tho Roman Catholic church of St. Petor at Now Brighton, Staten Island. Count Lionel is a member of one of the most ancient houses of tho old French aristocracy. Ho Is a cousin of Count Robort do Montesqulou-Fezonsac, who lectured In Amorlca several years ago. His bride is a sister of II. Wisnor Miller nnd of Oeorgo Clinton Millor. Her first husband died about five years ago, and slio has two young children. EPISCOPALIAN CONGRESS Well Known Churchmen In Attendance 1 at Sessions in Boston. Boston, May 111 Tho congross of Episcopal dioceses of; tho United States opened today Its annual session in Trinity church. It will continue four days, but tho services and discussions after tho first ouo will bo hold In Tro mont templo. Bishop Lawrence will preside. Among tho speakers will bo Bishop Parker of Now Hampshire, Canon Honson of England, Bishop Doane of Albany, Dr. Huntington of Grace church, Now York; President Luther of Trinity college, Hartford; Rev. Per cy S. Grant, formorly of Boston, and Silas McBeo, editor of the Churchman. Sultan Fulfills Ancient Test. Constantinople, May 11. Mehmod V. ended his "coronation day" by plowing a furrow In tho lawn at Dol niabagtscho palace, symbolically at least, by holding tho plow handles for a fraction of a minute whllo two horses dragged H a few yards. In carrying out tho ancient test Mehmed V. showed himself to be Bound of body and fit to bear thophyslcal burdens of tho empire. Handcuffs Daughter to Foil Kidnapers. Tacoma, Wash., May 11, Mrs. Eloaun Reed, divorced wife of B. T. Reed, n wealthy real estate man of Denver, appeared on the streets with her nine-year-old daughter, Inez, hand cuffed to her. Mrs. Reed explained that two attempts havo been mado to kidnap tho child and believes tho sil ver chained handcuffs will guarantee her daughter's safety. Crazy Snake Willing to Surrender. Sapulpa, Okla., May 11. Aloxander Harjo, nephew of Chltti Harjo (Crazy Snake), after his arrest here, charged with horso stealing, told Shorlff King that his uncle, ringleader of tho re cent Indian trouble, is hiding eight miles east of Heuryotta. The Unnko Indian leader is badly wounded, he said, nnd would gladly surreudor to Sheriff King. Abdul's Son Plans Uprising. Vienna, May 10. According to n Belgrade telegram published hero, Prlnco Burnhom Eddln, son of the former sultan of Turkey, Abdul Ham Id, IntendH to organize a rising in Al bania. He plans to march to Salonlkl at the head of an Albanian army to rescue his father. BOYLE SENTENCED Convicted Kidnaper Declares Harry Forker Laid Plot, SHARON MAHliES STORY, Boyle and Wife Lodged In Peniten tiary, the Former Under Sentence of Life Imprisonment and Latter Sen tenced to Serve Twenty-five Years. Gives Out Signed Statement Telling His Version of Case. Pittsburg, Mny 11. Convicted of kidnaping Willie Whltla at Snaron. Pa., in March, James H. Boylo and his wife, Helen Boyle, woro lodgea In tho Western penitentiary, the former under a sontenco of life Imprisonment and tho latter sontenced to servo twenty-flvo years. Before leaving Mercer, where his trlnl ended, Boylo gavo out a Blgned statement, In which he told a remark able story of his version of the cclo bratod kidnaping case. Ho named Harry Fprker, a citizen of Sharon, who denied Boyle's story. In hlB Btatcmont Boylo tells of tho alleged murder at Youngstown, O., sev eral years ago, of Dan Reeblc, Jr. Ho tells of the finding of Reeble's boay on tho sidewalk nnd says; "Over tho prostrato form was Harry Forker of Sharon, Pa., holding in his MRS. J. II. BOYLE. hnnd a package of letters that woro gathered from the sidewalk near the dead body of Reoblr." Ho Bays Dan Shay, now dead, was present. In Forker's haste he left four letters, Bays Boyle, who declared Forker paid him money regularly for years to keep qulot. During Boyle's recent visit to Sharon, ho says, he de manded $5,000, which Forker promised to obtain in a short time. On returning to Clovoland ho wroto Forker and received In roply an un signed letter proposing the abduction. He says tho abduction was carried out and ho says that ho (Boyto) showed tho letter to Mr. Whltla in Cleveland nnd says Whltla promised If he would substantiate the Youngstown letter ho (Whltla) would see t'.iat there was no prosecution. This Whltla denies. FOUR MEN BLOWN INTO BITS Mixing Room of Kansas Powder Fac tory Blows Up. Columbus, Kan., May 11. The mix ing room of tho Laflin-Rnnd powder mills at Turk Station, near here, blew up, Instantly killing four men. Twenty workmen were injured, somo seriously. The dead: Joseph Stovall, William Morrow, Robort McFarland, James Rood. The men were at work In the mixing room at the tlrrf of tho explosion. Their bodies were blown into bits. Immediately after, the explosion the factory took fire and burned for two hours, doing great damngo. Ono hun dred employees of tho plant flnnlly ex tinguished the blaze, all the while be ing In great danger from tho largo quantities of explosives stored in the building. The loss will reach $75,000 or more. This is tho fourth time the mixing room in this factory has blown up. Tho first explosion killed three, tho second two nnd tho third five men. Tho plant produces black and smoke less powder. SEVEN DIE IN RIVER TRAGEDY Launch Capsizes In Chippewa and All on Board Are Drowned. Eau Claire, Wis, May 11. George Hall, aged twenty-one; R. H. Sweet, aged forty-flvo; Sweet's wife and four children were drowned in the Chip pewa river hero when Hall's gasolino launch capslzod in midstream upon striking somo sunkon piling. Nobody saw tho launch capsize, it was Just turning dark whon William McLaughlin, fiBhltig on tho bank of tho river, heard cries for help and saw Sweet nnd Hall clinging to the oer tamed boat whllo tho current was car rying thorn rapidly dono tho stream. Later tho overturned launch was dis covered on n sandbar, half a mile down tho river from tho city. The rler was dragged, but the bodlos woro not found. Fire In Chicago Board of Trade. Chlcngo, May 11 Fire, which was quickly brought under control, broke out on tho trading floor of the board of trade. Business or the day was over, however, and' there was no ex-cltement. """"""''"'"""'"IWIiPl HAINS FATE IN JURY'S HAND3 Weary Walt Is Predicted Before Ver dict Is Reached. Flushing, I I., May 11. Aftor ono hour of summing up by tho prosecu tion and tho court's charge, tho enso of Captain Peter C. Halus, Jr., charged with tho murder of William E. Annls passed Into the hands of tho jury to day. There may bo a weary wnlt be fore tho verdict is reached. In tho court room Mrs. Halns, tho mother of tho defendant, with her GENERAL P. C. HAINS. husband, General Peter C. Halns, and their son, Major John P Halns, list ened to Mr. Mclntyre's vivid plea for tho life of the prisoner. Throughout, tho mother wept quietly. Peter C. Halns, Jr., displayed neither emotion nbr interest. Mr. Mclntyre's address was an ar gument to show tho Insanity of ins client. Ono of his declarations was that Annls mot death by "an net of God." All references to the "unwrit ten law" wero objected to and tho ob jections wore sustained by tho court. During the summing up by tho pros ecution tho prisoner's mother nnd father withdrew and Mrs. Helen An nls, in deep mourning, appeared' with her mother and sister. They remained in court whllo Mr. Gregg was speaking. The former district attorney de nounced the Insanity plea, declaring it was conceived and manufactured by tho defendant's lawyers as a last resort. Instead of being an "act of God," ho brandod tho shooting an a "cowardly murder, committed with deliberation nnd. premeditation." ROOSEVELT KILLS RHINOCEROS Beast Stopped by Bullet While Charg ing to Attack Ex-President. Nairobi, British EaBt Africa, May 11. A bulky bull rhinoceros is the latest prize wrested from the Jungle by Col onel Roosevelt. From the ex-presl-dent's camp near Machakos word was brought down that the luck, of the Roosevelt party continued and that fif m T TTT $MWMfrM RAT 1 : Best Equipped j I Most Up-to-Date j I Exclusive I Meat Market in I Western Nebraska 3i&&&&ift&i&&&?&&4ff &&& J&jS&j&jfe&iftLifc rff ... ... ?i , ,,. -,. - -.-,. -,. .. ,. -ftf . ii I ft High-Grade Etc., Etc. ft teen varieties oi game, including tntf big rhino, had been bagged on the last expedition. The rhinoceros was charging Mr Roosevelt when tho huntor fired The distance was fourteon prices nnd the animal fell dead. Tho naturalists of the party were kept busy preparing tho trophies which Mr. Roosevelt and his son, Ker mlt, aro bringing In dally. Forty-flvo skins already hao been prepared for the Smithsonian Institution at Wash ington. Missouri Senate Kills Woman Suffrage Jefferson City, Mo., May 11. Tho senate committee on constitutional amendments killed the woman's suf frage resolution by reporting It ad versely. LAKE MEN IN RIOT; ONE DEAD Crowd at West Superior Attacks the Crew of a Steamer. Dulutli, Minn., May 10. Ono dead nnd six Injured is the result of a riot at Superior, Wis., between union and nonunion men when tho stean er Bor Un tied up at tho dock. The Berlin, a nonunion boat, arrived with coal to bo discharged at tho dock. Soon after her arrival a crowd gathered aud began throwing coal at tho captain nnd crew. Several of tho latter were injureu and sonie one fired a shot at the crowd and a workman droppped dead. Fatal Wreck on Frisco Road. 0 Springfield, Mo., May 10. One mnn was killed and five Injured when tho southeastern limited on tho St. Louis and Snn Francisco road left the tracks. The engine was overturned and Engi neer Charles Halns of Fort Scott killed. Tho train was going fifty miles an hour at the time of the accident, which was caused by a heavy rain washing the ballast from under 500 feet of track. Negro Lynched by Florida Mob. Jacksonville, Fla May 10. Mrs, John Doas, wife of a well known farm er residing at Camden, fifteen miles from Jacksonville, was assaulted by an unknown negro, who was later cap tured by a mob of citizens and lynched. When tho sheriff reached tho scene the mob had captured the negro, Mrs. Deas had Identified him nnd his throat had been cut and his body riddled with bullets. Mother and Son Burned. Chicago, May 10. Mrs. Mollle Rath, a widow, and her flfteen-year-old son wero burned to death In a fire which destroyed two frame buildings. Thoy wero asleep and neighbors were un able to reach them. The families wero driven from their homes. James K. Hackett a Bankrupt. New York, May 10. James K. Hack ett, the actor, filed a voluntary pe tition in bankruptcy, giving his liabil ities at $126,457. The actor's wife, Mary Maunering Hackett, ha3 the larg est claim, $60,000. Daniel Hanna has a claim for $10,000 for money loaned. P A L, A C CDARKBT TT'L! I JTv T -tvl- Phone ni Miss Rose C Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Joseph S. Saxton Meat Cutter Joseph Skala - Butcher Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer John B. Herman - Deliveryman No. 1 Win. C. Herman - Deliveryman No. 2 &?! -. -- .. -. -.. - ' -' bleats, Fresh and Cured, Fish, Poultry, Try. our home-made Palace sausages Prompt Attention Given to Phone GrcW S? NOW IS THE SEASON OF COUGHS and COLDS lift Prescription tail F. J. ' BRENNAN TAKE YOUR FAMILY TO Nohe 's Bakery and Cafe for your Sunday dinner 35C We solicit your order for SPECIAL Bakery GOODS Order on time Short Hand & Typewriting PRIVATE SCHOOL The full course learned in six weeks. Only one hour lesson day or night. No homo study. Diplomas issued- Good positions guaranteed. Most of my former pupils at Grand Island aver aged over ioo words per minute iu six weeks. First lesson free. Phone 3g. Kindly call at Burlington hotel or tele phone your address and I shall be pleased to call on you. Miss Cortez Wilson, teacher. H. NELSON, Painting, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining Phone 641 Alliance, Nebr. ? IB f - 5 - k . . ..& 'I'M' lf?l'?ViiTVVi(TV f rf : '1 ttf 4ii4WMM lH-MrtWHM jr.iPMhi " - .a wt JO t . - u&OOu.j u 1