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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1909)
'. Stuto Utetorlonl Socloly The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Buifcte county. m VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA s THURSDAY, MAY 6, 11)09 NUMBER 21 REPORT OP THE CONDITION.OF The First National Bank, CHARTER NO. 4220, At Alliance, In tho Stnto of Nebraska, lit tlio cloMjof business. April 28, 1909. HESOUiicrs. Loan uml discounts 5373.0S3 00 Ovenlnifts.sccurcil anil unsecured.. Oii 44 I). 8. iKtuds to svuro circulation.... 50.000 00 U. 8. Donils to secure U. 8. Doitoilt 10.000 00 Hanking bouse, furniture ami llx- turcs 10,000 00 Duo from National lliinks (not resorvo nRonts) fl,"72 27 Duo from Htate linnlcs and Hankers 410 07 Duo from approved re serve UKunts 80,22" 01 Checks and other cash Iteins 207 30 Notes of other National RankB 1,22500 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 231 00 Lawful money reserve la bank, viz: Hpccie 18.HS!) 00 I.icpal tender notes.. 2.170 00 llO.SSG 40 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer per cent of circulation).... 2,500.00 Due from U. S. treasurer other than S per cent redemption fund 2.50 Total $557,503 40 MAUILIT1ES. Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus fund 50.000 00 Undivided profile, less expenses and taxesnald.. fl.USO 20 National bank notcsoutstimdlng.... 60,000 00 Due to Stnte Hanks and Hankers ...... K 83 Dividends Unpaid... 1,710 00 Individual deposits subject to check ..,.203,100 80 Demand certificates of de- ,.JosIt 15,225 77 Tlmo certificates of deposit 111,002 74 United States Deposits,.. 10,000 00 401,125 20 Total $557,503 40 Btatoof Nebraska, County of Ho.x Hutte, ss. I, 8. IC. Warrick, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. S. K. Waiuwck, Cashier. Sul)serlbed and sworn to before mo this 4th day of May, A. D. liw. EUGENE HURTON, Lskal Notary Public. My commission expires July 7th, 1012. C'omuCT Attest: A. H. Rnr.n. Chas. E. I'onu. y Directors. K. M. HAMPTON, N. 1 On the Strength of this statement of our condition we solicit your business. Supervised by the United States Govern ment. Managed by an alert Board of Directors. Officered bv exper ienced bankers. Wide Awake and pro gressive. Always courteous, al ways accommodating. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLIANCE Memorial and Decoration Day Memorial and Decoration day com ing on tho same day this year, prepar ations are being made to observe the occasion in a befitting manner. The Spanish war veterans arc taking an active interest in making prepara tions to properly observe Memorial day, Sunday May 30. In this they are being assisted by civil war veterans and citizens generally. Several meet ings have been held at the city hall. E. P Sweeney is chairman and has power to choose his assistants in tho preparation of a program, decorations, etc, Bert Laing is chairman of the music committee and is assisted by J. B. Denton, A. U. Wilson and V. O. Barnes. C. L. McDaniels will command the firing squad. Messrs. Robert Rea, D. L. Ellis and E. D. Henry are a committee to pro vide transportation to the cemetery for the old soldiers, musicians, etc .It is planned to have the first part of the exercises at 2 p.m. in the opera house. Capt. VV. R. Akers of Scotts bluff has been secured to make the address. The ministers of the different churches have been requested to preach memorial sermons 011 that day at their regular 1 1 too o'clock services. All patriotic citizens arc cordially in vited to participate and assist in mak ing the occasion a memorable one. And Still They Corns Nebraska High School Declamatory Union Contest PHELAH OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1909 t PROGRAM High School Orchestra Invocation ..,.., Dr. Bogtic t, ORATORICAL CLASS V --. ...-.V Regulus to the Carthaginians Oliver Cromwell Regulus to the Carthaginians Nomination Speech of James G. Blaine. Abraham ' Lincoln i. 2. 3. 4- 3 lUlcllluIII 11I1L.U1II ..... ..... ... .......... ....f.t.4tM 4tty Trombone Solo Prof. GyC. Williams DRAMATIC CLASS s The Death Bed of Benedict Arnold Belshazzar's Feast f... ..... . , If I Were King ..". J. The Gypsy Flower Girl , , :., The Convict's Soliloquy ,f ,., v 3 4. 5- Male Quartette H. H. Reimund, Cecil Smith, J. W. Morrison, Camille Nolle HUMOROUS CLASS ' ' ? i Mbvfr ; .. 4fM-t3trfij)Uf i$fif i. Darius Green and His Flying Machine 2. How Ruby Played ............. 3. How Ruby Played s 4. Aunt Elnora's Hero ..., 5. Martyrdom of Mealy Jones High School Orchestra ANNOUNCEMENT OF DECISION OF JUDGES r"i The State Declamatory contest to morrow evening, the program, of which we give above, promises to be one of the greatest educational events in the history of northwestern Nebraska. Many prominent educatots will be present, and the following named schools, besides Alliance, will be rep resented in the contest: Gibbon, Neligh, Blair, Ord, Sbelton, Stanton, Plattsmouth, Geneva, Madison, Brady, Arlington and Grand Island. Prof. R. V. Clark of Harvard, secre tary of the N. H. S. D. U., says: "This certainly promises to bo the best contest in the history of the state." We doubt not that Prof. Clark's esti mate is correct, and if it is it means more glory for Prof. Hayes and the Alliance schools than has ever yet been permitted to come this side of the sand hills. ton, Mrs. Urocken, Mrs. Strand, Miss Baker, Miss Roberts, Mr. Waller, Mr. Hester, Mr. Tully, Mr. Co'peland and Mr. Baker. Circle No. : of tho M. E. Ladies' Aid society met Wednesday after noon at tho home of Mrs. W. W Norton. All ladies report a very en. joyable time. Stockholders' Second Annual Meeting h The Alliance Creamery and Produce Co. held their second annual stock holders' meeting at their office Tues day afternoon, May 4, and elected the following board of directors and offi cers for the ensuiug year: C. A. New berry, Frank Bauer, R. L. Harris, A. S. Reed and W. E. Spencer; C. A. Newberry, Pres.; L. Lowery, V. Pres.; R. L. Harris, Treas., W. E. Spencer, Sec and General Manager. It is very gratifying to us as well as to everybody interested in the growth of Alliance to note the prosperity of this institution. Since the first of Jan uary tlie creamery has sold to mer chants in the west 5641 pounds of butter, which is about three times the amount sold during the same period of last year. This is certainly a remark able increase in business and augers well for the future. Art Wjker has gone to Douglas, Wyo., to recuperate on his uncle's ranch for a month. His uncle owns a large ranch there and Art expects to have a very enjoyable time while away. J. M. Dineen, tho land man trom Madison, has taken up his residence in Alliance. He has been helping to bring land buyers to this county for some time past and has sold a great many farms. The secret of his suc cess in inducing people to come as well as purchase has been bis .faith in this county and acting upon that con fidence be decided to become a resi dent of this county himself. He will continue to bring people here to invest in Box Butte county soil, being a member of the firm of Dineen, Rubendall & Young. To Denver on Motor Cycle O. H. Vinsel, who is to represent the Alliance Motor Cycle club in the Denver to Seattle endurance race to be run in August, left Tuesday morn ing for a try-out trip to Denver. Ow ing to the inclemency of the weather, Mr. Vinsel hasn't very much riding to condition himself. The sporting fra ternity of the northwest will watch Mr. Vinsel's progress on this trip with great interest. Below are messages by wireless tele graph to The Herald: Scottsbluff, Neb., May 4, '09 Ar rived 3:30; roads pretty good; leave to morrow for Cheyenne. Cheyenne, Wyo., May 5, '09 Ar rived 5:20; godd trip; no accidents; feeling pretty good; just had a short lunch, now for the Turkish bath; leave for Denver tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. Denver, Colo., May 6, '09 Arrived in Denver at 12:20 p.m.; feeling fine: expect to spend a couple of days here before returning. C. H. Vinsel. Well Earned Vacation Father McNamara will take a vacation of sixty days after a year's hard work dur ing which he accomplished much for Alli ance. It was through his efforts that the St. Agnes academy was erected and paid for. It required a great deal of energy and work. Now he will rest from his labors for a short time and in company with his father will visit abroad for sever al weeks. Father Cavanaugh will have charge of Holy Rosary Parish during Fa ther McNamara's absence, who leaves the iCth inst. Surprise Party A very pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Edmis ter, the occasion being Mr, Edmister's 29th birthday. The evening was pleasant ly spent in progressive games and a very dainty luncheon was served. The prizes were awarded to Mr. Kanpinas and Mrs. Tockey, first prize; and Mr. Lunn and Miss Baker, consolation prize. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Lunn, Mr. and Mrs. Stan- Tans are 'The' Thing Made over special "natural Shape" low shoe lasts non-slipping heels famous comfort hungers. W$oTsWim SHOE "Can't be beat" for style and service. Con vince yourself get a pair. They're ready for you to step right into and n o breaking-in. $4.20 to $5 NORTON'S F. M. KNIGHT, President. W, H. CORBIN, Vice Pres. F. W. HARRIS, Cashier. S. FICKELL, Asst. Cash. No. 5667- Alliance National Bank Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Capital Paid in Surplus $50,000 $25,000 ESTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M. Knight W. II Corbin F. W. Harris F. L Hcliten B. F. Bettilhelm That Cough Must Stop This is a bad time of the year to neglect cither a cold or cough. A cough easily leads into other and ofton more Her mits diseases. You can easily cure any cough with CHERR1P1NE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold on tho lungs. iMMffiiA Have you land to trade for an auto mobile? See F. J. Betzold. 18-tf ML FP' We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Itrry, Mgr. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. '. WIND-UP OF THE BIG HOE SALE Friday and Saturday, May 7-8 Must clean out. the balance of the damaged stock of the Alliance Shoe Store. This is positively the end of the big fire sale, for we have a new stock coming; that must be given space Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, valued at $4.00 and $5.00, now $2.48 Boys' Shoes, valued at $2 and $2.50, now $1.48 Hisses' Shoes, valued at $2 and $2.50, now . . . $1.29 Hisses' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers, valued at $1.50 and $2, now $1.19 The celebrated BUDD BABY SHOES now go at S9c and 98c Take your pick from the lots on the tables at the above prices Remember, Friday and Saturday is positively your last chance on this fire sale ALLIANCE CASH SHOE STORE "S, I K