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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1909)
Q'o rilalorlcnl 802loly Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Official Publication of Box Butte county. Western Nebraska, i VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1909 NUMBER 23 m fi? u 3 . luyi- -i Pi TC- L J , WIIV i' jhv-a 1Hiv": , iKV I IlEPOUT OF TUB CONDITION OP The First National Bank, CHAUTKK NO. 26, At Alliance, (n tho Btato of Nobraska. ut the closo of business. Avrll 28, lPOft 11KSOU11CE8. rxi.inM and discounts $373,05 00 OTertlrufts.sccurcd and unsecured.. 033 44 U.S. lHMidsto necuro circulation.... 50,000 00 U. B. Honda to sccuro U. 8. Deposit 10,000 00 liunklng lioase, furniture nnd fix tures 10,00000 Duo from National HankB (not reserve agents) 0,i"2 27 Due from Btato Uanks and Hankers ... 403 07 Duo from approved re- servoagents , 60,227 01 Checks and other cash Items., 207 88 Notes of other National llanks 1,22300 Fractional paper Currency, nickels and cents 25100 Lawful monoy reserve lu bank, viz: Bpecle lg,0S9 00 Legal tender notes 2.170 00 110,395 40 Hedemptlou fund with u. 3. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).... 2,500.00 Due from U. S. treasurer other than 5 per cent redemption fund 2.50 Total. $557,505 40 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $50,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided proUte, less expenses and taxespald.. O.nso 20 National bank notesoutstundlug.... 50,000 00 Due to Stato Hanks and Hankers 65 83 Dlvldonds Unpaid 1,710 00 Individual deposits subject to check 263,100 SO Demand certificates of de posit ." 15,225 77 Time certificates of denosItlll.Oft! 74 United States Deposits... 10,000 00 401,125 20 Total $557,505 40 State of Nebraska, County of Hoy Hutte, ss. I, S. K. Warrick, cashier of tho above liitnied bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge nnd belief. , S. K. WAimiCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 4th day of May, A. 1). 1009. EUGENE HintTON. hkal Notary l'ubllc. My commission expires July 7th, 1U12. Count-ct Attest: A. 8. ItHED, 1 ('has. K. Fimn. Directors. U. M. Hampton, THE FIRST BANK OF GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested nnd Glasses Fitted. DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Painless Extraction Latest Methods Safe. Sure ALLUNOE NEHKA8KA Some day it will be warm enough to buy lighter UNDERWEAR than you are wearing at present. We have large lines in 2-piece suits and union suits at prices that I range from 25c to $5 Such Famous Makes As Munsing Vassar Cooper. Wilson Budd's Wright's Porous Knit For Fat Men, Lean Men, Regular Kind Men, All Kinds of Men,' Rich or Poor. Can fit body and purse at m n HI IIJU I OF COURSE E2S lamniiv On the Strength of this statement of our condition we solicit your business. Supervised by the United States Govern ment. Managed by an alert Board ofiDirectors. Officered bv ex per ienced bankers. Wide Awake and pro gressive. Always courteous, al ways accommodating. . NATIONAL ALLIANCE ffiiU'iH We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. That Cough Must Stop This is a bad time of the year to neglect either a cold or cough. A cough easily leads into other and ofton more ser ious diseases. You can easily cure any cough with CiiERRIPINE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold on the lungs. iuufaAA f KREAMER& KENNEDY? DENTISTS. i f Office in Alliance National Bank Oik 4 X Over Postoflice. I 'Phoue 301. X, Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. For Sale One or two choice resi dence lots in north west part of town on Big Horn avenue. The lots lie high and dry and are convenient to city water. A. J. Welch, 819 Big Horn avenue 2o-4w Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk, Fat Cattle and Hogs Wanted Will pay the highest market price. Cash upon delivery. Only good quali ty will be accepted. Palace M eat Market, Alliance. Star1 Arlington Commedians Phelau opera house, May 25 and 26. What is recognized as tho best stock company playing the circuit of the largo cities of the west The Arlington Comedians will be at tho Phelau opera house for two nights commenc ing Tuesday, May 25. They will open with tho great cotnedy.tnelodrama in lour acts entitled "A Runaway Tramp." Tho Salt Lake Deseret News of a recent date says: "The Grand theatre is fortunate in being able to re tain such an all around good company as Manager Arlington offers. They inaugurated their second "week on Sunday with a fine presentation of the melodramatic comedy, "A Runaway Tramp," to an audience that filled every available seat, and gave their emphatic seal of approval to the per fonnauce by tho heartiest applause. The play is a clean, southern play of home life, with just enough melodrama to admit of several strikingly effective stage settings, and a number ot intense situations, which are thoroughly well handled. A brilliant specialty by the three clever vaudeville children made an emphatic hit. It was a very enjoy, able production, and will undoubtedly draw the fullest patronoge during the week, as it deserves it." During their engagement hero there will be a change of play and specialties each evening. Prices will be 500-3 5c-25c Reserved scats on sate at Holstcn's. Automobile Accident An automobile accident occured last Tuesday evening about one mile south of town during the rain storm. The car was running about ten miles an hour over the slippery road when sud denly it skidded and turned almost completely around ovet turning and up setting the occupants in the mud. tfo one was hurt but the machine was damaged considerably. The occupants were: Messrs. Norman McCorkle and Harold Thomas, and the Misses' Mabel Worley and Ruth Rice. Five Hundred Party Last week Mrs- Percy Coggswell issued invitations to a five hundred party, which was heUI at her residence Saturday afternoon. The invitations were unique, consisting of cards on one corner of which was a photograph of the hostess and on the opposite corner a photograph of her residence. About fifty lady guests were present and we are informed they all enjoyed the occasion very much. The first prize, consisting of a hand painted plate, was won by Mrs. F. M. Broome and the consolation prize, a spoon tray, by Mrs. Win. Eubanks of Bridge port, who came to Alliance to attend the party. High School Will Play Sidney On Saturday the high 'school base ball team will cross bats with the Sid ney high school team. Sidney lias a strong team, and a good game is ex pected. This will probably be the only base ball game to be played here by the high school this season. Come out and root for your higfi school. Tickets can be procured from any high school student, city diamond- Game to be played ou A Collision A collision occured 011 Cheyenne avenue in Alliance last Monday that resulted in the death of a valuable horse. It was not a railroad accident but a collision of the delivery wagons of the Alliance Grocery company and Jas. Graham. The horse attached to the wagon of the former was pierced by the thill of the other wagon and fell dead. A Gift to the Latin Department of the High School Miss Lula Wirt of the Latin and German department of the high school was greatly surprised Wednesday morning by being presented a beauti ful classic, picture, size 24 by 48 inches, for the Latin room. There has been great interest in the Latin under Miss Wirt's supervision during the pa,st two years, The Cicero class, as a token of their appreciation of tho v?ork, leave this picture as the permanent property of that depart ment. This gift, together with the normal training library given by the class of iqo;, the gift of gymnasium apparatus by tho alumni association and the athclctic association, the high school piauo by tjie high school a few years ago, aijiount to several hundred dob lars. Students and teachers alike aro proud ot the now high school building and take a just prido in adding to its attractions The names of those donating tho 1 picture pf the Roman Forum aro indi cated by the card attached bearing the following: "To tho Alliance high school, com plimentary to Miss Wirt, from tho Cicero class of igog. Hazel Bowman Anna Heath Josephine Hampton Lclah Reed Winifred Spacht Virginia Broome Minnie Reed Ethel James Ethel Johnston Vera Boyer Maude Clark Frances Bowman Lura Vance Lylo Mcwhirtcr" Railroad Built to Broadwater Tho railroad track was laid Into Broadwater today, midway between Llsco nnd North port. The laying of tho steel Is bcinir pushed right along and the track will bo laid into North port by the first of .Tune. A car of laborers for the grading gang was shipped up Wednesday ovculng nnd every tralu Is heavily loaded with con struction mutcrinl. It is nil conjecture whether tho rond will be built on up the valley this summer, but everything locks fav'orable that tho work will not stop at Nortliport. With the line com pleted into Northport wo will got a dully train both' wnys and mail service.' Oshkosh Herald. -x-X"X:-- I ANNOUNCEMENTS. '- . BAPTIST t. lORCII Sunday, May 23. Tho pastor will speak 11 n.-ra. on "Tho Marred Vessel." u In tho evening the last of tho series of the Love of God, "The Treatment of the Lovo of God." All will be made welcome. METHODIST fci'ISCOPAL'cUURCI! Wanted 200 men at tho M. E. church 8 p.m., Sunday, May 23. The morning subject will be, "The Sword and the Swordsman," or "An Inspiring Battle Cry." FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHUItCII Sunday School at 10, preaching ser vices 11 a.m. and 8 p.m., Christian En deavor nt 7:15. Tople for morning sermon, "llealing of the Lamo Man;" evening, "The Arrest of the Runaway Prophets." ST. MATTHEW'S HI'ISCOPAL CIIUKCII Holy Eucharist scrvlcq next Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m. Evening service at 8 o'clock. UNITED rRESIIVTEKIAN CIIUKCII Rev. W. P. Johnson, D. D of Omaha will conduct services at the usual hours ou May SJ3 to which tho public is cordtully Invited. An exchange says: "A temperance writer claims that the moving picture shows have proven powerful enemies to the saloons. The theory advanced is that the saloon gets a large part of its patronage from the poor people who use it as a club room. The five and ten cent shows have furnished a con venient and entertaining substitute. If this claim is true the picture shows should receive the moral support of temperance people." If the above theory is correct Alliance should be a temperance town no matter how many saloons we may have. There aro now three moving pictures shows with a prospect of a fourth. Mrs. English of 614 Big Horn Ave., will open a class for tho study of music the first of June. She is prepared to give the Effa Ellis Illustrated Music Course or private lessons on the piano, The work is especially good for begin ners giving by an interesting and com prehensive method a thorough founda tion which is essential in preparation or co-operation with work on any instrument or with the voice. Any one interested in music is invited to call upon Mrs. English for more information aud particulars. Pupils may enroll on or before June ist. Number limited. An evening class for benefit personE employed will be held. F. M. KNIGHT, President. f W, H. CORB1N, Vlcb Pr6s. -ISo. Alliance National Bank Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. - w Capital Paid Surplus ESTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M. Knltit W. H Corbla F. W. Harris F. L Holsten B. F. BettelMm I BUSINESS LOCALS. K BUSINESS LOCALS. l.'WWV w Mr. G. II. Williams of tho high school desirca tho privilcgo of room and board in private family, beginning Sept. G, '09. If both nro not obtain able, rooms may bo desired, Com municate immediately. 23-16 Wo have some comfortably furnished rooms to let at leasonable price Call at G04 Yellowstone avenue. Mrs. L. M. E. Anderson. 23-1 w For sale cheap A now Dunbar pop corn aud peanut roaster. Can give good terms, monthly payments if de sired. Inquire of L, E Bye at Pool Hall. 23-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. Read the ad. of Diticen, Rubcndall & Young, then go and list your land with them as they havo been itstru mental in bringing more residents into Box Butte county from the county of their former homes than has come from any other county in the state. Fine Model "F" Jackson automobile with one rumble seat and turtle deck attachment; will trade for Jaud. close 'to any siding in Box Butto county or' sell for cash cheap. F. J. Bctzold, Al liance. :8-tf I am now ready to make contracts for cement work to be done as soon as the weather will permit. John Ped eiRoti. tf Dineen, Rubeudall & Young, the new firm, are now located in their new office opposite the Charters Hotel. vvny not list your land with them, as they arc already assured of a big immi gration of land buyers from eastern Nebraska. 20-4W See the model "F"Jackson automobile for sale by F. J. Bctzold. It is beauty. ,xwwwww, 18-tf All kinds of painting done in flrbt class manner. Orders, may bo left at The Herald oilieo. C. P. Mntson. 10-tf Wanted Work by the day. Fran ces W. Shine, Barry House, Phone 186. ig-tf Cut flowers Saturday at The Gadsby Store.' Prices that sell. Cut flowers every Saturday at The Gadsby Store. If you are going to build this sum mer, better see those lots ou Big Horn avenue. Convenient to schools and city water. A. J, Welch, 8ig Big Horn avenue. JO-4W Will trade a fine automobile for land if suited. F. J. Betzold. i8-tf Have you laud to trade for an auto mobile? See P-J. Betzold. i8-tf Heal Bros, can furnish best quality alfalfa seed. Samples at their olllce. Now is the time to get your cleaning done by the Vacuum cleaning system. See Webster Bernhardt, Phone 507. Carpets cleaned on your floors by the Vacuum cleaning system. Phono 507- Wibster Bernhardt- 22-tf Wanted Teams to do breaking in different parts of the county. Call and see us at once, Nebraska Land Co. u-tf. Rooms to rent over Frank Irish's store. Apply F. J. Brennan. 23-2W If you have shoes that need repair ing, try M. D. Nichols, first door north of the Herald office. 23-iw We wish to call special attention to the advertisement of M. C. Cole the photographer. He has done a large a mount of work in Alliance and Box Butte County and it is not surprising that lie is starting out in his new gall ery with au encouraging patrouage. . F. W, HARRIS, Cashier. S. FICKELL, Asst. Cash. 5667 - - y in $50,000 $25,000 Rooms Wanted Tho Alliance Junior Normal promi ses to bo unusually largo this year. It is desired that every teacher attending be provided with a good rooming, placo at reasonable prices. To this end wo ask all who havo rooms they can rent for tho eight weeks, beginning Juno fx to notify O. E. Phillips, phone 28, ou Saturday, May 22, or drop a postal, giving price, location aud number 01 rooms. Notice Ouuno 1, 'og, all coal and lumber will be sold F. O. B, yards and any- ouo-wishiug same will have to pay tho . drayagc. ' Coal will bo 50 cents per ton less, , Lumber will bo Si-oo per thousand less. ' . DlKKKS LllR. & CQM.ilCd.tfk Forest Lik. Co. , S. A. Foster Lhr. Co, Wm. Jambs. 23-4W -The -Alliance ;Steanir Laundry can give employ ment to a reliable woman. www, 23'3W Wanted The residence of Robert Wilson or his heirs. If living, aged 61 years. When last heard from, was a bachelor and farming. Has an es tate at this place. Address informa tion to Bennett & Davidson, Greens burg, Indiana. 22-2W The Eyes OF 1 The World will soon be on the IW FN with a Straw Hat Wo are prepared to furnish The Hat Stetson's STRAWS at $3.50 THE FINEST and on down as low as 25c. YOU PAY YOUR MONEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE The Famous OF COURSE C .-. t