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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1905)
, Lv'l Tl - I t-y A i,. Twice as One Third Every day is Wave Circle. OVMKEJ, KC at one-third for anywhere ' ounce can eotls K Can you make money any easier ? Get it to-day. The grocer returns the price of can if you ore not satisfied. Jon. I!.;. Jill Grocers Send postal for the beautiful "Book of Presents." FREE. W I 1SIFLE AND PISTOL CARTRIDGES Winchester Rifle and Pistol Cartridges of all calibers are loaded by machinery which sizes the shells, supplies the exact quantity of powder, and seats the bullets properly. By using first-class materials and this up-to-dato system of loading, the reputation of Win chester Cartridges for accuracy, reliability and excellence is maintained. Ask for them. THEY SHOOT WHERE YOU HOLD W. L. Douglas 31?&3a?SHOESB& W. L. Douglas 94.00 Cllt Edge Lino cannot bo equalled at any price. Htr I- .Ar. mZyVGt ."'S v SEf.ftWX II EitsblLheia 55ss. , jDre.i878. i w.L.nnimiAs makes amu sells ' MORE MEM'S aS.liO SHOBS THAN AMY OTHER MANUFACTURER. $1fl nnfl REWARD to anyone who can 0 1 UjUUU disprove this statement. W. L. Douglas $3.50 hoe have by their ex cellent style, easy fitting, and superlorwtarlair qualities, achieved the largest ale of any 93.50 hoe In the world. They are Juft a pood a thoie that cost you $5.00 to $7.00 the only difference li the price. II I could take yo Into my factory at Brockton, Mui.. the largest In the world under ono roof making men' fine shoes, and show you the care with which every pair of Douglas shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L. Doutlas $3.50 shoes are the best shoes produced la the world. Iff could show you the difference between the hoes made la my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Dowlas $3.50 shoes cost more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wifer longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on tfce market to-day. W. L. Douglas Strait Mails Shorn for Man. S3. BO, S2.00. Boy' SaAeaf at Ore Sha9,$2.BO, 93, S1.7SrSf.BO CAUTION. Insist upon having W.L.Dong las shoes. Take no substitute. None gennlns without his name and price stamped on bottom. WANTKIX Ashoedealerlneverytownwhexe W. U Douglas Shoes asfrnot sold. Fall Una of samples tout free for Infection upon lequest. fatt Color Cytleti ud hiy will not unar Irany, Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles. IV. I DOUGLAS, llrocktou, Mass. 'Follow the Flag' Very Low Round Trips South and Southeast, one faro plus $2.00. St Louis, Mo., daily 18.50 Richmond. Va., Sept. Stli to 11th. Incluslvo 33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 14th .. to ICth, inclusive 32.75 Long limits, stopovers and other features offered in connection with the above rates. All Agents can sell you through tickets and route .you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wa bash from Chicago east are op tional with passenger via Lake or Kail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City offlce, 1601 Farnnm St.. or write and let me give you all information, maps, de scriptive matter, folders, etc HARRY E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D. Wabash K. R., Omaha, Neb. FOR WOMEN aW ft.1 swltti till fAUttl1lt their sex, used as a douche Is nurvelously suc cessful. Thoroughly Cleanses, kills disease germs, stops discharges, heals inflammation and local soreness. . . , , . ., . . . raxtine I In powder form to be diuolved la pare water, sod Is far more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical than liquid antiseptics for all T01LBT AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For sale at druggltu, CO cents a box. Trial Box and Boole of Instructions Free. Ths R. Paxtow company boston, mass. When answering advertisements please mention this paper. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 361905. S bunco wnutt ALL tlot lailo, EjI Beat Cough Syrup. XaateaGood. Use H In time. Bold by drussUts. W wsnstaaMskvtisiSM i ssktzssiw ,m i mi c net v-s .co-r-ss- usKrccnHSt.'Stjrw i TBsaRVsaa u 1 w lAwkmmmm all 1 1lBisS r 9 WL 1 1 1 rjfUlJlsaaaal & AWw Good the Cost bargain day in the Come in and get ac quainted. K C will help you cut down the living expenses and make doctor's bills a thing of the past. Do you realize that you can get tho best and purest baking powder in the world BAKING POWDER what you've been paying near K C quality. A s$ a$c. Think of the savlngl , JAQUES MFG. CO. vii 'uaKui CHESTER The First Worsted. Worsted was flrat Bpun at "Worsted In Norfolk, England, In tho year 1340.. at first worn only by tho common people. Beautify Your Walls and Ceilings! AdSor&slWf A H9Csi Gemini and beautiful tints. Does not rub or scale. Destroys dis caso germs and vermin. No washing of vails after onco applied, Any' one can brush It on tube with cold water. Other finishes, bearing fanciful names and misod with either hot or cold water, do not havo tho, comontlnjjr property of Alabastlne. They arostockon with glao, or other animal matter, which rots, feeding dlaoaso garms, rubbing, scaling and spoiling trails, cloth rnjj, etc Bach Finishes must bo washed off. every year expensive, flltfcy work. Buy Alabaatlno only In flvo pound pack ages, properly labeled. Tint card, pretty wall and celling design, " Uinta on Decorating" and ur artists' serrlcos In making color plans, ftroc. ALABASTINE CO Onsd Rcpldf, Mich., or 105 Water St. N. Y HAVE YOU COWS? If you have cream to separata a good Cream Separator la tho most profitable in vestment you can possibly make. Delay means dal)y waste of time, jaDor-ana proauci. DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS save f 10.- per cow per year every year of use. over all gravity setting systems and to.- per cow over all imitating separators. Theyreeeivorl tho Grand Prizo or Highest Award as at. ixuis. Buying trashy cash-in-advance sepa rators is penny wise, dollar fooli&h. Such maehines quickly lose tholr cost instead of eavlnQ it, If you haven't tho ready cash DB-' LAVAL machinea may bo bought on such liberal terms that they actually pay for themselves. Solid today for now catalogue and name of nearest local agent. The De Laval Separator Co. Rudolph & Canal Stt. i 74 Cftrilaedl Strtst CHICAGO I NEW YORK WET WEATHER. WISDOM! V jVs TrE ORIGINAL , rtOWEPrcy Jfek I ! B6lS SLICKER BLACK OR YELLOW WILL KEEP YOU DRY NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKCNOaUMTlTUJtt CArAtooucs rste SHOWINOTUU. UNC OT GARMENTS AND HATS. A. J. TOWER CO., BOSTON, MASS., U.S.A. TOWtW CANADIAN CO.. CTO.. TORONTO, CANADA. Information f ALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4 In Elegant New College Building, 66x132 Feet, Four Stories High All department enlarged, two new one added. Au ditorium and Ojrmnuium. fiplendJiI coure In ItmlneM, tjtiorvhtnd. Tj pewrltint; and TelegTaphjr. Anjoiie writing tor a CatsloKue, will be tent tree oiutt Kletrant specimens ot ennuuuhlp. Address R0IIRB0L0H BROS , Omaha, Neb. uirs,c.Vi.2i.fTh0mp-M't Ey Wttwr . xr ttnx tammmi pr-mMMMwmmwr' .a O v bL C i THE SEARCH FOR MEN. Positions of Emolument Ever Open to tho Right Person. Tho business world is looking for men who can nchtovo results. All others nro hurriedly pushed aside. Tho keen competition among employers for high grado men Is shown by tho froquont changes that nro always be ing mado in responsible positions. No sooner docs a man mako a oatlsfactory record than rival employers begin bid ding for his sorvlccs. Tho market valuo of such men has risen with tho demand, and there nro now several men in the United States who aro rocelvlng over $100,000 per year, scores who aro receiving $50,000 and better, and hundreds who nro earning $25,000 or more, whllo an unaccount able host aro earning over $10,000, writes II. J. Hapgood in Harper's. To thoso who havo not mado a study of this question tho great de mand for high grado men and the thoroughness of tho search that Is constantly being mndo for -thorn aro surprising. For tho past eighteen months a Chicago concern has bcon trying to find tho right man for a posi tion that will pay from $15,000 to $20, 000 a year. It is a common expression among largo employers, "I would rather pay $10,000 than $1,000 to a man," nnd they mean It. They want men who can handlo men, men who can discover and stop business leaks, men who can abolish unnecessary moves, find short cuts, consolidate plants, mako a market whero nono ex isted before, overcome competition men who can mako their year's work yield tenfold on tho yearly balanco shoet. Tho mnnagor of a largo Now York department houso stated recent ly, "Wo aro looking for flvo execu tive men, to whom wo aro willing to pay from $3,500 to $10,000 a year. Theso positions aro filled at present," ho added, "but they aro not filled sat isfactorily, and wo aro anxious to find bettor men." WHIM8 OF THE ANARCHIST8. Only Three of All the Monarchs Visit Ing Paris Attacked by Them. It would bo interesting to know by what logical process If by any logical process at all tho Paris anarchists make selection of thoso kings whom It is attempted to do away with on their visits to tho gay capital, and pass others by. Within tho last ten years slnco the death of President Carnot at tho hands of an anarchist assassin, which event occurred, however, In Lyons more than a dozen reigning monarchs havo visited Paris and attempts have been mado upon tho Uvea of but throe tho czar of Russia", the flhah of Per sla and tho king of Spain. In October, 1897, there were present in tho city ol light no less than four sovereigns, all at ono gladsome time, thoso of Bel glum, Servla, Bulgaria and Slam. Tho first-named. King Leopold, has beon for years a frequent visitor and ho is a familiar figure In tho streets, often with a slnglo companion, on foot or driving an automobile. Edward of England has also mndo many ex cursions to Paris as Prjnco of Wales, and has only recently paid his second visit since his accession to tho throne Tho lato Queen Victoria would havo been an easy mark for anarchists dur ing her memorable interview with President Fauro in tho Paris suburbs In 1887. To none of theso has the Paris anarchist paid hostilo attention. Harper's Weekly. A Panacea. Last fall an Englishwoman of let ters was staying as the guest of an el derly lady, at a country houso in Western Massachusetts. Whllo they wero driving ono afternoon they had the misfortune to met tho omnipresent automnbllo at a sharp turn of tho road. Tho horses, being spirited, shied, dashing tho carriage against a treo and throwing IU occupants out into the road. Tho Englishwoman picked herself up uninjured, but was horrified to see her agsd hostess lying on tho ground unconscious. Running to a nearby farmhouse, she knocked for somo tlmo beforo she finally succeeded in bring ing a cunbonneted woman to tho door. "A lady has been hurt thrown from a carriage. She Is lying down there fn tho road. Can you glvo mo somo whisky for her?" cried tho visitor in breathless anxiety. "Well, no, wo don'ti never keep no whisky," said the native-born after somo deliberation. "Wouldn't tho lady llko a piece o' pie?" Lipplncott's. Unanswered. Down whero tho reeds bend In the stream That Eio.Hy flows upon Its way. The lark still sings and still the gleam Is golden at the close of day, And still tho thrush that sang In May Trills blithely In the young thorn treo, But through the tail top of the pine The wind blows sadly and tho Rlee That Hope once promised should be mine Is lost, and lost forever now For, dear, since you are silent, how Can gladnefes como to me? Tho doleful cricket from tho grass Proclaims Impatient summer's wane; Our shadows lengthen where we pass. And crooked-bucked old men complain Of aches that presage coming rain, And where, llko billows of the sea. The tall grain seemed to ebb and How The yellow stubbles are! Dut, free From any sadness man may know, I'd hall the autumn's haze and sear If you might break the silence, dear, And whisper back to me. S, E. Klser. German University Students. Consul Liefeld reports 41,928 stu dents in German universities, against 39,581 in tho summer of 1904, 29,107 in the summer of 1895, 27,231 in 1885 and 10,441 in 1875, or an increase of 150 per cent in thirty years. Tho number of women matriculated In tho South German universities, In" all of which women are admitted, If not welcomed, was 127. Beside? these 1,049 wero registered as in attendance at certain courses Except Getting Salaries Raised. Tho successful business tnnn's mot to: Novor nllow nny of your em ployes to put off till tomorrow what they can do today. Somervllk) Jour-nal. Ask Your Dealsr for Alton's Foot-Eaio A powder. ItrosU thofept. Curos Swollen. Sore, Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Foot and ItiRrovrliiff Nails. At all Druggktr. tuid Shoo stores, Sit cents. Accopt no subAtlluio. Ssmplo msllod FKKE. Address, Alloa S Olmsted, LoKoy, N. Y. Famous Haddon Hall. Tho world-renownod Haddon hall, tho finest baronial hall In England, Is In tho vicinity of Bakowcll, Derby shire. Storekeepers report thnt the extra quantity, together with the superior qunllty of Dellancc Sarcli, lniikcs It next to Impossible to sell any other brand. A poop Into tho futuro would prob ably bo as unsatisfactory to most peo ple as a backward glanco at tho past. Dealers say thnt as noon as n cus tomer tries Defiance Starch It Ih Im possible to sell them ttny other cold water starch. It can bo used cold or boiled. Only an expert shopper can visit Bovcnteen stores In ono afternoon nnd cscapo without spending a cent. Lewis' " Slnglo Binder " straight lie cigar. No other brand of cigars Is so popular with tho smoker. Ho has learned to rely upon Its uniform high quality. Lowls' Factory, Peoria, 111. Bad luck Is reasonably suro to como to thoso who trust only to luck. 17AKMS FOIl KENT OH BALK ON CItOl' - payments. J. MUL1IALL, Sioux City, Iu. You cannot blamo tho world for be ing weary of a religion thnt Is dreary. Don't you know that Defiance Starch besides being absolutely superior to uny other, Is put up 16 ounces In pack ago and sells at same price as 12 ouncc packages of other kinds? Thoro i3 no raco so easy for tho bookmaker as tho human race. Hundreds of dealers say tho extra quantity and superior quality of De fiance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands, others say tney can not sell any other starch. It Is better to sot ono man to work than to mako a hundred wocp. If you don't get the biggest and best Us your own fault. Dellnnco Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it In qual ity or quantity. Physicians Recommend Castoria rASTOBIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physioians, pharma- ceutical sooieties and medioai authorities. It is used by physicians with results most gratifying. Tke extended use of Castoria is tmquestionahly the result of three faots: nr The indisputable evidenpe that it is harmless: Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimi lates the foods nird 1 is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil. It is absolutely safe, It doeB not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotic and does not stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups,3ateman's Drops', Godfrey's Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, how ever, is to expose danger and record the means of advanoing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system not by stupefying itand our readers are entitled to the information. Hall's Journal of Health. WnniiniiutH)wHivtiiiMiMtaitiH(iMwnmiiiniMiTOw4wtHiiB Afeee tabic Preparation fyr As similating the Food and Regiila ling the Stomachs and Dowels of ti.:imnracin.iui Promotes DigcsHon.Cheerful rtess andRest.Contalns neither Opium.Morphine nor Gneral. Not Narcotic. u. KajtarOldnrSiWVUPJIVnSR JbcJtnna jlrvi Sttd Jffnnint JilfitrtnaJtStZa HUmSiid -Clanfud Sufr . Apctfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. andLoss OF SLEEP. lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK, rvirr rnm no irt. nnvn E35aE!Sr33SI?52ra PUTNAM Color more good, brighter and latter colon than any JUk dealer or ill send post paid at 10c a package. sHsiKVHBwVsHEiiV1FVVsW?A3 WMii 1 1 gi I IJftillPt TMrt Si - THE IDEAL WIPE Shapes the Destiny of Men The Influence of a Healthy Woman Cannot Be Overestimated. Seven-eighths of tho men In this world marry a woman becauso uho is beautiful in tholr eyes becauso shohas tho quali ties which Inspire admira tion, respect and love. Tliero Is a beauty In health which Is rqoro at tractive to men than mere regularity of feature Tho lntlucnco of women glorious iu the possession of perfect physical health upon men nnd upon tho civilization of tho world could never be measured. Becauso of them men hnvo attained tho very heights of ambltton: becauso of them even thrones havo been established and de stroyed. What a disappointment, then, to see thu fair young wife's benuty fading away beforo A year passes over hurhcadl A sickly, half-dcnd-and-allve woman, especially when uho is tho mother of a family, is n damper to all joyous ncss In the homo, and a drag upon her husband. Tho cost of a wlfo's con stant illness is a serious drain upon tho funds of n household, and too often all tho doc toring docs no good. If n woman finds her energies aro flagging, and that everything tires her, dark shadows appear under her eyes, her Bleep Is disturbed by horrible dreams ; if sho I103 Uackaehc, head aches, bcarlng-down pains, nervous ness, whites, irregularities, or despon dency, sho should tnko means to build her system up at onco by a tonic with Bpeclllo powers, such ns Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in tho way of restoring health to tho women of America than all other medicines put together. It is tho safeguard of woman's health. Following wo publish, by request, a letter from a young wife Mrs. Bessie Alnsley of 011 8outhl0th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes : Dear Mrs. Hnkham: " Ever slnco my child was born I havo suf fered, as 1 hope low women over have, with Inflammation, femalo weakness, bearing-down nnJns, backache and wretched boudacboo. It affected my stomach so that I could not en t joy my nicou, anu nan my umo was spent n uou. Ly4te E. PlnkhRA's YeictaMe CmymA Succeeds Where tMkers FH. Letters from Promlnint Ptiystiiins Addrtssed to Gkartis H, Flitchfir. Dr. D. ITalstead Be ott, of Chleajro, Ills.. ay : "I have prescribed yonr Castoria often for Intents during my pactlce, and find It very satisfactory." - Dr. William ndmont, of Cleveland. Ohio, says: "Yonr Castoria stands flret In lts i!?1!' Jn By tn'f'y J'" of practice lean say I never Uve found anjtnlnir tnat so filled the plate." ... Dr' J,u- Ta,t of Brooklyn, N. T says : "I have used your Castoria and found It, an excellent remedy Ja my household and private practice for many years. Tlio formula Is excellent." . Dr. Wn, Ij. Ilosserroan, of nnffalo. N. Y.. says : "I am pleased to speak a good word for your Castoria. I think so highly of It that I not only recommend Ft to otlKM, but have used It In my own family' i Dr. It. J. Hamlen, of Detroit, Mich. icuiiveij, as i duyo never louna aware that there are Imitations t' letcnee'f." Dr. Wm. I. McCann, of Omaha, Neb., says : "As the father of thirteen children I certainly know something about your great, medicine, and aside from my own family experience X have in my yeara of practice found Castoria a popular and . efficient remedy In almost every home." Dr. J, It. CLsnsen, of Philadelphia. Pa., says: "The name that your Castoria has made for Itttlf In the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence of children, scarcely needi to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medical pro fession, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and believe It an excellent remedy." Dr. Channlng IT. Cook, of St Louis, Mo says : "I have used your Castoria for several years past in my own family and have alwavs found It thorough! rtnMmt h and never objected to by children, which mm uiuzi uicuiciucb ui mis cuuracier are ouauxiuus ana mereioro uimculc of ad ministration. As a laxative, 1 consider It the peer of anything that I ever pre. scribed." Dr. n. M. Ward, of Kansas City. Mo., says : "Physicians generally do not pre scribe proprietary preparations, but In the case of Castoria my experience, like that of many other physician, has tatisht me to make an exception. I iiit-sim-iiia i. JJU Castoria In my practice because I have fouud It to be a thoroughly reliable remedy rM for children's complaints. Any physician who has raised a family, as I have, will Hi Join mo In heartiest recommendation of Castoria." m GENUINE GAhTOR A ALWAYS Bears the (-ajcrff7cuc4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TMX CCHTAUR COUMNV, TT MURNAV T, NSW YOUR CITV. )L'!f"J.3if'u.wninirivJWMiJrKiwwjwmkmma. 'wi ww.ii.i.111 i mmmwn .. ...... FADELESS DYES other die. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton jquallr well and Is guaranteed to ole nerteel rtiults. Write lor tree booklet-Hew to Die. bleach and Mix Cvtors. MUX hum: VUCu CO., Uulonvilu, MUiouri "Lydla E. Hnklmm's Vegetable Compound mado mo n well woman, nnd 1 feel so jrrato ful that I am glnd to wrlto and tell you of my marvelous recovery. It brought ma health, new life and vitality," What Lydla E. rinkham's Vegetablo Compound did for Mrs. Alnsley it will do for every woman who is in poor health and ailing. Its benefits begin wlicn ltsuso begins. It gives strength and vigor from tho start, nnd surely makes side womon well nnd robust. llcmcmbcr Lydla B. rinkham's Vego tablo Compound IioIiIh the record for tho greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by tho thousands of loiters from grate ful women which nre on filo Iu tho Plnkhnm laboratory. Merit alone can produco such results. Women should remember that a euro for all female diseases actually exists, and thnt cure lfl Lydla t3. Pfnkhnm'a Vegetable Compound, Take no substi tute. If you have symptoms you don't understand write to Mrs. Fhikham, Lynn, Mass., for special advice It is free anu always neipiui. r Detroit, Mich., says: "I prescribe your Castoria ex found anything lo equal It for children's troubles. 1 am itlons in the Odd, but I always see that my patients get am get Is a great consideration In view of the fact Signature wren i w Trnns