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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1905)
ttfJI Ulate i Official Paper of Both County and City Largest Circulation In Northwest Nebraska S f ,n VOLUME XII. NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1905, NUMBER 39 i 1NC0L.N NfcU Site llwlorlta SocktT aluance Herald Wg " ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V 11 ft '"- " t &W- i H " I fv K fc tit fifes X ''fw& ftff. -h L 1 ' c The School Suit Question Is an important problem to the parents of boys at this particular time. The problem can be sasily solved by bringing the boy to Boys' Headquarters NORTON'S where the most complete ex hibit ever before made in Alliance can be seen in al the latest models of all the styles in the good, better and best grades. Each grade the best value the price can buy anywhere. Boys School Suits, ages frojn 3 to 16, at SI.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 350, 4.00, 5.00, 6.50 and 8.00 Youths' Snhool Suits, ages from 15 to 20, at $4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 6.75, 8.50 and 10.00 AH the accessories of the School Suit are here in the latest styles, at the lowest prices. Shoes, Shirts, Hosiery, Headgear, etc. We are at yonr service Willingly, Gladly. W. W. Norton Did It Ever That you have many pictures in your - home that are becoming soiled and ruined owing- to the 'lack of framing? A picture properly framed and arranged in a room adds tone to the surroundings. Make 'your selections from our stock of more than two hundred patterns of mould ings. Our prices are reasonable, and the workmanship is a little bit the best in town. Geo. Darling, Housefurnisher L. E. ROBERTS CO. LIVE STOCK Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Market Reports, Good Service, Quick Returns. MR..L. E. ROBERTS gives his personal attention to the classing and selling of all cattle consigned to us and we have active and com petent yard men to dc the Filling and Weighing. WRITE IS ABOUT YOUR STOCK; We may be able to do you some good A NEW LOT OF THE CELEBRATED Douglas Shoes $3.50 Dress Shirts A fine new line regular $1.00 values, 75c Canvas Gloves Good and heavy; regular ioc kind; for 10 days only 5c Fleece-Lined Underwear Extra weight, 1 pounds to the garment; silk trim med, pearl buttons, well made, at 50c Boys Stockings made from special spun yarn, extra heavy, high est type of American manufacture. 25c OUR JACK RABBI T Corduroy Pants $1.25 Occur to You I T h & F" Men's correct clothing IJRlmesofsuits and overcoats made by Hart,Shaff ner & Marx, David Adler & Sons, and the Sterling people cover the entire clothing field. Our clothing will satisfy men of mbst exacting taste. It won't take a fat pocket book here. our various lines repre sent the best obtainable attheirrespective prices Suits from to Overcoats from to We are showing the most beau tiful line of men's overcoats at very low prices. Our new RYTON 52-inch coat, made of the season's smartest fabrics, at SIO, SI2.50, $15 and SI8 Represents 100 cents in value for every dollar charged. The Famous aii xti&AVfe. mt $4.95 Boys' Star Pattern Bib Overalls, all sizes from 4 to 14 19c HATS l HATS! A big sample line, all colors and shapes, worth up to S3.00. 89C Merchants' Association. A meeting of the Western Nebraska Merchants' association will be held at Alliance, in the opera house on Wed nesday, September, 20, 1905 t 1:30. p. tn. for the purpose of formulating plans to advance and protect interests of Western Nebraska merchants. The call is made by R. A. Watts, president and L. W. Martyn, Jr., secretary, and it is expected that a number of merchants from neighboring tonus will join with merchants in Alli ance in promoting this worthy object, Alliance has been selected for the place of meeting by reason of its well known ability for welcoming visitors and taking care of and entertaining them while here. It is hoped that the 'usual interest will be manifested in this meeting and that nothing will be left undone towards assisting in its success by merchants and citizens generally. Singular Coincidence." . Two bodies, one that of a woman and the other a man, lay side by side in the express car attached to train No. 42. east bound bunday morning. 1 lie remains of the man were taken off here for shipment to Deadwood, Those of the woman were destined to some point in Illinois. The circumstances surrounding the death of both parties are tragic, and the disposal of their bodies brought about peculiar instances, lite woman came from Montana, where, a few day ago, while out hunting with her husband she was accidentally killed by him. The other party came from British Columbia, and he too met with an ac cidental death by being shot by his wife while on a hunting trip. On the train was the bereaved husband of the woman he killed, and also the bereaved wife of the husdand she had shot to death in the same manner. Neither knew of -the singular conditions until they were made known on the trip. Band Concert Saturday Evening. The Allance band, under the leader ship of Prof. Demery, will give a con cert next Saturday evening on theZbin den corner. Following is the program; l.-Tlio Wedding Calto, Q, H Nclkson S Wiiltx, llunadoru W.M.lledlloM 3.--Hemembtr.ineo of Ltlwrnll .1, Casey 4 Trombone Solo, My Pul W.U.O'Hara 5. Neren.ide. The Dream H, C. Miller ft TI10 Durkles Sprlni; Sontf ....Van Alystyno High Class Entertainment Coming. Manager Broome of the Phelan opera house informs us that the Na tional Bioscope Company under the Here is a partial of the Standard Brands Always Sold by 5ve 5&mois Hart, Schaffner & Marx CLOTHING ml Tfc. 1 '!r.w 1 1 W asi mwiXAAfi 1 Sterling, Banner brands, and David Adler &Sons. Adler overcoats, Jack Rabbit pants, Carhartt's work clothes, Sargent gloves, Elk brand gloves, Elgin shirts.Lion shirts, Gold and Silver shirts, Stetson hats, Hawes hats,Tiger hats, Champ ion hats. Carhartt's Overclothes DOUGLAS S3. 50 and $4.00 Shoes Extra Special S3 HAWES HATS S3 In the new Blue, Pearl, Alpine and Elack Der bies, just received. They L ' 1 are right up to wie min ute in style. Clothing: House SHOES! $1.45 buys the best boy's shoe in town. management of G. Whittcn "will give an cntettainmont in the opera house Monday evening, Sept. 25. This coin riany has been in Alliance twice before and was greeted aech time with a full house, It is not ono of the cheap moving picture shows but everything is of the highest class and the enter tainment is highly appreciated by everyone. Remember the date Sept. Republicans Nominate. The republican county convention was held in Alliance last Saturday. There were only more than one aspir ant for two offices, that of treasurer and sheriff. Alex Murihcad contested with V. A. Manchester for the former while Al Wiker was nominated over R H. Watkins for sheriff by a slight majority. Delegates elected to the stato con vention are: I. E. Tash, Bruce Wilcox, C. J. Wildy, A. S. Enyeart, W. H. Corbln and C. C. Barker. H. J. Ellis was selected as county central committeeman. Rcsoltions were passed endorsing, President Roosevelt, Governor Mickey and Senator Burkett. No anti-pass resolutions were adopted. The following ticket was nominated. .Clerl. -W. A. Manchester. Treasurer Alex Muirhead. Sheriff Al Wiker. Judge Abel Hill. Superintendent Mrs, Lora Rustin. Surveyor C. C. Ruggles. Coroner Dr. J. E. Moore. Commissioner 2nd Dist. E. Mabin. KTcsEnUrtaTn. The Knights of Columbus entertained their friends to a number of 75 at their hall last evening. A musical program was rendered and the balance of the evening was spent at - the festal board, where oysters and other deli cacies were served by the Knights, after which dancing was indulged in. This was the second social function of the order since its organziation and was highly appreciated. Water Users Take Notice. Now that the city authorities have inaugurated the meter systsm, the same can be secured through the water commissioner, F. M. Knight, or assis tant, M. A. Shay, by the 25th of September. These meters will be sold to the people at actual cost, which is S12, casli on delivery. Those not already on a meter basis, ahould secure them before cold weather sets in. By order of water commissioner. a m for autumn Perfection and Two doors south of Postoffice Ifc&encb tTalloreb CloVncaJm 1 kEBKjy&l I tFm-vFWTMl"Tvm IFrtWM v.tmmmj j tckt13h BOYS' HATS browns and blacks new shapes 39c September onlv Death of Trainmaster Murphy. D. Murphy, trainmaster for the Burlington at Dondwood, died this morning at 2 o'clock. He was operated on Wednesday morning for appendi citis which caused his death. Mr. Mur phy was 37 years of age and entered the employ of the company on the Mc Cook division when a boy, working with an extra gang. In 1897 he was made roadmaster of the Black Hills division, filling the position until last May when he was appointed trainmaster. He was regarded as an exceptionally good rail road man and was universally liked, bis friends being numbered by the score. A wife and several small chil dren are left to mourn, The funcra will take place at Broken Bow to morrow. Trying the New Cure for Drunkenness A few days ago this office received a letter from Gus Uecker asking that his copy of the Independent bo changed from O'Neill to the asylum at Lincoln. Gus is the first one to suffer sentenco under the dipsomaniac law from this part of Nebraska. Last week his wife swore out a complaint charging him with habitual drunkeness, he was tried and sentenced under this law, and Sheriff Hall took him to Ins new boarding place last Wednesday. His sentence is for three years or till cured. Jas. E. Hughes was arrested on the same complaint and under Bimilar cir- camstanccs, and sentence suspended for'two weeks to allow him to take treatment at home. So far Mr. Hughes has been doing nicely and strong hopes are entertained that Jim will be able to escapo going to the asylum. A man given this chance ought to be able to overcome the habit and we believe Jim will do it. 'O'Neill Independentwwwbr Cash Prices to All. Hereafter I will sell for cash only. My goods will be marked from 10 to 20 ner cent less than former prices. At nresent I will pay 10 cts in trade for cured hides. Parties knowing them selves indebited to me please call and settle as I need the money. Geo. A. Hills. For Sale. Grocery fixtures, consisting of scales, show cases, counters, tea and coffee bins, dried beef cutter, cheese cutter, two glass cheese covers, coffee mill and various other fixtures such as used in grocery store. These fixtures will bo sold at half to two-thirds actual cost. W, D. Rumer. o u with all new style -eSj f ea ures-$y H WORD or two about the new styles- Colars and lapels are larger. There is greater breadth across the chest, but shoulders are shap- ed more to the lines of the figure. Coats are cut longer. Single and dou ble vents are deeper. Colorsprovide for every taste; grays, brown and green mixtures seem to be well to ' the front in the race for popularity. -Mixtures in tweeds are mov' ing nicely. Blues and blacks are also much in favor. Th-double-breasted 3-button sack is the main style. The college cut comes next. Don't Miss Seeing Our great line of men's all wool suits, made in the latest approved styles, in all colors and mixtures, which we are $Q85 Alliance, Neb. SUIT CASES Good ones, from Douglas VewBluchcr Shoes' made of the famous 1.50 to $7 Castor Hachine Oil We sell it always Lowest price TTHIPI P Prescription lilBIJrLrfLf Druawist 306 Box Butte Ac. Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT EVERY DAY At QLEASON & FRANKLIN'S Ice Cream Parlors : In Alliance iu-u cf every month. V lTfHi Avar M rlnn'u ! Oftieeover N .rion's M one 391. v H"::J"Xwx-:'":":--::"W:x"t- Bis Hour Sale. Beginniug ' next Saturday and con tinuing until September so, we will sell "Seal of the Rockies," a fine high patent flour, at $2.fu per hundred for cash only, as wo must have money, 38.2W J. Rowan, House Cleaning. Can supply tliOj services of a thorough and experienced man for general house cleaning. Phone 139, Gep. Darling. A car load of California peaches, plums, crabs and apples will be in Friday. Get your orders in at once. Cheapest of the season. At A. D. RODQERS. Now is the time to buy Underwear 50 doz. fine Derby Ribbed, Fleece Lined, all sizes in black, tan and brown; reg ular 75c garment 50c Men's Work Shirts Extra quality at 50c; they go for 10 days at 39c New patterns REGULAR 75c RIVETED ,Horse hide Gloves.. For 10 days they will be sold for 50c Boys' Shirts and Drawers only lie rien's Outing Flannel Night bhirts onlv 69c All of our Bos' $2.50 Suits marked down to $1.85 Your free choice of any in the house. Gun Metal Calf $3.50