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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1905)
Btkio Historical Society Official Paper of Both County and City Largest Circulation in Northwest Nebraska VOLUME XII, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1905, NUMBER 37 Wy ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, V ! m m ScViooV And every boy and girl should have their wearing apparel' in . readiness, and in purchasing same, save every cent possible. We have Boys' knee pants 15c to $1.00 Boys' 50c and 65c shirts 35c, 3 for 1. 00 Boys' fine ribbed underwear 10c Boys' S2.00 low shoes 1.25 Men's, boys' and girls straw hats, worth up to 75c, for 10c Linen collars 5c Neckties 5, 10 and 25c Belts 15c Lisle gloves 15c Lace and colored hose .... I2,j4a Handkerchiefs, 4 for ,... . 10c Boys' 2-piece, good suits. . . 1.00 Boys' good new suits $2. 50 and S5 Young men's suits, choice tetns and best makes S3 to 7.50 W. W. NORTON .X"X:-H:":-H'X:x-x::":'t -! J3R, IO.EVMIDX, $ ? 3D BETS? ISO? I In Alliance 10-30 of every month. X ? Offirfl ni'At "Mnrfnn'c Office over Norton's T - 'Phone 391. X-X-X-X'-X-X' Save Doctor Bills BY EATING FRESH FRUIT 'EVERY DAY At QLEASON & FRANKLIN'S Ice Cream Parlors Castor machine Oil We sell it always Lowest price THIPI P Prescript 1 1I1L(L,L, Druanis ion Druggist 306 Box Butte Ate. .1 For Sale Five hundred bushels of Red Turkey Winter Wheat for seed. Zbinden Bros. 73-tf. Dishes 25 per cent dis count for cash. . A rare bargain. At dodgers'. Pr. Allen, dentist. Opera houseblk. Dr.Koons, dentist. Office over Norton's. For Sale: House and two lots, two blocks east of First National bank. BUSINESS LOCALS. i Enquire at the house or saloon W. N.' Corneal. 6-tf Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera houseblk. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. "America patent" flour is the best in town at Pilkington's. 25th Our ice cream, crushed fruits, etc. at the fountain are delicious. J. E. 4joder. 30 We carry the best grade of machine oil at the Eagle Pharmacy, J. E. J oder. 3 Save While You Can. Shoe the entire family. Ten's days' shoe, sale at Fred's. 30 Buy ."America patent" flourat Pil kiugton's. 25tf f OLD SETTLERS' ORGANIZE Arrangements Perfected to Hold a Picnic on Saturday, September 30 A Committee Appointed. Quite a number of old settlers of tho county met at the court house last Saturday and perfected the organiza tion of the Old Settlers association. Alonzo Sherwood acted as chairman of the meeting and J. E. Gregg secretary and a resolution was passed that a per nianet organization be made. It was decided to hold the first picnic at the home of James Barkhurst about five miles northwest of Alliance on Satur day, September 30. A committee on program and arrangements was ap pointed as follows: Mrs. Lcora Rustiiv chairman, Mrs. W. A. Mason. Mrs. B. E. Johnson and Mrs, J. W, Christy. There is no doubt but what there will be a large gathering ol old settlers and a pleasant time is anticipated. Everybody is invited. A Big Crowd at the Smoker." A large nimibcr of guests responded to the invitations sent out by the Elks to join them in a social "smoker" at their handsome club rooms last Thurs day night. The committee on enter taining carried out their part royally, those present indulging in the good things served most heartily. Win. Mitchell did the honors as toastmaster and his easy manner and well-worded expression kept the "boys" in a happy mood. The mandolin,' guitar and piano music was pleasing, and the summer stories related by the guests provoked endless laughter, even if some of the yarns were short on brains. An number of visiting Elks were in attendance and expressed themselves ag greatly pleased with the social functiou they had the pleasure of attending. wwwww, Lots of Fun at the Circus. Gentry Bros.' circus arrived hero from the east Tuesday morning and showed to a large audience in the after noon. The street parade just before dinner excited considerable interest, es pecially the ponies, dogs and monkeys. At the shows everything was presented as advertised and the monkey fire de partment wasMoo comical for anything, also the antics of the monkey physician who attended the sick-elephant. The evening performance was can celled owing to the threatening condi tion of the weather and thdse ip at tendance were refunded their admission. The circus went from here to Craw ford and Chadron and will return to Sunday in Alliance while on its way down to Sterling. Sheridan Walks Off with the Bakery. The Sheridan base ball team arrived in the city last Friday to play a series of three games, which, it was thought, would prove very interesting, but in this the lovers of the game wore sorely disappointed. The game Friday closed on account of darkness and in the eleventh inning stood a tie with five scores each. Manager Guyer of the Sheridan team stated that his boys were in poor condition to play ball Friday on ac count of travel and loss of sleep, but that they be able to hand the Alliance ites a bunch in the remaining games. This proved to be the case in its fullest meaning. The game Saturday closed with a score of 8 to 2, and that of Sun day by 12 to 6. In the Sunday game the Alliance team was handicapped by the crippling of their pitchers Giffin and Hull who were struck with the ball while batting. But the cause of Alliance's defeat was due to inferior batting. In other re spects, the home team played as good ball as the visitors. Cottle Rustlers Active. A dispatch was received in this city from Ellsworth yebterday stating that eighty.five head of cattle had been stolen from Dan Hill. The telegram pave no further particulars other than no clue had been discovered of the missing stock. M. E. CONFERENCE Saturday and Sunday to be Great Days; Dr. W. I. Thirkiold of Cincinnati will speak at 4 p. in. Saturday. Dr. Isham will speak at 8 p. 111. Saturday. It will be a great spiritual feast Sun day at 10:30 a. ni., when Bishop J. W. Hamilton will preach. Following is the program as outlined for Friday, Saturday and Sunday meetings. Friday, Bujit 1. MOn. 111 .- Devotional sorVIco fliVOH 111.. Iluidiiess ne"im ll):00a. in Address to clan Illsliop Hamilton 2:00 p in.. Anniversary rrolii Missionary society. Mrs. R. E. Hunt, president. Address liy MIsaMelvuA. Llvorinoro, mis sionary from Indtti, 4:00 p. in., 1-ctnru "Tin- Old lloolt and the Now Mnn-Kev. .1. T. MrFnrlnnd, D. I. 7:3op. m... Sunday School Cnlon Anniversary Address ltuv. J.T. Mel-'arland Saturday, Sept 2. 8:3i) n. m Devotional services O.oor. ni . ... liusim'sM!riloii 2:30 p m.. Anniversary Women's Homo Mis sionary Society. President, Mrs. J, A. Scamiitiorn Address Mrs. M. U Huberts, Lincoln 8:00 p. m KdMcjitloniit Anniversary Address liy Kev. 0,V. I.slium, D. I)., University l'laoe, N'ebmsku Sunday, Sept. 3 U:30 a. m., Conference Love I'on&t ltev. J. A, Scaninliorn.Uordou, Nub 10:30 a. in Sermon by lsliop Hamilton Sermon 3:00 p. m Ordination Services 7:00 p. m Epworth League Service 800 p. tn.. Missionary Anniversary, Iter, D. J. Olark president Address O. W. Isham, I). D. Bartlett Richards was in the city Tuesday. J. C. Berry, tlie well known stock man of Reno, was in the city Tuesday. M. A. Brown of Box Butte paid Alli ance another visit the latter part of the week. Mrs. Dr. Eikner and sister, Miss Church, were among the Hemingford visitors in the city Tuesday. Henry Broich returned yesterday from a two weeks' visit with his daugh ter, Mrs. Emery at Sheridan. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, Miss Pearl and Miss Devol are spending a couple ot days visiting friends at Crawford. The Elks lodge of this city has re ceived an invitation to uarticipate in the Aksarbcn festivities at Omaha, Sept. 27 to Oct. 7. . A scarcity of houses prevails in this city and it would seem that the build ing of more suitable residences would be a profitable investment. Postmaster V, F. Walker and son Willie were down from Hemingfoid Tuesday and attepded the show. They made The Hiirai.d a friendly call. , Miss Bertha Kern departed Tuesday for her home at Burlington, Wash., after several weeks visit with friends in this county and relatives at Denver. C. J, Wildy and family drove down from Hemingford yesterday to attend Bishop Hamilton's lecture ,and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Tash. I. U. Hager received a telegram announcing the death of his father at Ottawa, Illinois, yesterday. Mr. Hager, wife and daughter will leave tonight to attend the funeral. Chairman Wm. Mitchell and Ira Reed have issued calls for the demo cratic and People's Independent Party county conventions to he held at Al liance on Saturday, Sept. 16. A. D. New was shaking hands with Alliance friends yesterday. This was Mr. New's second visit here since mov ing to his homestead. He is looking hale and hearty and enjoys ranch life. Mr. and Mrs; Win. Lordemann of Carroll, Iowa, arrived here last Friday to visit their atlier, Henry Broich, and sisters, Mesdames Carey, Ridgell and Robinson. They returned home today on 41 via Crawford. L. E. ROBERTS dc CO. LIVE STOCK Commission Merchants SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Market Reports, Good Service, Quick Returns. MR. L. E. ROBERTS gives his personal attention to the classing and selling of all cattle consigned to us and we have active and com petent yard men to dc the Filling and Weighing. , WRITE US ABOUT YOUR STOCK; We may be able to do you some good J, W. Cox, nephow of James and Dr. II, II. Bollwood, arrived in the city yesterday and will spend a few days visiting. Mr. Cox is on his return from n trip to the coast. His home is at Abingdon, Illinois, where he is one of the proprietors of the Globe Overall and Shirt factory. Mr. Cox was very much surprised to find a city of the sue and irnprossiveness of Alliance. A lottcr received yesterday from Tagg Bros., says; We had two loads of cattle from C. A. Posvar of Mars- land today Tuosday and sold 20 feeders, weight 1017, at S3.85 straight and iG cows and 'heifers, weight 1014 at S2.70. Charlie was well pleased with' the sale. The market on good heavy feeders is a dime higher this week." A. M. Glover, of Aurora, was here yesterdav. to consult with the Royal Highlanders about matters pertaining to the order and which will probably come before the convention to be held at Denver Sept. 11. Mr. E. P. Woods will represent this district and he can always be dopended upon to vote for the best interests of the order. One of tho attractive features of Al liance's Fourth of July celebration was the electrical display arranged by R. J, Lawrence, manager of the electric light plant. The beautiful illuminations were given gratuitously, and it is rib more than right that this heretofore overlooked features should be made a matter of record. Mrs. Ida Marshall and mother Mrs, Ryan, returned last Saturday from their visit at the Portland exposition and Golden Dale, Wash., and will leave tomorrow for their home at Red Cloud, Neb. I. F. Marshall, better known here as " Ike," is now living at Portland and working at the barber trade. Mrs. F. H. Mollring returned from Omaha last Saturday, whero she underwent an operation for appendi citis at one of the hospitals. She re covered most satisfactorily and there is evory reason to believe that with the return of strength she will enjoy excel lent health. Tub Hkrai.ii acknowledges receipt of a complimentary ticket to attend the Custer County fair to be held at Broken Bow, September 12 to rs. E, R. Pur cell is secretary and a program an nounces twenty big racing events with some splendid free attractions by the Dixie Carnival company. W, M. Copcland, station agent at Ashby, was in Alliance Monday. "Mac" has been doing extra work for several months, relieving agents at various places, and is now at Ellsworth for a few weeks. Mrs. Copeland,who is also an experienced operator, is acting agen at Ashby. The game season opens tomorrow and sportsmen will enjoy this popular pastime with a good crop of birds. Vet, let it be remembed that the law places certain restrictions which it will be wise to observe. G. R. Wertz was at Ellsworth today and bought 300 head of steers from the Spade ranch which Mr. Wertz will ship to his feeding farm. The price paid has not been made public. May Newberry, Majie Retfrdon and Ethel Nolan will leave Saturday morn ing for Omaha to' enter school. Mrs. Reardon will accompany the girls. Mrs. F. W. Lester returned Tuesday from California where she has spent the last few months for the benefit of her health. N0S. 43 AND 44 REPLACED Commencing Next Sunday The Bur lington will Run Two ,Passenger Trains Each Way. After a year's trial with the passotf gcr train each way, tho management of tho Burlington system has decided to put two more trains' on tho road, as was the order of things heretofore. It has been evident for some that this was absolutely necessary, the traffic of tho road demanding it. The new trains will be Nos. 43 and 44, and will be local passemors. This will ol ovate several worthy employes from brake men to conductors' and fireman to en ginccrs, and it means an advance all along the train service. Following is the new order as given out: l A supplemental time card will be put in effect Sunday, No. o8-A, which will in no way effect the running time of any of tho present traino except Nos. 41 and.42, thesetwo trains are to bo made througliUrains stopping only at the most important places. TrainB Nos. 43 and 44 will be extended from Broken Bow to Edgcmont, doing all the local work. No. 43 will arrive at Alliance at 7 a. in., and have one hour here for breakfast. No. 44 will arrived in Alli ance at 1:35 a. in. Mrs. R. J. Lawrence returned Sun day from a short visit In Denver. County Judge Spacht went to Den ver Tuesday for a few days stay. Jack Burns was in from the Elmore ranch Tuesday to see Gentry Bros, elephants. Rev. Father Flannigan of Greeley Center is in the city visiting Rev. Father Devos. H. A. Cunningham is happy once more. His family returned from their visit in Ohio Sunday. Do not forget the date that you tire to see Dr. Barnes about your eyes, Wednesday the tth, at Alliance. The fixtures of the Stuen cafe have been purchased by Frank Dismor and removed to the Keystone restaurant. Mioses Delia-and Kate Allwood and Miss Triplett left last Saturday for a few days sightseeing in the Black Hills. Misses Mary and Mid Regan left Sat' urday for Chicago where they will purchase their fall stock of millinery. Wm. Hollinrake was down from tho ranch in Dawes county Tuesday and purchased a fine stallion from Ira Reed, Earl Enyeart returned today from Hague's ranch where he has been per forming the strenuous work of putting up hay. Miss Fay VanBoskirk returned Mon day from Washington where she spent her summer vacation visiting with her sistei and brother. Rev. C. E, Connell of Ainsworth and Rev. C. H. Burleigh of Hemingford are among those in attendance at the M. E. conference. Mr. and Mtb. W. M. Iodencc came in from the ranch yesterday to do some trading and pay Judge Spacht and family a short visit. Stock Inspector Campbell went to Lakeside Wednesday morning to in spect to cars of cattle for shipment by the Cresent Cattle Co. Henry Winten and wife of Liberty precinct were in the city Monday, hav ipg spent" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Boness east of Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fossey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Smith the first of the week. They were en- route from Spearfish to Scottsbluff. Miss Inice McCorkle, Miss Grant and Harold Pardee spent last Suuday at Hot Springs. 'Miss McCorkle will visit Dead wood before returning. Prof. Baldwin, who made a balloon ascensiop here July 4th, passed through Alliance Tuesday enroute to Sundance where he is billed for I LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. ( s another performance. He ban aluo boon engaged to make an ascoffiiion at Newcastle during thu fair. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Throlkold ontera tained, the first of the week, Mr and Mrs. F. M, Wroe of Brookfield, Mo., who wore enroilto to Sheridan to visit a daughter. The lecture given at the U. P. church 1.1st evening by Rev, Jolly,' entitled the ''Jolly Side of Life" Is reported to have been very entertaining and was en joyed by all present. Hiram Wilson brought ub a turnip today which mensure 28 inrhro in circumference and weighs ncailv five pounds. Mr." Wilnou mlsed about 300 bushels of turnips this season, Mr. and M. C. C. Jameson enme up from Ellsworth Ttiesdav. Mrs. Jameson loft Wednesday morning for California and ho expected to ac company her as fnr as Sidney or Denver. Horace Bos up returned frbm his trip to the PncirV const last Friday and left MondAv morning for New York to purchase' 'ii 'Ml and winter stock. Ho will h..' ij-jiib about three weeks. ' The Missus M Hired and Florence Parks, sister of "our 'Gene," arrived Tuesday from Ljucoln and were the guests of their brother and the Misses Hill till last evening when they left fdr Colorado to spend a week. Wm. King yesterday made sale of 450 head of cattle to Riley Brothers of Dawson. They were a mixed bunch and the price was $33.00 per head with a number of calves thrown in. The deal was negotiated through E. A. Hall. Archdeacon Cope will hold services at St. Matthews church Sunday Sep. m.L'...u;i., l. t..... :..-.... prayer and sermon at n h. m. Sun day school at to a. in. Evening prayer and sermon at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited to come. ' Rev. J, W. Kendall, a former pastor of the M. E. church at Hemingford attended tho coiifcronen today. Mr. Kendall left this county eight years ago and now resides in Oklahoma. He is visiting his mother and sister Mrs. Burloigh. Tho lecture, "Some People of Quality in .Boston," delivered bv Bishop Hamilton nt tlie M. E.' Church last evening is reported to have, been very interesting arjd highly appreciated by a large audience. Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trade or protcs Sioii, Read the display advertisement of the six Morse Schools of Telegraphy in this issue and learn how easily a young man or lady may learn teleg raphy and be assured a position. H. W. Flomer, who accompanied the Sheridan ball team to Alliance passed through on No. 41 today having been called home. His team was de feated at Grand Island by a score of 3 to 1 and he Ea s the Island boys re fused to play another game. McCook was worsted two games by scores of 12 to 5 and 8 to z. The team is playing Hastings today. Bert VanNess left Monday morning for his old home in Southern Iowa tq bo present at the ftftioth wedding an niverary of his parents, which will occur some time this week. The old folks are hale, hearty and strong and have lived on their present homestead for forty-eight yenr. "Van" counts on a grand time when all the val entines get together on this auspicions family accasiou. The Laziest Man in Alliance. We've often heard of the laziest man in Iowa, who permitted his wife to get up mornings to start tho fires, but it was not till lately we learned of an Al liance citizen who could give his Iowa friends cards and spades and then beat him out in resting. The distinguished gentlenfan we refer to. invited a friend to his home one evening to partake of a mammoth Texas watermelon he had on ice down town, but he also invited his guest to carry the melon to his home several blocks distant. Buy Novy for your future needs, gain sale at Fred's. 10 das bar