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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1902)
THE COURIER r - ' 9 w - -v ft: b BF '!'CtoUfti"4H9XBBB9BlBB90B&9Bi BMK?5bV aSBBBBBBBBBbbHbx Jt VBi U ydI2&flft:4 9bMbiIBvVVNBbb1 BoBBnoBDiSB IItO;1 ' tBbBbB $ at'Sito - "WJ bjwsjjib vtvZ - hIUBBh r5B Ikisst . BCr -y .w vbbbbl.' ssst J I vSjLVB&vt- & ' BbB 1'4I7BI $ j''4T-: tv cmh Ov 5 vs&' 'iBBWBftBV A k " j s I BJBBBBIBk&vfiBBB TBBBBBBBBBMmBBBX A vft wi?riAM VKl''bfl&.i.B&HitfBBBBBflBVjBHBBBBBBBBBv H r m myiBwHBBB&;99BBHHHHHHHHHHHHBM : v " & SbGT s m Itt&BBBiHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr Mi ABraTBElr'BBHiBXSSHil BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr Mi s? ' "S&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrr IB ?v . 'J'ii irnH&frtiM El?3l&lmBBEnPBK3&Bih-M J? "$' I I HMBuLlBB&r':','s' V.jaaaff!IIWrii8ejMlBflBB2S8.' 4b1hbS'HbBhBbBbBbBbBBb1 I I I MBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtilS' -BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI I I I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBgMgM wwSwpw''- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ HI J IIBB a.JaBBBLZri . .i-'MifiMJillBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Bll III 1 I ls.'-t. " jw i ) " ' "'f : Z ,., - , j II I Latest reports from St. Vincent, B. W. I., state that La Soufrlere is again manifesting signs of renewed activity, graph of the great volcano on the British West Indian island. The above Is an authentic photo- and Bis Bands Hossa A. three days' engagement, afternoon and evening, at the Auditorium, be ginning June 26. will prove to the lovers of band melody in Lincoln that a new conductor of music is rising in America and the triumphs of Patrick Gilmore are Tieing repeated in the success crowding fast upon Eugen'o Sorrerttino and his Banda Rossa (red band), the greatest organization of its kind in all Europe. At the Genoa exposition, the Banda Rossa won the gold medal over sixty-four European bands. It takes its name from the red coats and red caps which the musicians wear. Sorrentino has been called the "March King of Italy," and the title lits him, for his "Willow Grove" and other marches are among the best the world has ever known. They have in dividuality and a rythm peculiarly their own. But it is as an arranger of operatic music that Sorrentino is greatest, and his works in this class are standard in two hemispheres. He is a personal friend of Mascagni, Leon cavallo, Puccini and other celebrated composers of the modern Italian school. His band is unlike any other that America has ever heard. It is differ ent in its instrumentation, but what is more important, everything that it plays has as its dominant the sing ing phrase. "Untamed steeds of melody," these forty-five red-coated players have been called. Their inter pretations, particularly of operatic se lections, are declared by critics to be revelations of unexpected possibilities in band music. Abandon, fervor and a wonderful ensemble attach to their every number. The solo instruments seem like real voices. No one can doubt the supreme ex cellence of the Banda Rysa. Its com- nvpnt nnrl something to Ireasure in ineir.oryr"No other band has so distinguished a corps of soloists. 1 The Banda Rossa was founded twen ty years ago by the citizens of San Severo, a small city in south central Italy. In 1889. Sorrentino, who had Just been graduated with highest hon ors from the Conservatory of Naples, was called to the conductorshlp. Sor rentino's genius soon made itself felt, and'ln 1892 the Society for the promo tion of Music, which had founded the band, decided that it should enter the contest at the Genoa exposition. 'The city had its reward when Sorrentino and the Banda Rossa won the gold medal over sixty-four contestants. When the band returned to San Severo, the city took a day off to cel ebrate the victory. The feature of the jubilee was the presentation of a medal to Sorrentino by the city officials and prominent citizens. From Italy thp band went to Germany, where it was tremendously successful. While in Berlin, Sorrentino received a decoration from the kaiser. Eugenio Sorrentino was born in Cal abria, Italy. He has superlative ability both as a leader and a composer. Most of the members of his band are grad uates of Italian conservatories and many of them have been with him for more than ten years. commercialism in its worst sordid form. A marriage can be pulled off for $7. Of this sum $2 must be expended for a license and $3 for the minister. If it Is any less the preacher stands' the difference. But for a divorce $25 must be expended for the lawyer and the re maining charges are exacted by law and must be met. So $40 Is about bed rock. Witnesses are expensive Items, unless they are willing to remit the costs. Other charges are made when the op posite side puts up a defense or sends a lawyer to ward off alimony. Then they roll up the expense on contin uances and other mysterious counter checks, well known to minions of the law. In Nebraska there are many reasons sufficient to give the citizens of the commonwealth surcease from weJlack. Almost any striking moral defect, coupled with an ugly disposition, will enable n complainant to wln"out." Non residents find the coarse a trifle devious because they ha-e to remain too long to get a residence. A number of suits are settled by compromise. There Is u tacit agree ment before the parties go into court and no fight is made. In all auch cases the expense Is close to the $40 minimum, barring of course, such ad ditional fees as the attorneys must have. But as a matter of fact a man may be married In Lincoln for $7 and di vorced for $40. i -'i -'A GETTING BACK AT HIM. St. Peter Who are you? New Arrival I am the paying teller of St. Peter You'll have to get some body to Identify you. Mr. Hoyle Is your husband a Christ Ian? Mrs. Doyle I don't know; mother has not visited us yet. Thlvomst Jr. F ing to this city Is a n those who hear the CT"1' have Attorney fee., $3 Commencement fee 5 Service of papers and officers' fees, incidentals, etc 10 Total $40 This Is the minimum price of a dl volce in Lancaster county. There are no cut rates, no bargain days. To shave the $40 is impossible except by cutting the price for the lawyer and this the attorneys will not stand be cause it Introduces Into the profession GREEN GABLES IWBBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBHBbBbBbHbBbBbBbBbBHB iiSBHi&BBBBBBBBBEBHQn &TPR9E&3FKM. Ht nT-i fiV -jwbmbWE?2 SBBBBBBBBHBBBBBe'BB'fMBBkaBBBHBV BBBBBflBBHJB -Mfc?45 rrLLBMBlBBBBBKiBB" 0CnBj9EBBBBBHBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB9BW 'FbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbHbbH ebBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbHbIbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbHbBbS m bBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbbbBbBbBbSuKt iBBVilBHI f bBbBbBbBbTISIH bBbBbBbB1w!bMbEi JIHbBbBbBbBbBbBk'RbVbI The Dr. Benj. P. Bailey Sanatorium c I net a hospital, not a hotel, but a home. The buildlnjj Is located on a nightly hill at Normal, an 's reached by the care of the Lincoln street railway, telng only 28 minutes' ride from the buslnes center of the city. It Is thoroughly equipped and beautifully furnished. ETery electric current useful In the treatment of the slclctsused.and Ideal Turkish. Ruislan, and jieaicaiea nam are giren. in conditions wnere me moneys and llTer are anectea,ana in cases of rheumatism, our Hot Air Treatment has been remarkably successful. For full In formation addreeas Thm m. W. WmHmy BmiimtorUim, Lincoln, Mmm. J