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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1902)
r t THE COURIEK r MEN WHO WILL FIGURE PROMINENTLY AT KING EDWARD'S CORONATION f Ib?YbaVbaI i'0'mKIKKKi''f '''! IHESb HStft&fell FbawbI 'wIhIH" ' BAVBBHBjBBBABKBjBjg BK7fliiPH N'.wji BBaVBaVBAt r sBaBaBaBaVanBfiBaBBfi3K9ABaBBsrs BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaWB BaBaBaBaBADABaBflB BaBaBaBaBaBsBaWBr BsWi jBaBaWBABal Lv'1 babaVbay 'vv''EBRsHKSf' VTHHvK baWaWaSaWaYbaWBkm&7 a & tasBT?,BBBB hE&bav i-Av'RlHlHsHB'''''V-' bawEISi'Bsbf' wBawbYJ BAwBAwBAVJkL :JBjeNsbbWJ r5 baI IBOhhHP'' baYbavSI "v v9bavba! BAYBAYwBsTCasfNifi BaBJ ' sBBbBat l:','it7mkiZ&', BABaBaBaBaBBA SBAx JF TBaBaBaBaBaVBBa1 ABABaBABABBsr rBABAw rBKjnWPV( AWswCfrBBs :::'---''CJmj,m.;''W'- BaVaVaVAk, JBaVaVBSBs BaVAwu;: aBaVsBaWa7n34W & 'HhIv'' sawbawbaWbBaVAawbaSI ktejyKHPPKZ' BAVksVAl V'f-'f'W'flEM'-f'i. 9AVAVAVAVAVABAWA9jS8 IHMk- lV&9ip: &Awf AVttjHBK amYBAYBAYBAYsSAYBBBPI BAYBAYB3KlBA&riiBt' baYbaYbaI baYbaVbaYTbaYbaYbaYJ AYBAYBAYBYMiiiBBAW BHMa22M'fll baYbaYbaI BAYBAYJsVsrfAYBAYBAYBAi kPMaH fyufyB aYbaYbaVJ baYbaUaYkjBaYbaYbaYbaYi (baYbaYbaYbavIIYbjw BAYs.jw-fe'ii .iyBAwJ aBaBaBABI BaBaBaBm aaBaBaBaBaBaI BH BAi5&W"NwdBABM BaVBaVBjI BaVBaVsbBaVBaVBaVBaV BaVBaVBaVBAw$9awJ BATSalL -aBAWBA ASASASAV ASASASASASASASASASAVI ASASASASASAmv; -sJ3ABAl Am'ii-' MSJiMBtt3jAssssssBl Si U . & &''r SBSSHH HSSSM.1S "Cr'p!Br7F'BSBMFABSSSSSmmi aBaBaBaBj aVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaVBaI IBaBaBaBaBaBBV; '-"baBI BAYs'feLiii3FsBABABA i i baYbaYssSSSbbESaS IaYshSHHaYSYJL HHI PBijjjjyiBjBHU If President Roosevelt were head of a European countrj' Instead of chief executive of the greatest countrj' in the world, Commander 'William S. Cowles, of the American navy, and brother-in-law of the president wou'd probably receive a princely welcome at the coronation. As it is he will be one of the distinguished private spectators of the great pageant. Lord Curzon, governor general of India, will be one of the most Important of the colonial rulers who will be present at the coronation. He will also partici pate prominently in the big convention of colonial leaders which will be, per haps, historically of more importance than the procession Itself. Lord Cavendish, duke of Devonshire, will be an important figure at the cor onation. His, Grace is one of the most prominent and distinguished members of the British peerage and his work on educational, religious and political lines has earned him a wide international reputation. The oath of office will be administered to King Edward by the lord chief Jus tice of England, Lord Alverstone, bet ter known, perhaps, as Sir Richard Webster. Here is his very latest photograph. Hb9jx ' bYbaYbaYbaYbaYbaY BawaVaVaVawawaV'' -x vsin PIIYsYbaYbU ASASAWtt'' ...::x''' JW.jSsSBAAAA baHaVbsYbaYbTF-' mSYb j" v BSBSSBBSSSSSSK BaBabbT" k BBOXPMABABABBX ABx jgj' jyAWaBBBBBBBJE B' PBVB9BBBBJBJS AH AVfcjaABassssssESK BBV' - vBBBBBBBBHaS BBmJMBBBBBBBBBBBS ABA tv vBABABABABBBEEp bavsbYbaYbsvaYbaYaaVJ iwBK9bBBBBVb9h BBBl:;liBBBBfSflnBf AWAWasBBBBBBBBBBsVnJ;:AWEBsE BBVBBBVABJt BaVBaI iBvABBBBBjBXLvrrBBvBl BBSSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHrTf dflr 'vSSSBBBBBK BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIKX;' ftlBSSSSSS BBBar?' - - ? :s:J.vj-- ::;BBBBK BBk'" ; i ,,j-?S.:;tf ' j -.BBBBj BBVjF',- - "'4;BBBJ VAbbbbbbbc sS &. 2t;' a VAT,bb1 BBBBBbI B f7BM J -. W, ::a""J:;$,'i-f B BBBBBBE' -- i-vVXvB SSSSSSSSBHHBBm - " - -pSSSSSSJ BBBBBB - J'"-' -V-, ' BBBI BBVBsBVBm$ -;; '.:, v' y BwBj BBBBBBBJrvVBH BBBBBBBBTU '5-,-SBBl bbbbbPMbbbWbbbI bbbWIbbVbbbI bbbVTiHHbbbbb1 bbbKb0Mbbbbb1 BM- ,T;'BBkBMBl BABbIBABABABABABAB BABB-BAVBABABABA bbYA-hBbaVbaVbbI A 'tl Sir Joseph Dimsdale, lord mayor of London, will be at the head of the civ ic part of the coronation. This in cludes a big banquet at the Mansion house. Sir Joseph receives a salary of $50,000 per year. After the all Important coronation of King Edward, Lord Salisbury, the ven erable and popular prime minister of England, will retire from his exalted position and seek that retirement and quietude that his old age makes necessary.' British army men are extending a most cordial welcome to Brigadier General James H. Wilson, who Is in England to represent the United States army at the coronation. The duke of Marlborough will be one of the chief of the peers who will par ticipate in the coronation service. This is his latest picture. M SSbav BrBf 'v'sVbawBawbVbsbk a a:;'-" ' IPhVbaV BBBBBBBBBBBBj BBmBBBBBBT'ab wBP :9 vmBBBBhv bavBaVbaVbaVbaVbaVJ bSawJBAVbaVbjbav bbabiub''";:bavvAk bVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaVbaV baVKbaVbav'yBaVbaVbaVbbBebbaVbaVbhBBi bmbBaVbaVbaVbaVbavbawbaVabTVbaV jH BAHbaTbmBaVABaTbmBVBaTbaTbaTbTeI BaJF ' -Brv'BBBV-Cc jBBBa! BaTbaTbaTbaTbB9BaTbaTbaTbaTbaTbaTbaTBb BaTbaTbaTbaBBhBaTbaTbaBaTbaTbBbBaTbb 1 BylBAjfiBBfllBABAS7BAVBAVAWBA's MBbabaIbmbWbTbaBbI baWaMbaMbaMbMbaBbaMbEBbjaMII i cSSSSIBKKdBSBBtm BBBBB"B"B"i"-"i""""BBBl ABAVBMWiaiBBaBiHiiMiiiiiMiflBiMBKBl JBBBiBBBBMBABBBABMi HI fftVByBATBATBATBA?BMBE4BATBATBll Bm vSkSB v4l " BBS jfMfm JBff-EPimQpOT. f ICing Edward's evident desire to show favor to Joseph H. Cboate, United 8tates ambassador to England, as ex emplified by the recent extraordinary keaor the klag conferred upon him by partaking of his hospitality, makes the American minister the most talked of foreign representative in London, and his presence at the coronation will sake, something of a stir. Copyright, 1902, by Purdy, Boston.Mass. Edwin Austin Abbey, R. A., has re ceived the royal commission to paint the official picture of the coronation. Mr. Abbey being an American, born and bred, this great distinction con ferred upon him Is of unusual Interest to the people of this country. His Reverence, the dean of Westmin ster, takes a very important part in the religious coronation service. It is his duty to handle the crown, which he dellveres to the archbishop of Canter bury, who places it on the head of the king. Miss Edith Root, the popular daughter of Secretary of War Root, is now en route for Europe where she will spend the summer. She will be present at the coronation of King Edward. This is her very latest photograph. (