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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1901)
'j TE COURIER. 4w Proesaional Directory. 5f- ' v- Jffice. lei.... .618 Dr. Benj. P. Bailey j I Office. Zehrung Block 1 9 to 10 a m J Vl2tol&ao ,.671. J ( Besldence, 1313 C street J Z to 4 p m ETeniDft, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. hi. and by appointment. g(D?IETY IDr. J. B. Trickey, I Refractionist only 1 19 to VlUti 19 to 12 a. m Office, 1035 O itreet. 4 p. m. DENTISTS H- W 'W M m Office I ,. , ... . ( Office, rooms 26, 27 and I swALouls N. Wente,D.D.S.i i.Bnwnu flock, mi I (so lltb street. I Office f,, , ( Office oyer Harley's I Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.1 ! J. ' 1 1105 O street ) pHeKHi; f. m a k. m m b a fe. GbMM COftti CV3 . i U06 0 SIR., PHOHE 05 I Km yH)ilMMIMMflMIIMMM MMIOII MJAiEHTlES 1 EVERY DESCRIPTION j -c.iir ROY'S DRUG STORE 104 and 106 North Tenth Street. 1A large and well assorted line. To be closed out this year. Be sure and see our line. "ROY'S." IIIIMMIIIIMIMMIMIIIIIIIHMMHIf )IMMMM0Q LUNCHES that will suit the most fastidious given at the 316 Soutb 1 2 tin Street. ...Perfection... Absolute perfection is often claimed for shoes that are simply stylish. Shoes that are plenty stylish enough when new often lack durability and comfnrf. All rm- Unnt, -- MMECTIMf good' The higher priced ones Y niVIIwH are absolutely perfect in every detail. The cheaper ones, of course, can not be. When you come to us you get what you pay for and you know what you get. A discount on all leather goods this week. PERKINS. SHELDON & CHAMBERLAIN CO IIS O Street. I JiP W Ola 13!5h'6J Mrs. V. J. Turner gave a card party yesterday afternoon and Mr. aid Mrs. Turner entertained in the same enjoya ble manner last evening. The house was decorated with ferns and carnations Royal and lone hand prizes were given at six handed euchre. A delicate lunch eon was served. Those bidden for the afternoon were Mesclames Branch, Cow dery. Roscoe Pound, Albert Davis, Ilell wig, Crandall, 'George Fawell, Stoney, Finch, Seacrest, Hutchins, Kennard, Hoover, Hoover, Nance, Ewing, Thomas, Rewick. Field, R. M. Turner, Sine, Hor ton, Le Gore, Bailey, Richards, Hill, Kirby, Bennett, Dorr, Phillips, Fitz gerald, Harris, Newmark, Traphagen, Thompson, Thompson, Burnham, Til ton, E. B. Green, Wolcott, Iltys, Harp ham, Harphatn, Holm, Aitken, John Fa well, Ackerman, Buckstaff, Morse, Hall, Perkins, Outcalt, Talbot, Scott. Munger, S:huckman, Lahr, Hibner, Blish, Daw son, Billmeyer, Patrick, and Wendling; Misses Bailey, Pound, Nance, Cowdery, Polk, Harwood. Those invited for the evening were Messrs. and Mesdamea Siwyer, Rector, Tibbetts, Ward, Bar- bour, II. H. Wilson, Winger, R. E. Moore, Morrill, George Clark, Walter Davie, W. A. .Green, Hill, Garoutte, Gerhart, Rudge, Casebeer, Hutchins, Wright, Yates, Billmeyer, E. E. Brown, Frank Woods, R. M. Turner, Guthrie, Jansen, Spencer, E. C. Folsom, Rick ette, Humphrey, Van Dusen and Mrs. Shipman. Mrs. F. E. Lahr gave a large six handed euchre party Saturday after noon. Mrs. W. O. Thomas won the largest number of g'imes and Mrs. R, H. Oakley won the shouting prize Mrs. Field, Mrs. Ames, Miss Stella Kirker and Miss Georgia Field assisted Mrs. 'Lahr in serving refreshments. Invita tions were extended to Mesdames Kel logg, Henry Mayer, Charles Mayer, Scofield, R. A. Holyoke, E L. Holyoke, Nance, Winnett, Van Brunt, Hill, Sea crest, Harpham, Harpham, Harris, Ar nett, Wilkinson, W. G. L. Taylor, Jones, George Kisser, Fitzgerald, Johnson, Phillips, Dorr, Winger, Thomas, Pound, Ackerman, Newman, Roscoe Pound, Spears, Friend, Field, Grubb, Foster, Castor, At wood, Robbins, Welch, Davis, Guenzel, Crandall, Bigger, Raymond, Belcher, Fawell, Stoney, Kimball, Weil, Rudge, Finney, Schuckman, Kennard, Mullen, EameB, Garoutte, Casebeer, Folsom, Ricketts, Pitcher, Moore, Lee, Baker, Butler, Stiles, Chapin, Jansen, Burr, Teeters, Usher, Woods, Woodp, Rosenbaum; Misses Mayer, "Nance , Rice, Tibbetts, Hawley, Hardy, Kisser, Dean, Franck, Pound, Pound, Hallett, Towne, Kirker, Heaton, Lindley, Miller, Burr, Polk. The annual banquet of the Y.W.C.A. is one of the pleasantest anniversaries of the year. About one hundred diners were present on Monday. Pink carna tions with hyacinths and ferns decorat ed the tables and pink candles in silver candelabra illumined the scene. The president of the association, Miss Mar tha Pierce, waB toast mistress. Miss Kyle was unable to be present and Miss Bouton reported the work of the asso ciation during the past year. Miss Con stance McCorkle, state secretary, made an after-dinner speech. The treasurer, Mise Emma Hathaway, reported a small balance in the treasury and few debts. J j The following officers were elected for he ensuing year: President, Miss Mar. tha Pierce; first vice P., Miss Bouton, second vice P., Mrs. A. G. Warner, thira vice P., Mrs. H.J. Winnett; rec. sei , Miss Bryan; Ireas , Miss Emma Hatba way. The members chosen to till vacan cies on the board were Mesdames S. I) Hyde, F. M. Hall, H. J. Whitmore, II ). Winnett, A. G. Warner; Misses Brjan and Bouton. Mrs. W. J. Turner will give a card party this afternoon to which the fol lowing friende are invited: Mesdames Putnam, Richards, Robbins, Robinette Taylor, Tibbetts, Baldwin, Bartrutr, D. A. Risser, George Kisser, Wells, At wjod, Brock, Campbell, Chapin, W. It Wilson, W. C. Wilson, Grainger, F. M. Hall, Hammond, Hardy, Marshall, Hen ry, Mayer, Kirker, Wheeler. Pitcher, Lse, Everett, Hill, Ladd, B Icher, Mar shall, Kirby, Bigger, Welch, Leonard, Folsom, Harley, Pound, Teeters, Jones, Raymond, Raymond, Guenzel, Webster, Van Brunt, Hallett, Wilkinson, Spear FoBter, Whiting, Holyoke, Auld.Metcalf, Patrick, Wendling; Misees Kirker, Tib betts, Hammond, Hardy, Saunders, Ris ser, Olivia Pound, Putnam, De Lasch mut, Hallett, Deweese, Carson. Mr. II. G. Hudson was surprised Sat urday evening by a party of friends who bad learned that it waB the forty-fifth anniversary of his birth. Mr. Hudson was presented by his friends with a handsome silver-mounted cane. The evening was spent at Lards, and a lunch eon was served. Messrs. and Mesdames Albert Johnson, T. F. Lasch, A. H. Weir, C. E. LatEhaw, L. G. Graham, J. W. Moore, W. Lovejoy, J. C. Bahle, Thomas Callahan, Hays Tomson, C. S. Jones, Henry Branch, Charles Branch. O. C. Weesner and F. G. Fisher were the conspirators. Miss Helen Morrissey waB surprised by friendB on Friday evening. Games, dancing and music were the chesen en tertainment. Those present were Misses Marie Talbot, Mary Minor, Neva Hib ner, Florence Anthony, Elsie Venters, Mabel Hindmarsh, Edna Biker, Ethel Burket, Mignon Gaylord, Helen Laws, Ina Gaylord; Messrs. Dolliver Arm strong, Earle Foster, Vogle Gettier, Joo Orcutt.John Burket, Allen Flansburg Alva Gaylord, Lawrence Tipling, Harold Ushar and Charlie Gaylord. Mrs. Le Giand Boynton and Mrs. I.J Ayere gave a kensington Tuesday a'ter noon in honor of Mrs; Spicknall tf Wel lington, Kansas, who is visiting Mrs. II. A. Tibbetts. Mrs. Spicknall recites cleveily and the conpany an oppor tunity to hear her. A three course luncheon was served. Those present were Mesdames Spicknall, Tibbetls, Auld, Spencer, Winnett, C.E. Harpham Frank, Graham, Lockridge, StecHe Riegei, Violet, Wharton, Arnett, Zeh rung, Hotaling, Tibbetts and Shanon. Mrs. E. C. Rewick entertained fifr guests Monday. Rosea 'and carnatior tilled the room with fragrance whil Miss Hammond sung and played selec tions from a choice repertoire. Mrs. Re wick was assisted by Mesdames R. 'I VanBrunt and A. G. Billmeyer. Mrs. C. F. Harpham gave a kensing ton Monday in honor of Mrs. W. 1 Spicknell of Wellington, Kansas, who i in elocutionist and recited pieces i dialect to the piano accompaniment of