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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1901)
VOL. XVI., NO. vn ESTABLISHED IN 1SSG PRICE FIVE CENTS . . j LINCOLN. NEBR.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10 1901. THE COURIER, EwTMXDIN TBK POSTOFFICE AT LINCOLN AS SKCOS'D CLASS MATTER. PUBLISHED EVEBY 8ATDBUAY BT TK WIRIER rRITIG AND PUBLISHING CO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs. Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. Editor Subscription Rates. Per annum il 50 Six months 1 (JO Rebate of fifty cents on cash payments. Single copies 05 The Courier will not be responsible for to I antary communications unless accompanied by return postage. Communications, to receive attention, must be aimed by tbe fall name of tbe writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faitb, but for pablieation it advisable. s o c OBSERVATIONS. 1 Truth. A recent letter to the editor of The Courier read?: "From tlie plague of Bryanlsm; from the burden of Herron ism, and Rossism and Howardism and college professorism and from the disgrace of Lincoln and Omaha boss ism in the l S. Senate may the good Lord and The Courier deliver us!"' By college professorism, I think my correspondent means that peculiar at titude which some professors are assured that they stand in relation to the Truth. Like some professors of religion who exhort as naturally as they draw breath and who assume that they are confidents of Jehovah in a peculiar, in a specially selected way, some college p-ofessors take it for granted that they are much more apt to discover truth than any other man. It is not easy to understand just why the president of a large manufacturing plant or of a railroad or business men who have entered the sharp competition of business life and succeeded, who have worked with their hands and their heads, and who are not supported by this or that patron or institution, are not able to distin guish truth from falsehood and fair "ness from unfairness. Paper truth, oratorical truth, smooth, faultless sylogisms worked out in a lecture room or in an oration is not always valuable to the world. The man who has worked with all kinds of men, who meets in the stock exchange hundreds of opponents trying to out wit him is in training all the time. He knows there is no quarter if he fail, that- success or failure depends upon the keenness of his faculties and intuition, and the struggle makes a strong self-reliant man of him. le tween theory and practice there is a space so large that the former, fre quently does not tit. The theorist frequently leaves out essential terms, because not using them Tor his bread and butter he does not see their neces sity. What irritates the American business uan is the professorial as sumption that his own motives are purer, his advantages superior, and his love of humanity and liberty far greater; that moreover he, the pro fessor, is looking for truth and in his search should be beyond criticism, advice or even remonstrance. Lucretius said of truth, that "It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore and see the ships tossed upon the sea; A pleasure to stand in the window of a castle and see a battle and the ad ventures thereof, below. But no pleasure is comparable to the stand ing upon the vantage ground of truth, and to see the errors and wanderings and mists and tempests in the vale below. ' And Lord Bacon adds, "So alwaies that this prospect be with pitty, and not with swelling or pride ' as though he alone of all earth's crea tures had climbed that eminence and beheld that view. Purse-proud or book-proud, arrogance is arrogance and an impartial Providence has not made an exclusive path to truth for the feet of. professors. It is in the earth for the digger, in the daily sum maries of men, methods and markets that the broker makes. It is even nearer the humble than the haughty and men of all professions and trades have a right to join the hunt for it and one man is quite as likely to dis cover it, as another. J J The Lincoln Public Schools. Pioneers are men who care more for novelty than for the comforts and luxuries of an old civilization. The men and women whose children and grandchildren are now in the Lincoln public schools possess the spirit which sent he Puritans across the ocean to an unknown, savage shore. They elected to bring up their children far away from those educational advan tages which thev themselves had en joyed. It is said in poetry and history that the Pilgrims and Puritans came to America on purpose and for no other purpose than to seek religious liberty, but some of their descendants suspect that these pioneers, like later ones, left home, because they enjoyed traveling and the novelty of being in a remote unknown land. They wanted to found families in America whose descendants would refer to the May flower passengers as the English count time and men from William the Con queror. They are our most revered nneestors. but nobodv supposes that all earthly dross was purged away by the long ocean trip in the Mayflower. The passengers were the most adven turous, and the most obstinate of King James subjects. Exactly the same sort of people, albeit with less or religious fervor and ostensible re ligious purpose settled Nebraska. Impatient of the deep grooves of con vention, bored with tradition and the tixed customs of New England, Amer can immigrants to Nebraska, have transmitted their love of adventure and their impatience of control to their otTspring whose children are now the public school children of this city and state. Nebraska Is no longer a pioneer state, but in the third gen eration from the pioneers the- tem perament is still undiluted. Without considering the kind of people who voluntarily leave settled circum stances to try new ones in a new coun try, it is easy to do an injustice to the manners and morals of their chil dren. The pioneers themselves had tried a jejune civilization, tired of it and hoped to create something bet ter by starting the thing anew. But the pioneers were, in spite or them selves, influenced by the traditions they had grown tired of and by the education they had received. Their children are influenced by hearsay conditions, and their grand-children, except as they have traveled, exhibit the naturally barbaric traits of chil dren with the added barbarism of new countries. Psychologists announce thatachild progresses from barbarism to civilization, exactly as the race has. That when boys dance around some comrade or animal they are torturing it is because they are still savage. Then they progress through the bar baric, and semi civilized periods to civilization; the altruistic virtues be ing the last todevelope. To civilize a tribe is a very slow process. To civilize individuals whose strongest tendencies are imitative is not such a problem. Theelfect of environment, of tradition, of convention, of prede cessors is incalculable. Lacking a long succession of predecessors and of tradition is one strong reason why Nebraska school children occasionally demonstrate the small effect their training has had upon them. I doubt not that the boys in the Boston Latin School have worn a rut fifty years or more deep and that very few leap out of the rut or do what is unexpected. Nebraska school history is like the unbroken prairie of twenty-five years ago. The scholars have not the land marks of tradition. It is almost as easy to go in one direction as another. What would be incredible conduct in a Massachusetts high school boy is not out of the usual here. It is there fore unreasonable to compare a west ern with an eastern school. Last week's Courier contained some Strictures on the unsportsmanlike conduct of the high-school boys when, watching a match game. Th.fe in dignation which the criticlsin aroused in some members of the junior class indicates.that quite a different code has been accepted by them and that a new spirit has begun to influence them. Something which in time will change the cry of "anything to beat Omaha," to "For the Lincoln High School." Esprit tin corps has made many a soldier tight, when if it were only his own honor he had runaway. The. regimental spirit makes men honest and truthful, rccnforccs their own self-respect by the reflection that each individual can add to the lustre of or stain the "Regiment." This prldu in the good name of the high-school excited indignation against The Cour ier's criticism and it is the regimental feeling which will finally demand the expulsion of a boy who hisses a teach er, or in any way disgraces the high, sciiool. No pergonal pride is compar able to the pride which. soldiers -feci vvho belong to a regiment which for a hundred years lias made a record of. intrepidity in battle and good con duct in camp. Men come and go commandants change, but the cr sonality of the regiment remains as its first heroic members defined it. All the match-games that the Lin coln high-s'hool honorably wins will form an important element of its his tory and character, which succeeding classes will inherit and hand down to their successors. Rowdyism and un sportsmanlike actions destroys the. inheritance and the legacy. An Invocation. Chaplain Presson of the Nebraska house of representatives makes uncon ventional prayers, if the use of irony from a creature to the creator may be called unconventional. Since the committee on "Ugly Humors" has failed to find a member who paid his" fare in his weekly trips to and from' his home, the pass question has been freely discussed. On a recent morn ing the chaplain, in a prayer ad dressed as .isual, but evidently in tended more for the legislators than the Lord, thanked the Almighty Pow er because the people's representatives were able to spend their short vaca tions at home, going and returning with so little expense to themselves. He also hoped that the Lord would help all "to render unto Caesar the things which rightfully belong to Caesar," meaning the railroads. This isasolitary instance of the kind of prayers ministers and substitute dea cons used to make.But theological form has long since adopted a code which forbids jokes, irony, or any sort of de vice not intended for the Lord but in serted for effect upon the people who are supposed to be listening to the appeal. The impropriety of the use in a prayerof various forms of rhetor ical devices is apparent. Law and Order. Where five open gambling houses were run night and day soopenly that only to policemen's ears was the click of the balls inaudible, there is now in Lincoln not one such place. With a town tilled with young men subject ing themselves to the processes of ed ucation the comparatively complete suppression of a desirable condition. The laws against gamb ling are just the same as thev were J.I t. I f '