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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
THE COURIER. 5 i i i 1 LITERARY NOTES. SESSL porpotuato tho race. In epito of all that Vlil tmtl Hthnn rnnln ttinl. nn marry and determine to have ono year l;;?0'CH,NE W$ 'iiriitni uriHii uihi II Kllltlil lu.rll t.l.r.... '... Tilt! tlllU oftlin mnnlli In . -,l!.... He, . ,B ..ThoOLcn Quest,," ,i happing .Z Z &&S8l83!ia&S& uioiiovoi uy uio wen Known Amorlcan a now fo announces its comint? fcn m SZJSLm,!?! " ,' mil iritVnn or7m actrcBS, Elizabeth RobinB. 'Iho book mit Bin!,l t X! D?.. " K S2' SM5AS"5r.P:!".-B.M &R WlMlh sss - ......... ! rniu toua.amlwowlllftel.J xactly ne acircBB, unzauetu Koblnn. 'Iho book mit suicide together. They oniov thnlr liW""?."":-?- The. Machine 'S I',S,C'5.50 was publiehod in England laat autumn, yoar of perfect happneBs and Jnon a8a E?oWWW?lS '.t.Bri7 l ??. child is'about ioV'Z fulfil BSSSSS tx, I.I.I. .... .. '-"'. .-, fl.VU UIHI II II. nil iir irhV, '"iU'TA'rJ '1 ''""'" eW-M.i their compact. In a little sail-boat thov approval of tho beet English critics. Tho noted artist, Whistlor, has nounccd it, in his oatimation, th of tho JIL'O. nnd at enmn timn nr o InilV look for 111 Ofllfimi wild nnnnmrlnt,. ..: illustrations from his brush. ""b ? b s'lcal S womenT &"SWHHS6aSS Iner," tho great German savant, is an- perpetuate their race and Z other SS u7",Jm' w,u wiib sirucK at nrat wliotner Buffer ng men and women are .Mei.TP ''''''l1:'"' rn"1"' '' ..u ww.. UD uu uuu iduu ii, iiu wruio lO UIO trnies Or UPfith Thn hnnb- 0on. U'iV '.' JL'1 ?'U im r raiicv work. A "O-YPAii ' "Win Miss Robins, askinir that ho ho MPmi. . .-i? t! -.L J?.b7k ? BUggeB- fr'riKfe . . l " - - ...un,,uii, At DiiilIIIV BCUIOfl inn niton. wwio iuu liuiniliu "-" lusiiininc him ,jwh na inmi..n i ...i.i. .. .. TH: ,"."." ?'"' o .ti..p to 8; gMSS'w"WS tinnc run -Htt CATALOGUE. ArADS mmi -u". rmwiiy minuie.-Kdltor.) 8EAR8 ROEBUCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILL. 4wl 4 -..fc.1..i .. fi. t.A - ...... .. " iuu li i LriiiiHimii ir. inrn unrmnn until ! .. --i .....u " rT" " .. ---. muuhhlu imiKCB no attempt to answer r ,".'"' 7 7 0mDU U,,fl tnom' T''traegdy ie made more power- book it is of intoieBt to note its rocop- ful by tho fact that Val and Ethan com tion in tho authors country. Now York bino in themeolves tho very highest in critics are very much divided in their tollectual powers and are both in tho opinions, but all ngreo that it is a novel best of physical health when tho corn er unusual power, and ono that it is de- pact is carried out. It is tho fear of stined to bo talked about through tho what may corae-what is almost sure to loncth and breadth of tho land. Ono come-that makes it wrong for them to critic said that it was ono of "tho' groat do otherwise. American novels. Another was certain - that it was anything but that, an-3 whilo IN THE NIGHT. admitting tho genius of tho writor, con- domncd tho book soveroly. Tho novel I dreamed last night my Love was dead which has created such a litornry Bonsa- -. "ne dreadfulthing was this, tion on both BideB of tho Atlantic is call- Not Jfe V?1 w?"ld .fc.eI no me od -A Tale of Two Temperaments," nnd "" f h" ie a study of an American family that Not at my feet the weary years has degonorntod through long-contlnuod ivt4 JW g uncmradfc intermarriage and inherited disease. &ffiS!iP- "hhmmmmLU .tttzUAtlKo IMA OjHBB'fl MhV mMT 1 1 M lr ' . "lftVfii i . f '? rryMMiBiLBl r KeHEBBBBBlliiBBa WARFARE. Eachpassinc: day some fighting soul lays down his arms, Aweary of the fruitless strife; Surrenders to the grim old warrior death, to flee The mocking terrors ot his life. William Reed Dunroy. ' ; JI. But, sickening, I remembered how I had been false to her I "Oh, God." I cried aloud, "she knows I have been false to herl" March Lippincott's. an which opens the March issue of Tho American Queen. Gertrudo Athorton, Sarah Grand, Mary Wynne and Mrs. Hamilton discuss it from varying pointB of view, each supporting her side of the proposition with argumont anrl elo quenco. Tho papers nro well written and will undoubtedly command deep interest. SCRIBNEE'S MAGA ZINE FOE 1899. T,?.yrnor Roosevelt's "THE ROUGH WDERS" (illustrated serial), fnd all Wi v.ww niu wrimigs. LFTTrp? LOU? STEVENSON'S bfsTdCog """ P"b1" ted ansScic0 St0ri wfiPXl KIPLING - HENRY Whtpp0?8 WILLIAM AIXEN WHITE and many others: Short stories. GEOREE W. CABLE'S NEW SERIAL -Uslfe ThC HlSTOR "OARS Reminiscences- cenfffNtedDREW'SS StV' SHRT SERIAL "A tSon0 18" o job lots. SIDNEY LANIER'S sions. "Is Marriage a Hindrance to a Worn- JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS' new coi l's Self-Development?" is the subject m'0" ofAstori "The Chronicles-of Aunt hich opens the March issno of Th MmeY Ann. Ship of We have the new stock for Our men have reputations. Do you want your work done nice. Do you want vour houso JJ&fc!!' iUifratl P"pectus, including Pointed good? If so we are ascriptions of the above. sn f, .-.. Mgsical Impres- C D. GIBSON'S The Seven Ages of American Women -and other notable Art - uy umcrs arusts. II) Cvurlny ol llrr lliotlitrt. This family tho Ganos, were prominent Southern people and were reduced to povorty by the war, after which they re Andrn Onnfnicrnn nthnsn llil!n.i tures illustrating the "Life of Aander dJTJSSTl! & the Groat." are now nnnrin ;n a addrels. aoove, sent free to any , Century Magazine, has just been created .JEfc Magazine is 93.00 a year; 25c. a T , a "Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur" Fifth venuTflfw vSk ,53"157 J W MlTCHIiJLIy CO. luruuim me Dorsonal intfiront nnd unf inr, of M. Faure, President of the French Republic. PUZZLING. moved to a email town eomewh-ro in the J,marY1' if . con8Te Roberts goes, Middle States, when tho Pro.r Mrt. nf SL.WLI0 ensuing social throes, ., . , ., . , ": ur uriauaiis touio noi,on ineir nalloweo the sceno is laid. Ethan Gano, the hero of tho story, was brought up by his ma ternal grandfather in Boston, and Vul Gano, tho h roine, with Mrs. Gano in tho country town in tho Middlo States. Tho first half of tho book describes tho youth of each. Ethan has inhoritod a great fortuno from his grandfather, while Val, his first cousin, is almost iu poverty. Mutters are at such a stugo when Ethan, after years of European lifo, comos back, to Mrs. Gano and Val. It is tho first timo Val haB seen him. Sho has hoard much about him, has written to him, nnd has dreamed of see inghim. Sho falls in lovo with him at first sight, and ho roturns her love. Out lined briefly, tho points or tho tragedy that follow are these: They havo do cided to marry, when Ethan has a long souvereation with Val's fathor, who knows nothing of hia daughter's lovo for iitnan. Val overhears this conversa- Give us a trJnl nrrln tion, in which John Gano points out the ephoies O40 and 5 curse that intermarrvimr haa VkV?CS. r4". dnd 234 upon the Gano family, the fact that con- &fmUl Icvcnth. sumption is hereditary on both sidoB of Sho (bcornfully)-I believe he only the house, and oxpreesps tho opinion married her for h-r monev that it would be criminal for a Gano to He (docidodly)-Woll he's earned it iit. ''Request the pleasure of himself and wives." Again, 'twould be provocative of strife Should he be asked "to dine and brinp his wife." A most uncomfortable kind of hitch Wou,dvvhiJ?f he Wfote and ueried Town Topics. Steamship tickets to Europe sold. Steamship tickets from Europe sold. If you are going to tho old country or intend bringing friends from there to this country, ploaso call on mo for figures, information, etc. Uest linos re presented. A. S. Fielding, C. T. A., Northwestern line. bOWEST RATES. BhST ACCOMMODATIONS. Via 1338 O Street. Telephone 237. 2 xATJsNSyi d lu All Coal Well Screened at I fJ Eli HI JM1-p - .UM uu iuu uonn rate from Lin For all points in Nebraska, co,n to Tacoa or Seattle is only 85 oo Colorado, Wvominsr.Utah. 1 lnrmodiate Points, it is propor- .' z. ' iionaieiy low. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPERS TO THE NORTHWEST. The Burlington Route has established a twice-a-week tourist car line from Kansas City and Lincoln to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Oars leave Kansas City and Lincoln every Tuesday and Thursday, arriving at Seattle following Friday and Sunday They are upholstered in rattan. The bed linen and furnishings are cleMn and of good quality. The heating, ventilat ing and toilet arrangements are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose Bole duty is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and tho berth rate from Lin- WHlTEBREflS Tel-Office Pacific Coast and Pug-et Sound. Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte. u. Uf,UB( uukoib and full informa- For time tables, folders, illustrated books, !in app,v at B & M depot or City ticket pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra- "lce' corner 10th and O streets versed, call on E. B, Slosson, General Agent, G . W. Bonnell, C P & t A Montana and the Pmrnt omi,i try are now enjoying a period of unex ampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to the northwest is rapidly attain log large proportions. This new tourist car line has been established with a view of caring for the Burlington's share of it in the beet possible manner. or berths, tickets and full informa- K - y- r Mm-iu'usJ HV"T""WB Aw.'jTWtff tut