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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
!. . THE COURIEH. 4 Y A r MIeb Florenco Putnam for a month or bo and has been tho recipient of many social favors, roturnod to her homo in Scran ton, Ph., Wednesday. Miss Hand mudo many friends in Lincoln durinc her stay, by her cordiality and her modest and pleasing manners, and if eho over comes to Lincoln aguin her wolcomo will bo a cordial one. In celebration of tho tJGth birth day anniversary somo friends of Mr. J. J. Morrissoy gathered at his homo ut 152G G street Tuesday evening and en joyed a pleasant time. A supper whb served in tho early evening uft'r which the guests onjojed tho gamo of hearts. Those present were: Mosdames Mats; and Matte, White and White, Moserve, Kiflln, Morriasey. Mrs. Lewis Gregory arrived from tho oast tho first of tho week, after spending a year thore. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory will reside at 131 So 12th street. Many friends will bo delighted to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Gregory will reside in tho city onco more, where they havo lived eo loog. Tho members of tho Ropo Bud club gave a most oDJoyublo dancing party at Walsh's hall Wednesday evening. Just tho right number was pteecn; for a good dance and the evening was full of en j yment. The music was excellent and everything pasted il pleasantly. The club give3 a dance each fortnight. The Lincoin club gave its regular dance Thursday evening. There was a very large crowd present and the lance wbb one ot tho most enjoyable of the seaEon, ices were served during the evening. Miss Kate Mullen left for Now Mexico Wednesday to be gone somo time. Miss Mullen has been stenographer in tho cflice of County Judge Cochran for some time, but failing health has com pelled her to leave for the Eouth. Mr. John Mullen accompunicd his sister as far ub Denver. Last Saturday evening Mrs. D. D. Muir assisted her son Wilson in en-'er taining a party of his young friends. Games made the evening pEss pleasantly and refreshments wero served at tho close. Carnations wero the decorationsf Word has reached Lincoln of the very serious illness ot Mrs. 0. S. Lippincott who tow resides in New York city. Blood poisoning is tho cause ot her ill ness. Mrs. Lippincott has many friends in this city who will be sorry to hear ot her ailliction. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Townsend are in the city visiting their son, Mr. A. C. TownEond. They have been residing in Los Angeles, Gal., for the past two years but will remove to Iowa City, la., soon. Miss Parker will give a studio recep tion every afternoon next week. Forty paintings will bo on exhibition and for sale at about one halt thoir former prices. All are cordially invited. Mr. E. L. RicheBon is assisted by Miss Mattio Mundorf in teaching fancy steps, etago dancing, fencing, etc. Children's class, 2 to 4 o'clock, 92 for eight lessons, Richeson's dancing academy, 141 South Twelfth street. Senator Win, V. Allen and Congress man W. L. Stark, wero in iho city Wed nesday on their way west. Mr. Allen will go to his home and' rest for bomo time. Prof. Edward Muggi loft Lincoln on Tuesday for Albion, where bo will bo joined by Mrs. Maggi.andtogether they will proceed to Boston where they will remain until next September. Mrs. R. J. Greene entertained very informally Tuesday evening. The guests wore served with dainty refreshments to close a very pleaaant evening. mi km K.fl. "IW. f$J 3cxftc&Mfi4C4h729'2n &4yifdc6t4:c??icz rfr. Tlie Ml p it continues to attract crowds of buyers, con tinues to interest thrifty people and is rap idly attaining1 the end for which it was created; that is iixto Cash at et m All departments offer values such as have never been offered to a Lin coln public before, every line of merchandise is priced as low as it is possible for us to reduce it, in fact nothing has been neglected o: over looked in the preparations for this the most important event in our history. This week's selling has indeed been most gratifying; the vast armies of buyers that iil! the store prove conclusively that peo ple fully appreciate our offerings and realize what a saving an event of this kind means to t Jem. Our object is to raise a large sum of money as speedily as possible and to accomplish this we spare nothing; profit and price are alike sacrificed. 1?t& Grireatexst On.xe armcl i.ttetio Griverx "to Orders. m m m m e&44h9z9. m Ik Manager Zehrung of tho Funke an- TI HItO A I Ih nounceB a two performance engagement 4h 1 JnJliJ Jf I i"" of The Rays in their exceedingly funny farce comedy, "A Hot Old rime,'' Fri- 0f day, March 17th. This will be laugh- ..-AW, , , ing day as "A Hot Old Time" has a re- MIPADIPD'Q DlfTTl TDCC cord of being the best of all luugh creat 1 1 1 J T "Y V" JLtf IV JtIwI U IJ-- ing farce comedies. Johnny and Emma Ray are supported by a strong company &X?3ir IO"W l-'riOOS. of farce comedy artists. Tho original , . . - - -- .. New York cast will appear here. Ui verity Atelier All JVet WW: Electric wiring, gas and electric fix- , ,. n i i 1 tures and lamps a specialty. Korameyer Mlss Parker s pictures command good prices in any mar Plumbing and Heating Co., 215 South fcet but she is leavitiGf Nebraska and is willing to sell the Eleventh street. The Q. A. T. girls attended the Lin- work of years The collection contains small masterpieces. coin Light Infantry Minstrels in a .. body last Monday night at tho Oliver. MrB j, w, McDonald will bo at homo ESCAPE. The members of tho Wesloyan quartet to her friends on Thursdays at Twenty- arrived in tho city tho first of the week tovonth and N streets. ef ter a very successful trip through the Dentist Hill, over Killer & Palno. state. I stood beside the body oi one dead Who had in life been alien to all good; M,n n a nai..i i.. .. n mo ever wim me Baser party stood, - ""'"'"I' ,wu"'' lu """ w as ever loin meaner practice wed. Mrs. Mattie Johnson Axtoll of Avoca, Springs, S. D., to remain for a week or But now the form from which the soul had has boon visiting her parents, Mr. and two Hd Mrs. J. S Johnson this week. p g Bton hflB gono to 0hcBgo Wasfcalm as sleep, and, on the marble The members ot the Hagenow string to remain for a few days. Of gross or evil passion not one trace quartet went to Manning la., where Dr r,. N. wtn tnnk R t,in b. nhi. ... .. ...,. ... wtuiuuu wencar adoui inc grievous wrong cago this week. Done by the flesh to the indwelling soufi Mr n M Hnnf nf KniH n,n BuAher? WM one,-and many there utHotSpringB,S.D.,andwill be gouo wa8 a vlBitor lD Lincoln this Week. ' Like himwhose spiritual part wa. strong fortwoweekB. The subject flesh most basely. to controf. M,e. h p. SohWl.d ., M,.. t. s. dsssssr &fiaSta,xhii N?.wbr "' t'"" Allen are visiting in St. Louis. one year is 91. 'Phono 381, , Century. they gave a concert Mrs. Oliver Rodgers is making a visit