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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1899)
THE COURIER. i n t A - A TH COURIER CLUBS WITH ANY MAGAZINE. WRITE FOR TERMS. fi f BRAVERY. We are brave to laugh we ttraylings of tne dust. Forever driven by a grim Mtnou muitj" From Darkness gotten back to darkneM thrust. William Reeo Dunroy. Th Gra Cprors r,Uartm How the German emperor will brlnf up his only daughter is no subject ot wonderment to the Berliners. They know that, princess as sho is, she will be taught to be a good housewife, to sew, to cook perhaps, and to order din ner certainly. For the sovereign's ideal woman is a strictly domestic person, as his ideal man is a stout soldier. Hit little boys haven't much fun in their dally lives. Concerning these lives the Bketch nays: In the Spartan upbrlng' lng ot bis children the kaiser rivals hli ancestor, Frledrlch Wllhelm of Prussia. According to Klausmann's "Leben in Deutschen Kalserhaus," the life of the royal children of Berlin is not sweet ened by hours. of inactivity. In their years of Infancy the kaiserin ministers to almost all their wants, spends a good part of the day with them and enters into all their amusements, When the princes arrive at the age of 9 things are all changed and it is all work. They are then allowed about an hour and a half out of their waking hours to themselves; all the rest of their day is spent in study and physical training. Even in holiday time their tutors ao company them to superintend their tudlfNL Philadelphia Ledger, As Molineux was led off to the Tombs a newsboy appeared with an "extra" containing the latest Kipling bulletin, and many lips involuntarily murmured the moral of the inquest: . "A rag, a bone, and a hank of hair!" If you want the MOS YOUR MONEY You want the ism Glean, well ventilated care. Cool in summer. Warm in winter. Elegant diners. Fay only for what you order. Ele gant chair cars. Attentive porters. Everything the best by the Burlington. G. W. BONNEfeL, C. P. &T. A Bard to Please. He (reading the paper) It certainly Is very difficult to please n woman. She What makeB you think so? He Mr. Young of Wabash, Minn., locked his wife In tho house; Mr. Potts of Pekln, Wis., locked his wife out of the house, and now both women are suing for divorce. History m Spanish War By Dr. ALBERT SHAW, Editor of the REVIEW OP REVIEWS, AND A LONQ LIST OF NOTABLE CONTRIBUTORS. Over 1,200 Pages and 500 Valuable Illustrations. Three Beautiful Volumes in Half Morocco. See tpeclal offer at bottom of this adverlUement. This Magnificent Edition for only ONE DOLLAR DOWN. iu. J.0!-1,1!0 riin,,.VrB of,t!l,rt Paper wo 'nukotlio following proposition to lrccomo mom. "-" " i iiiMtiininoim) Ulilll, mill uuiaill 1110 mreo VOlUIUt'UOt Our War in Two Hemispheres, By ALBERT SHAW, Editor of the "American Monthly llevtewof Ilevlew "ami author of Muntclpal Government in Urtatllrltatn," etc., ana a number of prominent contributor. eVEKY American teacher possessing a library, and many that do not possess one. will bo Interested In tho announcement of the history or tho lata war with Spain, now published liyilieKKViKWur KViKwauojiPANV. Muchofthonairatlvowaswrl tenbvX. AlbeYt . . .r!'.lw.,.,,V Hcliml ilitlitlmr or the. summer. This has been revised und an plint'd by him the Unlit of tho official reports iind documents, which liaioonlv becomo iva llal Surter Inutilities teased. A free miout on from tho critical Congressional debates and other 'public utterances at crucial periods aids In maklinrthls work what It fs. tho standard reference T history of UiN ,declsl,o and successful struggle. Hut It Is much more than a llwlv 'and I coinpreliensh. mi i atU e. It goes back to tho years of HtriiKirlo In Cuba which prepared the way tor tl o ' w Tr of he ,r KKSS brouht'fofacZvfth SfiSRSEr1 ,,,C,Ur 1 ho Important special anil technical matters of tho war period, troneratlv dlsmUwri i.v tint Ivlihin, i '. ".'" " lBh.t anrt .,ten !nuffltlentillMUMlnn.are fully in 5 nut Kly ylu ib lee i n, m. te",',11 ' mc" w,no '""l unwwl opportunities for h d? nK the r m, ,f J f ,ms' th0 I-'""" which tho war has for us us to tho relative efficiency of rlmV and machine Runsaro In a corefully written chapter by Limit. John II. I'arker of tlui United Stat -i army i tho military movements of the Hanilano and 1'orto 1 lean campa tuna ro analyzed by uMnW.,UoWf t,,01-Ar"' l""'' Navy Journal: the battle with Cervicitis descrlTlb? tK Winston Churchill, who Is a tmiduato of the United HtatesNaval Academy? too nctiia PconilU on TllllllllltrflMnn nf (ho lumlr lunanaMnll.. ...I..l.l. i .1.- . . . onanist), trench, uerman, and KiikIIsIi paicrs, as well as from tho American. How to obtain the handsome edition by a payment of only ONE DOLLAR DOWN. fiiiiSTHMr kivikw nr 1(K IKWR can bo obtained by any of the readers nf thli mnwr Uv !J i1 Yto tlMJS who remit tho sum, and tho purchase will bo completed by tho payment of T,'i wr.V.c.rimo.ntlVfor twel.vo n?ntlw. Tho 'llrst volume will bo ready early InT&einber. 1 ?. ir l tlm t0 th0 ,uafnzmu which Boes with tho offer can bo dated from any month. THE REVIEW OP REVIEWS COMPANY, 13 Ator Place, New York City. j r,t