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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
THE COURIER. OBSERVATION. Continued from page 1. (First I'ublicition January 15.) NOTICE TO CREDIIOR3. In the County Court of Lancaster Coun ty. Xubriuka. Iniho Matiorof the Eita'o or Lute C. Youti'. Docased. To Ihs Crcditora of Said Estate: You aro hereby notified. That I will n:t ut the County Court iiiom in Liu coin, in said county, on tin 1-tdnyof Jun 185)8, anil again on iho 1st day of Keptsmhor, 18U3, to recsive ami examino all claims ugjust Haul rBt.tte, with a yiow to their adjustment and aMoxnco. Th timo liiniteil for thw prescntat on of cliiniB against Biiid ojtute is nix months fro-ii tholit dy of March A. D., 18U9. and the timo limited for tho payment of dtsbtB is oiio y-nr from tho 1st day of March A. D.,1893. Notice of this proceeding is ordered published four werka Buccesfively in 'J HE a wtekly newspaper pub lic ho I m tin's t-tite. WitnctB my h tnd and the i oal ornaiJ Co'inty Court this 8th day of January, 1SU3. s. t. Cochran, seal. Cou ii t Judiic. Our Crank Hanger Does It mother man. This is the first time mat his attitude has not. ho nil leroic. But he comes from Eno-intni. jrsonates the king, and obtains bv lis means a copy of the letter Queen flavia wrote; but he is recognized, id om bapt and the sentinel remain luring the messenger's interview with PJavia's spouse and coerce him by a ive show of firearms and sharnsteel confine his communications to the pgion of commonplace. Sapt could ive got the letter and kept the mes- snger from the queen's encmj silent y force without the presence of Ras- Bndyl, wheso return may be neces- iry to romance but is, unfortunately, sry inconsis ent to the minds of lose in whom he has created the im- ression that he loves honor mon lan the lady. tin lliis same number there is an lustrated article on Boutctde Mon el, the wonderful illustrator and ipintcr of children, who lias no succ essful imitator, except Peter Newell, le caricaturist. Norman Hapgood, le writer of the critique says: "To iw well, to color well, to hare solved problem of lithographv in colors, simply to have the tools. It is the shness. the alertness of the vtjre, the truth and eagerness or tjjje mind, which makes De Monvel $0 artist original from the start, who &MS worked out the best freedom f rec tum, from everything irrelevant. The adult usually draws children in discriminately, becinir them as a If von do not believe it ojr.imin tho ass of little creatures, much alike or Clias E. Blaneys big extravaganza is full of witty siyings and situations Itncycle, eitlier theoretically or practi se noticing them for the licht ther suic6P,"A Boy WanteJ; will bo pre- and at co time is tho audience uneasy as iam, iiguru on h, unu " joii can uih- " e,,w v. ... . . ... ... nrnvn ntir nsaoHiAn-u'n iimII aiVV VAIT .. .. l:. ..-..-. Tll.:i i cantor! nt tnn Hiinlra Alrtri Inv omrmrr in irhot tc frt fmlnra- Mnr, nef iT onarnr. ' - m. T it.t w&v am avw '"" "" uui nc. x-iiuuMiiiiiers - - - . uu..w, ....w. ....... u......b . ........ . ... ...... . ..0 . ........... ,-, nnf , pi - , ......1.1 !..... .-..?.-, j , Tqnttrv 17tk TKna whannr ika .1..v -,,2 10 n-iflinitt lUnltt cnnfn.fn tliqt rm -" .j3.V . --si1. uuiii niv uiau our uiuuiae lowarus " '"" i",d ! mo v,aj fc. ..n.UuUl. u..uu.. p.. -."" " Here h vomr tmmm it 1 - -wwr . Atn-m hn nn( nnn-n-k vrrnmr. rmWn 1 ih anl . ah Its, n.usnr ! nn I " v eill Was SUOjeCllVe. e Call tliem "". i"D l"-"" woid uic i m: uoi ku:uu , iuo nnut i; it, uo unuai, jOKUC eet or cunning or somethinu else P'easeu becau30 or tho very capioie ar- beauulul. anu now scones are inlroduceil at describes the war thev make us ti3ts who portrayed the principal parts; t bring tho play up-to-date-in which I not the war they themselves feel Dul lDIS Ee2son may ncKnotvieuge great- ir. uianey uas exceeueu nis tonuest ex- think. Yet a child is an indenen- er surprise at tho strength of the com- pectif.ons. "A Boy Wanted' is an ex- nt being and the effect it has on us PaDy' A "W anc:a, as evtryoae travaanzi to wnicnine stamp ot Mtt- "iiau unimnort'iut clement in it"- own KQ',W'3 ,s n wniiinrmu ot run in tnrco rjpoittan approval nas been given ana is sBfe The urtists and writers who a-ts, in wh!chthsro 13 not a minuto but presented in i's rn'irety. 'i.,,. ,.!,.., .1, i;f.,,.f ., ,.i,ii,i fr. ti,n what the audience is fully interested. It 73c.50c.23?. Seats now on saU side could almost be counted on one , nrl Tlioln 1 1 1 1 1 mil lit Flrt Mlll Vol 11 VI . - iivou nmv .jwu... wv. ......... flic ncvicu TI Hi r f .1 i T I n .. ..A ir 1... I nii uciy v i3i I initOiinnimirti.. iiiurioa ucu uj The Kacyclo Nar row Treail is the easiest running and longest wearing wheel made, btTauirc there is from ".'0 to '50 per cent, less pressure on the bearings of a wheel having the balls in the bubs of the cranks and tho chain and Fimieket wheel rolling oetwven Cr,0Vungr the bearing-', thus OomKI saving leverage. We bacK ttua assertion with $1,000 IN CASH. m -vl HLISfl la'l'lilT nmma t;vpt it,- -- - TtJ b A. L. Gikard Jb Co., .tru Lmmttm. " Pri2es 1.00, lould be hung in the recitation room everv child studv professor. They Tho Denver Times almanac for 1893 is lien by foreclosure on teal proreriv witnin th cistnct cf o braeka, and th it Amelia B. CI irk, Lulu V . . . .. . : fnl'v un to the h ph s'andjrd set in nrc- ... , .'. . ,, . .. .".-... ' .. pit one into quicker sympathy with 7 - - . ,. . larKuooK, rran ji. -ok, itia iiar- ..rk. fed comprehension of childhood than . ;.JT n . T- r p ' , r i , ' -i ? tm, rr, rrTrVT S.7.. ... ii citct fact3 about Colorado including its A.Perry, are defendants in sud suit, f TQJ T'l-fT? fcillions or chapters on pscychology ;.,,,..,i ,i -,., :i , and are not inhabitants of. and have not J L 10 l " Vj mmr iinii'-ini. rviiLunuiui qlij iuuusiiiui a i- - - ..-.---, -0 - rti. m vruwsi'.vpnu ADVntTISIIW-kitha'raMd ll "tate- A IxMik of two liuuilrcd pace, cob- tuintn a citnlocun of about fix llinaanml nuwiiRcrv.bniticHll Hint arc credited by tho Amcricin NVwopajicr IJiiectory (iJccember rditiou for U'JT) with ImTioR rcitnlar issuci of I.UM copies or more. Also aepnratu 8tato ma pi of c.ich nml every ttatoof thn Americnn Union, r.amirc tlinsa towci only in which thero ro is'ucil i.onvpnpvrs Imriiiit moro than 1.UJ0 cir culation. This IxkiIc (issiieit Uoccmbcr 13. Ic97.) will 1 sent, postnss paid, to any aiMrtsson receipt of ono ilollar. AdJres Tlio (!e. P. KowellAdvertisinsi; ., Vi Spruce itrect. New 1-3 jca teresi in?. -The ieripatetic opticians who herald eir temporary residence m this city columns of reading matter in the ily papers are poachers on the ter- orr of other and better men. 'There in Lincoln opticians of learning d experience, whose patients can turn unsatisfactory glasses aim uc ferfectly fitted any time it may suit. These men live and pay taxes here and .Miey arc fairly entitled, if they areas killed and honest as non-resident Ativans, to the patronage of their .q tfao T Ifellow-citizens, and The Couuieui's ef the opinion that they would get it if they understood the value of ader Tising as well as their less worthy for eign competitors. f A Boston man is writing a book on "The History of Woman." It is three volumes long and ought to throw ome light on a hitherto baffling Mib iect. He is an evolutionist so he can ot begin with Eve. He is serious so the comic papers on the new woman fcave been of no help but on account tit being a Boston man lie has been all lfislife surrounded by females of all aorts and conditions. Thus he has iwn nliln ti watch them when uuided ky the male and when picking their Amelia B.Clark, et j way through literature and art or the al.. Respondents j Hreets unattended by the hrst idea or Ifce creator. 1 hose wno nare reau au sourcer, are hare contained, together with much valuable statistical matter en the j ear's proiuctloc. Information of a tite character is a feature of its psge, and tlia records of the vote of tho state hhve been csrsfully and correctly com- b?en found within Ea:d district. anJ have not voluntarily appeared herein no on motion of F. L Gephardt schc- TRAIN TO TAKE itor for the complainant, it is considered by tho court, and ORDERED, That the respondents lift above camoJ, and ecch of th m. nnpear ar.u piau, answer cr uemurt) ji, p. i neat anu uuur.,urjLs, nai at leasi iweniy ; is iujued in at- dajstcfore said l!ad day of February . i .. f i 1S93, a copy of this orJer be served upon ibt ou don t find eMh of kl ks, namcd ref pmdnXa p'lctl. The Denver Times almanac this lire complainant's bill of complaint on or not onlv covers matten of vltilin oei?r? in. -r"'1 l "7, 0I i-oiruarj. isus. nml (hi.f in ilofmll IhAii.inf .. 1... to Colorado alone but colIiics rn.erftd in .. atl!,ft ta!.,.M, ,.,; , ,,, many jagts of general inrcrmation ,,ro confesso. It is Turther historical, cstronomiejl, p.l tical and ORDhRLD, That at least twenty otherwise. Tho bcok tractive covers, and wha wes almanac isn t wor.h know- wherever foun3. if nracticable. and also upon tho person or persons in porses- sion. or in chartre. of the real nronerlv (l"irst publication December 11.) described in the bill orcomulaint.if any NOTICE. there be, or in lieu thereof, that a copy At a session of the United States Cir- of this order be published for six coa- cuit Court Tor the District of Xe- s?cutivo weeks in The Courier, ot L;n- braska. continued and held pursuant coin, a newspaper published and in en- o adjuimmont, at tho court room in eral circulation in paid district ot Xo- tho Citv of Omaha, on the 7th day of braska. Wm. II. Musger. The Burlington s "Vesti buled Flyer," which leaves Lincoln every evening at i:10 p. in. and arrives in Dejiver the next morning at:l.i. It carries thro' sleepers, chair and dining cars, and offers a service that is unexcelled by anv road running into Denver re member this when pur chasing your tickets and STMil' JUGIIT. B. & M. depot cor. 7th and P sts. City Ticket otlice cor. 10th and O sts. G. W. BONNELL. 6. P. & T.A. H December, 1807, present, tho Ilotiora Mo William II. Mungrr, Judge pro tiding, tho following, among other proceedings, were baa and don?, to wit: The Continental Na" tiocal Uanko Bis- i ton,Ma-achusetis G4 T. tnd Charles b ss. Judge. The United States of America ) District of Xedraski f I. Ofcir B Hi lis. Cltr'x ot tie Cir cuit C ourt of the Unite States for tho Disitict of Xcbraska, do herehv certify I I A&EttlS BOTH MEX AXD WOMEX. If you are willing to work, weean give you Smith, ants. Cjmplain- - rs. ORDER ON" A 1SENT DEFENDANTS. In Chaccjry. Witn'ss my r.fllcial sicnatur? and thfj feal of sid Court at Omaha, in paid Now on this ith day of Dacember. 1697. a rpcular d ly of the Xovember 1S97 . t-.. ! It !r .. nf .ntil A-Mivt if Klttinn Ii nfl l1!iT. i. . -v . rnmm fncesueeisoi ins uooK&av iiiau io is ihiuuuiuwuo, uutiu-oj maun .LMsinct, inn an aay oi uccenner. ioy. valuable study of the eternal tD appear to the satisfaction of Biil Oscar B. Hillis. uinine. court, that this is a suit to enf ore ea J Clerk that the aboVd acti foregoing U a true employment with GOOD PAY, and copy of an orJ r entered upon the jour- you ca'n work all or part time, and at nal of tho proeechegs of siid court in home or traveling. The work is light tLo caus3 therein entitled; that I have and easy. Write at once for terms, compared the sanze with tho original etc., to entry of said order and it is a true iran- f cript therefrcai and or the wfcolo HE HAWKS XUR5ERY COMPAXY thereof. Milwaukee, wis, Daisy- So jou left Charley to bis rata when jou found he couldn't skate. Muzie Yes; I let him elide. ? :-mm-r 9! 5 ymmmmmmmmmmmmm V fiSBfc I