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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
-.' THE COURIER. , -, : . . . . r .:,:gnro....MinBWteM "GREEN Xft8" SiCLE. '-. GREATEST OF ALII MONY SAVING SALES "WE "WIIwIv IAY $5,000 In gold coin to any man, woman or child who can demonstrate that we have changed our marked prices in this sale. We absolutely guarantee to our patrons that the prices named in this, our greatest sale, are the same low prices that we have maintained during this fall and that all garments which have a "Green Tag" will be subject to a 25 per cent discount. Therefore do not be led astray by the false promises of others. Come direct to us, we are in a position to save 3'ou many dollars. BOYS' KNEE PANT SUITS "Green Tags" What They Mean. Boya 87.50 knee pant euHf, "Green Tag' price. 83.G3 Bo; b' f G.50 kneo pant euitB. "Green Tag" price Boys' I5.0D knee pant suits, 'Green Ta;" price Boys' $450 pant suits, "Green Tag' pries 4. S3 3.73 3 33 Boj b' 84.00 knee pant suits, "Green Tdg" price. . 3.0D Botb' 8350 knee pant eu'Ub, "Green Tag" price 2.75 Boya 8300 kneo pautBui'e, "Green Tag" Price 2.5 Rn.-o' eOrVl lrnon mint n-litn ' fjrfiftn Tac" price L68 Boys' 2 03 knes pant euite, "Green Tag" l.UU Men's Hats 1.12K price BoyB'8150knee pant suit', "Green Tag' price Bojb 81.00 knes pant suit?, "Green Tag" price , 75 Boya' 75c knee pant suits, "Green Tag" price 57 WHAT THEY MEAN, Jobn B. Stetson : Co.'s Fedora Hat?, Eo'd In all other storeB at 85. Our regular low price 8400. "Green Tag" price 83.00 All regular $3.50 bats, all styles and chapes. "Green Tag" price 82.75 All regular 8.100 hats, "Green Tag" price. 2.25 All regular 82.50 hat9, "Green Teg" price. 1.88 All regular 8200 hate, "Green Tag" price,. 1.50 All regular 81.50 hat?, "Green Tag" price.U2J All regular 81.00 hat?, "Green Tag"prici. .75 All regular 75.: hat?, "Green Tae" : line. . .57 AH regular C0j hate, "Green Ta" price. . .38 ALL CAPS. Subject to a discount of 25 per cent-. ALL GLOVES AND MITTENS. Subject to a discount of 25 per cent. ALL HOSIERY. Both woalen and cotton subject to a discount of 25 per cent. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS "Green. 1gj What They Mean, Boys' regular $12.50 IoDg pant euits, 'Green Tag" price 89.38 Boys' regular 81000 long pant Euite, Green .Tag" prlcj 7.50 Boys' regular 88 50 long pant suits, "Green Tag" price 6.38 Boys' regular 87.50 long pant suite, ' Green Tag" price 5.63 Boys' regular 86 50 long pant aaits, "Green Tag'' price 4.88 Boys regular 85.00 long pant suits, "Green Tag" price .. 3.75 Boys' regular $4.50 long pant suite, "Green Tag" price 3.33 Boya' regular 81.00 long pant suits, "Green Tag" price 3.00 Boys' regular 83 50 long pant suits, -'Green Tag" price 2.75 Botb' regular 83 00 long pant suits, "Green Tag" price 2.25 !" ma 1" U IN Everything m this nLniLniDLK sale i8 aoId with " "1 1" w 11 our never chang ing guarantee: '-YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT." Conditions of Sale ?IRSTo.Ueb2San FndaJ morning, January 7th, at 8 o'clock sharp and will continue for 30 clays. SECOND All Suits, Overcoats, Ulsters and odd Pants for men, bovs and children which are marked with "Green Tairs ' will he sold nt, :i discount of 2Ti rmr cent, ti1tr.tah rnmicLih., Goods (nothing reserved) will he subject to a discount of 25 percent. FOURTH All Hats and Caps will be sold at a uniform discount of 25 per cent " Ol-- Our object in this sale is to successfully close out. from our st U D I RCT OT ma. I tire of faI1 and winter Furnishing goods and to sell clean to " J w' fc v ' v- 5n crdcr to make the much needetl TOQm for our tremendous J stock every heavy weight ararment. everv ves- to the shelves all our fall 1897 Hats and" Caps besides putting us on a basis were we will be able to show you an entirely new stock next fall. For example, in our great Clearing Sale last. Julv and August we so successfully closed out our Spring and Summer Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods that when the time comes we can trutti fully say our stock is absolutely new. We know the people will appreciate oureiTorts. We know the people will be greatly benefitted bv taking advantage of this, the greatest bona hde discount on psrfectly seasonable and absolutel v up-to-date merchandise, ever offered km"k AMrvA rf P5 1 ii nn There are many unscrupulous merchants who will endeavor to imitate our genuine sale bv i. ,. .. r. - i wlS5l to assure our friends that these men have no resources beyond their nower of rnnvino- and imitating. Ours is a genuine cut price sale inaugurated for reasons not only honorable but in strict keeping with busineS nrudence 1? you butonce understand the fullness of our determination not to carry over one single item of our winter stock to inotPrS y'fS," understand the force of this all conquering cut price sale. h u winier fil0CK lo -motiier season j ou will then MPFRRnNAI I Y IIIVITfn!6nd thlS Sale YU Shall'we P, have every courtesy shown you rLnOUnnLLI inillLU whether you wish to buy or not. All we ask is for you and vour friends to come ARMSTRONG CbOTMNG CO. - .- . 1013-19 O STREET. IWWlMMIMMtlfcTftttitiS.fttUA.V.' MMEfc 1 W W T ""I ISSHsi'Silils WMSfS999 jywraffifl