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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
f r THE COURIER; G r if rim Telephone. uniconouiB j Professional Directory DOCTORS. Onva CM) ,, i OiHco rooms 18-19 10 to 18 a. tm U.IlC6....Ul q p, TJe-rrnQlJg J nrr uiock V 3 to 5 p. m r. i cf xvtjyuumo mso.Mthdt Sun. ato- nfn JW. L. Dayton, M.D. lomce. 12050 street iiotoi Unee iDimscs of Eye, Eai "i nnd Throat I Res. 1S21 C Street 12:30 to IDr. J. H. Tyndale 1 NOSE AND THROAT iOfl:ce.roo1RPandI0...9tol,:3,,, J Lansing Thcatro J 2to5p 5pm 9 tollman. in IDr. S. E. Cook f Eje, Ear, Nose and Throst 1215 O St. 19:20-12:3 an-. J2-5pm flico. Res. 'I" Dr. BeDj. P. Bailey . C71. ) I Office. Zchrunc Mock ID to 10 am i J-12 to 12:30 ( Residence. 1C13 G street J 2 to 4 p m Office. 319, Res 462. Dr. B. E. Giffen t Office, Telrpbono Bid.. ) 2 to 5 p tn ; J a m by a I Residence, 1S21 F street 1 pointment. orueo ui mr. J.S, Eaton, R idencc...52 J Eurccry nna Nervous Diseases, ) t " to 4 p. m OIUce. 137 So. llth St. K a.m. (12 111 ours 10 to i H. S. Aley, M. D. f Female, nervous A cenito-urinary I diseases. I i Hours 9 to 12 Office, HIS O Street -2 to 5. 7 to 8 i Hon. &, Sat I Dr. J. B. Triokey, f Refiaciionist only ( Office, 1035 O street. 19 to 12 a. m 4 p. m. 19 to Ito4 1 DR. E. J. ANGLE. lOffico Alexander blk.llCOj 9tol2am. Skin nnd Oenito-Uninary Diseases, J,S?,'Jl-0 f-.?!j I Facial blemisi c rumoved JEcs. cor 26th and N bts. ) i0to9p.m DENTISTS. i . n l Oilier, room 26. 27 and l Office, 530. VLOU1S N. Wente.D.D.S. I. Browncll niock. 137 I to 11th street. ) Dr. J. S. McNay j Office, 1105 C s rcct IS to 12 aia O (Residence. 23$ T street ll to5p m .65G IDr. F.D.Sherwin f DENTIST. ( Office, room 19 Burr Blk I 9 to 12 a m I 2nd lloor V (Rc.o.SMSQst J I to p.m BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'hone 470 I Phone J. M. GUILE, Real Estate and Ins. Gen. Exchange Business Office 315 South Eleventh i. rfn .i Jf-Y " BaaV h ,. teis. i lIi11JKJJJ4WV I A POINTER for these whese sight is fail- A ing, or who haveany defectof jf vision whatever, is that e 7 will test your eyes, in a scien- C title manner, find out just what they need, and then suit you with just the right glasses jv ,.v tuuiw, luu 1131U11 JlCllUUl. Ill Social and Personal 2fS U5 eyeglasses or spectacles. 15YJSS EJXAIVIIIVDJID FREJEJ- I E. HALLETT, Jeweler and Optician, 1143 O Street. 6 j OOOOOOQOSCOOCOOOOCOOOOOODOOOCJOOOOOI sm.4. Swiss V TUEsDAY morning, January 18. we will place on sale five hun dred pieces of Hamburg Em broideries, including the best staple patterns as well as the choicest nov elties of this season. The line is particularly attractive in line edges and matched sets. If vou wish to make your selections while the as sortment is complete vou are invited. Miller & Paine 30000300 30 30D2000DOODOO 300 30000Q32M9MI Mr. and Mre. S. H. Burnham gave a amall party Friday evening. Mr. acd Mrs. W. B. Ogden give a din ner party this evening for Mre.Robitson of Chicago. Mr nn-l Mw J. A. Bucks'.lff Rill ElVB a large dinner parly next Thursday in honor of Mre. Robertson, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Hecxy Howell Hailey returned on Friday from their wedding trip through the touth. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Phillippi of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. White and Mrp. Dr. Livingston are vis'.ting Mrs. C. E. Yalea. W.S. Ifrade, a prominent attorney of Cambridge, O arrived in the city TburE day and will tpand a few weeks visiting with II. C. Young. Mr. and Mrs J. II. Harley an J Miss Uarky have issued invitations to their friend to meet Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howell Harley on Wednesday evening. Thursday evening the Castiemnn Pleasure Club give a daace at the L. L. I. hall. Their next one w'dl be January CGth in the sama hall, and it is hoped th it all members will be present. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. F. Brown gave a tea for Mrr.C.O.Robin boq of Chicago. Tiieir guests were: Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Yat2s. Buckstiftand W. C. Wlkba. ' The numerou3 fiicnds of Mrs. II. B. Warft ot W3 more, formerly a resident of Lincolr, will be glad ta learn that she has successfully paEsed through a seri 03s operation on the right kidney at the sanitarium, and is now convalescent. Lieutenant Pershing, whom both unl vereity aid town circles remember, was in the city for a few days this week. He was" on his way to Denver on businesn, bo could not tary lonp. nis friends were glad to welcome him once more. IheOnce a Week kemingtoa club held it3 usual meeting on Tuesday after noon. Th9 guebts were: Mesdame3 Frednallett, Wallace Orandall, Grant Hcagland, Ward Richardson, Will Risley, Bert Davis, Hart and Miss Margaret Hallett. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yatea gava a din ner for their out oMown guests Tuesday evening. The table was barutifully de corated with roses and azaleas. The guests were: Mrs. RobinBon of Chicago, Mrs. Livingstons acd Mr. and Mrs.' White of Platlsaiouth, Mr. and Mrs. Phillipt ot Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs J B: Wright. Mrs. A. R Mitchell gave a k?nsiogton en Thursday arternoon. The guesls were Mesdames Frank Woods, C. C. Burr, Jansen, A. S. Walsh, Holm, E E Brown, Jno. Wright. Chas. Robinson, Ogden, Carl Funke, C. E. Yatee, Rojs Curtice, Kimball; Mieses libbetts, Bes sie and Ahca Wing, Barbour and Helen Harwood. Friday evening Dr. and Mr?. A R Mitchell gave a card party to tho follow ing guestF: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. acd Henry Mayer, Sch!e?inger, WessI M Opp2nhim2r, Sp3ier, Kseneky, Acker niim, Newma-k, Rossnbaum, M. Friend, I. Friend: Messr-i Sam o..-- or Majer; Mrs. Saligshou of Omah,, and Mrs. Gus. Friend of Grand Island. One of the most p!ea9ant parties of the teaaon was given at the Lincoln last mghtby the "Pershing R.fles-' an or ganization of tbe university which, es- cc'sinbo.h posial and milltiry affair'. The piiz3 drills the company holds on o every month fhow what they can do ia a military way, and their success last night proved their ability to cam through their social functions with an equal degree of thoroughnefs. The com mittee, composed of Ernest Wiggenhorn as chairman, Ch3e. Weeks, Chas. True, Chap. Hendy and Mr. Noyes has rellect cd great credit uroa itself. Every tie tail which could add to the enjoyment of the guebts was provided. At 9 o'c'o:k Mies Willoughby's orchestra called tbe guests into the large d'ning room to fol low in the grand march whicbwas led by Lieut. Pershing, the gutst of honor, and for whom the company is named. Following him were Lieut. Stotzenbcrg. Chancellor and Mrs. MacLoan, Prof, and Mrs. Ricnards, Prof, and Mrs. Bar bour, Dr. and Mrs. Ladd, Mr. and Mr. Geo. Woods. Them wero about seventy- 1 five couplts of univeisity and town po- pie who enjojed themselves thoroughly ' until the last s'rains "of "Home Sweet ! Heme" had died away. Mr. and Mrs. KsonBky enter twined lh ! B. B. Whi-t club r.n WarlnacA-,., .. i ing. After the games lisjht refreshments were served. The'gues's were: Mersrs. and Misses Metdamt s Sallie Berkson, - Newmark. PaiiC.B. v-:,.a Ackermap, IdaFiisud, lr" Mvr,-j..-'Aiiiu.MaTer,.v: rr t. o ,t. . iua;Ci, oardn r rieno, . Schlesinger, Ailoan Friend, Speier; Be:tha Seligsihn; MorrisFriend, Mescr.--Misses Herzog, Frank, Greenbaum, Mathi'de Friend, Speier, Mr. J. Oppanheimer. Wednesday evenicg, January 12 h, at 8 o'clock, Rev. Stuff cf the Emmanuel M. E. church united in marriage at the home of the bride in the Brownell b'ock Mr. J. R. Cattls and Mies Grace L Moore. The pretty littla bride looked very charming in a handsome costume of old rose daintly trimmed with plated chiffon, and carrying bride's roseF. After the ceremony, dainty refreshments w2re served the guests who were o-ly relatives of tho bride, inclndingher aged grandmother. A number cf beautiful a..u ustiui presemswero presentd Mr Oa'tleisa clerk at the B & M ttor -house acd both Mr. and Mrs. Cattle have many friends who wish them a long life of happiness and prosperih. Thursday at 10:40 a. m., Mr. and Mk Cattle Itft for Loupe Cily where thu will visit Mr. Cattle's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan returned last week from their trip to Mexico, where they wero entertained bv the generous and hospitable governors tf thettatesand by the president or tin Republic with a fine courtesy. The Mexicans are a people Huie understoo.1 by their northern neighbors on the earn continent. They a:o a generous bosp table, hero worshiping, but withall lai sczfaire people. The exaggerated phras es ;of, sreeting that they B89 with their friends, such as "welcome to my house, it is yours" and their habit of apparent lybestoAing whatever a guest may ad mire upon him, is somewhat embarrasin.: to a foreigner, until he learns to loo; upon everything icside a man's hou without saying anything about it bow ever beautiful it may be. In the ca or Mr. and Mrs. Brvnn tho. r-. j.. sire to g,ve them something wasgonuite rather than formal and conventional