Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1898)
THE COVI-Ji, .? -m Sj,, t , inct from tho various study classes which are carried on under tha auspices o! the department?. Thero is a general meeting of tho club every two wc;ks, and tho club, again, has its program for the year. Ono must cot think, how ever, that tho members are clubbed to death, with many meetings and much study. No oco member of tin club takes a part in evry line of tho ciub work. Dut among 800 mombers thero aro many minds and many tast:s, and tha club offers somothing to interest all. Aside from tho passion for self-improvement and intellectual culture, which consumes tho womonof Colorado no less than their club sisters elsewhere, the cet, ices end cooldrinkp, and committees in attendance. There the club woman from Maino may ,eit dnd rest and talk over her c'ub with tho woman from Cal ifornia, and this pleasant personal inter course will help to weave tho tics that bind the great sistcrliotd of th ; G. F. V. C. I send you, according to jour i quest, tho picture of Mrs. Sarah S. Piatt, the president of the Woman's club of Den ver. She has been its Jirst and only president, and in her magnificent per sonality may be found the' inspiration for large measures of tho success which has attended the progress of the club. Minnio J. Reynolds, Chairman Lccal Bi r AHegFetti (Jbocolates 1 rAT" Rector's Pl?aFmac d .old, old work of women which they havo onnial Frees Committee. carried on sico first they emerged from ' is soon as tho plates aro received from tho , , ., . !!. engraver Mr. Plait's portrait, and Mrs Lehr's, the harem philanthropy and chanty (president and socroturyortiioLw.u.1)wi I be Womm's club of l'"utcuin uiELocBiER.-tuitor.j heve a cantro in tho Denver. Lot ms tell you soma of the things the club has done quite recently. The club voted $75 to i'Parson Tom" Uzzcll to give his annual Christmas din ner to the poor children of Denver. Then 100 members of the club went down to help him serve tho dince- to the hun dreds of children. This is an annual func'.ion of the ciub. The club issued the Christmas edition of th Rocky Mountain Neics, considered by compe- The following notes on Nebraska clubs from tha peu of Mr.?. D. C. Mc Killip of Seward, appear in the Mid-land-Monthly Tor January: "Club organization is still prog ref sing in Nebraska. Tho town of Syracuso has invit'd tho President of tho State Fe deration, Mr?. Belle M. Stoutcnhorough, to ess'st in starting a club of twenty applications are on tils at that time. Fill out the blank application sent you by jour county sup?rintandant, or mako application as par tin form bo!ow, and mail it to tha stjta superintendant at your earliest convenience. Tho county superintendant, who is county manuyer, ui'l, from timo to time, furnith teachers university ndminis'rationB and eintrait ctl tho present number Of tti'denla and professors with tho little band o! t;ach cra and taught whirli gretted her nh?n she arrived. By next April Mies Smith will bavo Brrved twenty-oto jears in tbo univer sity. Sho hes worked undo: four chan- with such blanks and information ns cellors acd two acting chancellors. Sho willenablo them to proceed with tho Iub been associated with every teacher work of preparing the exhibit. except thro?. TLo:c werj hfic beforo School boards are earnestly requested her tiruj. She has seen tcvjntorn closes to lend their support to tho undertaking enter, finish lheir work and graduate. members. The city of Aurora hasalso a ana caereuy en -ou:ago uio pupils or ttio unui nve crsixjears niro ehowai per- new club of young cirls. The History puuiic bjuoois to put form llieir uctt sonai y acquuntcU with every student tent author.ties to bo tho best publica- and Art Club of Seward has just closed efforts. tioa of the kind ever issued Dy women, an attloan exhibit and chrysanthemum FO,tM op application and due much moro largely to tha efforts fa!f Tha proceeds will be divided be- Suit. W. R, Jackson, Lincoln, Nth.: of women alone than any other daily tween the public ibrary and public Deak Sir-You are hereby notified paper ever published. It represents BchooIs The club intends to place a that School District No.... or creditably the intallect and talentof the repro(uction of some work of ait in each County, Nebraska, with tho permission women of Donver. Its pages are illus- BCh0ol room in the city. All over the of the School Board, applies for freo trated with drawing from the pencile of 8tate the clubs are working to beautify spacofor an educational exhibit at tho her women artists, and sketebee, stories, lhe pubHc SCQO0, room? and many Trans-Mississippi and Irter-National book revisws, reports of news, editorial, h , boards are vvBtr to do anvthinir Exposition. and wit and wisdom in various forms, in theJr power to further art in the The npplicant agreed to see that an Tho lunch tables were presided over by from tho pens of members of the Wo- 8,no:)j8 When they find it is about a3 exhibit is prepared and tent to the coun- Mre- Cherts, Mrs. Hunfer and Mr, men's club, lhocartcon was drawn by cheap to have dainty tinted walls of pale ty superintendant of schools, na later Kn,anri the joucg Iadus wcro assiited a club member, Miss Ida do Steignor, cream, shell nink or blue sh hav- than Amil 1st. 1898. by Mr. E. E. vJillesrio. t3 " T 7 S - -r - - I -.... - but tho number is now so great that sho can no lotger know all. After remini scences by Pror. Caldwell, Ev. Gov. Tbajer. Dr.Litta, S. J. MeCouig.TD. T. Roberts, II. W. Hatdy. Tnomns Malloy and Henry Veith, at six o'clock tbo three or four hundred people were Eerved by Miss Josephino Lottridge, Miss Slaught;r acd other young ladies to coffee, sindwichep, ojet:rs and cake. the first carioon uy a woman oer jDg wbUs. and that a harmonizing color rinted in a Colorado pap:r. Tho club ,-n pa;nt and shades makes an artistic did not havo the proceeds of all tho comb;cat;on of tono with no more out. advertising in the paper, but only that lay than would be expended a discor- portion oLtiined by themsalvee. They djnt decoratioce, tfco dubs have met will mak, however, about 81,000 from with heartv cooperation from thesehool the venture. This will Le applied to tho boards, is. Stoutenborough has a placing o works of art in the public ciub ofbojs in herown town of Piatt - schools of Denver, copies ot the world s mouth, between the ages of It! and 15. masterpieces in painung anu scuipiure, that study history and boys' literature. cast and pottery. Thousands of the children of Denver who otherwise wculd never know the ennobling touch of art will fesl it through the Christmas pres ent of tho Woman's club. Last summer tha llotce department of tha club gave "As You Lika If out of door?, in a miniature forest of Arden. They made seme SoOO, which is being used this ear to conduct a school of Tha number or taachers croplojed in 1J-w"sn waselected toastmasterandho Bchool is ' cal,-d u3 Mr. HarwooJ, Mre. Charles Name o! applicant Smith and Mr. Hardy to reply to toasts Official position cfAuM Lang Sine. Mre. Smith said in Post office address " to Tho Trials or a Housekeeper in Dated this day of 1898. tho Eaily Daje: that her husbmd built 0 - a house near the locality of East Liu- The Ccsy Club of Te curcseh ia now in co111- Then ho went eat to get married ilfc Hf ill year and interest in the club aml brought his brido to her prairio work is constantly increasing. Tho tt home in a mover's wsgon drawn by tendance Is regular, nine-tenths o! tho oxen. In this way tlisy crossed Iowa members having attended every meet- and arrived at tho Nebraiki homestecd . ing this year. It is a hard study club only to lind that sora'ono had stolen tho An excellent article upon "Fostering and has never allowed written work to windows an-1 doors rroru their sodhause. Public Libraries' by Mrs. Kate. M True, take place of live discussion of the les- Nebraska C ty was the nearejt point a prominent club woman of Tecum3eh, sons To this fact, no doubt, is duo the wherolumber might be prccurc-d and tho appeals in the current number of the continued interest and onthusiasm of young couple, who irvived in May, Jived Midland Monthly. The history of the tho members. The ear's program open- through the summer without windows public library movement is briefly pd with the critical study of "Julius aa( doors quite comfort ibly except fcr trccsd from the time m Ii31 when Ben- Caesar using 1'ror. Shermans ques- a uv wnen a violent rainstorm fell and She basset an example that every club in tne stdte should follow." domestic science, under tho direction of ;amjn FraDklm "propesed to Ids club of tious. Tha last six weeks have b;en almost filled the Httle lwuic with water. aPratt institute graduate. This school young men that each should bring his given to Child Study. This course open- Ground squirrels had I ored through tho has chassis Loth of society maids and books to the club room and mako them ed with b lecture by Mi. He ler, to roof and 6ides of the bouse acd tho rain matrons, and o! working girle.andhas common propeity,'' through thaperiol which tho club threw opon tho doors poured thiough theho'e. Thsmistiess beme largely self-supporting. Tho when libraries depended entirely upen and invi'ed tho public. Ab aids in ths climbed up on tbo high bed whre her Heme department had a do'.I-dressing Dr;Vato subscriptions, to the present study wo have a number of volumes husband followed her when he came in. day just before Christmas', and dressed timc waen supportcd by municipal au- enough dolls to supply every girl in the thoiiy ana public taxation. Club wc- charitabla institutioLS of Denver, be- men are urjetl to take gtoatsr Interest sides making picture Looks for the boe. ja tbo hbraries of their own townp, serv- Theso aio only i few of the things 5Dg os the library board, when neces- tha Woman's ciub dec, but I fear my 6ary( fcr they are lha ones deriving the report is already adnauscum. Let me greatest benefits. Tho majority or the Bay that a warm western welcome awaits cjuij3 depend largely upon the public every visitor to the biennial next June, libraries for their books of referecc;, Itwili be tho greatast biennial of the and few papars could be written without Genera) Fedeiation yet held, and, espo- tU9 UC 0f the Lo.ks drawn from its cially, the greatest gathering of western shelves. H this bo true ia the cities, the club women . Every day letters come to ;nca'culable value or the traveling libra The educational exhibit which will be made by the schools of Nebraska at the from the Federation Library and a Child Study Magazine. We will continue this lineo! work six weeka longer, acd then return to Shakspere. lhe Cosy Club always closes its a'trr noon with a "social hour" and light ie freshment?. Being a limited club of seventeen members this can easily be done. Tho Century Club held its regular meeting Tutsdiy afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Howell. Roll call was responded to by quotations from Dante. Mrs. Hart ley read an interesting paper on tho Medicis and Mrs. Kirker talked of Savonarola. Ths principal paper of tho Continued on Pago 8. yoo fOR i tCOHOV i ion of Kansas are coming Trans-Mississippi exposition to ba held afternoon was upon "Florence," by lasse. We hope that Ne- Omaha from June 1st to November M.H.Garten. It was carefully pi Mrs. us telling of the special interest talten m ry t0 tho iural districts can be imaginoJ tha Denver biennial by western club " women, who havo never beforo been nhl to attend a biennial. Wo hear that the c".ub women almost en ma braska also, tha home of the man for ist( 1593, promises to be one or the lead uhom most of us votad for president in jng features of that great exposition. "06, will send us a big delegation. Teachers and school officers should T he Wooum"8 club of Denver, as the bear in mind that application for space The Old Settlers cf Lancaster County chief hosti6s of the occasion, will keep muEt be direct to the state supcrinten- met in Dalian h 11 at the University on opsnhcuse all tbo week. lis club rooms dent of public instruction beore. the 1st Tuesday afternoon. The paper most en wi.l be 003, with ea3y chairs and day of February 1SD9, as space wtll be joyed was one by Mhn Ellen Smith couches, flowers, Icoks and cenveniep- uppgrtioned to the s:veral schools whoso which related the history of the various carefully prepar ed acd full of inteie-t. Tha club will meet i i two weeks with Mrs. Winger. For Shoes that wear and are worth more than they cost you, t try us. " I uur cut prices beat an discounts. IEBJH ROGERS L 1043 O St. WMttjjUlHtW MM