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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1921)
1 IJUM-f 7JT sleeps -time Tales fl. .) I)iiwil TALE OF CHIRPY RICKET BT ARTHUR .SCOTT BAILEY .A. CHAPTER VII. . Johnnie Green's Guest. There were enough night noises before Chirpy; Cricket came to live in the farmyard. What with Solo mon Owls hooting, his cousin Simon Screecher'sj quavering call, and the musical Frog's 'family's concerts n Cedar Swamp, it was a wonder that Johnnie Green ever managed to fall asleep. The Katydids alone were almost enough to drive anybody frantic if he let himself listen to them with their everlasting "try of Katy did, Katy did; she did, she did. Johnnie Green himself said . he wished the Crickets had gone some- Magba h wanted to punish him.' where else to spend the summer. At least, . he thought they might play some, other tune besides cr-rr-il cr-r-r-i! cr-r-r-il over and over again. If they would only fiddle "Yankee Doodle" now and then he said - he wouldn't mind lying awake; a while to listen to it. ;, ' Perhaps Chirpy Cricket heard what Johnnie Green said.' Maybe he wanted to punish him. , Anyhow, he crept into the farmhouse one eve ' Jiingr and found his way into Johnnie Green's chamber, where he hid in a gaping crack behind the baseboard. And that very night, as soon as Johnnie Greert put out his light and jumped into bed, Chirpy Cricket be gan to fiddle for him." vv Johnnie had been sleepy. , But the moment Chirpy Cricket began fiddling right fhere in his room he became wide awake. He had had no idea how loudly one of the Cricket family could play his cr-r-r-il cp-r-r-if cr-r-r-i! indoors. The high, shrill sound was piercing. It rang in Johnnie's ears and drowned the tnufflcd concert bf the fields and Swamp which the light breeds bore through the window.- " V For a few minutes ' Johnnie' lay still. And then he sat upin bed. "Til. have to get up and find that fellow," he said. "If don't, he'll keep me awake." J.K The momenttie stirred, the fiddling stopped short, i, Johnnie was glad of that. And once more he laid his head upon his pillow. " But. in a few moments; that, crr-r-i! cr-r-r-il ! rang; out again, ; v ; . . Then Johnnie Green tried several remedies. He shook the bed. He knocked over a chair. He; caught up, a shoe and threw it toward a cor ner of the room, whence the sound seemed to come.' And then he threw the other shoe. V Every time Johpnie Green made a noise Chirpy Cricket stopped fid- dling. And if Johnnie had had enough shoes ho doubt he could have kept Chirpy from making any more music that night. But, of course, Johnnie couldn't have slept any, if he had done that. Besides, he, would have kept the whole family awake, too. He thought of tht after he had hurled the second shoe.. J, For his father called up the stairs and asked Mm what was the matter. "There's an old Cricket .- in my room!" Johnnie explained. "He's keeping me awake."'i"r - "I should think you were keeping him awake," said Farmer Green. "Get up and look for him if you must. . i . But don't let him bite youl" , - "You wouldn't joke ' if this old Cricket was in your room," Johnnie grumbled. He did not grumble often. .. But he had had a long, hard day, swim J Ming in the 1 mill-pond and climbing apple trees. , ,And he wanted to go to sleep. Johnnie Green thought it was -no time crack jokes. . . ! (Copyright, dressett' & Dunlap.) Jewel, Rower, Color Symbols for Today ' By; MILDRED MARSHALL. , Today's talismanic stone is the ; rftral. It brines sure -recovery to those who are ill; in fact, the ancients . .. . .i . i. .i t: Deiievea mat one wno wore a mi of coral could -not fatl,fll. .It was also credited with power to bring great strength and the power to re sist contagion. - ' ' ' The amethyst is . today's - natal - stone, which, according to an ancient legend, protected its wearer from "Inarm resulting from either physical mental dangers. Those 'who are inclined to be too impulsive should wear the amethyst, since it some what reacts this tendency. " White should be worn today; v sacred to the moon goddess, it is syjttWic of prrity, and is particular ? , iortunate for young girls. , 'V .Today's flower is theyellow rose, which dispels treachery and brings true friendship. (Copyright. 1M1. Wheeler Syndicate Inc.) Parents' Problems How can a boy ot 12 be helped to be considerate of a visiting in- , valid relative? ' r ' i A ereat deal in this case "might " depend ' upon the aunt. If cheer ful even though ill. the by will easily be induced to try to be con siderate of her. " Should her invalid ism, however, be such as makes cheerfulness not always possible, the parents of the boy must do the best they can to explain the situation to - their son, and if necessary, insist toon fight behavior Manufacturers' Sample Lines White Canvas Oxfords, Pumps and Colonials Less Than Half Regular Price mt jhw'i Three Lots 95c-$1.25-$1.45 The season's best and most popular styles in Turns, Welts and. 5 McKay, lasts. Samples in these lots worth regularly up to $4.00. Binner Corsets and Expert. Binner Corsetiere Ser-i vice. July Clearance Sales of Hot Weather Apparel for Saturday r : A Thousand Dresses Light weight, cool materials, regular values, up to $30.00. IN TWO LOTS $4.75 and $14.75 Hundreds ot lovely Voile, Gingham and Lawn Dresses, made up in 25 different styles, light and dark shades, sizes 16 to 44, that wene made 'to sell at 6A 7C J10.00- and 12.50. ' The $14.75 group consists of Georgette Crepes, Taffetas, Chiffons, Organdies, Ging hams and Novelties. Dresses In this group suitable for street, afternoon club dance or general wear; sizes for misses and ladies; worth up to $30. , Satur- f A 7C day 2d Floor P ITT O r Silk Sport Dresses 85 silk sport skirts that were formerly priced from $15.00 to d0 QEj $22.50, ' Saturday. . .'. . . . ;VOi ?? J Second Floor ' Boys' $3.0O-$4.0O Wash Suits, $1.25 Site for boys of three to ten year These are Just the suits for them hot day, plenty of cool styles; over (00 to select from, at, your choice, $1.26. Beys' Shirts and Blouses, 65c 700 Sport and regular styles; all colors 'and slses; f 1.(0 In one big lot, Saturday, at 65c. Clearance Sale Men's Straw Hats at $1.85 Tour unrestricted choice of any fin's Straw Hats and Oolt Caps; valua. iu 11.50, of former price, Saturday, ,t.M. Men's and Boy's Siik Caps at 95o Over 100 dozen to select from; all colors and all sizes; values to $2.60; your choice, Saturday. 95e. , ,, Boys' Headwear at 29c Youi choice of all the odd lots of Boys' Straw Hats and Golf Caps: values tl Infants' and Children Dresses Two specials in Children's Section Satur daySecond Floor. , Little tots' white dresses, colored dresses, rompers and creepers, also bonnets, that sold at $2, $3 and $4. Satur day Clearing Sale Special. $100 i Combination Sale Lot 2 Little Tots' Bungalow Aprons, Eompers, Bonnets, Vests and Baby Dresses that sold at f - TOILET GOODS Coty L'Orlgan Face Powder 79o $1.00 Kranks Lemon Cream 70c SOo Hinds Honey Almond Cream. ...3o SOo Pepsodent ......I... Site 11.60 Oriental Cream S1.1S (Oe Luxor Face Powder. .......... ....40 (Oo Luxor Rouge: -SOo Phillips' Milk Magnesia 42e Over 11000 Men's Union Suits on Sale Saturday $1.00 to $1.50, Saturday. Hardware Complete Clearance of Our Entire Stock of Men's . Summer Underwear. .'103 Union Suits in madras and pajama check, all sizes; .regular price U.60. 4000 Union Suits in knit short sleeves, ankle length; regu lar price 1.25. On Sale Saturday, 79c 1800 Men's All Silk and imported English and French ma terials, athletic style; values to $4.50. , 2500 Lawrence rib in white and ecru short sleeves, ankle s length; regular price $2.50. , , . 1700 Garments Chalmers make, genuine poros-knit, inrox knit; regular price $2.50. 1000 garments Augusta and Corinth knit, two sleeves, three-quarter length; regular price $2.00. Choice, the Lot, $1.29 II Inch plain bearing Lawn Mower, value $12.00, at , 17.60 IS inch plain -bearing Lawn Mower, value $11.00, at SS.7S 14 Inch ball bearing Lawn Mower, value 414.00, at S10.W 15 Inch ball bearing Lawn Mower, value $15.00, at fU.e 35-lb. Refrigerators, white lined, value $24.00, at $18.00 C0-lb. Refrigerators, white lined, value $25.00, at $25.00. T(-lb. Refrigerators, white lined, value $30.00, at A. $32.00 125-lb. Refrigerators, whits lined, value $50.00, at $42.00 2- hole Dangler Oil Stove, value $19.00, at only $15.00 3- hole Dangler Oil Stove, value $25.00, at only .$19.00 Domanco Electric Iron with 7-ft. cord. value $5.(0, at ..$4.15 50-ft. with couplings, molded hose, In., value $0.00, at $1M Large else Wooden Tub, value $1.25 at 15a 2-qt. white Mountain Ice Cream Freexer, vaule $5.(0, at S4.2S 4- qt. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer, value $8.25, at ,' $$00 ... ( MrMotortst Did you see the great lens testing demonstration Thurs day evening, July 14th, a t the Ak-Sar-Ben Field under auspices of Commissioner of Police Henry Dunn? This was the biggest lens testing event ever held in the United States. Passed every test and met the strictest re quirements, and in addition gave greatly in creased driving and side light., . Jhe demonstration showed why fifty-five lighting engineers of the leading automobile factories of the country', have adopted Patterson Lens as standard equipment. Equip your car with Patterson Lens and you comply with all the State Laws' and City ordinances, and get the best road light it is possible to secure. 1 - Hf l ? I An til fiT Inast on Patterson and Accept No Substitute PATTERSON lens has been officially approved" by the Department of, Public Works of the State of Nebraska in accordance with the new state law. Auto Electric Service Corporation, .2205 . Farnanu Western Motor Car Company, 8002 Farnanu . , 'J. & IU Motor Supply Company, 1915 Farnanu Rational Accessories Company, 2012 Farnanu Tan Brant Antomoblle Company, 2562 Farnanu Jones-Opper Company, 2558 Farnanu J. H. Hansen Cadillac Co, Farnam and 26th. Goy L. Smith Company, 2553 Farnanu : Troup Auto Supply, THE following firms are officially ap vrored local stations and can furnish . vnn with nnllcn J " " Mr that your focused i lenses certificates are legal and showing properly : . Sample-Hart Motor Company, 18th and Barb C E. Paulson Motor Company, Ames Avenue , ' and Florence Bird. " Untrersal Motor Company, 2553 Learenworth. . . Adklns Motor Company, 4911 South 24th, 6Brien-I)aTls-Coad Anto Company, 27th and '-" Harney. McCaffrey Motor Co, 15th and Jackson Sts. 2027 Farnam Street. PATTERSON LENSES ARE FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DEALERS. Dealers supplied by Powell Supply Co. .2051 FARNAM ST, Exclusive Distributors for Central West Territory. S. E. COR. 16th & JACKSON STS. F RE E Tickets to the Big Outing at Krug Park Wed. Eve. There will be something doing every minute. Admission to Park and Bathing Beach will be free; Ask for" tickets at store. foLTUi ,. n.n fn) Special-Saturday-Any SummerDress , In Our Entire Stock at Exactly Saturday! a sensational, old-fashioned, money-saving sale that makes it possible for every woman to secure a new dress to finish out the season. s V " Dresses of Satin, Crepe de Chine, Voile, Gingham, Georgette, Swiss and Organdie in the colors that are most in demand, featuring new mid-summer styles with late fashion ideas at just HALF their former low prices. ' mm Saturday Big Value in a JA neatly .dressed "life like" doll, full A 15 in. tall, with wavy hair, heldtVin place by a net, special at 69c r Another Shipment of Big, Hardy, Bushy . Ferns Saturday at Only FREE! To All Vuiton DreSS SkirtS Special-Saturdiy Only . Worth Up to $25, at $9.75' , Every skirt is included extremely well tailored styles of rich-looking .flannels and novelty silk. Women's Suits Our entire stock on sale at V2 Off Charge Accounts Invited Alterations Free Ice Cream and Sunshine Cakes Drop in when you are down town shopping. - Due to its purity and tempting flavor, "Delicia" is known as "The Perfect Ice Cream" and "Loose-Wiles Sun shine Cakes" are so crisp and ap petizing they are a welcome addi tion to any luncheon. "Big cones for boys and girls accompanied by parent. No Purchase Necessary Clothes Baskets 98c Big, roomy, sturdily woven im ported Willow Clothes Baskets, full 29 inches long, with strong handles, special for Saturday at only 98c. I r a si e $ 0 About 2 Price This big "Factory Purchase" Sale brings a wonderful collection of framed pictures at ridiculously low prices. The works of foremost American and foreign artists are represented in every conceivable subject in water colors, fac-similes, carbons and photogravures. There are landscapes, old masters, marines, fruits and others artistically framed in mahogany, walnut, bronze and gilded frames, with and without glasses, in a variety of size to fit every nook and coruer. Saturday Sale Prices Framed Plclurss in sin 0x12 at Framed Pictures in sis 10x14 at . Framed Pictures in six 9x12 at Framed Picture in sis 10x14 at Framed Picture in sis 12x10 at Fruit Picture 14x23-in. fram Framed Picture in elie 14x20 at Fruit Picture 12x24 Man. fram Oval Picture . 14x20 sis fram Framed Picture 10x2O-ln. ait Mahogany Fram ' Fruit Pictures $2.85 Framed Pictures 14x22-in. frame $2.90 Oval Picture 14x20 aval frame $3.39 Handsome 16x20 Framed Picture $4.59 Beautiful 14x28 Framed Picture $5.19 r 8 I