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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 50-NO. 217. $2,500,000' Is Lopped Off Budget Finance Committee of State Legislature Chops l)oui Amount, Asked by Mckel ie to $21,231,771. Increase Only $93,839 Lincoln, Feb. 24. (Special.)--; More than $2,500,000 was lopped off ; Governor McKclvr&'s requested budg et by the finance committee of tlic state legislature, which introduced appropriation Bills into the house today totaling $2I,2S4,774 4.i This is an increase of $3,8.W,92 for the same activities for the last two years, ,or.the erection of buildings, payment of salaries and maintenance of state institutions. ; , ("lanibliiig on promises that prices of materials would be reduced in lhe next period of two years, the com-, niitlee cut general maintenance ot state institutions 15 per cent through out the budget. 'f he governor's budget called (or approximately Sy'n.OOO.OOO. The cut was made, however, on only $21, 066.701.91, the difference between tin's and the governor's budget depending on $9.33.000 salaries now being fixed by the legislature. Some Requests Ignored. Requests for funds by the child welfare commission were ignored by the finance committee, as well as the supreme court appropriation, except lor salaries- up to September. i Appropriation sought for the utu- j ersity memorial gymnasium, hog j cholera and coal and gas field de- ' velopment were ignored by the com- i inittee. ! But an appropriation of .V00,1)00 j for a state ret jrnutory for men, I asked by the t governor in his j message, was nlh wed. ' j A new nurses' home at the I'ui- j versitv hospital in Omaha, to cost! $100,000, was also allowed. j Salary Increases. j Numerous salary increases arc j found in the bills offered bv the j committee, which are not nicludeil in salary bills now before the legis lature. 1 An effort to enualize salaries of lesser officials under code secretaries'' with salaries of lesser officials un der constitutional officers, 'is given as the Reason for these increases. An appropriation for $4,000 for n new linotype machine, and $1,000 for a new job press at the Nebraska School for the Deaf in Omaha is in cluded in the bills, and $25,000 for new kitchen equipment 'and $30,000 "'rtrt a new' boiler Jiouse at the hos-, .pita' for the. insane at Norfolk. .. Landis Draws Sharp Distinctions Between ; Violators of Dry Law La Crosse,, Wis.. Feb. 24. Called en to sentence' 70 ''persons con victed of violating the prohibition act and a half dozen convicted of other charges, Federal Judge K. M. Landis made a fharp distinction be tween what he termed fireside good fellowship violations of the dry act rnd violations in which the commct c!;'l clement entered. Mcn who had made liquor -for, tV.e'r own use and had not attempted to s.dl it got off much 'easier than th'i-. who had engaged in the traf fic for profit. Imprisonment and fines were giv en those engaged in the, traffic. !'. A. IJisliop. 1'latteville. auetion ceM!ir loaded his surplus liquor iftocV in hh automobile and started" t, give it away to his friends after j hi.-, . 'fe started a divorce action be- i r?.vse of his drinking, was fined $500 a. id 'lis car was confiscated. Farm Hand Collects Wages From Estate v After 36 Years' tabor Lincoln. Feb. 24. (Special.) Adam J. F.Iair. who worked as a farm hand for his sister's husband, John M. Willman of Otoe county., ior 36 years, is entitled to $13,000 .for his . services, the Nebraska su preme court holds. -, -y This was the judgment of the dis jet court, which the supreme court aifirmed, in the claim brought by Blair for -$15,920 or $7,200 with in terest accruing between 1881 and 1917. against the estate. The evidence showed Willmati Blair $100 every vear. with the -retention of tolling the statute of Imitations so Blair could collect v hat was due him after the former's death. .Mis wages were $300 a year. Charges Soldier Bonus Bill Held Up in Committee j Washington. D. C. Feb. 24.- j Charges that the soldier bonus bill ; was held up in the finance commit- ! tee until it was too late to pass it at this session. i giving ex-service mpn snd'the country "false impressions," were made in-the senate by Senator JJarrison, democrat. Mississippi. Senator . McCnmber, republican, North Dakota, replied that the com .mittee was waiting for exact cost data which lie had been charged to collect and would present to the committee tomorrow. ' . Four Defendants Convicted Of Coercion and Conspiracy ! New ork. Feb. 24. John T. Het trick, lawyer, alleged author of the 'code of practice" in the plumbing trade here,, and three co-defendants -vere found guilty of coercion and conspiracy by a jury in the court of general session1-. The defendants were immediately given sentences of f'om si months to three yeans in the slate prison tnnifi Omh P. Table of Apprd':'Nebraskau Here is a comparative table of appropriations commiuce ot me siaie Expenses Bienntum. $ 86,821.00 14,500.00 23,8 10.00 35,926.27 18,756.64 88.100.00 247.151.00 1o, 700.1X1 4o9, 480.6O 64.378.59 24.915.91 223,942.59 5,084,262.12- 196,539.19 142,820.00 116.915.00 77,797.00 1,707.268.12 ' 23,500.0(1 .108,313.00 Judiciary . tiovernor Secretary of State Auditor Treasurer ' Attorney General Supt. ot Public Instruction.. Land Commissioner Department of Agriculture.. Department of Finance Department of Labor Department Public Welfare., Department Public Works.. Dept. Trade and Commerce.. National Guard Railway Commission Public Lands and Buildings. Capitol Commission Library Vocational Education Hoard Pardons and Paroles Board of Agriculture Historical Society G. A. R '. Irrigation Association Irrigation Society Spanish War Veterans Revision of Statutes University Normal Schools Board of Control : Maintenance and Cash Buildings 5.001,718.00 1,453,481.29 J.882.28S.13 730,850.00 Totals U. S. Demands Part In Settlement oi German Holdings j Note lo League Says Disposi tion (Ian not Be Undertaken Or Effectuated Without Assent of. America Washington, Vcb. 24. The Amer ican government has tsken an un equivocal stand as to its right to a voice jn the disposition of the former possessions of Germany. Secretary t'olby, in his no to the league of nations council made public tonight at the State department, sub mits that the disposition of those possessions, "cannot be undertaken of effectuated" without the assent of the United Stales. p lie ftjites that the L'nited States, as one of the "principal allies and associated powers," has "an equal concern and an inseparable interest" with other powers in the territories taken from Germany and . "conced cdly an equal voice in their disposi tion." Declaring that the American gov ernment cannot regard itself- as bound by the terms of the mandate given to Japan ovel the Pacific is land of Yap at the league meeting at Geneva December 17, the secre tary 'requests tha tbo counciL hav ing obviously acted under a misap prehension of the facts in assuming that the United States had approved a Japanese mandatc'over the island, reopen the question for '' the further consideration which the proper set tlement of it clearly requires." Position Strengthened. Discussing live note today, State department officials declared that in acting now the present adminis tration had strengthened the posi tion of the new administration, rath er than adding an embarrassment. The opinion also was expressed that there might be a conference of the interested powers to discuss the question. It is understood 'such a course would be acceptable to the 'United States, although State de partment officials said the" modus operandi was of little concern to the American government. Referring to the Yap mandate, Secretary Colby says in his note that during, the Trfscussions at Paris, President Wilson "was particular to stipulate" that it had been reserved for future consideration and that subsequently, the United States in notes to Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, "set forth its contention that' Yap had in fact been excepted" trom the proposed mandate to Japan for the Pacific islands north of the equator formerly held by Germany. Interest in Paris. By The Associated l'rrss. Paris, Feb. 24. Secrecy of the pryceedirrgs of the council of the league today provoked lively specu lation as to the (ffect of the Amer ican note on tiie members. . It be came known whin the text of the note was made public that the United States, in addition to making tc.scr vations on the island of Yap, attri buted to Japan as mandatory, claim ed an equal interest with other prin cipal allied and associated powers in the disposition of the overseas pos sessions of Germany! The theory had been advanced that the only possible friendly solu tion would be fcr Japan to say that she did not insist on the mandate for Yap and would te agreeable to the internationalization of Yap under Japanese supervision. Thus far Japan has not commit ted itself and the general impression is that the matter must go- to the supreme council. Sessions Closed. The adversaries of publicity in connection with the proceedings succeeded today in hermetically clos ing both sessions. The mere an nouncement was made tonight that the council had continued to con sider the Polish-Lithuanian conflict. The agenda for today called for the hearing of a representative of the Swiss government on its refusal of permission to continents of troops detailed by the league to keep or der in the Yilna plebiscite zone, to cross Switzerland and also Polish complaints that Austria was not only refusing naturalization of Galician Jews who had taken refuge in Au stria from Galician territory de tached by the treaty of St. Germain, but was threatening them with ex pulsion. Jack PicHoTdlll Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 24. Jack Pick ford, motion picture actor, ill here ivitb bronchial pneumonia, was said by his physicians not lo be in a dangerous condition owvni'vrm m mar , '1,-4 0. Ilrin Act ol Mirh w?! -: y , . the appropriations approved by the legislature: Last Governor s Aopropriation I Bill. n j $ 92,800.00 16,200.00 24.210.00 38.040.0t) 22,020.00 ' Budget. ! 125,500.00 16,200.00 26.005.00 42.220.00 24.680.0(1 J 12.500.00 358.785.00 20.800.tM) 843,980.00 77,440.06 52,193.00 2o 1.907.00 5,541.577.04 266.090.00 144,880.00 127,500.00 80, 51X1.00 2.295,300100 34.3OO.00 354.800.00 2 1.O50.00 ' 188.884.94 28,500.00 1.800.0(1 1.000.00 500.00 031.60 50,000.0(1 5,989.280.00 1.513,358.33 4.215.24O.0O 1.1 19,1X10.00 122,500.00 357.065.00 20.400.00 821. (.80.00 71,940.00 40,35.100 214,198.00 ' 5,627.918.44 " 253.900.00 j 141.140 00 ! 120.20.(0 J 76.500.00 1 L707.2oS.12 I 26.5o0.00 509.480.00 21,650.00 185.384.94 25,500.00 22,120.00 1,620.00 1,000.00 500.00 21,120.00 i 1.800.00 I l.OOO.(X) ; 500.00 i 051.00 ! 40.000.00 I 5.426.100.00 i 1,292,773.33 ! 5.457.080.(10 753,500.00 .$21,190,834.51 $24,066,701.91 $21,284,774.43 ! Court Authorizes j Sale of Armour Yards Interests Packing Finn Disposes of 20 Shares of Chicago Stock to Prince & Co. Other ' Cases Continued. Washington, Feb. 24. Sale by Armour & Co. -of its interest in the Chicago stockyards to F. II. Princ Co. of Boston was authorized today by the District of Columbia supreme court. As the packing1 company owned only 20 shares of stock in the yards and Prince & Co. the remainder, the government in terposed no objections. The price paid was $1,500,000: The court also consented to the sale by Armour & Co. of 40 shares of the Denver stocqyards stock to George Grainger. The price was not made public. ' Hearings on other features of the revised plans of the live big packers for disposal of their stockyards, terminal and market newspaper hold ings in accordance with the voluntary decree issued about a year ago, were continued until Monday. The court intimated plans filed by Morris & Co., Wilson & Co. and the Cudahy Packing company, providing immediate surrender -of their holdings to a trust company to be named by the court, were most nearly in accordance with the idea in the! mind of the court. The trust company would he under control of the court. Technical objections only have been presented by the govern ment to the Morris and Cudahy plans and no objections have been inter posed to the Wilson plan. Much of the argument had to do with the plans submitted by Swift & Co. and by Armour. Assistant Attorney General Kresel contended that the Swift and Armour plans did not provide for an early and com plete divestment or for absolute con trol by the court during the sale. He declared that on some of the stock a prohibitive price was beiny placed by the packers, asserting that they were holding the St. Louis yards at $120 per share, when Wilson & Co. had admitted that the best of fer made to thent for their holding there had been only $88. ; i Attorneys for Armour denied a prohibitive price was l)eing asked and asserted that except in a few instances the pricx- fixed was far below the stock value and the value fixed by appraisers. Counsel for Wilson" explained that the price was due to the feeling among investors that the court would order an im mediate sale at any obtainable figure. House Members Stand ! Up for Men Who Smoke Washington, Feb. 24. The house, composed largely of smoking men, stood up tonight for the man who smokes peacefully while working at a government desk. There was a shouting of "noes" when a senate amendment to the sundry civil bill directing heads of departments to issue anti-smoking i orders in government buildings came up for it- first test. Less than a score of members supported it. , The" law was designed as a pro tection against fire. Pastor Tried for "Dry Raid"' Murder Is Freed hy Jury Sandwich. Out., Feb. 24. Rev. J. O. L. Spracklin, former liquor license inspector, was acquitted of a charge of manslaughter in connection with the shooting of Beverly Trumble, an innkeeper, in- a laid here last No vember. . The verdict was returned 55 minutes after the case had been given to the jury. , . Governor Refuses to Sigu Oregon Eugenics Measure Salem. Ore., Fcb 24.rThe bill passed by the state legislature re quiring women as well as men ap plying for marriage license to sub mit to physical examination w as filed today by Governor Glcott among a number he refused to ap prove. Wymore Auto Burns Beatrice. Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) A car driven by A. O. Boeltchcr of Wymore ran off a bridge east of the city, caught fire and was com pletely destroyed. Mr. Bocttcher , ' escaped with blight injuries. OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921. Deli vered War Threat J. M. Ostrey, Former Confi dential Secretary to Lansing, Transcribed Note to Mexico. Light on Cabinet Upset J. M. Ostrey, former confiden tial secretary to Secretary of State Lansing, now superintend ent of schools at Dodge, n Neb., re-affirmed today by telephone to The Bee, the facts contained in his letter to Secretary Tumulty, published below. Hj I ni tergal Service. 'aslingtoii, Feb. 24. The mys tery surrounding the dismissal of Robert Larfsing as secretary of state seemed near solution yesterday when it was-learned that a letter first fded at the White' House and later sent to the State department declares posi tively that he threatened Mexico with war unless that country com plied with our demands. This was in direct opposition to the Mexican policies laid down by President Wil son. The letter states that the threat was contained in a verbal note de- live"d -A;. c Kir'f- confidential who intormcfl the Mexican ambassa- dor that decision had been reached. lhe writer, J. M. Ostrey, formerly confidential stenographer to Secre tary Lansing and now superintend ent of schools at Dodge, Neb., re lates that he transcribed the steno graphic notes apparently taken at the time America's decision was an nounced to Mexico. Threat Made in 1919. This remarkable incident is tin- j derstood to have . occurred in De- cember, 1919, shortly after W. O. ' Jenkins, United States consular agent, was kidnaped at Puebla, Mex ico; and the issue thus created had become a most serious one between the'L'nited States and the Carranza government; At the same time Amer ican oil interests were making strenu ous objection to their treatment hy Carranza. By a somewhat curious coinci dence, everybody connected with the delivery of this verbal note or who had immediate knowledge of it, has either been compelled to resign or has, been sent as far away from Washington as it was possible to go. Mr. Lansing himself was forred to resign February 13. 1920. Mr. Ostrey says he was immediately removed as Mr. Lansing's confidential secretary and forbidden access to the files of the State department and later was compelled to leave the department altogether. Mr. Kirk was made sec retary to the embassy at Tokio and sent to Japan. Protested at Treatment. ' Curiously enough, Mr. Ostrey's let ter was not written to acquaint Mr. Tumulty, to whim it was addressed, with the Lansing note, which he ap (Turn to I'aire Twt, Column Three.) Turk Envoys Agree To Plan of Allies f fVnt-i.,i:.l of Constantinople Delegate Regime Declares Intentions x of Groups. lion don, Feb24. (By the Asso ciated Press) Rechad Pasha, dele gate of the Constantinople govern ment to the near east conference here, speaking in the name of both his group and that of the nation alists, told the allied conferees at today's session that both factions of the Turks would accept the decisions of the allies. The attitude of the Turks made an excellent impression upon the con ferees. Premier Briand of France de clared after the sitting that the con ference had one a long way towards a settlement. Randolph Sells Light Plant t ir-ii e r 10 lage OI MCLean, WeH. Randolph, Neb., Feb. 24. (Spe- cial.) The village of McLean pur- chased the complete 220 volt direct electric -light plant owned by this city and will install it at once to re- piace me plant destroyed by tire in McLean. A change of current to 110 vote alternating current in Ran dolph made the purchase possible. The change in current was made necessary' here by the large increase i:i the number of consumers. Hall of the residence section of Randolph is now using the new system. Saloon, Men Hire "Dummies"' To Spi-vp Tail Spnlpripps ,v v i V i m u CS New ork, Feb 24.--Prohibition agents charged today that saloon- keepers, sentenced to jail for violat- mg the Volstead act, are substitu- ting "dummies" to serve their terms. After pleading guiltv, th agents say, the 'saloonkeeper" is permitted i two days grace to wind up his busi- ncss attairs and then hires his "dummy," generally a barroom hanger-on, for $75 or $100. who presents himself at the jail. Quarterly Dividend Passed New York. Feb. 24. The Ajax Rubber company announced that, because of business conditions, it had passed its quarterly dividend of $1 per share. I Important Not Ire. ' Notif-p lo the ncA Ann pei s, t- i Ho publlr oven one. Road Page of Ihls lmi or Tlip o.imnn Averting TW It nipa of inionrtaii'-e. Adv. Tariff Measure Is Sent to House For Final Action i Conference Committees Smooth Out Differences on Fordney Emergency Bill Expect Vote Saturday. Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. Dif frences in the Fordney emergency tariff bill were smoothed put today by conference committees of con gress, and the battle-scarred measure was sent back to the house for filial action. Although the bill has a parliamen tary right to consideration to.morrow, it was deemed unlikely that it-vould be called up before Saturday. Some supporters, however, may compel, earlier consideration. A s the bill stands, it carries a flat rate of 2 cents a pound tariff on sugar.', The senate amendment .vhich was considerably higher, was slashed to pieces and a new rate in substitution for the present tariff on sugar was accepted. The proposed tariff, therefore, amounts to a dou bling of the. import duties on sugars of all grades, making Cuban sugat pay a duty of $1.60 a 100 pounds and.! a similar rate on molasses and kin dred sugar products. Senate Rates Cut. While agreeing to the sugar tar- j iff, the house conferees stood pat I on a refusal to permit a tariff on hides and leather products. They like- I wise forced a reduction of 50 cents . f th scnatc ratc on cer. tain Classes of tobacco. The senatt rate of 4 cents a pound on cherries was cut to 3 cents. Some differences in the provision for a duty on rice compelled a re- j vriting of that item, with a flat ratt of 1 cent a pound on all except cleaned rice and rice used for the manufacture of canned goods. There was speculation tonight whether the house, would concur in the agreement of its conference com mittee on the sugar duty. ' List of Rates. . The rates charged in coherences are: Wheat. 35 cents u bushel; rice (cleaned), 2 cents a pound; 1 cept a pound on others; olive oil (in bulk) 40 cents a gallon; in less than 5-gal-lon lots. 50 cents a gallon; cotton i (staple one and one-eight inches ot ' loneerl. 7 cents a pound: sugar, 2 cents a Dounu : nuxter anu suusiuiues, 6 cents a pound; wrapper and fill -f 'tobacco, the product of two or more I countries when mixed, $2.35 a pound i unstemmed and $3 a pound if stemmed; filler tobacco, unstemmed1. 1 35 cents a pound;'stcmmed, 50 cents a pound; cnernes, J cents a pounu; olives, in solution, 25 cents a gallon; not in solution. 3 cents a pound. First Mail Robbery Case On Trial ThU Mnrnin" Un inal inn xiormnB "Huizh'A. Reed, indicted by the federal grand jury in Council Bluffs ior aiegeu coinpni' m iut um uib ton mail train robbery November 13, wil1 be P,aced cn tnal tlm mo.rnul&' I according to announcement made I yesterday afternoon bv E. G. Mon, j . A d;strict" attorney. Mr. M c y , , . di d joint .. . 1, . i 'j ,, I R"d' y ",0t be plaCd " tr,'. "f- ' , a . . R,.cl,ard H cl-,ar?'d l1-''" j ,r ' - liquor. pleaded guilty yesterday morning before Judge Wade in fed eral court and was fined $300. ' If $100 of the fine is paid withiu 30 days, the remainder will be sus pended. Rfiv Cliarfd Willi Stpalin" t -a i i c i ?1 1,600 1U Bonds bciltenced Couer dAlene Idaho, Feb. 24. Elliott Wood Michener. 14, who con- fessed to have stolen $14,600 worth of bonds and other securities from his father. C. 13. Michener, was ar raigned before Probata Judge Whit ney on a charge of delinquency and sentenced to the statp industrial j school at Sly Antlioti) , Idaho By Mall (I itirl. Imlrti 4th 7om. Dally m4 Sunday. : Dally Only. 15: 8uiU. 14 Oyltltfa 4th Jana (I nv). Dally and Sunday, lit, Dally Only. 'Z, Sunday Only, i J. . Poor Old Father Time V Millions Needed . To Aid Starving People of China Ample Eood Purchasable in Mancliuria Majority of Transportation Difficulties Overcome, Report Says. I(y Tl Aasorinted ITcsk. New York, Feb. 4. Starving China is expected immediately to succeed the children of Europe, in the hearts of generous America, said Thomas W, Lamont, chairman of the China famine committee, in giv ing out reports received through the State department from Charles K. Crane, American minister. Millions of dollars are needed, but ample food is purchasable in Man churia ( and transport differences have been overcome. t "Tht question of getting relief is one of money," says Mr, Crane, and ly relief he includes food, clothing and preventive measures against ty phus. Speaking of the improved trans port conditions, Mr. Crane says 3,000 tons of food a day are being moved by railroad and this quantity could be increased to 6.000 tons if the money was forthcoming tp buy the food.'1 In addition to the railroads, rivers- and canals soon will be open J lo traffic. .ir. i,amont s statement says: "We have received advices from Peking hearing upon various phases of the situation. I may Summarize these as follows: "Our contributions are being de voted effectively to the saving of life. Every dollar we. send goes to relieve terrible suffering. 1 "The committees in charge arc made up of active and experienced men, "Congestion of transport has been relieved and our advices are that the railways are now handling, free of charge, all the supplies that are ottered. "If money can be made promptly available there are on' the spot food supplies that can he purchased. The immediate need therefore, is money to be expended not only .for food, but for clothing and medical sup plies." V Atlantic Fleet Completes Transit of Panama Canal " On Board the U. S. S. Pcnnsyl ania, Feb. 24. (By 4'ircless to The Associated Press.) The Atlan tic fleet completed transit -of the Panama canal and headed for Guan tanamo bay to continue gunnery practice. The first, joint maneuvers 'of the battle fleet, comprising the Atlantic and Pacific fleets, were athletic. The Atlantic fleet won the athletic trophies in rowing and sailing events nnd nine of the 13 boxing and wrest- ' ll,,g l,outs- 1,10 1 ac,nc fleet, won , lhe basp ba cl)anipions,,,: ( Youth Charged With Attack Against Former Kaiser Doom. Holland, Feb. 24. A Germai; youth armed with a revol ver, according to reports current here today, slipped through the guards about the home of the former German emperor yesterday, but was caught inside the grounds. The re ports could not be confirmed, fiow ever. Cross-Counlry Flight Made In 22 Uours 27 Minutes Jacksonville. Fla.. Feb. 24. The official time of Lhmi. W. D. Coney's flight from San Diego, Cal., to Jack sonville was 22 hours and 27 min utes. The official time between Dai- I 'as- l ex., and Jacksonville was eight 1 hours and 11 minutes. I Montreal Bank Rohhed , Toronto, Unt., I'eb. 24. A daring robbery was committed here today in the head office of the Bank of Montreal, when nearly $20,000 in cash and $11,000 v. orth of securities I were stolen from a bo in the paying teller's cage. Labor Demands Representative In New Cabinet Calls on Harding to Appoint "Real Spokesman of Work- ing People Who Under stands Toilers." Washington, D. C, Feb. 24. Or ganized labor called on President elect Harding to appoint as secre tary of labor, "recognized repre sentative of organized labor" and a real spokesman of the working peo ple and who understands the toilers." The request made in a telegram to the president-elect was declared by labor leaders to be practically an endorsement of James Duncan of Quincy, Mass., a vice president and member of the executive council of the American Federation of Labor, whom they regard as the one candi date who is a "recognized represen tative of organized labor." The telegram was signed by Presi dent Gompcrs, members of the exe cutive council and representatives of the natioMal and international unions affiliated in the American Federation of Labor and the representatives of the four railroad brotherhoods. "In view" of the fact that you have under consideration for appointment as secretary of labor, several candi dates," it said, "and because labor is interested in who will be at the head of the department, we, the rep'resen - tatives of the national and interna- tional unions affiliated with ,hc Amwir.,, k,i; t i the representatives of the' railroad i ,i t .r ii . urotnernoons, respcctiuiiy ask vou to appoint as a member of the cabi- I net to be secretary of labor, mem- I her of organized labor; one who is recognized as a real spokesman of I the working people of our country j and who understands the toilers; one i who has lived,-worked and counseled ! with them. v "We have no desire to name any special person, but w; respectfully request that the man shall be a recognized representative of or ganized labor." Pioneer Pony Express Rider Dies in East; Chicago, Feb. 24 William h Navlor, a pioneer pony ex,)rcss 1 rider, is dead at Springfield, Mass , I according to word received here j He spent 52 years in the express seivice, ocginning in J6W as a driver at Berlin, Wis. Later he went to St. Joseph. Mo., then known as the "jumping-off place" of the western frontier, because the rail road ended there. It was there Nav lor took up his duties as pony ex press rider. He crossed the plains in a prairie schooner to Denver, the trip requiring 41 days. Later he was superintendent of the Minnesota di vision of the American Express com pany. Woman Held on Charge of Murdering Two Children San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 24. Mrs. Virginia Lucie, 37. was arrested to day on a charge of murder in con nection with the deaths of her - drcn. Ralph. 8. and Frances, ri. National Bank Call Made By Currency Comptroller; Washington. Feb. 24. The eonm- troller of the currency todav issued a call for the condition of all na- tional banks at the close of business on Monday, February 21. The Weather Forecast. Fair and colder Fridav. Hourly Trinprratlirrv S a. in 41 ! t p. in 41 . in I'! ! i p. i:i 1 a. ni i'l I .1 i, in 1.1 K . m '! j 4 i. ni . . , Id 9 . ni 1? ! ,1 p. in .44 I" . ni .' p. ni 4'J II l .ni U .' 7 . mi Ill 1 1 . m . . II 7 p. m 4tl I- "n 41 ; 8 p. ni 3; THREE CENTS i House Votes i For Aerial Mail Item Expected Opposition to $1,250,000 Appropriation in Postofficc Bill Dissipated . Hy Jefferis. Value of Training Cited By E. C. SNYbEK. Unfiling)"" t orri'sprnilrnt Omnha llc. Washington, 1. C, Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) What looked like a perfectly hopeless proposition, getting the house of representatives to agree to the conference report on the postoffice appropriation bi'l with tec item of $1,2511.000 for the air mail service, was completely dissipated today through the masterful tact and good nature of Congressman Jefferis. , Congressman Timber of Kansas, the "fat hoy" from Medicine Lodge, , began the verba! fireworks in oppo sition to the conference report hy pokiiiR fun at Omaha. lie said th item, while of interest to some cities, was realiv an advertisement for the tiatc city'and he thought a $1,200,000 was entirely too much money to pay for a useless toy, even though an Oinalx congressman stood for the rap on the treasuty. Passes Over Jabs. - "Big Jeff," who has learned not ta take his colleagues too seriously, passed lightly over the jabs from tha man from Medicine Lodge and dis cussed the appropriation from a higli plane and from national stand point. He injected human interest in his speech by telling a story of young Setters, who has built an air plane on an entirely new principle and so interested his father in its de velopment that pater began experi ments on his own hook with the re-, suit that a heavier than air machine shortly may be ent up that will completely revolutionize exising standards. He told of the interest young Aincrici, was showing in the navigation of the air and predicted that vast benefit would accrue from this youthful enthusiasm. He spoke of lhe training it would give the men in the event of war and the vast benefit that would grow out of bringing the west and the ' east closer together. Floor Leader Aids Cause. Floor Leader Monde!! aided the' cause not a little hy calling upon the house to sustain the conference report predicting dire things for legislation if the appropriation billa were thrown back in conference. Songressman Madden who. whila openly opposed to the air mail serv ice because: of its cost in contrast with rail transportation, also tooW the position that the house was play ing with fire if it rejected the con ference report. After two hours largely devoted 0 the discussion of the air mail service, the item was retained in thcf bill by a vote of 221 to HI, Rep' nesentatives Evans, Andrews and Rcavis voting against the item; and Jefferis, Kinkaid and McLaughlin for the air mail service and the con ference . report. Home Folks Planning ; Farewell Reception For President-Elect : x, A ? t n i-m l War'. O.. tcb. 24.-Elaborate PrParatI0I,s being made here to give an old-fashioned farewell rc- "ptio" ' Fresident-cTcct Harding Marrn Iv nave hMrr hi te March 2, two days before he is to be inaugurated. Practically every man, woman and child is planning to take part in t!ie celebration, which will be held at the famous front porch of Mr. Hajding's residence. A solid silver plaque, bearing" testimonial of love from his fellow townsmen will be prcsmted to the president-elect by Dr. T. H. Mc Afee, pastor of the Trinity Baptist church, of which the Hardings are members. y Find Button in Taxicah Used to Kidnap Nurse Norfolk. Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) The taxicab in which Miss Jennic Shafer. student nurse. was kidnaped, was further identified t0,d.ay b-v the discovery of a button, wh,ch was ,or from M,ss Shafer s ' ONCrtoat wnc lllrfe men mrew ncr into the car, on a prominent residen tial street last Friday night. A!-, though there has been plenty of re ward money thert- have been no real developments in the case. Cousin of Highwayman Is Victim of Bandits Norfolk. Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) Glen Carrico was hell up and robbed of $20 bv automobile banflits near the city limits. The bandits after beating him departed on the approach of another car. Carrico is a cousin to Price Carrico. who yesterday pleaded guilty to holding up and robPing F.'J. Reed. Omaha brakeuuin iti the. railroad vards here. !Ti , i T- ' i'armer and Daughter hscape ' Injury When Train Hits Auto Grand Island. Neb.. 1-cb. .24. (Special.) Fred (Juandt, tanner. i driving home in his automobile, was j "truck by a train and carried along I the track for about 20 feet. The auto ' not Pct. but was completely wrecked. Neither Mr. Quandt nor ' his 20-year-old daughter, who was 'with him, were seriously injured, 29 Motion Picture Shows Taken Over hy Syndicate ! Beatrice. Neb.. Feb. 24 (Special.) , Announcement was in.nlewcre that i George Monroe, manager of' the. ; Gilbert theater of this city, .md Hos tettlcr Bros, o: St. Joseph hail taken i viv ;i suing 21' theaters in towns ; in Kaiisa- and Mi'n"n, , which, tln w ill manage, f