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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1920)
MESOPOTAMIAN .EVENTS MAY LEAD 10 BRITISH WAI 1 Country Is In State of Anar chistic . Rebellion Against English Rule, Officials Report. . V J London, Aug;. 2. Fears are cx--ne.sed hrc that recent events in Mesopotamia will involve Great oritain in a costly military cam paign. Official reports show that the countrt is in a state of anarchis tic rebellion against the British' ad ministration, particularly uorthcast and west of Bagdad and between Bagdad and Mohul. British gar risons have been invested, railways cut and British officers murdered. According to otiigial accounts, the situation is much nre serious than has fccen revealed in the official dis patches. Only last night the India office issued a statement confirming the disaster to a British force in Mesopotamia last Sunday. It adds that the wife of Mr. Buchanan, an irrigation officer'who was killed, was captured by the Arabs, bur. is re ported to be safe and being well treated. Her child is believed to be with her. i Arabs Aid English. The, hews contained in the Bom bay dispatch telling of the killing of the Britishers( was the first intima tion that Arab levies were fighting on the side of the British. Already there are 70,000 British and Indian troops in Mesopotamia, and 10,000 or more with artillery are on their way thither "from India, but apparently many v more such rein forcements " will be required to restore order. The revolt is presumed to be ' 4. .1 il 1- f iL. U 'i' I. administration, which are wholly in the hands of the British political ' 1 . ! : . flr. . I . A - .1. mandate in Mesopotamia Great Britain undertakes to establish local that they are allowed no share in ,the administration. French Bail in Syria. The liberal press here Complains bitterly of the alleged failure of the French government in Syria and of the British in Mesopotamia to,carrry out their undertakings and establish native governments, and there is (strong sentiment expressed against fighting the Arabs who were Great Britain's allies in the great war. ' The British government has ap pointed the brotherTf Prince: Feisal, the king of Syria, as, the ruler in the- British, sphere and summoned Arab representative to meet at Bag dad to form ,a constitution for the Arab state in accordance with the manctate. However, under the exist ing conditions, with the Arabs ap parently trying to invest Bagdad. thercNs considered to be little pros pect of such an assembly meeting. The moderate organs of liberal opinion while deprecating involving the country in a new war in Mesopo tamia, admit the need of restoring Greenville, Tex., Gans Washington,. .Aug1. 21. Greenville, Tex1.,. 12.384," .increase, 3,334-, or 39.9 per. cent. ; - Widow Identifies Body as That of Missing Doctor I- -' - ', ''I OR ADC DC1 ICWCn I New Advance of 15 U HllL ullil.uw Ppr . o, , . LOST WITH W THAT FOUNDERS '. v' : " Freighter Sinks With Loss of Life . After Colliding With " . Another Vessel In j . Lake'. - Mrs. Kmma Campbell, widow of Dr. Harry' E, Campbell, one-titue fa mous Pittsburgh physician, photo graphed vin New York City, where fhc identified the body of her hus band. .''.) Dr. Campbell three years' ago was one of the leading, physicians in Pittsburgh. He let't Pittsburgh at that time and went to New York, where for three years he worked as a dishwasher, in a Broadway restaur ant. ', V .' , , He was found dead in a New York rooming house. Death was due to natural causes. Overcome by grief, Mrs. Campbell was unable to throw light on the mysterious motive which impelled her aged husband to quit his nrartice to work as a menial in Raise Lutheran Teachers. Chicago. Aug. 21 Higher salaries for teachep. in Lutheran schools wje recommended at the conven tion of the Lutheran synod of Ohio an' other states today. ? r Sault Ste. farie, Mich. . Aug. 21.- The lives of 29 persons, one of them a woman, are believed to have been lost last night when the steamer Superior dty,,a freighter, sank four and one-half ' miles ' northeast of ifter colliding with the steamer Wil-'fa lis L. King ; Four membeTsXof the crew, uk cluding Capt. EdWard Sawyers of Albion, Mich., were saved. Names of the missing could not be learned today, as all records of the boat were lost. ' The missing woman was the wife of the second engineer Captain Sawyers would makeno statemegt except that the night was clear. ,' ' Walter Rtchtcr, boatswain, one of the survivors brought here by the Ttrrner, is in a hospital, seriously injured. "The captain's alarm signal rang just two minutes before the crash," said Richter. "If we hfcd had two minutes more no lives would have been lost. The King struck us just aft of 'amidships on the port side and the .impact, took away the entire stern. Several boats were torn away while the men were attempting to launch them." Richter reached a floating hatch cover and later was rescued by the Turner, Richtef's hofae is inN Eo rain, O. Other survivors were Gal Lehne of Chicago, second mate, and Peter Jacobion of Cleveland, wheelsman. I" M rs. Pierce, is -Back OPENING 'DINNER Today At the same old place with the same good old home cookinjr. Spring chicken with a delightful complete dinner today tot ?1. I Hours from 12:30 to 2:30 and from 5:30 to 7:30; regulaa; time I during Vjeek days. . . ?. ' r .-r , ' ' ' !. CifV: completely renovated and. , spotlesriyiean. , I hdd a delightful time. in Califprnia and will he delighted to. see all my old friends' and patrons. MRS. PIERCE 1; PIERCE CAFE 310 South 18th St. Opposite Court House I I - - V '- ' : :". The Rogers One-Pipe Furnace i 4 ' , - - . ( The Rogers One-Pipe Furnace v Perfection in ConstriictionT- you throw out your old heating stoves and decide to modernize your home with a furnace, be sure you install a ROGERS OlPIPE FURNACE. The -ROGERS trives vou nerfection in instruction far above the. average pirieless fur nace off the market today. We are, heat ing Omaha with the ROGERS ONE-PIPE FURNACE because of its perfect constru etiort. . Built to Last . ; The Rogers One-Pipe Furnace is built tp serve you for years to come. In its 'extra heavy castings, in its ' large register, in its inner casings of galvanized iron, J'OU get a neating unit cqnsiruc,ieu as suuswuiuanj o is practical to build it. . Built to Save Fuel x - The Rogers will heat your house economically. It . is-rconstructed to get the greatest benefit from the fuel to utilize every bit of- coal andto waste none of the heat, v Built to Heat the Whole House ' - The Rogers will heat every roonrln your house in the coldest-days of winter. The registerthe casings, every part is properly designed and our furnace ex- . perts well acquainted vith the proper method of in stallation. You are assured of i comfortable liome, , upstairs anji down, all winter, by installing a Rogers " " One-Pipe Furnace in your home. - A One of JDur Men Will Be Glad to Call 'j" v . '". .s , TYLER 414- ;. MiltojjIDogers .& SONS CO. JUL 1515 HARNEY Wholesale and Retail Furnace Department 140S Harney St. Wbelesala and. Retail Furnace Department 140S Harney s't. By American Express Chkeio Tribune-Omah Bee Leued Wire. Washington, Aug. 21. TheJrriur ican Railway Exprjfss company in a lupliitfiitary application Hied with the Interstate Commence 'commis sion today asked for authority to in crease all of its rates 15 per cent, in addition tcf the 2 1-2 per cent al ready allowed by ihe'comniission, ' The Additional increase is asked to meet the recent wage award of tha railroad labor board for em ployes of the -express company, which estimates that the award will increase its operating expenses $44, 258.903 annually, v Hearing on the application vill be. held August 27 in Washington before Examiner Barclay. Representatives Meet to Oppose Order of-Meredith Kansas City. Mo,.., Aug. 21. Rep resentatives of live stock exchanges .n KanssV City, Denver, Colo., WichitayJCan. and St. Joseph, Mo., vere here tody to formulate plasis opposing r.'Wiit order of E.. T. Meredith, Cnited States secretary of agriculture, which suspended the col'ection of increased charges by commission nii'ii. The order threat ens cancellation of federal licenses to live stock dealers who fail to con ply with its provisions. The increased charges at issue amount to abfut 18 percent, accord ing to E. W. Houx, president of the Kansas City 1-lve , Mock excimsige, Four Irish Hunger Strikers , Taken From Jail to Hospital Cork, Aug. 21. Four hungcr-strik-ers in .tlif Cofk jail were removed today to the city hospital. Fearing that the huugec strikers wiR-dic. Deputy Lord Mayor fJ'Callahan has written to Cardial Logue, the arch bishop, the lord mayors and the mayors, of Ireland calling their at tention to the situation. v . 1 ' -1 r'r'" In Bobiens Hardest Sale are values above the average one full week of startling selling commences Monday Doin& things outof the ordiharysuch as awening interest in true values, induces tnis Store, mis weeK, to oner uie vjicat -uu iuuuwu' HAE (Q)F On every floor of this Big Store, from basement to top, are values to be had the dikes of. which you never beiore areamea 01 receiving. - I ' t j - Living p.oom Suites 1 Bed Room Suites Draperies Curt ains Stoves Refrigerators v Dining Room Suites Individual Pieces Rugs Kitchen Linoleum- 1 Cabinets, Etc. m Don't miss taking ad-yiAntageofrylnduce-I ment this sale offers as I they aresnany and they m are You will find every tiling you want for the home this big T':'m Harvest Sale in good. XeCS&S? - , A , . 1 42-inch Buffets quarter sawed, planked top, in either Golden or Funded Oak - tQQ K( Harvest Sale Price t7Ol . - ! Gat FJanges with broiler whlt Eanel doors 18-ioch oVcn. heavy -. asfcestor lined. tOO OC "HarveatSale Price- 4v040 ' Rockers highly Wisfied, Golden Oak. wood Ro'okers. OC Harvest Sale.Pfice PJAU well seat Gather in This Harvest of Values ;. 3-Piece, High Grade Mahogany Cane Suite, upholstered in rich velour, Marshall spring .conetruetion. Harvest- $190 Sale Price, only ipO&U Mahogaoy Davenport Table 32x66 inches, to Queen Anne or William and Mary Period Harvest Sale , K( Price, only J)ttOU Mahogany Dressing Tables triple mirror, William and Mary Feriod. 6CC fift Harvest Sale Price, only POOeUU $15 Fibre Rocliers suitable for any Sun Room, upholstered in cretonne, seat and back. Special Harvest Sale Price, 48-inch Jacobean Extension Table William and Mary Period, ' K( special Harvest Sale Price, only PJaWOU 4 Diners to match, each $7.50. Mahogany Chairs and Rocler to mach, up holstered in ahigh grade tapestry or velour, larshall spring constructed loose 457 cushion seats. Harvest Saie'Price, ea. P I O Genuine Spanish Leather Slip Seats ' 1 Caneaclf Ch airs ' Refrigerators 75 pound ice capacity, white enamel provision chamber Cft Harvest Sale Price, only 4tOl Refrigerators 110 pound capacity, 'one- piece porcelain lined, no seams, flfl p f wivv 3-doors, Harvest Salrrice Cane Back Chairs in William and - Mary Period. , These chains are heavy corner block constructed, Jacobean finish and are most suitable for the "home, especially when offered.. at our Harvest Sale Price Odd Dressers in Mahogany or Walnut 44-inch top. dQ C Art Harvest Sale Price, only J)0vJU Odd Chiffoniers in Walnut and Mahogany, William and Mary Period. Harvest Sale- Price, only $11.50 $75.00 Qdd Vanity Dressers in Walnut, William and Mary Period. .'-.' . s tpj 1 (f Harvest Sale Price, only . 41 1J A rsr Moth Pl-oof Cedar Chests 42-in. long, made of Tennessee IteiTCedar stronx hinges and Jock. . Harvest Sale jf i Price $24.50 I Walnut Serving Tables- every woman needs,- and every woman can Harvest Sale , Sale Price of what what afford' at our $32.50 I J Library Tableiin quarter sawed Oak, Golden or Futaed - Oatv rbp 26x45 inches, Harvest Sale Price : $27.50 : . ; s ! 'k ' t ' - m RUGS vfz only At Harvest " Value Prices I . f, r .. . Heavy Seamless Wilton Velvet Rugs 9x12, splfendid patterns and TBt $75.00 Heavy AlSiinster ' Rugs 9x12; some of the best CCO Crt standard makes, onlyMv)a&.OU Tapestry Brussels' Rugs 9x12, large assortment of excellent pat terns,xchoiCe , C 1 Crt VTltUU While Harvesting the Big Values Harvest These Values, Too Grape Nuts a most delicious breakfast food to OC serve, 2 packages aSOC Bon Ami A kitchen Polish that will make things shine, 2 packages Haskins' Cocoa Hardwater Castile Soap Superior for the bath, delightful as a shampoo, perfect for all toilet j jf" uses, bar, only - 3C 15c As Always i Bowenfs' ' Value-Giving Prices ' BowenrSweeD-Well Brooms painted handle, well made and bound, perfectly balanced, Harvest. Sale Price, only OOC Two-quart Ice Cream Frees ers handy to make frozen ices and desserts Jjj - only . DOC 1-quart Mason fruit CQ jars, "per dozen OJC Boyd's Zinc Lined Jar Caps, 18e per doiefi or OP 2 dozen OOC , (2 dozen to customer) , Heavy Jar Rubbers, per dozen ' (S dozen to customer) Killogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, s OC 3 packages a&OC (3 packages to customer) 5c RUGS At Harvest . Value Prices Heavy Seamless Tapestry Brus sels Hugs 8-3x10-6, good all-ovefr patter. $50.00 Best Grade Heavy Axminster ' Rugs $-3x10-6, several good pat terns, Crt only V 4OO.Ov Heavy Genuine Wilton Rugs With linen fringe, plain centers and pretty band $19C flfl borders? only 4 la&O.UU OMAMAS VALUE cmWC STORE HOWARO ST. eiTWflM Wt As Always . Bowens ; Value-Giving. Prices 'I .1 I V i . h 1 i 1 - 3 Hardware and Kitchenware I MI US l . -